Kay - Young Shooters part 3

As I look downwards on my camp, I smile at how large it has grown. No one could stand against us. We had
become the most dominant gang in the west.

I slowly descend the steep slope and ride into it. Here I am God. I decide who lives and who dies.

I grin as I watch Rob approach me. Damn that boy is cocky. He walks right up to me and presses his lips to
mine. I hear the snorts from the other men in the camp as I return the kiss hungrily.

I return the kiss as I cup and squeeze his round and firm ass. I have to admit the boy is eager to please. A
little bit too eager.

"Bring me supper," I snap. I slap his ass as I turn and walk toward my tent. The other men laugh out loud
and I can see the hurt in his eyes, but he'll learn that I'm not ready to step down as leader of the Alliance.
Yeah, he might be the leader one day, but not today, and certainly not tomorrow. Right now, he's just my

I storm into my tent and find my most prized possession sitting and reading.

Jason jumps as I rip the book from his long slender fingers. "Is this what you do all day?" I growl.

"No," he whispers softly, lowering his eyes, " I washed and mended all your clothes and cooked you supper."

I smile as I lift his chin and stare into those beautiful blue eyes of his. "Good boy," I whisper, "Give me my
food and then go unsaddle and feed my horse."

I watched amused as Jason scampers to the campfire outside my tent and brings the cooked rabbit to me. He
smiled proudly as he presented it to me. He must have went out and hunted it himself. He knows that I don't
like him to leave camp.

"Rabbit?" I say as I take it from him, "Where did you catch it?"

"Just across the river.....," Jason stops as he realizes that he wasn't suppose to cross the river.

"Across the river?" I growl as I stand and slap him hard across the face knocking him backwards and onto
the ground.

I stand over him as he starts to sob uncontrollably. "Never leave camp again," I growl as I throw the rabbit
down at him. It's a good thing that I have two bitches to cater to my needs, otherwise, I might go hungry

I look down at his small trembling body. So beautiful. So fragile. Too bad that his older brother got away all
those years ago. Wonder if he ever remembers his family? He's never said anything about it. I shake my
head. No. He was probably too young and I did change his name. Who would name their child Christian?


My cheek still stings where he slapped me. I curse him underneath my breath as I remove the saddle and
blanket from Rattlesnake.

I gather some hay and feed for him as I proceed to brush him down.

I'm so mad that I don't hear movement behind me until it's too late.

A large hand wraps around my waist pulling me backwards against a hard, muscular body. I don't need to
turn around to know who it is. Bradshaw. The sickening scent of his cheap cigar is a dead giveaway.

"Need some help beautiful?" He whispers in my ear, refusing to let me pull away. I can feel his manhood
pressing against me.

"No," I choke out.

He whirls me around and looks down at me lovingly. He frowns as he looks at my cheek. "He hit you?" He
growls, his eyes dark with hate.

"I disobeyed him again," I whisper as I push him away.

"Come with me Jason, we'll ride out of here tonight," he whispers, his voice sounds desperate.

"I can't."

"He don't own you," he growls.

"He does and you know he does. Even if we left, he'd track us down. He'd kill you and punish me even more,"
I whisper, tears forming in my eyes. Why can't he understand that I'm just a whore. Austin's whore.

I've never realized how trapped I was until this moment.


"No," I growl. I can see the hurt on his face, but he doesn't know Austin like I do.


I just want to sweep up Jason and carry him away from here, but part of me knows that he's right. Austin
would track us down. Austin would kill me, probably very slowly. Jason would be punished by whatever sick
means Austin could think of.

All I got to say is that Austin is one sick bastard. He's been sleeping with Jason for years now. Poor baby. He
never had a chance.

I heard tale that Austin killed his parents and brother right in front of him.

I watch as my angel walks away.

One day. One day Austin would turn his back, and with any luck no one would be looking as I unload my shot
gun into his spineless back. I would save Jason. I just hope he can hold on to his sanity until then.


I lean across the rail as I watch the sun set in the horizon. Everything is quiet in Prosperity, and that's just
the way I like it.

I'm so lost in my thoughts that I don't hear the approaching footsteps until a large, muscular arm wraps
around my waist, grabbing my wrist before I can reach for my gun.

"What are you thinking about long legs?" Mark asks softly, his voice almost a whisper as he grips my wrist
tighter as I try to pull away.

"Nothing," I lie, but utterly intimidated by the shear size of Mark. I breath in his scent and I almost swoon.

He chuckles as he feels me almost lose my balance. "I want you," he whispers into my ear, gently nibbling on

I shiver in both fright and excitement as I feel his hard manhood pressing against me. I guess he is big in
every aspect.

He wants me?

"You want me?" I ask in disbelief.

This is wrong. I'm a man. He's a man. This is unholy. Mark could have any woman he wanted. Why would he
want me?

"More than life itself," Mark whispered as he started to gently kiss along my neck. "Besides, I have a
birthday present for you."

"Present?" I ask smiling. Ok, I'm a big kid at heart. I love presents.

He turns me to face him. "Care to see what they are?" He asks smiling.

They? This is good.

"OK," I say in agreement. It's been so long since I had a birthday present. It was before....Christian was
stolen away.

He smiles at me. I know I should be afraid of him, but something tells me that Mark would never hurt me.

As I follow him to his room, I start to regret my decision. He wants me. That means he wants me to lay with
him. I've never lain with another man. What if he doesn't like how I look naked? What if he laughs at me?

He opens the door and I enter reluctantly. As the door shuts, I shiver. I'm in the room with Mark Callaway.
Hell, he's killed more people than smallpox.

"Close your eyes," he whispers.

I start to protest, but he gently places a finger to my lips silencing me. "Trust me."
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