     War of the Titans - Part 2 (*Slash*)
     For disclaimer and such, see part one.

     Thanks for all your support!


     ~DUANE'S POV~

     I frown at my pilot as he veers to the right sharply and in the process startling me. I can even see
     the faint smirk on his face.

     "Lieutenant Jericho," I growl.

     "Sorry, I was just avoiding debris," he says trying to smile innocently at me.

     I can see the hint of a challenge in those sparkling blue eyes of his. He was a good pilot and a good
     warrior, but to me, he was just a pain in the ass.

     "Do it again and you will be avoiding a thrashing, do I make my self clear?" I growl.

     It is Jericho's turn to frown. "Yes, Captain." His dislike for me is evident in his tone of voice and
     his facial expressions, but he bows his head in submission and returns to flying the ship.

     What the boy needs is some discipline. I smile as I think of my trainer......Hunter Helmsley.

     "Sir," Jericho gasps.

     Angry from being snapped from my memories of my beloved so quickly, I glare at Jericho.

     "Alliance shuttle craft," Jericho replies pointing to our scanners, looking at me confused.

     "Follow it," I order, "but not too close, I don't want his sensors to pick us up."

     Jericho glares at me. "I'm not an idiot," he growls.

     "That's still debatable," I say smiling as I look at him.

     Jericho grips the controls hard. I can tell he's fuming, but he doesn't say anything.

     Good boy. He'll learn, but I'm going to kill Vince personally for pairing me with him.

     We followed the Alliance ship in silence, but both of us were surprised when it landed on Torco, a
     long abandoned planet. The planet had once been similar to Earth, but Vince had mined the once
     beautiful, bountiful planet to death. All that remained on the desolate planet where the mining
     buildings and machinery.

     "What's he doing here?" Jericho asks confused.

     "I'm not sure," I reply with a slight frown. What could the Alliance be up to now?

     We land a good distance away from him, and slowly we approach the building that he went in.

     "Make sure your phaser is on stun," I growl at Jericho, "I want him alive."

     Jericho rolls his eyes. "The only good Alliance member is a dead one."

     I grab him by the collar of his crisp white uniform and pull him to me.

     I see fear in those beautiful blue eyes of his for the first time. "Did I not make myself clear the
     first time? I want him taken alive."

     "Yes sir," he gasped as my grip tightened on the collar effectively cutting his air off.

     I release him and he leans against the wall to catch his breath.

     Damn, I hate breaking in rookies who think they know it all.

     I glare at him. "Next time you question me, you will receive a thrashing," I growl, no longer to
     keep the anger hidden.

     He looks at me in disbelief, but bows his head in understanding and submission.

     "Come on," I growl.

     He follows me as we go into the building.

     "Stay close," I warn.

     He rolls his eyes, but doesn't make an attempt to stray too far from me.

     As we slowly search the building, he stops. "We could do this faster if we split up," he suggests.

     "No," I say firmly, "we stay together."

     He glares at me, and I still feel the heat of his glare as I turn my back to him and continue

     A few seconds later, I feel something is wrong. I turn and he's not behind me. DAMN IT! Crazy

     Yeah, if you split up you can cover more ground, but then you are alone and vulnerable to the
     enemy. It was always better to search in pairs, especially for a young rookie like Jericho.


     Screw him! Who does he think he is?

     An idiot would know that if you split up you can cover more ground.

     Now, to find Mr. Alliance.

     As I wander through the huge building, I suddenly think that maybe I did made a mistake by
     leaving Duane. The slight breeze in the building causes the chains to rub together creating an
     eerie clanging sound that echoes all around me.

     I shiver as I realize for the first time that I'm totally on my own.

     A slight rattle ahead causes me to pause. I think about changing the setting on my phaser to kill
     instead of stun, but I remember what Duane told me. He wants this one alive.

     My heart is beating rapidly, and I really wish I hadn't slipped away from Duane.

     I close my eyes and take a deep breath. I'm a soldier. I can do this.

     Slowly, but cautiously, I walk around the corner.

     I sigh in relief when I see nothing, but more chains and machines.

     I yelp as my phaser is knocked from my hand and I'm thrown roughly to the floor, landing face
     down. My attacker straddles my back and yanks my hands behind my back and cuffs them
     before I can even mount a resistance. As I try to call out to Duane, a sweet smelling rag is
     suddenly covering my face. I try to hold my breath, but he only chuckles. Finally, I gasp for air,
     breathing in the sickening sweet odor of the rag.

     I glance back at my attacker and it's the Alliance pilot smiling down at me. Once he is sure that
     I've breathed enough of the chloroform to render me helpless, he rolls me over onto my back. I
     whimper as the cuffs cut into my wrists.

     "Pretty," he whispers as he caresses my cheek. I want to yell at him, curse him, but I simply close
     my eyes as I'm claimed by the darkness and comfort of sleep.


     I didn't know they made them this pretty in the Federation.

     I reluctantly stand and look down at him. I want him right now, but there isn't time. I walk over
     and pick up his phaser. This one was a rookie, but his protector couldn't be too far behind. Hell, I
     would never have let this one out of my sight.

     Now, to get rid of his protector.

     I take my phaser off stun.

     The protector has to die and then I can play with the beauty at my feet.

     The Alliance sent me here to see if there was anything salvageable, but all I see is junk.

     The only good thing out of this mission is the man laying at my feet unconscious.

     "Hey you," someone calls from behind me.

     I turn and fire my phaser at the direction of the voice, but all I see is a recording box hanging
     from the ceiling.

     "Surprise," a voice says from behind me as I feel the effects of the stun coursing throughout my
     body as I fall helplessly to the floor.

     Fuck! Clever bastard.

     ~DUANE'S POV~

     I stare down at the fallen Alliance pilot and smile as I realize that it is Chris Benoit, otherwise
     known as the rabid wolverine.

     I look over at Jericho and smile.

     Now I know why Vince paired us.

     Jericho was the perfect bait. Beautiful. Strong. Naive.

     I think about releasing Jericho, but then I stop. I did promise him a thrashing didn't I?

     ~TRISH'S POV~

     I grin as Lord Marcus repeats Adam's name over and over again. The desire in his voice tells me
     that I have him right where I want him. Squirming like a big old worm on a hook.

     Marcus shakes his head as he realizes he has momentarily let his defenses down. He looks at me
     angrily, but I know he's more angry at himself than me.

     "Why is Adam so special?" He growls in annoyance.

     "As you know the elements and terrain on our planet is harsh and that is why most of our cities
     are encased in domes."

     "Harsh is an understatement," he smirks.

     "Ok, devastating," I correct myself, "as a result most of our females have become barren."

     "Why would I care about your women?" He growls in disgust.

     "Let me finish Lord Marcus," I growl, trying to control my own anger at being interrupted so
     rudely. "As a result, an evolution of sorts has occurred amongst our people." I pause and slightly
     bite my bottom lip before I continue. If I tell him, soon everyone would know.

     "What?" He growls impatiently.

     "Certain males are born with the ability to conceive and carry a child," I say quickly before I loose
     my nerve.

     I watch as Lord Marcus shifts in his seat at my last statement. I know he has been trying to
     conceive a child for quite a long time, but he hasn't been able to find a female strong enough to
     carry his child. His first and last wife, Sara, had died from trying. In her honor he had her name
     tattooed so that everyone could see. I don't know much about getting a tattoo, but that had to hurt
     at the base of the throat like that.

     "And am I to believe that Adam is one of these males?" He growls, pretending to be disinterested,
     but I could tell that he was ready to tear the place apart to search for him and claim him.

     "Yes," I say, smiling sweetly. "And more importantly, he is of royal blood. He seems to fit the
     description I was given of your "requirements" for a young man."

     "Really?" Lord Marcus says smiling at me, but then frowns. "I'll be the judge of that."

     He sits back and tries to look bored.


     So sure of themselves. So.....stupid.

     I clap my hands together.

     "Bring Adam."

     ~ADAM'S POV~

     I hold my beloved close as we watch from the balcony above the chamber. I can't control the
     shiver of fear as I look down at Lord Marcus, he's so different from my beloved Jason.

     "Adam," Jason whispers.

     I look at him and my heart breaks as the tears stream down his beautiful face. Jason was my
     betrothed before Queen Trish annulled the arrangement between our families. Now I must walk
     away from my one true love and best friend and bond with another, a total stranger.

     "Do not weep," I whisper as I hug him close. I fight back my own tears as his arms wrap around
     my waist.

     "Come Adam, we can run away together before the guards get here," he whispers frantically.

     "No," I say softly, gently caressing his face, "They would find us and punish us. I could not live if
     they hurt you."

     "Adam," he sobs.

     I pull away. "You and my family will be safe if I go through with this," I whisper sadly.

     Jason looks up at me his big beautiful blue eyes and I wonder if death would be easier than this. I
     caress his face for the last time. His skin is so soft underneath my fingertips.

     "I'll always love you Adam," he whispers.

     "As I will you, my beloved. Lord Marcus may claim my body, but he will never claim my heart for
     it is yours and yours alone."

     Jason managed a weak smile.

     We both jumped as the doors to our room swung open and two of the royal guards entered.

     Jackie smiled as she looked at us. "Come Adam. Your mate anxiously seeks your presence."

     Luna, second in command, couldn't control the giggle that slipped from her mouth at the choice of
     Jackie's words.

     I bow my head in submission as I follow them. I hear a soft thud and I know Jason has fallen to
     the floor, sobbing. His sobs echo in my ears.

     I'm so torn, so scared that I can barely breathe, but when the two huge doors to the royal
     chamber slowly open, I really panic and my stomach flutters nervously.

     "Approach us Adam," Queen Trish beckons.

     Obediently, I do as she commands.

     My whole body is trembling as I slowly ascend the stairs to her throne where they sit watching
     my every move.

     I don't dare look directly at Lord Marcus until I'm kneeling directly before them.

     My heart stops as I see the huge, auburn haired sorcerer looking directly at me, his eyes dark
     with lust. I see his huge arms decorated with tattoos. I would be laying in those arms tonight, not

     I quickly lower my eyes, afraid to look back up.

     I shiver as I hear him chuckle under his breath and then it's like someone whispered in my ear.

     "Yes, I will hold you tonight and every night thereafter."

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