Title: The Rest Of My Life
Author: Katie
E-mail: [email protected]
Disclaimer: I don't own 'em & I'm not claiming that this happened, only in my mind.
Distribution: Only at Castles in the Sky http://members.tripod.com/katemarie_1
Rating: NC-17
Het/Slash/Both: Slash
Summary: Relationships are resolved and ended.
Note: The final part of this weird little series�. Sequel to Is This The End which is the sequel to I Don't Have The Right which is the sequel to Just a Kiss. Confused yet??? So am I. I supposed they can stand on their own but if you want to read the first three parts� ask me & I'll be happy to send them to you.
Another Note: Thanks as always to AJ for betaing this *G*

Chuck's POV

I watch Sean as he closes the door and turns to me. With a sigh I get to my feet. I don't know why but I have to tell him nothing happened. Before I can speak he covers my mouth with his. Pulling back he smiles softly at me. "Neither did I lover. When it came down to it, I realized you're the only one I want. Is there any way�"

This time I cover his mouth with mine. Pulling back I smile softly at him. "Sean, I love you. I don�t know what either of us was thinking but it's over. I mean with them. You are the only man I want. No one else could possibly make me feel the way you do. Now shut up and make love to me?"

He nods his head and pushes me gently onto the bed. He covers my body with his own. Before I can gasp for air he's got us both naked. His mouth closes around my cock and I'm arching into his mouth.

I love this. I love him. I can't believe I almost blew it. All such thoughts are torn from my head as two fingers penetrate me. "Oh god Sean." I cry out pushing back against him and then arching forward into his wet warm mouth. I don't last long, not with his fingers pressing against my prostate.

He swallows every last drop and pulls back before grinning at me. He slides up my sweat slickened body forcing me to notice he didn't get himself off. I smile at him before flipping us over so that I'm on top. I'm by no means the top in this relationship but he likes it when I get aggressive.

When he tries to sit up I force him back against the bed. I move up straddling his chest, my re-hardening shaft dangling in his face. "Sean? I want to do this my way. Are you willing to cooperate?"

He nods his head his eyes focused on my cock. I inch forward until the head of my dick is pressed against his mouth. "Do you want to suck it?"

He just smiles his answer and I order him to open his mouth. He does so eagerly sucking me into his mouth. I slowly begin rocking in and out of his mouth as he gives himself over to me fucking his face. I wait until he's got me at the edge and pull back. "Want you in me."

He nods and I feel him shift around underneath me. I slide down his body pressing our mouths together again. Sitting up I rub my backside against his hard shaft and force back a laugh as he shudders. I can tell just from the way his body tenses that he's fighting with himself to keep from washing my back in a wave of cum.

I shift around making it nearly impossible for him to stop from cumming before grabbing his cock and guiding it to my entrance. Preparation be damned I want his dick in me now. Letting gravity take over I impale myself on his thick hard member. He's so fucking big I nearly cry at the pain.

I force myself to remain still though and a few minutes later the pain dissipates leaving behind an intense sense of fullness. Bracing my hands on his chest I begin rocking my body against his.

He reaches out grabbing my hips until we're moving together in our normal fast paced rhythm. His hands grip me painfully hard and I'm gasping for air as the head of his cock pounds mercilessly into my g-spot. With a groan, I feel him lose it.

As his essence floods into me, he lets go of my hip with one hand grasping my cock and stroking me to completion. I watch blurry eyed as my seed shoots in large bursts from my shaft.

As we lay in the after glow, me snuggled into his arms, my arms wrapped around his thick chest I hear him sigh. A few seconds later he speaks softly. "I love you Chuck. I don't ever want you to doubt how much I love you."

I nod against his chest, my heart still pounding ridiculously fast. "I know you love me. And I hope you know how much I love you. Sean, you're my everything."

I feel rather than hear him sigh as his grip tightens on me. I allow myself to drift off into my dreams about him and I together for the rest of our lives.

Sean's POV

I smile as he snores softly. There's nothing I wouldn't do for Chuck at this point. I meant what I said to him. I never want him to again doubt my love for him. No matter what it takes I will make up my indiscretion.

He's so beautiful. It still amazes me that he can fall asleep so easily even when his heart is pounding relentlessly against me. I tighten my grip on him even more and lean over kissing the top of his head. I tangle my hands in his hair and frown as I think about the night's events.

We never really worked out why we cheated on each other but we've forgiven each other. I do think we still need to have a serious talk but for now I'll take having him in my arms while he sleeps. He murmurs in his sleep and I listen intently. I've heard what sounded like someone else's name on his lips before but I shrugged it off. If he does it tonight then I know he's still not completely with me.

As he grinds his hips restlessly against my thigh I smile as my name is whispered softly through his beautiful lips. I reach down between our bodies and stroke his cock. He has this amazing ability to sleep through an orgasm.

Wiggling out of his arms I slide down his body taking his thick shaft into my mouth. Easily I bring him to the edge and then pull back grasping his cock around the base cutting off his release. He stirs in his sleep but it's not enough to wake him quite yet.

I take his dick back into my mouth determined that this time he will wake up before I let him cum. Sucking voraciously I easily deep throat him. He's the only man I'd ever consider sucking off much less swallowing his seed. With a moan he stirs and I find myself staring into drowsily aroused brown eyes.

"What're ya doin' baby?" He murmurs his accent apparent more than ever and dripping with lust and sleep.

"Bringing you off baby." I say before taking him into my mouth again. He gasps softly, still half asleep and arches into my mouth. Normally I'd never give up control to anyone but for Chuck� I'd give him the world if I could. "Baby, I want you to take over. Do whatever you want to me."

He nods and I can tell he's still half asleep. He grins as he motions for me to join him. I do so eagerly and he flips me onto my back. He and I both know that he'd never be able to do this if I didn't let him but he enjoys being the aggressor and I enjoy letting him. He straddles my chest again and drags the tip of his dick along my lips. I dart my tongue out licking the precum that is dripping off him. "Mmmmm� so good Chuck."

He smiles, still half asleep and pulls his cock back teasingly. "Do you want this?"

"You know I do." I can't help but growl. He laughs softly a low deep sound that sends waves of pleasure coursing through my body.

"Well too bad. Because this�" He points to his leaking shaft before climbing off me, "You can't have."

I growl. This is a new game with him but for a little while at least I'll let him play. He moves down my body before hovering over my shaft. "Do you want me to suck it?"

I nod thrusting my hips upwards towards his mouth. He pulls back and smiles softly. "Come shower with me."

I nod my head and allow him to pull me into the bathroom. He shoves me under the hot water and begins kissing me everywhere. When his mouth presses against my cock, I lose it. Fuck. I sink against the side of the shower and know I'm blushing furiously. I stare down at the ground not wanting to look at him knowing he'll be laughing at me.

I've never shot that quickly in my life but there's something about him that makes me lose control. He reaches out and pulls my face up so that I�m looking at him. His face is covered in my cum and I bite my lip. "Shit baby� I�. Oh god. I'm so sorry."

He smiles softly. "You can make it up to me Sean."


"Lick me clean." I gulp. As it stands I'm not a big fan of tasting cum, but my own? That's gross. His smile is so innocent though that I can't say no. I lean forward and first cover his mouth with my own. "Only for you Chuck." I whisper softly. He nods his head and I proceed to lick my own cum from his face. God I couldn't be more grossed out but turned on at the same time than I am right now. Soon his face is clean and he wastes no time in pulling me from the shower. Not even bothering to dry us off he tugs me into the bedroom where he shoves me onto the bed kissing me frantically.

I feel his cock pressing against mine. I start getting hard again, which is a shock. I'm usually good for a couple of rounds but I'm not normally the guy who can get it up that quickly after cumming.

His mouth is insistent as he presses his cock against mine. "Fuck me Sean. Hard and deep."

I nod my head and start to flip him over but he stops me. He gets on all fours and grins at me. "This way."

I stare in shock. He's one of the last people who I would ever suspect of wanting it in anyway but either riding me or on his back. But hey I'm not going to complain. I've wanted to take him this way for months. I push in easily. He's tight around my cock but not as tight as before seeing as how it's only been about half an hour since we last made love.

A little while later, we lay sated in each other's arms. He's fallen asleep again and I hold him against me. Something tells me that no matter what issues we have to work out, we'll get through them just fine. Because we love each other.

Jericho's POV

"This is it then? It's over just like that? I didn't fuck Benoit. He didn't fuck me. He turned me down Lance."

"Don't you get it Chris? That's the problem. If he hadn't of turned you down you'd be in his room fucking him senseless right now when I didn't even touch Sean. Well okay technically I guess I did. I hugged him. But I didn't even think about fucking him. Not once after I left this room did I think about fucking him."

I nod my head. I know he's right. I don't want him to be right but I know he is. I reach out intending to take him into my arms but he pulls violently away. "Don't fucking touch me. God Chris. You said you love me. You can't possibly love me if you would have gone through with it."

I watch as he paces and frown as he slaps his hands against the dresser. I wince as he turns to face me. "I hate you Jericho. You fucking bastard. I hate you."

I watch helplessly as he grabs his stuff and storms from the room. I know I deserve this. I don't deserve to have him in my life. I'm nowhere near good enough for him. I stand up looking at myself in the mirror and I loathe what I see. Reaching out I throw my fist through the glass. Sinking onto the bed I sob myself to sleep, dreaming of the man I love.

Lance's POV

I'm sobbing by the time I reach Justin's room. He opens the door takes one look at me and closes it in my face. So much for friendship. I don�t know where to go at this point. I wasn't planning on breaking up with Chris until he said that Benoit turned him down. Fuck. If only he'd said he turned Chris down instead.

I wouldn't want to be with him if he was lying to me anyhow. Not anymore. I consider going and finding Sean but I know that's a lost cause. He and I are friends and barely that. I knock on the first door I come across and jump back when Kevin Nash opens the door growling at me.

"Sorry man. I didn't mean to wake you. I'll leave."

He frowns at me and shakes his head before pulling me into the room. "You didn't wake me short stuff. You interrupted me but you didn't wake me."

I look around the room and as my eyes fall on Scott Hall I realize what he means. I turn away from the sight of Scott naked and blush furiously. "Shit. I'm sorry. I'll leave. I didn't mean to interrupt."

"No." I turn and face the man on the bed. He smiles softly at me. "Come here Chico. Let us make it all better."

I frown softly and look up at Kevin who just smiles down at me. I'm not entirely sure of this but what the hell. I have nothing to lose right?

Kevin undresses me and Scott pulls me into his arms. With a sigh I allow them to kiss me. The combined taste of them is enough to have me hard in seconds. The blonde settles back and holds me in his arms as his dark haired lover laves my body with his tongue. I moan when that tongue caresses my shaft. When his warm mouth closes over my cock, I nearly lose it, managing, just barely, to hold on.

He sucks gently but when he deeps throats me and increases the suction on my shaft I can't help it as I lose my load down his throat. He swallows every last drop, which amazes me because that's something not even Chris was willing to do for me.

As he pulls back he smiles softly. "Sweets, I'm gonna ride you while Kev here fucks you unless you have an objection?"

I shake my head. Even though I just came I am still shaking with need. I gasp as Scott gently prepares me and watch amazed as Kevin slides down his body and begins preparing him with his tongue.

I know exactly what he's doing but with Chris our lovemaking was always very uniform. He was never willing to try anything new. Watching Scott writhe under his lover's touch I want what they have. I want that much love.

A few minutes more of preparation and Scott is sinking onto my cock. I groan as Kevin fills me. Fuck he's huge. I gasp when the head of his large shaft pushes insistently against my prostate. Our bodies begin rocking together as we easily match each other's rhythms.

It doesn't take me long to spill again as the pressure around my cock and in my ass becomes too much for me to bear. With a groan I cum, my seed splashing inside of the dark haired man who's own cock begins spurting wildly covering my chest with his essence.

Kevin groans and snaps his hips forward a few more times before I feel him filling me up. They both roll off to the side pulling me between their massive bodies. I fall asleep knowing that I may have lost the man I love but I won't be alone. At least not for a while. Not until these two tire of me.

Scott's POV

I smile over at my gray-eyed lover who grins back as we settle the young Canadian between us. I wonder if he even realizes he belongs to us now? He'll realize in time that the only reason this happened between us was because of our� Well, lust for him I guess. But having him here, I know Kevin knows I won't let this one go.

He falls asleep his fingers tangled in mine and I watch both of my lover's sleep. I know everything that has been happening between him and his ex lover. Not to mention everything that has been happening between Chuck and Sean. We have to keep tabs on his boys.

Quite frankly I've been lusting after Storm for months. He's so sexy. Okay so he's not conventionally pretty like his ex but he's so damn gorgeous in his own way. It's almost indescribable how much he turns me on.

I watch him and my long time lover sleep and I smile knowing that he's ours. For now. Forever. I'm not letting him go and Kevin always makes sure I get and keep everything I want.

Shane's POV

I'm wandering aimlessly at this point. Sean said that Benoit and Jericho didn't fuck each other but why can't I find Benoit? All I want is to tell him I love him. I sigh and head back to my room. His room. Our room.

Once there I sink onto the bed. Sniffing the air I smile softly. At least the room doesn't smell like sex. Which is a good indication that he didn't fuck Jericho. I lay back on the pillows and pull his against my face. It still smells like him and I take a deep breath enjoying his smell.

I apparently fall asleep because the next thing I know I can feel someone removing the pillow and I'm blinking against the brightness of the sun. "Hi baby. I've been looking every where for you. Did you enjoy your time with Chuck?"

I stare at him silently. His blue eyes are unreadable as I try to think of something to say. He continues speaking as if I'm not even there. "Shane, I know what you did. As much as it pains me to think of you with another man, I don't care. I love you too much to let that get in between us. Fuck. I'm messing this up. Shane, please, just tell me it was the last time and that we can be together. I was wrong. I don't want Jericho. I want you. I'm in love with you Shane. You're the only man I want. Please say you'll be mine."

I'm shocked to say the least. This was the last thing I expected of him. I force myself into a sitting position and wrap my arms around his neck. I bury my face in his shoulder and fight back tears. "Chris, I didn't� I mean I went to Chuck� But I couldn't do anything with him. When I left you and Jericho my intention was to find Chuck and have him fuck me senseless but as soon as I saw him I knew I couldn't do it. I threw myself at him crying and he comforted me. Then Sean came back and we talked. They made me see that if you're who I want then I had to find you and tell you so. So I guess that's what I'm doing. I love you Chris. I don't want any but you. If you're serious about this then� Well, I'm yours."

He nods his head and pulls me against him. I sigh happily as his mouth crushes mine. He makes love to me slowly and passionately until I'm so tired I can barely move. He holds me as I fall asleep. For the first time in a long time I don't worry about my dreams because I know that as long as I have Benoit, they'll be sweet dreams.

Benoits POV

I smile happily, goofily even as I hold Shane in my arms. In a way I should be thanking Chris. If he hadn't kissed me than Shane and I never would have hooked up. I wouldn't be holding the man I love right now. Yeah, maybe we would have found each other eventually but the thought of being with him had never crossed my mind until after that kiss.

I was so torn up about him and Lance being together. Now I wish them all the happiness in the world. I hug the young man in my arms tighter and lean down kissing the top of his head lightly. I desperately want to wake him up and make love to him again but he was so worn out after the last time.

Besides I don�t mind watching him sleep. He's beautiful when he sleeps. Hell he's beautiful at any time. I smile as my thoughts drift over the past few weeks. I thought my world was coming to an end when Jericho kissed me. Who knew that that one kiss� That stupid fucking kiss would lead to me finding the love of my life.

I guess I'm thinking too loudly as he stirs and smiles softly up into my eyes. "Why're you still awake?"

"Because I was thinking about how much I wanted to wake you up and make love to you again."

"I swear you're trying to kill me. That's what seven times?" A smile lights his features as he nods his head before leaning over and kissing me softly. "I don�t know what it is about you but I want you buried in me all night long."

I grin and push his legs up and away. I guide myself into his tight hole and pause briefly. He's so tight around my cock. I rock my hips slowly wanting to see his gasp of pleasure. I'm granted my wish, as his mouth remains open as I slide in and out of his tightness.

With a giddy sigh, I pick up the pace. I'm still going slow enough to torture both of us but I can only go so slow for so long without losing my control completely.

His hand brushing against my nipples snaps my already thin hold on myself and I begin pounding into him. He gasps louder meeting me thrust for thrust until my hand grasps his cock. He moans as his seed begins gushing from the tip of his cock.

Two more snaps of my hips and I'm spilling my essence into him. He groans and cums again. This time it spurts wildly against my stomach.

After our breathing returns to normal I pull out and lean down licking him clean. He smiles at me, his brown eyes shining with love. I meet his eyes trying to convey how much I love him through my eyes. He grins sleepily and pulls my mouth against his own. "Love you Chris."

I smile softly as he drifts off again. "I love you too Shane." I'm not a fortuneteller so I don't know if this is going to last forever but I do know I will always love him. For the rest of my life, he'll be the man I love.

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