Title: Surprise Visit
Author: Katie
E-mail: [email protected]
Disclaimer: I don't own 'em & I'm not claiming that this happened, only in my mind.
Distribution: Only at Castles in the Sky http://members.tripod.com/katemarie_1
Rating: NC-17
Summary: A Phone call between two lovers leads to an interesting night. 
Note: Another one for AJ's b-day since I couldn't make these two muses shut up.

"Hey baby. How are you after this past weeks match?" Shawn Michaels asks his younger lover worriedly.

"Fine. Billy is a great competitor." Sean Waltman grins into the phone, unable to contain his excitement at his surprise for Shawn.

"That's all he is right?" Shawn paces nervously as he waits for an answer.

"What's with the questions?"

"I don't know baby. I guess I just hate not being around you."

"You're jealous?" Sean grins at the thought.

"Nah baby. I just worry about you when I'm not around." Shawn quickly tries to cover his tracks.

"You are jealous and of Billy Kidman at that. Shawn, I only love you. I promise you are the only man I want or need."

"Are you sure baby?"

"Positive. In fact I'd love to show you how sure I am."

"How are you going to do that?"

"I'm on a plane to see you as we speak?"

"What you're coming to Texas? But you hate it down here."

"I know I do but I miss you Shawn. I need to be in your arms again."

Shawn grins from ear to ear. "Baby when do you get in?"

"In a few minutes. Don't worry about picking me up. I'll take a cab to the house."

Shawn frowns. "I want to pick you up."

"Will you be able to stop yourself from jumping me?"

Shawn smiles and shakes his head. "No I won't."

"Then I am taking a cab. Sit back and relax. I'll be at your place in about forty five minutes."

Shawn agrees and they hang up. Shawn looks around his house and frowns. He doesn't want his baby coming to a dirty house so he quickly picks up all of the stuff he has lying around. He contemplates running the vacuum cleaner but decides against it. He makes the same decision about dusting. After checking his fridge and cupboards and finding no food he calls up the local grocery store and places an order. He runs up the stairs and gathers all of his dirty laundry. He changes the sheets on his bed after starting the first load. He looks down at his handy work proud of himself when the doorbell rings. He runs down the stairs hoping it's Sean but is somewhat relieved to see that it isn't. He takes the groceries from the delivery boy and hands the young man a hundred-dollar bill saying keep the change. The young man just stares as the door closes in his face.

Shawn takes the groceries into the kitchen and quickly puts everything away. He then thinks better of it and pulls out the ingredients for chicken and stuffing, Sean's favorite meal. After putting dinner in the oven, he moves out to the dining room and begins to set the table. He's just finished when the doorbell rings. He runs to the door knowing that it has to be Sean. He flings it open and wraps his arms around his young lover, kissing him passionately. "God I've missed you Kid."

Sean smiles up at him softly. "I've missed you too. You look fabulous baby."

Shawn smiles and caresses Sean's cheek softly. "So do you Kid. So do you. Well, come on in."

Sean walks into the house and looks around, frowning. "Okay who did you pay off to clean up after you?"

Shawn laughs. "I do know how to clean house Kid. I just don't like it."

Sean smiles and kisses his older lover. "I know baby I was teasing. Mmmmm, what smells so good? Besides you I mean."

Shawn smiles. "I cooked dinner for you baby. And before you say it yes I know how to cook."

The younger man laughs. "I know you can cook. But it's usually on the grill."

The blonde smiles. "Yeah well, I've been bored and with the satellite I figured why not check out some of those cooking shows you think are so great and well, I can't help myself."

Sean grins. "That's good. Maybe now I won't have to worry about you eating junk food all the time."

The older man just grins. "Come on, we can put your stuff in my room and then eat."

The dark haired man smiles. "Sounds good to me." Shawn takes his young lover's bags and throws them in his room, not wanting to be tempted.

He runs back down and finds his lover taking dinner out of the oven. "Sean, that's my job."

"I know but it was done and you were upstairs. You don't want to over cook chicken baby."

Shawn rolls his eyes as he takes the meal from Sean and leads the younger man into the dining room. Sean smiles as he sees all the work Shawn put in to make the night special. He grabs his lover and kisses him. "Thank you baby. This looks fabulous. And I love to eat by candlelight."

The two men smile at one another and they eat quickly knowing that what comes after dinner is going to be better than the meal.

Shawn picks up his young lover and carries him easily up the stairs and to his bedroom after they clean up the kitchen. Sean grins as the older man sets him gently on the bed. He gets to his knees and quickly undresses. By the time Shawn turns back around, his young lover is lying there completely naked wearing only a seductive grin on his face.

Shawn just stares until Sean gets to his feet and pulls the older man to the bed. He undresses his lover slowly and kisses his body as he exposes it. "I love your body Shawn. You are the sexiest man I have ever laid eyes on."

Shawn groans in response and nearly shouts when the younger man takes his cock into his mouth. "Oh Christ Sean� Your mouth is so hot baby."

Sean pulls back just as Shawn feels like he is about to start cumming. "Nuh uh baby. Not until you are buried inside me."

Shawn groans and nods his head. He watches as his young lover climbs on the bed and spreads himself wantonly. Shawn climbs on the bed and swiftly sucks on one finger wetting it down and slides it into his lover's tight entrance. Sean moans and pushes down on his finger. "More Shawn, more."

Shawn nods his head and adds another finger stretching his lover's body as much as possible. Sean whimpers. "I want your dick in me Shawn. Please baby."

Shawn groans and nods his head again. He reaches over into his nightstand drawer and pulls out a bottle of oil and squirts some onto his cock. He spreads it around quickly not wanting to be tempted into jerking off. He positions himself at his lover's entrance and slowly pushes his way inside Sean's puckered entrance.

Sean moans at the fullness and pushes back on his lover's dick trying to get the older man to move. Shawn just smiles and proceeds to slide in and out of the younger man's body in long slow strokes. Only when he is close to spilling his seed does Shawn reach down to take his young lover's cock into his hand. He strokes Sean's dick with the same slow strokes he is thrusting into him with. Sean shoots with a low moan. Shawn groans as his seed fills up Sean and then some. He collapses against the younger man and smiles softly. "I have missed you so much Kid."

Sean laughs. "I can tell. Did I wear you out old man?"

Shawn smiles as he lifts his head. "You sure as hell did. Now lets go get cleaned up and gets some sleep. We can play more tomorrow."

Sean grins as he pulls the older man to his feet. "Let's go old man."

They head off to shower before climbing back into bed and falling asleep wrapped in each others arms.

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