Title: Promise Me Forever
Rating: NC17
Content: Slash m/m
Disclaimer: Don't own them, Vince does. *pouts* I don't know their true sexual preference, this is just for fun
so please don't sue.
Author: Kay
Notes: Please forgive me for not finishing the other stories I started, I just wasn't satisfied with them. Last
night my muses conspired and invaded my dreams, this was the end result. It's completely AU, and I hope
that it doesn't suck too bad. Ok, who sent the Raven muse to me???
Summary: Imagine a world where sorcery, power, and love go hand in hand. A place where sorcerers,
witches, goblins, and elves are a reality. A place where humans are mere pawns in a battle for ultimate
control. A battle lead by one powerful sorcerer who is tired of being a human protector and will not stop until
he is crowned King of both humans and sorcerers. Only a few brave sorcerers dare to resist.

All the talking, laughter, and singing came to a halt as the two great doors to the hall slowly swung open. Lord
Marcus watched in amusement as his favorite general marched in, leading two prisoners of war behind him
on leashes.

"M'Lord," Steve said as he bowed and smiled his famous blank sadistic smile as he forced his prisoners to
kneel before their new lord.

"Presents for me?" Lord Marcus asked mockingly.

Steve grinned as he watched his Lord rise from his throne and slowly descend the stairs, standing over the
two restrained prisoners. Lord Marcus gently lifted the chin of the first.

"M'Lord, may I present Prince Kurt of the Omega clan," Steve said licking his lips as he looked at the tears in
the bound mans eyes. He was going to be so easy to break.

Lord Marcus threw his head back and laughed. "He's weak and pathetic, see how the tears flow from his
eyes. He cries like a baby. He doesn't interest me, you may have him if he amuses you."

Steve smiled. "Thank you, Lord Marcus. May I also have his protector?" Steve asked greedily as he yanked
the leash to Kurt's collar, that was fastened tightly around his neck, pulling him close to him. Humans were
weak, but made good bed companions.

Lord Marcus paused as he stared down at the sorcerer that was bound before him. He looked at the silver
band that had been placed around the prisoners left ankle, effectively preventing the young sorcerer from
using his powers to protect his human companion. Lord Marcus smiled as he looked down at the man. He
knew this one.

Lord Marcus tilted the sorcerer's chin up, so that they made eye to eye contact. "Hello, Hunter," Lord
Marcus said with a lustful smile.

"Hello, Taker," Hunter said grinning back, knowing that Lord Marcus did not like his given sorcerer name.
Knowing that more than anything, Taker wanted to be human. Not just any human, but the most powerful

"I am Lord Marcus and you will address me as such," Marcus growled.

Kurt's struggling in Steve's embrace got Hunter's attention. He tried to raise up, but found himself held in
place by Marcus's mental power. Damn, if only he had his powers back. He could feel Marcus's intrusion into
his thoughts.

"By fighting against my men in battle, you have proven to be a traitor and are hereby condemned to wear
the ring of banishment," Marcus decreed with an evil grin.

"NO!" Hunter screamed, still unable to force his body to move.

Steve bowed to Lord Marcus before dragging his struggling, newly acquired human slave to his sleeping

Hunter watched Kurt disappear with Steve. His heart was breaking and he had never felt so helpless before.
A tear rolled down his cheek as he realized what his fate was.

"Kill me," Hunter whispered.

"That would be such a waste of beauty," Marcus said smiling as he stroked Hunter's cheek. "Take Hunter to
my room and prepare him for me," Marcus ordered. The house slaves immediately ushered Hunter off.

Lord Marcus smiled as he ascended the steps to his throne, noticing the glare from his younger brother.

"What?" Marcus growls as he looks at his brother.

"Hunter is a great warrior. It would be more honorable to honor his request for final slumber," Kane says
with a hint of anger in his voice.

"He's a traitor and will be treated as such," Marcus quickly retorts.

Kane hugs his two human companions tightly to him as Marcus's eyes roam their young bodies.

Jeff and Matt whimpered as their dark Lord stared at them with lust clearly in his eyes.

"You have two beautiful princes to protect, Kane. Surely you do not have time to worry about what happens
to a traitor," Marcus said, clearly meaning it to be a threat.

"If you ever harm them......"

"Never," Marcus interrupts. "Unless you give me reason to do so."

Kane nods and lowers his head in submission as he hugs the young princes close to him. Matt and Jeff had
been his to protect since they were born and he would not lose them to his cruel, greedy brother. He had
fought every sorcerer in the Phi clan for the right to be their protector. He would die to protect them.

Lord Marcus's attention was diverted from his brother by the opening of the great doors once again. He
watched as another of his generals brought in three prisoners.

"General Bradshaw, you are late," Marcus growled, his patience wearing thin. He desired a mate and so far
his generals had not found one suitable. Hunter was desirable, but he wanted a young male human to warm
his bed. Someone he could initiate to the delicate line between pleasure and pain.

"I found two jewels for you, m'lord," Bradshaw said bowing as he tugged at the leashes of his prisoners.

Marcus smiled as Bradshaw forced the tallest of the three up the steps and in front of him. Bradshaw forced
the young man's head up by using his powers.

Marcus stood as he looked at the beautiful man that stood before him. He could feel his cock instantly harden.

"May I present Prince Edge of the Alpha clan," Bradshaw said smiling as he saw the lust in his Lord's eyes.
Surely he would be rewarded for bringing such a beautiful prize.

"Prince Edge," Marcus said the words with a smile as he gently caressed Edge's cheek.

"Leave him alone!" The other blonde haired prisoner growled.

Bradshaw laughed as he yanked the leash to the smaller blonde forcing him upwards and in front of Marcus.

Marcus grinned as he looked down at the other brave little prince.

"Prince Christian. Half-brother to Edge," Bradshaw said, smiling bigger as Marcus licked his lips.

"You have done very well Bradshaw," Marcus said grinning. "REGAL!"

The room was quiet except for the sound of scuffling feet.

The grotesque goblin fell to his knees in front of Marcus. "Yes, m'lord?" Regal asked in a creepy, irritating
voice, rubbing his sweaty hands together.

"Take Bradshaw to the vault and give him the highest bounty that is possible," Marcus ordered as he turned
back to his two trembling princes.

"Leave them be," the third prisoner growled.

Marcus smiled at the chained sorcerer. He knew what it felt like to win the honor of protecting a future
prince or princess. But he also knew that the sorcerer before him was the only thing standing in his way of
claiming the two young princes for his own.

"Kill him," Marcus ordered.

"NO!" The two princes said in unison.

Marcus smiled as he hugged both of them to him, using his power to force them to remain still.

Edge watched as Rhyno was hauled to his feet and a sword placed to his throat.

"Please, m'lord. Let him live and I will do anything you desire. Please," Edge pleaded.

Marcus sensed the sincerity of Prince Edge's words and halted the movement of the executioner's sword.

"Anything?" Marcus asked with a smile.

Edge couldn't control the trembling of his body, but nodded, his eyes lowering. He suddenly felt faint.

"Take him to the dungeon," Marcus ordered as his guards dragged a protesting Rhyno to the dungeon. "Pleasure
me and he lives," Marcus whispered in Edge's ear, just loud enough so that Christian could hear.

Christian was about to protest, but Marcus placed a finger over his lips silencing him.

As Marcus led the two from the great hall, he glanced back at his human companion and his family and
laughed out loud. Vince lowered his eyes as he held his wife's hand, and glanced hopelessly at his children,
Stephanie and Shane, and their protector, Test. He had made the fatal mistake of trusting Taker, now the
world would pay for his one mistake.

As he was parading them through the castle, a beautiful young blonde haired man ran smack into him.

The beautiful man's eyes widened as he realized just who he had ran into. "Lord Marcus," he whispered in
fear, trying to back away. Marcus looked at the white thong the man was wearing and the bulge in protruding
in the front of it.

Marcus smiled as he held him until his sorcerer companion came to claim him.

"Jericho!" Benoit growled as he rounded the corner and saw his slave in Lord Marcus's arms.

"I'm disappointed in you General Benoit, letting your slave run amuck in my castle. And freely at that,"
Marcus said calmly, but clearly angry.

"My humblest apology my Lord. I was playing a game of cat and mouse with him. He is so delicious and
excited once I catch him," Benoit said grinning.

Marcus lifted an eyebrow as he shoved Jericho to Benoit. "Keep him on a leash or I will gift him to Regal."

"NO!" Jericho gasped. Not that monster. Suddenly realizing his mistake in speaking out loud, buried his face
against Benoit's shoulder.

"And put a gag on him," Marcus ordered.

"Yes, m'lord," Benoit said nervously, not wanting to lose his favorite slave.

Marcus rolled his eyes as he wrapped his arms around his two young princes, leading them to his bedroom.


Benoit let out a sigh of relief as Lord Marcus and his two beautiful slaves disappeared from sight. He roughly
pulled the trembling blonde to him, shaking him roughly.

"How many times have I told you that escape is impossible? I'm a sorcerer. I can read every thought that
drifts through that pretty head of yours," Benoit growls as he slaps the side of Jericho's head lightly.

Jericho struggles in Benoit's iron grip, but finds it impossible to escape and bows his head in submission.

Benoit growls as he pulls Jericho over to a bench in the hallway and drapes him over his lap, exposing that
beautiful round posterior, that is so beautifully defined by the white thong.

Jericho yelped in pain as Benoit's hand spanked him hard, not one, but five times in a quick succession.
Jericho wiggled as Benoit's hands roughly caressed the redden area. Benoit grinned as he smelt Jericho's

He pulled the blonde up and into his lap as if he was a small child, cradling him in his arms. Jericho moaned as
Benoit started to place soft kisses along the taunt curve of his neck.

Jericho moaned as he wiggled in Benoit's lap, feeling the hardness of his cock as it rubbed against his sore
posterior. His hands caressed Benoit's firm, muscular torso as their mouths locked in a passionate kiss.

Jericho suddenly couldn't remember why he had wanted to escape in the first place. Benoit was a good
master and incredible in bed.

A whistle, followed by a faint laugh echoed in the hallway and Benoit immediately stood, pulling the dazed
Jericho with him.

Benoit growled as he stared down at the grotesque goblin that was only a few feet from them. He could see
the lust in the creatures eyes as it stared at Jericho's almost nude body.

"Lord Marcus said put a leash on him," Regal said, wiping the drool from the corner of his mouth as he
continued to stare at Jericho, rubbing his palms together. He wondered how sweet the little blonde would feel
underneath him.

Jericho stared at the creature in shock. The foul smell that clung to the creature was enough to make him
gag. He looked at the hunched back and extremely long nose on the creature. He buried his face against
Benoit's shoulder, clinging to him.

Benoit's nostrils flared. Damn Regal! Not only was he the most ugliest of goblins, but also the most devious
one. It didn't help that he was Mark's advisor and that he wanted Jericho. Damn the only thing keeping the
other sorcerers from challenging him for Jericho was his reputation for being a crippler. Regal was different.
If he fell out of disgrace with Lord Marcus, he would gift Jericho to Regal.

"Ouch!" Jericho protested as Benoit grabbed a handful of hair and held him still as he placed a leather collar
around his neck.

Regal smiled and licked his lips as Benoit pulled the beautiful blonde along with him. "He will be mine," Regal
whispered as he watched the round, reddened posterior of Jericho bounce and jiggle as he tried to keep up with


Kurt whimpered as he was forced to lay still and spread eagled on Steve's huge bed. He stared in shock at all
the heads of animals mounted on the wall.

Steve noticed this and smiled, holding up his bow and arrow. "Nothing gets away from me," Steve said
grinning with blank, uncaring eyes.

Kurt looked at the last one and gasped. It was a human head. Worst, a woman's head.

"Nope. She was a witch," Steve said reading his mind. "Her name was Debra and she tried to cast a love spell
on me. Worthless wench, didn't she know I'm stone cold to the power of love. I'm the greatest warrior in this
land and I don't deserve a love spell cast on me."

Kurt looked at Steve in shock. He shivered as he felt Steve crawl onto the bed with him. There was
something not quite right with this man.

"You're not gonna cast any love spells on me, are ya?" Steve asked menacingly as his fingers trailed upwards
along the inside of Kurt's thighs.

Kurt jumped and tried to close them, but found himself unable to move. He closed his eyes, trying to escape
the hell he had found himself in.

"Are you a little shy?" Steve asked, reading Kurt's thoughts as he tried to prepare himself for the assault on
his body. Steve frowns when he reads Kurt's mind. He's imaging that he is Hunter and that they are about to
make love. Steve grits his teeth in jealousy.

Kurt whimpered as Steve roughly slapped him until his eyes opened, then proceeded to spread his legs as
wide as they would go and plunged inside of him brutally.

"You'll be sorry you ever thought of another man in my bed," he hisses.

A scream of pain was ripped from Kurt's throat as Steve started humping him roughly. His face void of all
expression except a blank stare.


Edge and Christian shivered as they entered a lush hallway, knowing instantly that this was Lord Marcus's
quarters. They watched as a giant man led another man in front of Lord Marcus.

Marcus lifted Hunter's chin and looked deeply into the man's eyes and mind.

The coldness of the ring around his ankle reminded Hunter that he was now at Marcus's complete mercy. He
shivered as he saw the lust that filled his new master's eyes.

"Looks like you earned a nights reprieve, Hunter," Lord Marcus said taunting the defenseless sorcerer.
"After I have properly broken in my chosen mate and his brother, I will break you."

Hunter kept silent as he was shoved into a huge room to await his fate.

Christian struggled as Marcus gently shoved him into the room beside of his bed chamber.

"NO!" Christian screamed as he banged on the door with his fists. "EDGE!" Edge had never been with
another man, he must be scared out of his mind.

Edge could hear his brother calling his name, but was unable to answer. Lord Marcus would not allow it.
Marcus turned the tall, beautiful blonde to face him.

"No harm will befall your brother," Marcus said as motioned with his hands and the huge doors to his bed
chamber slowly opened and he walked inside.

Edge hesitantly followed. He was so scared that he was clinching his fists and holding his breath. 'This is for
Christian and Rhyno's safety,' he kept repeating in his mind.

He jumped as the huge doors shut, sealing him to his fate.

Marcus smiled as he pulled the trembling boy to him, brushing the hair from his beautiful face. "I am your
first?" Marcus growled possessively as he gently kissed the soft, luscious lips that were slightly parted in fear.

Edge nodded. Being the first born son meant that he could only have sex with his chosen mate. It was the
way of the Alpha clan that insured complete bonding of the first born with his mate. Edge bowed his head in
submission. His virginity didn't matter any more. His father, mother, and his people were prisoners now to
Lord Marcus.

Lord Marcus smiled as backed away from Edge and slowly removed his clothes, reading the boys mind as he
did so. Marcus smiled when he found out Edge found him some what attractive and very well endowed. He
propped himself on his bed, resting against the pile of pillows with his legs spread as he stroked his long, thick
cock, making sure Edge had a good view of it.

"Strip for me," Marcus ordered.

Edge slowly began to undress. His fingers fumbled with the buttons on his shirt. Lord Marcus grew impatient
and used his powers, making the shirt disappear from Edge's body. Edge jumped in surprise, eliciting a grunt
of satisfaction from Marcus.

Edge slowly pushed the pants down his long slender thighs, taking his time, careful to be seductive to his new

Marcus growled as he looked at the beautiful man standing before him, his cock twitched in anticipation of
being buried deep inside of his virgin ass.

"Pleasure me," Marcus ordered.

Edge smiled meekly as he crawled onto the bed, his eyes never leaving Lord Marcus's as he seductively
crawled up between his legs.

Edge leaned down and licked the drop of precum that was glistening on the tip of Marcus's cock.

Marcus moaned in pleasure as Edge's mouth pleasured him, sucking him slowly, arching up off the bed as
Edge swirled his tongue around the huge mushroom head.

Edge smiled as he slowly slithered upwards on Marcus, placing soft kisses along his abdomen and up his chest.
Edge gasped as the two powerful tattooed arms grabbed his shoulders and roughly pulled him upwards.

"From this night forward, I claim you as my mate," Marcus whispered as he captured Edge's mouth in
another passionate kiss.

Edge kept his eyes open during the kiss. Slowly he reached behind his right thigh and gripped the knife that
was strapped to the back of it. He raised it as he felt Marcus cup and spread his ass cheeks.

"Die!" Edge screamed as he brought the knife down with all his might.

Lord Marcus chuckled as he used his power over Edge's mind, stopping the knife before it could pierce his
skin. "Don't you know I see everything that goes on in that pretty head of yours, Edge?" He said mockingly.
He had expected the beautiful young prince to try something gallant. He would take the matter up about the
knife with Bradshaw later on.

Edge gripped the knife tighter, but couldn't force it to go downwards. He screamed as the knife disappeared
and he found himself suddenly fully impaled on Marcus's huge cock. He gasped for air as his fists beat at
Marcus's strong torso.

Marcus smiled as he leaned up and covered Edge's mouth with his, their tongues entwining. Edge whimpered
as Marcus thrust up into him slowly. It felt like Marcus was going to rip him apart, but with each thrust
Marcus hit Edge's prostate, sending pleasure surging throughout his young virgin body. Soon Edge wasn't
struggling, but grinding his hips as he tried to take in more of Marcus.


Rhyno frowned as he stared at the wall. He knew by now Lord Marcus was probably claiming Edge and
Christian in his bed. Damn, he wished he could get the ankle ring off. If only he had his powers.

He jumped as he saw a young man watching him in amusement.

"What do you want?" Rhyno growled.

"I brought you water," the man said smiling slightly brushing his dark curly hair from his face.

"Who are you?" Rhyno asked, moving closer to the bars, checking to see if he was carrying any visible keys.

"Raven," the man said blushing as he handed him a cup of water.

Raven jumped as Rhyno grabbed his wrist and held on tightly. "Unlock the door," Rhyno growled.

"I don't have the key," Raven whispered pointing behind him to the giant guard that stood only feet away.

Rhyno stared at Raven for a moment studying his features. Something wasn't quite human about him. He
brushed Raven's hair back and smiled as he saw the pointed ears. "You're an elf," Rhyno said smiling.

"Half elf," Raven corrected, pulling away and blushing as he stood to leave. Half elves were considered freaks
in the world of sorcerers.

"Wait," Rhyno said grabbing Raven's wrist.

Raven looked at him with sad eyes. "What?"

"Will I see you tomorrow?" Rhyno asked hopefully.

Raven smiled and nodded as he walked away.

Rhyno sat back down and stared at the wall. Half elf. He still had the powers right? Rhyno smiled as he made
plans to seduce the beautiful elf.
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