Title: Take With You The Memories
Author: Katie Jones
E-mail: [email protected] or [email protected]
Disclaimer:  Only in my dreams do I have any say in what these guys (or girls) do. I don't own 'em & I'm not claiming that this happened, only in my mind.
Distribution: If you want to use it, go for it. Just please let me know where it is.
Rating: NC-17
Summary: Jeff & Mark have to deal with hardships in their marriage
Notes: Takes place a month after Hawaiian Honeymoon
Another note: I took the title from a Boyz II Men song�. Lyrics follow the last chapter.

Jeff looks at Vince with a scowl. �I won�t take it off Vince. I don�t care what the fans want. I am a married man. I will not take off my wedding band.�

�Jeff, you know that I am happy for you and Mark but our fans won�t understand that you are married to a man. Please understand that I have to look at this from a money making stand point. You both need to take the wedding bands off while you are wrestling.� Vince says looking and sounding upset at his own words. �I�m sorry Jeff but the rings have to go.�

Jeff looks at Vince and stands up. �And if I don�t take off my ring?�

�Then I have no choice but to take you off the air.� Vince says regretting the words before he even puts them out.

Jeff�s scowl deepens. �Fine. Take me off the air. Because I will NOT take my ring off for you or anyone else.� Jeff walks out slamming the door behind him.

Vince drops his head into his hands and says �Come in� when someone knocks on the door. He looks up when no one speaks. �Steph. What is it?�

�Dad are you really going to take Jeff off the air just because he won�t remove his wedding band?�

�I have to Steph. He won�t agree to lie about who he�s married to and a wedding band will raise too many questions. Fans won�t accept him or Taker being gay. You know that. I wish there was some other way but there isn�t.�

Steph shakes her head sadly. �I realize that the fans won�t like Taker being gay but Jeff? I honestly don�t think anyone is really going to care.�

�What about all those little girls who are out there night after night screaming their heads off for him? You don�t think they�ll care?�

�I don�t think that they�ll care. They might be a little upset that he�s married but I don�t think they are going to care who he�s married to. And anyway technically he and Mark aren�t considered married anywhere except in Vermont. At least not legally. Come on Dad. Jeff�s fans want to see him as lightweight champ, which I might add you promised him six months ago. You can�t just pull him off TV without a reasonable explanation. And trust me there is no good explanation for pulling one of our main females draws off TV.� Steph looks at her father with a mixture of pity and disgust. Pity that Vince has to make the decisions he has to make and disgust because he made the decision he made.

Both of them jump to their feet when the door flies open to reveal a very pissed of Mark. �What the fuck is this shit I hear about you pulling Jeff off TV? Dammit Vince the boy is already doubting our marriage. He�s crazy enough to think I give a damn about my career when I have him. All of your bullshit is because he won�t take off his wedding band? What are you nuts? That boy is the future of this company and you know it. Between him, Matt, Christian, Edge and Kwick, they are the ones who are gonna be sitting on top in a couple of years. You can�t make Jeff choose between wrestling and me. It�s not fair Vince. And you know it. My baby is confused enough without you adding to it. Now call him back in here and tell him you�ve changed your mind.� Mark says calming down at last.

Vince looks up at Mark and sighs sadly. �I can�t do that Mark. I don�t want to sideline him but he has to be willing to make some concession for the company. Is it really that big of a deal for him to take of his ring?�

�Yes for him it is.� Everyone looks up when Matt steps into the room. �Vince I can kind of understand your reasoning but Jeff� He�s not like most of us. He doesn�t care what people think of him. He loves Mark and wants the world to know it. And you are only hurting one of your best wrestlers by asking him to choose. I know you aren�t asking him to choose between his love for Mark and his love for wrestling but that�s how he sees it. Unfortunately, you�re gonna lose one of the best wrestlers you�ve ever had if you make him choose. I don�t have a single doubt in my mind that Jeff will choose Mark over wrestling even if it means he never wrestles again in his life. Please Vince. At least try to come up with some other idea. Maybe Jeff could just not say who he is married to. It wouldn�t be that strange for a wrestler to keep their family out of the spotlight.�

Vince looks at all of the people in his office and show�s them out. �I need to think about this some more. Tell Jeff he is not going to appear tonight but we�ll say he was hurt over the weekend at one of the house shows. I�ll figure something else out later.� Vince sits back behind his desk as they all leave.

Outside the door Steph turns to Mark and Matt. �He�ll make the best decision he can. I know that what he�s doing isn�t fair. I�ll try to keep you updated on his decisions.�

�Thanks Steph. This means a lot to me and Jeff.� Mark says giving the young woman a hug. He walks away towards his locker room.

Steph turns to Matt. �Are they going to be okay?�

�I don�t know. Jeff isn�t exactly the kind of person who has ever tried to hide who he is. This is killing him and it has to be putting a strain on their relationship. But I think they will be able to get through it together. I hope.� Matt smiles at Steph and hugging her heads off to find his lover.

Steph stands there for several seconds thinking about the situation being presented to them. She jumps when she feels arms slip around her waist. �Hey baby. Whatcha so deep in thought about?�

Steph smiles and turns to face her lover. �Jeff and Mark and how my dad won�t let them wear their rings on camera. You know, I feel so sorry for him. Jeff I mean. He is taking this  a lot harder than Mark. Probably because Mark knew what was going to happen going into the marriage. I think on some level Jeff knew too but it hits a lot closer to home when you are told that you can�t wear the symbol of your love in public. I am so glad my storyline allows me to wear your ring Moll.�

Molly smiles up at her lover. �I know. Now if only I could wear yours. I understand where Jeff is coming from. He�s never been forced to hide who and what he is and now he is. Being forced to hide who he is I mean.� The two women hug and move off towards the women's locker room.

Chapter 2
Disclaimers see pt. 1

Jeff wakes up in his husbands arms. He sits up and slowly stretches. Looking down at his husband, Jeff smiles to himself. He thinks �I wouldn�t give this up for anything in the world. I love him and I won�t lie to people about my marriage.�

Mark wakes up and pops his back. �Morning love. What are you so deep in thought about?�

�I love you and I know that you and Matt and Vince and Glenn and Steph and everyone thinks that I should be willing to hide who I am. Mark, honey I can�t lie. To them or myself and that�s what I would be doing. I have to tell them that I married the best man in the entire world. I will not lie about that. Not now not ever.� Jeff says, not noticing the tears streaming down his face.

Mark sits up and wipes the wetness from Jeff�s cheeks. �Baby we don�t want you to lie. We just don�t want you to tell the truth.�

�There is no difference. None. Baby I won�t tell them that I married the Undertaker. Hell, I won�t even tell them that I married Mark Calloway. But I won�t hide the fact that I married a man. I won�t hide that part of who I am. I can�t. Please understand. I know that this would kill your career but I honestly don�t think mine will suffer. That is unless Vince goes through with his threat and fires me.� Jeff says holding onto Mark.

Mark holds him back and says softly �Baby I�m not ashamed of us.� Jeff looks up at him with doubt in his eyes. �I�m not. I love you more than anything. Including my job. If Vince fires you I walk. And I have a feeling that I�m not the only one who will walk if you get fired.�

�Baby I don�t want you to walk out on your job for me. I don�t want anyone to. I love you and you love wrestling Mark. I cannot let you give that up. I can�t.�

�Jeff, honey, I love you and if Vince fires you I�m gone. I won�t work for him if he fires you. Hell, I�ll see if Bischoff needs me.�

�Mark, honey you know you don�t want to work for Bischoff. He�s an asshole. Shane and Shannon are getting out of there as soon as their contracts are up. Matt and I are trying to convince Vince that they would be great additions to our lineup. You know you don�t want to go work over there so don�t even try it. Baby, I want you to stay with WWF no matter what. Until you retire. Mark. Promise me.�

�Baby you know I can�t break a promise to you.�

�Exactly. So promise me.�

�I promise you that I will stay with the WWF until I retire.� Mark says knowing he has just backed himself into a corner. He lays Jeff on his back and starts to caress his young husband. Jeff moans beneath him and wraps his legs around Mark�s waist. �Now why don�t we quit talking about work and make love to each other?�

Jeff just nods as he writhes under Mark�s hands. He arches up into Mark�s gentle hand. �I want you inside of me Mark. Now.� Jeff says gasping for air. Mark continues to knead Jeff�s arousal until Jeff is coming in his hand.

�Damn boy. You could have at least waited.� Mark says jokingly.

Jeff blushes and replies. �No I couldn�t. Not with your hands on me. I can never control myself when you touch me.�

Mark smiles and brings his hand up, licking it clean. �Damn baby I love the way you taste.� Mark smiles when Jeff blushes harder. He slowly licks his way down his husbands lithe body, making Jeff squirm and giggle when Mark hits his ticklish spot with his tongue. Mark laughs low in his throat when Jeff�s stomach jumps against his ministrations. Jeff bows up into Mark�s mouth when his husband takes him slowly into his mouth. Jeff moans and writhes as Mark cups Jeff�s balls with one hand. With the other hand Mark reaches up to tease his nipples. Jeff smiles to himself and sighs with pleasure as Mark continues to suck and lick at his cock. Jeff comes with an intensity that leaves him shaken. Mark slides up Jeff�s body and smiles down at his husband. �I love you so much Jeff. Let me make love to you.�

�You always do, Mark. And you don�t need to ask.� Jeff smiles up at Mark. Mark winks at him and grabs the lube from the bedside table. He squeezes some onto his hand and begins to gently prepare Jeff. Jeff whimpers and pushes down on Mark�s fingers. Mark sighs pleasurably. �Mark baby I need you. Please I want you inside of me. Now.� Jeff begs.

Mark gives a little laugh. He positions himself at Jeff�s entrance and looks questioningly at him. Jeff just nods and bites his lip as Mark slides gently into him. Jeff groans at the fullness of Mark�s cock. �God Jeff you are so tight and hot.� Jeff gasps as Mark caresses his cock. Jeff starts moving slowly against Mark. They move together slowly trying to draw out the sensation. Mark and Jeff are soon groaning together. Mark quickly strokes Jeff�s cock trying to make him come first. Soon, neither man can hold out. They come together. Mark collapse on top of Jeff and both men are gasping for air. Jeff wraps his legs around his husbands waist and snuggles under him, falling asleep. Mark pulls back to look at Jeff. �I love you baby. I will not let Vince fire you.� Mark says, rolling himself and his husband over and falling asleep.

Chapter 3
Disclaimers see pt. 1

Mark wakes up later that day groggy and disoriented. He looks around and not finding his husband sits up. Pulling on his jeans Mark heads to the balcony. He�s not the least bit surprised to see his lover sitting there watching the kids below splashing around in the pool. �Hi baby.� Mark says sitting next to Jeff.

Jeff smiles up at him and goes back to watching the kids. �Mark, honey? Do you regret the fact that we can�t have kids?�

�What brought this on little one?�

Jeff shrugs. �I don�t know. I was watching all these little kids down here playing in the pool with their daddies and mommies and I guess I just realized that we can�t have kids. At least not kids that will be ours. Never mind I�m acting weird.�

�You always act weird baby. That�s part of what I love about you. And we can have kids. There�s adoption, we could always find a surrogate mother.�

�Yeah but they won�t be our kids. As in your blood and my blood. It will either be one or the other. Let�s not talk about this. We have to get to the arena in a few minutes.�

Mark sighs as his husband walks back into their room. �If only I knew what that boy was really thinking about.� He stands up and heads back into the room.

Jeff is standing in front of the mirror over the dresser looking at his hair. �Mark, honey should I color my hair again?�

�If you want to Jeff. I love the way you look no matter what color your hair is. I love you baby.� Mark comes up behind Jeff and wraps his arms around the younger man. �What�s really bothering you sugar?�

�Nothing Mark. I�m just sad I guess.�

�About?� Mark says prompting the younger man to tell him everything.

�Wrestling has been my life for so long that I don�t know what I will do if I don�t have it anymore. I don�t blame Vince for being mad. I guess now that I�ve had time to think about it I can see where he�s coming from. It doesn�t change my mind. I still won�t take my ring off but�� Jeff is interrupted by the ringing of the telephone. Both men jump, startled. Jeff grabs the phone without breaking Mark�s embrace. �Hello?�

�Hey Jeff. It�s your brother. Vince has some good news for you so get your ass and Mark�s to the arena ASAP.�

�Okay. Did he say what the good news is?�

�Nope just told me to get a hold of you and get you here pronto.�

�Okay. We need to get dressed but we�ll be there in about thirty minutes.�

�Oh shit did I interrupt�..?�

�No we were just holding one another. Bye Mattie.�

�Bye Jeffie.�

They hang up the phone and Jeff turns in his husbands embrace. Hugging the much taller man, he says �Vince has some good news for us so we need to get to the arena.�

�Okay baby. Can we continue this talk later?�

�Of course Mark. I love you, honey.�

�And I love you Jeffrey Nero Calloway.� Jeff smiles at the name.

Chapter 4
Disclaimers see pt. 1

Jeff walks hand in hand with Mark down the hallways to Vince�s office. They knock before entering. Mark sits down in the only vacant chair and smiling at his brother in law and Glenn, pulls his young husband onto his lap. Vince smiles at the two men who are so obviously in love. �Okay I have gathered all of you here for a reason. Jeff, now I know how you feel about this whole thing and you don�t want to lie about your sexuality. But are you willing to not answer questions about the ring?�

�What do you mean Vince?� Jeff asks looking puzzled.

�What I mean is when you do talk shows or radio or whatever, if you get asked about the ring you just tell them that you don�t want to answer questions about your personal life. That way you don�t have to lie and we don�t have to worry about the fans pulling anything on you.�

�Isn�t not telling the truth the same as lying?� Jeff asks.

Mark holds him closer and says �No baby it�s not. You go ahead and tell them you�re married. When they ask who tell them it�s none of their damn business cause it isn�t. That way you aren�t lying and you aren�t really keeping the truth from anyone, you are just keeping your privacy.�

Jeff chews on his lower lip making Mark smile at the nervous habit. �Okay. But if anyone asks me directly if I�m married to a guy, which I doubt they will, I refuse to lie. You have to understand that Vince.�

�I do Jeff. I do understand.� Vince shakes hands with Jeff and Mark and dismisses everyone.

Stepping out of the room, Jeff jumps up into his husbands arms and kisses him passionately. Mark wraps his arms around Jeff�s waist and holds him up. �Well are you happy now baby?�

�I couldn�t be happier.� Jeff says clinging almost desperately to his husband. Matt and Glenn pass them by quickly. �I love you sooooooo much baby. I want you to know that no matter what I will always love you.�

�What�s up with sounding so morbid baby? Is there something you aren�t telling me?�

�No of course not. I just want to make sure you know that I love you.�

�I do know that baby. Now come on I have to go get ready for my match.�

�Oh that�s right you get to win the belt from Chris tonight. Mark hon, take it easy on him.�

�I will. I ain�t gonna hurt the little man.� Mark says winking at his husband. They walk hand in hand to their private locker room.

Chapter 5
Disclaimers see pt. 1

Three Days Later

Jeff looks up at Mark as he starts changing into his gear. He starts to say something but thinks better of it. Mark notices Jeff watching him and turns to face his husband. �Okay Jeff. What is it?�

�What�s what?�

�You have been upset and distracted for the last three days. What�s wrong baby?�

�Nothing. I�ve just been thinking about you and me.�

�And that� upsets you?�

�No. Of course not Mark. It�s just�. I don�t know. It doesn�t matter. What matters is we are together and we love each other.�

�You�re right that is what matters. But Jeff, baby, your feelings matter too. And since you�ve just said you love me then that�s not the problem so what is?�

Jeff gives Mark a watery smile. �I�ve just been thinking about the future a lot. It�s no big deal Mark really.�

�Why don�t I believe you Jeff? You know how much I love you right?� Jeff nods his head. �There is nothing I won�t do for you. Now please baby tell me what�s wrong?�

�I don�t want talk about it anymore Mark. You have a match to get ready for and I have a promo to shoot. So give me a kiss and I�ll be on my way.� Mark leans down into Jeff and they kiss softly. Jeff smiles up at him and then leaves. Mark collapse on the bench where Jeff had been sitting and, placing his head in his hands start to cry.

Chapter 6
Disclaimers see pt. 1

Three Weeks Later

�Hey Jeff baby. There�s a phone call for you from a doctor?�

�Thanks Mark. I�ll be right back.� Jeff gets up off the couch where he and Mark had been watching a movie and heads for the office of their house. Mark follows him quietly. Jeff picks up the phone and says �Hello Doctor Smith?�.. Yeah�..so the results are�. What? Are you serious?�. Jesus�.. Are you sure? I mean absolutely positive?�.. Dammit�.okay Thank you Dr. Smith�. Yeah I�ll make an appointment tomorrow�.okay bye.� Jeff still doesn�t notice Mark until he wraps his arms around his young husband.

�Baby? What�s wrong?�

Jeff looks up with tears in his eyes. �Nothing Mark. I�m fine.�

�Bullshit Jeff. You haven�t been fine since the honeymoon. Now what the hell is wrong with you? I heard the conversation so don�t bother trying to hide it from me.�

�Mark it�s bad. Really bad. I don�t know how to tell you but I need to tell Matt too. I just don�t know what to do honey. I am so confused.� Jeff pulls away from his husbands embrace and heads out the front door. Mark lets him walk, knowing its best to leave Jeff alone when he gets in this mood. Jeff walks to the edge of the cliff and sits down looking out over the valley below. �How the hell do I tell my husband that I have cancer? How do I tell Mattie that the same thing that killed our mom is going to kill me? This isn�t fair. All I have ever wanted was to be loved and now that I get that I have to suffer? It�s not fair. Why me? Why do I have to be sick? Why?� Jeff asks out loud and starts to cry.

He stays out there for several hours. Finally Mark has had enough and he heads out to find Jeff. He sees his husband sitting on the cliff and smiles to himself thinking about how beautiful Jeff is. He approaches the younger man and notices his shoulder�s are shaking. �Jeff? Are you okay baby?�

Jeff turns around and looks up at Mark sadly. �No honey I�m not. Come on lets go back to the house. I�m cold.�

�Okay baby. Whatever you want.� Mark says softly, worried about his young husband. They head back into the house Jeff keeping his distance from his husband.

�Okay baby what is it?� Mark says as he sits next to his husband on their oversized couch.

Jeff looks up at him and chokes back a sob. �Mark, I�m sick.�

�What? What do you have? A cold? Flu? What baby?�

�I have cancer. Leukemia to be exact. Mark what am I going to do?�

�Oh god baby. Come here. It�s our problem. I know you have to go through it but I will be there for you no matter what. How are you going to tell Matt?�

�I don�t know. How am I supposed to tell my big brother that I am dying of the same thing that killed our mom? I can�t do this Mark. I am not strong enough.�

�Baby you are the strongest man I know.� Mark pulls his young lover onto his lap and holds him close. �I will be there for you and so will Matt and Glenn. And so will your friends. Baby we all love you. You don�t have to do this alone. I promise I won�t let you do this alone.�

Jeff nods as he listens to the sound of his husbands heart beat. He falls asleep after a few minutes. Mark holds him close and waits until Jeff falls asleep. He then carries the young man into their bedroom and gently places him on the bed. He watches Jeff sleep for a few minutes before heading out of the room. Going into their office, Mark picks up the phone and calls his brother in law, telling Matt nothing except that he and Glenn need to come out to California right away and they need to bring Adam, Jay, Shannon, Shane, Chris and Amy with them. Matt sounds worried as they hang up but Mark doesn�t really care. He heads back into the bedroom and breathes a sigh of relief when he sees Jeff sitting up in the bed. �Where�d you go hon?� Jeff says stretching.

Mark smiles. �Just to turn off the TV and stuff.�

�Oh. Well, then does that mean that you are coming to bed with me?� Jeff says grinning at his husband.

�Are you sure we should Jeff?�

Jeff rolls his eyes. �Yes, I�m sure. It won�t hurt me hon. I promise you that.� Mark smiles and undresses himself, watching as Jeff does the same. Jeff climbs to his knees and crawls over to the edge of the bed. He whispers softly, �Make love to me like it�s our first time together.�

Mark smiles and bites his lip, trying not to cry. He nods and runs his fingers down the younger man�s arms. Jeff shivers and Mark smiles. Jeff reaches up and caresses his husbands cheek. They kiss, slow and easy and Jeff is reminded of their first kiss. He falls in love with his husband  all over again. Mark opens his eyes and watches Jeff�s face as they kiss. When they pull apart, they both just stare at one another. �Mark, honey, you know how much I love you right?�

Mark nods, unable to speak past the lump in his throat.

�I just�. I want you to know that no matter what happens I will always, always be a part of you.� Jeff looks into his husbands deep green eyes before continuing. �I want you to promise me that if anything happens�if I�.If I die, that you�ll �� God this is so hard to say. I want you to be happy. If it takes a while fine. But I want you to know that if I die than I�ll be okay with you finding someone else to love.�

Mark swallows trying to get rid of the lump. �Jeffrey Nero Calloway! Don�t you dare talk like that. You will make it through this. You have to. Because I don�t think I can live without you. You are the one person in this world who makes me feel complete.�

Jeff collapses into Mark�s arms, tears streaming down his face. �I am so scared Mark. I don�t know what to do. I don�t know what to think or say or feel. All I know is I am so terrified of this whole thing.� Jeff sniffs. �Can we just hold each tonight?�

�Anything you want baby. Anything you want.� Mark says, tears streaming down his own face. He lays Jeff down on the bed and then spoons against the younger man�s back. �I love you baby. Always remember that.�

�I will, Mark. I will.� Jeff says as he snuggles into his husbands embrace. They fall asleep several minutes later, holding each other as if this night might be their last.

Chapter 7
Disclaimers see pt. 1

Mark wakes up to Jeff drawing circles on his stomach. �What are you doing Jeff?�

�Waiting for you to wake up so we can make love.� Mark gasps as Jeff�s hand closes around his hardening shaft.

�Damn baby this is a hell of an alarm clock you got going.�

�I thought you might enjoy it.� Jeff says before he slides down Mark�s body and starts to lick the tip of his cock. �Mmmmmmm. I love the way you taste Mark. So sweet and warm� you taste like honey.�

Mark moans as Jeff continues sucking and licking at him. �Jeff if you don�t do something one way or the other, I might just have to hurt you baby.�

Jeff pulls away and grins at his husband. He climbs over him and grabs the lube from the bedside table. �Just watch. You are not allowed under any circumstances allowed to touch me or yourself until I say so.�

�Jeff stop being a brat and let me prepare you.�

�Nope. Now if you don�t let me have my way, absolutely nothing happens. So what do you say baby?�

Mark groans. �Okay Jeff. Have it your way. I won�t touch myself or you until you say so. Happy now? Hurry up.�

Jeff giggles and slides off the bed. He turns on the stereo and plays an old song he has always liked. He starts to sway his hips and Mark watches enraptured. Red Light Special by TLC fills the room. Jeff moves his body to the beat and Mark sits on the bed watching, wanting desperately to touch his young lover but telling himself that Jeff deserves whatever he wants. Jeff finds himself caught up in the pulsating beat of the song as he lets his hands drift over his naked body. Jeff smiles, knowing that he must be torturing Mark. He glides his finger tips across the underside of his shaft, trying not to laugh when Mark lets out a stifled moan. He turns so that his back is facing Mark and runs his hands down the globes of his ass. Mark bites back an oath as he watches Jeff slide his finger down the crack. �Dammit Jeff. Are you trying to kill me?�

Jeff doesn�t answer but stays with the beat. Jeff grabs the lube, which he had set by the stereo and turns up the volume. He coats his hands with the oil and Mark watches him slide one finger inside himself. Mark reaches to touch himself. �Don�t even think about it Mark. If you do, you don�t get to fuck me until I am incapable of speech.� Mark groans but drops his hand by his side, his cock twitching as Jeff adds another finger. Jeff can�t stop the moan that slips past his lips making Mark whimper with his need. Jeff pumps his hips groaning as he brushes his own prostate. Mark bites his lip and watches Jeff prepare himself. Jeff adds a third finger and realizing he is about to come himself he stops. Mark sighs with relief as Jeff removes his fingers. Jeff turns around and Mark grins at the pre-come dripping from the tip of his husbands cock. Jeff grins back and reaches down sliding an oil slickened hand up and down his shaft. Mark growls at his husband. �I�ve told you before Mark. Don�t growl at me. It only turns me on.� Mark groans, his eyes glued to the sight before him of Jeff, stroking himself and still moving his hips to the music. Jeff moves his body and caresses his cock until he feels ready to explode. He dances over to the bed and wraps his hand around Mark�s swollen cock, slicking it with the oil still clinging to his hand. Mark arches his hips into the touch and silently begs Jeff for more. Jeff leans down and kisses the tip. �I love you Mark Calloway. For now forever, I will always love you.� Jeff climbs onto the bed and straddles Mark�s hips, kneeling above him. He slowly inches Mark�s shaft into his tight hole.

Mark moans from the tightness surrounding his rigid shaft. Jeff whimpers when Mark grips his hips. �My turn baby.� Mark pushes up into Jeff, making the younger man cry out. Mark lifts Jeff hips, effectively pulling himself out of the snug tunnel and then thrusting back into Jeff. They continue this for a short while, neither man able to go for to long. Jeff reaches down and strokes himself, while Mark pumps in and out of him. Mark comes, spurting his seed into his young husband. The feel of Mark�s come filling his ass pushes Jeff over the edge. Jeff squirts his own seed over their stomachs. Jeff collapses on top of Mark. Mark smiles. �Mmmmmm. I might just have to let you do that again sometime baby. That was fantastic.�

Jeff nods and mumbles incoherently, falling asleep on Mark�s chest soon after. Mark smiles to himself and has just fallen asleep when the doorbell rings. Mark groans and gently lays Jeff on the bed. He grabs a pair of jeans after cleaning himself off and heads downstairs. He opened the door, surprised to see Matt, Glenn, Adam, Jay, Chris, Amy, Shane, and Shannon standing there. Matt looks angrily up at Mark. �What the fuck is going on here Mark? You call me up in the middle of the night and tell me I have to fly to California but you won�t tell my why?�

Mark tries to shush him to no avail. Jeff walks slowly down the stairs. �Mark, hon. What�s going on?� Jeff grins when he sees his brother and friends standing in the doorway. Jeff then realizes that Mark must have called them. He turns to his husband. �You asshole. How dare you call my brother and tell him?� Jeff starts crying and, throwing one last glare at Mark, runs out the door and towards the cliffs.

"Tell me what, Mark?" Matt asks, trying to see where his brother went.

"I can't tell you. I brought you guys here so that Jeff could tell you. It's his to tell not mine. Come in and get comfortable, I'll go get Jeff."

Shannon speaks up looking worried. "Umm are you sure? Maybe I should go after Jeff?"

"Thanks for offering Shannon but Jeff has this place where he likes to go. It's hard to find even if you know how to get there. I'll be back in a little while." Everyone nods and heads into the huge living room to wait for Mark and Jeff.

Chapter 8
Disclaimers see pt. 1

Jeff sits under his favorite tree with his head on his knees. He has long since cried himself out. 'How the hell am I supposed to tell my brother that the same thing that killed our mom is what I have? And how can I possibly tell my friends that there is a huge chance that I could die? I don't want this.' He starts crying again, tears he thought wouldn't come anymore. He feels large arms wrap around him. He snuggles into his husbands' embrace and takes a deep breath as his sobs subside. "I'm sorry I got mad at you Mark. I know it's not your fault."

"No baby don�t apologize. I shouldn't have called Matt without your okay. This is my fault too. Let's go back to the house and you can hang out with your buddies."

Jeff sniffles. "Okay." He stands up with some help from Mark. They walk slowly back to the house. Jeff smiles as he always does at the sight of their beautiful house. He stops and grabs Mark. "Mark, I love you. Never forget that you are the only man for me."

Mark bites his lip in an effort not to cry. "I will never forget that as long as you promise to remember that you are the man I waited my entire life to find. I love you baby."

Jeff smiles and they head into the house, hand in hand. They walk through the kitchen and into the living room. Matt stands up and immediately hugs his brother. "Hey Jeffie. What's wrong bro?"

Jeff smiles softly at his older brother before turning to Glenn. "Hey big guy. You taking care of Mattie for me?"

Glenn nods and envelops the younger man in a hug. "Hey Jeff. How are you baby?"

"We'll get to that in a minute." Jeff turns to Chris and hugs him. "Hi Chris. How are you?"

"I'm worried about you sweetie.  What's going on?"

Jeff shakes his head as he turns to Amy. "Hey girl. What's up?"

"I should ask you the same question, Jeff." Amy hugs him close and sniffles.

Jeff smiles at her and faces Adam. "Hey." They hug and Adam just looks sadly at Jeff. Jeff smiles and turns to Adam's lover. "Hey Jay-Jay." Jeff hugs him and Jay tries not to cry. Jeff sniffs and turns to Shane, who immediately grabs him up in a hug. "Shane, buddy, you're smushing me. Stop."

Shane lets him go and steps back, still holding his shoulders. "Jeff, what's going on here? Would you just tell us already?"

"In a minute." He pulls away from Shane and looks towards his best friend. "Hi Shanny."

One look from the younger man and they are both in tears. Shannon grabs onto Jeff and they hold each other like their lives depend on it. Jeff cries silently into Shannon's shoulder as Shannon sobs openly, knowing without knowing how, that Jeff is really sick and possibly in danger of dying. Shannon leads Jeff over to the couch when they stop crying and sits next to him. "Jeffie. What's wrong with you? Please, tell us."

Jeff nods and wipes away his tears. Mark walks over and sits next to Jeff. "Come on baby. Tell them."

Jeff nods again and grabs onto Mark's hand for support. "I'm sick." He looks at Matt, whose eyes tear up as he gets Jeff's meaning. "I have cancer. The doctor isn't sure how long I have. He says chemotherapy is quite possibly the best option for me, but he isn't sure what can be done. It's farther along then anyone thought it could be."

Matt grabs onto Glenn's hand and squeezes. "What�what kind of cancer Jeffie?"

Jeff chews on his lower lip, refusing to meet Matt's eyes. "Leukemia."

Matt tries to bite back a sob but is unsuccessful. He stands up and runs out the door. Jeff stands up and heads after his brother. Glenn starts to follow but is stopped by Mark and Shannon. "Glenn, let Jeff go alone. This is something that those two have to deal with together." Mark says, trying to calm his friend down.

Glenn turns and glares at Mark and then turns his glare on Shannon when he speaks up. "Glenn, Mark's right. As much as you and Mark will want to help, Matt and Jeff need to spend time alone together. I don't know if Matt has told you but what Jeff has is the same thing their mom died of." Shannon sniffles as tears slide down his face. Shane hugs him close. Shannon continues. "This is going to be especially hard on Matt because he was closer to their mom than Jeff was. They were both mommas' boys but Matt had more time with her. And Jeff was his reason for being after she passed on. Keeping Jeff out of trouble kept Matt going. I mean you know how close those two are. It's not just because of the wrestling and that they have to stick together against their dad. It has more to do with Matt being Jeff's protector while they were growing up. Those two are closer than any other brother's I have ever met. And�" Shannon breaks down in tears. Shane holds him close and looks up teary eyed at Glenn and Mark. They look back both with tears in their eyes.

Mark looks around the room and realizes that no one has a dry eye in the room. He gives a short bark of laughter that quickly turns into a sob. "Oh Jesus. I can't lose him. I don't know how to live without him anymore. I can't do it." Tears streaming down his face he collapses into a nearby chair. Glenn kneels next to him and places a hand on his knee, at a loss for words. Shannon pushes Shane away and moves to sit next to Mark. He wraps his arms around the much larger man and holds him tight. Adam and Jay move closer as do Shane and Amy. Soon everyone who is left in the house is huddled around Mark, trying to comfort him without words.

Chapter 9
Disclaimers see pt. 1

Meanwhile outside at the cliffs

"Matt, I'm sorry. I know I should have told you but I wasn't even sure until last night that that�s what I had. I just thought I had the flu or something. I know how hard this is for you but�" Jeff is cut off as his brother hugs him hard.

"It's not that Jeffie. I just don't know what I am gonna do without you. I love you so much. I can't live without my baby brother." Matt says crying. Jeff pulls his brother into his embrace and the two men cling to one another and cry until it seems that they can't cry anymore. Matt wipes he nose and eyes with his sleeve making Jeff laugh. Matt laughs through his tears and husg his little brother. "So what do we do now? How do we get you better?"

Jeff smiles and sniffles. "Let's go back to the house so Glenn doesn't send out a search party for you. We can discuss this with everyone. And Matt? I love you bro. Don't ever forget that." Matt starts crying again and Jeff does too.

Back at the house, Mark shakes every one off and goes into the bathroom where he washes his face trying to get rid of the evidence of his crying jag. When he comes out of the bathroom, he smiles at the sight of his husband and brother in law holding on to one another as they talk quietly with their friends. Jeff looks up and sees Mark. He stands up and walks slowly over to his husband. "Are you okay honey?"

Mark nods and pulls Jeff into his arms. "They told you?" Jeff nods and pulls Mark down for a soft kiss. "It just hit me all at once that this is real. I really might lose you. I don't think I can take this."

Jeff smiles up at him. "We'll get through this together. Isn't that what you told me? Besides I don't know if I can take you falling apart on me." Mark hugs his young husband and they head to the couch. Matt sits next to his brother and their friends surround them. Jeff takes a deep breath and explains that he's not sure of his options. "I have an appointment with my doctor and he's going to go over what options I have. I'll let you guys know when I do."

Mark looks down at his husband. "I want to go with you. I meant it when I said that we are doing this together."

Jeff huddles closer to Mark and nods. Matt looks at his little brother and says "I want to go too. Jeff, I want to be there with you throughout this whole thing."

Jeff sighs. "Matt what about your career?"

"Fuck my career Jeff. You�re my brother. I won't let you go through this without me."

Glenn looks at his soon to be brother in law and nods his agreement. "I'm going to go call Vince and let him know what's going on. He'll give Matt, Mark and I the time off. I won't let you go through this without the three of us." Glenn stands up and heads towards their office to use the phone.

Chris, Adam, Amy and Jay follow him, saying "You better tell him that we need time off too."

Jeff shakes his head and looks tearfully at Shane and Shannon. "Don't you two even think about it. I'll have Matt and Mark and Glenn. Hopefully, Vince won't let Chris, Adam, Jay and Amy take the time off."

Shannon looks at Jeff with tears in his eyes. "Jeff, don't ask me not to ask for the time off. I want�No I need to be here with you. You are still my best friend. If I don't ask for the time off then I make a pretty lousy friend."

Shane holds Shannon close to him and smiles softly at Jeff. "Shanny's got a point. We've known you longer than either Mark or Glenn has. Now I know that Mark is your husband but we're your family too. You can't ask us to not be here for this. Jeff, you are one of the most important people in my life. If it weren't for you I wouldn't have Shanny and we both know it. Don't ask me to not be here. I have to be here."

Jeff nods at Shane with tears streaming down his face. He whispers, "I love you guys. Okay then. If you can get the time off, you are welcome to stay here with Mark and me. If not, we can keep in touch by phone." Shannon nods his head and pushes Shane away. He walks over to Jeff and, sitting on his best friends lap, hugs Jeff. They hold each other for a long time while Shane goes and calls his boss. Glenn and the others come back with grim faces.

"Okay. Here's the deal. Mark and Matt are free and clear to stay with Jeff for as long as he needs you. The rest of us will work in shifts. Adam, Amy and Jay will go back and work for the next month. Chris and I are going to stay. And then we'll switch. It's not exactly the way I wanted to do it but Vince says he can't let all of us go at the same time." Glenn sits next to Matt and puts his arm around his lover's shoulders.  "I am going to try and convince him that I need to be with you."

Matt nods and holds onto his lover. Jeff looks at them and smiles sadly. Mark clings to Jeff, as does Shannon. Shane comes back into the room and sits next to Mark. "I got us the time off. Eric might kill us when we get back to work but we have off as long as we need. He's sending Chuck and O'Haire with our stuff since we kind of dropped everything when Matt called us and told us that we needed to be here today."

Jeff glares at Mark who just shrugs. Jeff looks at Shannon and says, "Who're Chuck and O'Haire?"

Shannon smiles. "Chuck Palumbo and Sean O'Haire. They were part of the Natural Born Thrillers and now they are the tag team champions. They are great guys and a very sweet couple. Although they are almost as unlikely a couple as you and Mark here." Jeff smiles and playfully smacks Shannon on the back of his head. Shannon pushes him back and they engage in an impromptu wrestling match. Everyone laughs as Jeff pins Shannon. Chris drops to the floor and counts to three. Jeff sits up and pulls Shannon off the floor. Shannon giggles and hugs his best friend. Jeff hugs him back and they pull apart smiling at one another.

All of them sit around talking for hours. Eventually, Jeff shows everyone which rooms they will be staying in. Shannon nods his head and takes Jeff's hand. "Come on Jeffie. Let's go for a walk. Just you and me."

Jeff smiles at the younger man. "Okay Shanny. Let's go." Jeff tells Mark and they head out to the cliffs.

Chapter 10
Disclaimers see pt. 1

Six Months later

"How are you doing Mark?" Shannon asks, walking up to the older man.

"How do you think I'm doing? My husband was buried today." Mark says, not looking at Jeff's best friend.

Shannon nods his head and puts his hand on the bigger mans arm. "I know. I know Mark. I loved him too. Come back into the house though. It's cold outside."

"I just want to say goodbye to him in private. Please Shannon. I'll be back inside in a little while." Shannon nods and heads into Jeff and Mark's house.

Mark stands on the cliffs and closes his eyes against the pain in his heart. He takes a deep breath and sighs as tears slip down his face. "I miss you baby. It's only been a week but I still can't believe that you are gone. I want you back. I know I can't have you back but try telling that to my heart. I'll never forget you baby. Never. I will always love you for the rest of my life." Mark throws the rose he is holding over the cliff and turns to face the house he had built for his husband. He smiles at the memories he has. Closing his eyes, he says a prayer for his husband and his family and then heads inside to accept everyone's condolences, thoughts of Jeff weighing on his mind.

The End

I realize the ending sucked but it was begging to be finished. I hope y'all like it anyways. Lyrics for It's So Hard To Say Goodbye To Yesterday are at the bottom.


How do I say goodbye to what we had?
The good times that made us laugh
Outweigh the bad.

I thought we'd get to see forever
But forever's gone away
It's so hard to say goodbye to yesterday.

I don't know where this road
Is going to lead
All I know is where we've been
And what we've been through.

If we get to see tomorrow
I hope it's worth all the wait
It's so hard to say goodbye to yesterday.

And I'll take with me the memories
To be my sunshine after the rain
It's so hard to say goodbye to yesterday.

And I'll take with me the memories
To be my sunshine after the rain
It's so hard to say goodbye to yesterday.
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