Poison? (1/1)
for Darkflame, duh!  After all, she' the one that likes these characters, and since she's been kind enough to host my work I'm dedicating this solely to her, and Kay, for her fabulous work, I'm waiting with bated breath for the next chapter, and shanis for being there. And now without further ado, let's start the fic, and please remember to keep your arms and legs inside the cart at all times, and please wait for the ride to come to a complete stop before exiting to the left. Thanks and have a nice day. Oh and they're not mine, and they never will be. I've given up on Vince selling them to me for my pocket lint.

Poison? (1/1)
by lirpa

We came to the World Wrestling Federation, to the WWF, after the WCW had run its course. Shane McMahon didn't want us, and Vince McMahon didn't need us. We'd left his company, sfter all. We'd gone for greener pastures, so to speak, and better pay in WCW. While we were there someone came up with a brillant idea, the nWo.A stable to reform wrestling, to take over,  and to make wrestling ours again. To make it so that it didn't beling to the multi-millionares who signed the paychecks, people like Vince McMahon and ted Turner. Wrestling was supposed to belong to the wrestlers, the nWo wrestlers that is. But the nWo fell through, and so did WCW. and Hall, Hogan, and I were left without jobs. Until Vince phoned us that is, he wanted to us to destroy the WWF, feed off of it, suck it dry like vampires, like parasites. All because of Ric Flair. It;s not a job we really wanted, who would?, but it's a job, something that pays the bills ans supports the family. So we took it, and we showed up at No Way Out, February 17, 2002, exactly one month from Wrestlemania, and we screw Austin outta the title. It's begun. We've started to piss people off in the back, we've shaken the proverbial hornets' nest. And it feels good because we're back and the nWo is back. Austin and Hall begin to dance almost immeadiately. we get out the spray paint, we humiliate him, we do everything in our power to destroy him, to become that poison, and still that son of a bitch keeps coming. We must be a pretty weak poison. And then Hogan decides he needs more attention, people aren't paying enough attention to Hollywood, and he accepts the Rock's challenge. Stupid motherfucker.  How are we supposed to destroy austin if he has a match that night? But that doesn'r matter to Hollywood, oh no, he needs to be the star. What a fucking prima donna. Sometimes I just can't believe that man. But that's cool, because we can still destroy Austin, and we get Rocky for free, so we can show them exactly how lethal we are. Only Hogan doesn't want the help of his nWo brothers, he wants to odo it all alone, show the world he's the fucking best. Sometimes that man has his head stuck so far up his ass he can't see the light of day. We, Scott and I, try to tell him , "ulk you could loose. Rock could beat you, and then where would we we?" But he doesn't kwant to hear it, he wants to it alone. We help him, of course, like true friends, and he turns his back on us. It's hard to believe, hecame back with us, and that's all we were, a ticket back to the WWF? Thanks for the ride guys? I don't think so.

And there's his knight in shining fucking armour, Rocky. That man is such a god damn pain in the ass. And the draft is announced. What a stupid idea, how can we ruin the WWF if we only have access to half of it? X-Pac also joins us, and we're three strong again. We don't need Hogan, in factm Hogan needed us.We've replaced the immortal Hulk Hogan, something he never thought would happen, I can feel it. The way his eyes scream betrayal in the back, away from all the cameras. Well, you left us, brother, not the other way around.

Draft night is full of tension, everyone is worried, except the nWo, that is. After all, we're to be drafted a a unit. And we are, by Flair. Not Vince who promised us that Flair wouldn't pick us, but Flair. A man capable of making the nWo's collective life miserable. We know each other well, we go way back, all the jway back to WCW. Flair knows jthe nWo better than Vince and Flair has  Kane, and the Big Show, so we better watch our steps. [AN: obviously written before the collective defection of both Flair and the Big Show to the nWo. The Bastards!]we're still together, on Raw, on Smackdown, does it really matter? We can still kick ass and make people suffer. Onlt I think Flairm won't be so easy to intimidate as Vince, Flair's a real wrestler. Vince just plays at being one.

But we're the nWo, and we can do anything. Only Flair won't take shit, he won't let us sneak attack people, or even double team them. How much can  we do if we always have, to play by the rules? Flair, himself, has always had trouble following the rules. But I suppose it's different now that he makes the rules. His rules are for the good of all, and all should enjoy following them, right? He's really no different than Vince. Do this, do that! Be this, be that! Give me all you have, and I'll take it and give you nothing in return. Let me use you, and when you get old, and are unable to wrestle, or draw a crowd, or make the people boo and hiss, I'll get rid of you. Throw you away like yesterday's garbage. Disposable wrestlers for uor disposable society, wher the easy way is coveted, and reusing things ism a thing of the past. Surely you wouldn't reuse  wrestlers when people want new, fresh faces? People want excitement and entertainment, our industry, seems to think that older wrestlers can't deliver, with the exception of Hulk Hogan, of course, who's on Smackdown, in cas you were wondering. That man just can't seem to give up the business, and he just doesn't realize that no one really wants to see an old, fat, bald man wrestle night after night. The wrestlers don't like it either. What if they hurt him? The man's a living legend, sure,but he's also ols, and he's not what he used to be. Although you can't tell him that, he's still living in the 80's where he was the biggest thing to happen to professional wrestling, ever.Now with the likes of the Rock, and Kurt Angle, and Stone Cold Steve Austin he's just a normal wrestler.He's not any more charismatic ans some people in the back have better technical skills. Let's face it,the only thing Hulk Hogan has going for him is nostaglia. The fans like watching him and pretending that the last 10 years have never happened. That, just like Hogan, they're still in the prime of their lives. Well, it's time for them to wake up. It's 2002 and they're 40 something with beer bellies and deas end jobs. Just like Hogan, they're fooling themselves. Well, the nWo is here to show everyone the truth, take away the masks they've been hiding behind and stand them in front of a mirror. And I'll admit that I've been wrestling for a long time, but I'm not done yet. I still have a couple of years left.

This suspension has given me a lot of time to plot, plan  the downfall of the nWo's enemies, and revisit, in my mind and on tape, the situation that got me suspended in the first place. While I'm sitting at home, languishing without my pay, my nWo brothers are running rampan over Raw, without me.  Acting like they don't need me, like I don't even exist.And I can't help that niggling sense of doubt in the back of my brain, the one that says I've been had. They wouldn't do that to me, feed me to the wolves so they could get away, would they?I'm part of the group, they wouldn't force me out, would they? They wouldn't have found a replacement for me, would they? Because the nWo is for life, isn't it?  Once part of the nWo, always part of the nWo. They can't get rid of me, I've been there through this entirewacky ride. I'm loyal, and strong, and the nWo is for life, right?Right?
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