Title: Prized Possession
Author: Kay
Rating: NC17
Content: Slash m/m
Distribution: Kriket, if she wants it. Others, please ask.
Disclaimer: Don't own the wrestlers, Vince does. *pouts* I don't know their true sexuality, this is just fiction.
Spoilers: Smackdown 8-16-01
Summary: Will Edge lose his most prized possession?


I can't help but smile as I look down at the most wonderful, most valuable thing that I have ever won in my
whole life. Against all odds, I had became the 2001 King of the Ring. King. King Edge. I liked the sound of that
phrase. I can't control the urge and gently caress the precious trophy in my arm.

What? No, not the King of the Ring trophy. God, people, I'm not that hung up on myself! I caress my fingers
down Christian's side slowly, eliciting a shiver from him as I tease the ticklish area between his lower rib cage
and upper hip.

What? No, I'm not sick. Christian is not actually my brother, we just play brothers. I've known Christian
since I was twelve years old, and I knew from the moment that I saw him that I loved him. Wanted him.
Owned him.

That's right, I owned him. You see, Christian has always been quite naive and innocent to the ways of the
world and more importantly, me. You know the type. A follower, never a leader. A trusting lamb, that could
easily be led to the slaughter.

I know, I'm mean and cynical, but face it, it's true. He fell for me hard. He'd never been with anyone, male or
female. But much to my frustration, he had the common sense to play hard to get. That is until his sixteenth
birthday party. Let's just say that my urge to fuck him got the better of me.

I know. I know. Fuck. Such a harsh word, but for a seventeen year old boy, it's the sole purpose of life.
Anyway, it wasn't hard to get into Christian's pants. Much to my amusement his parents were called out of
town, some kind of family emergency which left Christian all alone and ripe for the picking. Poor baby.
Someone had to wish him a happy birthday. Right? I had a very special, hard present for him.

A little weed and Christian was flying high. He giggled the entire time I was fucking him. The weed helped
reduce the pain and plus I did use a lot of lube, I'm not a total monster.

Poor baby cried the next morning when he awoke in my arms and felt the soreness radiating from his
well-used posterior. His cheeks red with embarrassment and shame. I had stolen his virginity. His innocence.

I, of course, played innocent. Didn't think I was going to be honest did you? We had both had too much weed,
I had suggested. He believed me. He fucking believed me. He's so gullible. So trusting. So fucking stupid.

Of course, I convinced him to try sex again that same morning. He hesitated, but as soon as my mouth
engulfed his cock, he was lost. He was mine, and he's been mine ever since.

I sigh as I remember our younger years together. I had always made sure that Christian was never far from
me, and underneath me as much as possible.

He sighs and whimpers in his sleep as he nuzzles his face against my chest and holds on tighter to me. He
knows that he belongs to me, that has never been an issue. Until lately.

He shivers as my fingers trace along the red handprints imprinted on his beautiful round ass. That's right, I
spanked him. What was I suppose to do? He fucking left me alone with DDP and Kanyon. He knows better
than that.

Something is up with Lance. He's been teasing and taunting Christian more and more lately. I swear I can see
lust in Lance's eyes as he looks at Christian. Well too fucking bad! Christian is mine, and I don't share. I look
for him to challenge me soon for Christian's affections, but I'm not scared. My leash is invisible around
Christian's beautiful slender neck, but it's there. He's my bitch.

Christian snuggles closer against my much stronger, larger body. I caress his damp hair that is wet from our
marathon of extreme sex. That's right. Marathon.

It had all started as soon as we entered our hotel room. He could tell I was pissed and had kept quiet the
entire ride to the hotel. He had jumped and looked as scared as a small child caught with his hand in the
cookie jar. He knows my temper. He knows what I am capable of. He screwed up tonight and he has to be
punished. He knows it. I know it. He accepts.

It's for his own good. Doesn't he know that? Without discipline he'd just be another dumb blonde bimbo of the
WWF. I mean look at Billy Gunn. The biggest ass in the business. The most used one, too. But Christian is
with me and he knows my rules.

"Strip," I hiss, slowly removing my own clothes. My eyes never leave him, I am mesmerized as I watch him
slowly peel off his clothes. I swear it's like he's teasing me, but I know different. He's just being Christian.
Innocent. My cock is so hard that I think I will explode just watching him.

He begs and whimpers as I force him across my lap, but he doesn't dare resist. I feel his hardness press
against my leg as he positions himself, finally accepting his fate. Hell, he's enjoying this as much as I am.

His body trembles as the palm of my hand connects with his exposed, vulnerable ass. Not once, but twice. He
gasps, but doesn't scream. I have to shake my hand, does he knows this hurts me more than him?

Another smack, followed quickly by another, and he starts to sob. This is too easy. He pleads with me, telling
me that he'll be good and do what I say and never, ever leave me alone again.

I smile as I lift him up into a sitting position in my lap. I gently wipe the tears from his eyes. "There, there
Chrissy," I say softly. "Are you going to be a good little boy?" I ask smiling sweetly at him.

He sniffles, but manages a weak nod and smile for me. God, he's beautiful. So naive. So fucking weak.

He doesn't resist as I lean down and brush my lips against his, teasingly pulling away before he has a chance
to react, nuzzling my face against his slender neck, kissing and sucking at it. I grin as a soft moan escapes his
throat, his eyes flutter and I know that he's about to swoon. He always does after I spank him. He gets off on
it just as much as I do.

I growl as I scoop him up into my arms and carry him to the bed, gently placing him in the center. He holds
his arms up for him to join him as he spreads his legs in invitation. Who the hell in their right mind would
refuse an invitation like that?

Not me. Let me tell you, I took him over and over until I was completely sexually sedated. I fucked him on all
fours, on his back, on his side, upside down, and hell I even dragged him out of the bed and fucked him
against the wall until the people in the next room threatened to call management on us.

Don't look at me that way. He came each and every time, and he fucking enjoyed it. He loves for me to
dominate him. Claim him. Punish him. Own him.

Looking at him while he sleeps, makes me more determined to keep my most prized possession even closer.
Lance Storm will have to find another toy to play with. This one is mine. He's my possession. My trophy.
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