Dear Reader,

Okay, thank you's are the most important part. You don't believe me? That hurts.  But they  are, because now I get to acknowledge all the people who've helped me along the way. Shana, for always being there, reading my work, reviewing the site, telling me what I could do better. I am forever grateful. To Darkflame, who took my fics and gave them a home when they had none. To all the people at The Asylum, Merc-y, Renny, Katie, Lilly, Scattia, falln, Clo, and Anna, thanks for always being there. I'm sure I've forgotten someone, I always do. To Demona, who will never, ever find out about the existence of the this page, but nonetheless had a huge hand in making it. Thanks for showing me how to work this thing. Thanks to Kay, for writing such imspirational stories, and for taking the time to talk with me when you didn't have to. Get well soon, we miss you. Thank you to everyone who ever reviewed my work, and gave my courage to go on with your kind words. And finally thanks to all the wrestlers and managers, and bookers, and the crew, for making the WWE something I enjoy week after week.  A big thank you to Myst, for all the art, and the encouragement, and everything you've done for me, you've been a lifeline. And of course, musn't forget to thank the people reading this right now, you're what keeps this site going. Actually geocities keeps it going,  but you keep it alive.

Thank you, all of you
Dear Reader,

I don't have quite as many people to thank. First lirpa, for letting me help build this place, and for telling me never to say never. Then to my friends, that would primarily be Demona, for helping me when the going got rough, oh, and for teaching lirpa how to do this, so she could teach me. :) To the people who go out and perform and the people would make it happen a big thank you. I know we would be here otherwise! Let's hear a "Yeah WWE." And to my parents, I wouldn't be here without out you. Yeah, and finally, all of you who are reading this drivel so patiently. Thanks for coming to visit. Oh, and side note, compliments on my wonderful biographies are alwaays welcome :)

Thank you from the bottom of my bitty heart,
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