Past vs. Future
for me, and all the other Triple H fans out there. For Darkflame, this has slash, I think :) for shana, my pillar of strength, my very slender pillar of strength, indeed some might say sticklike. For Kay, the first person I've never met face to face to compliment my work, it means a lot to me!

Past vs. Future (1/1)
by lirpa

Yeah, I face Hulk Hogan at Backlash, and yeah I lost. But Hogan didn't win fairly, 'Taker coming in a manipulating the outcome, 'taker manipulating the master manipulator. And he's lucky I hate Hogan more than I could ever hate him. Hogan, Hulk Hogan, Hollywood Hulk Hogan, the immortal Hulk Hogan, a living legend. Yeah, he might be all of that, but when it comes time to play the Game for real he'll be able to add another title to that impressive list, the defeated Hulk Hogan. 'Taker will beat him at Jugdment Day, after all he chose Hogan for exactly that reason, he can't really lose, now can he? He's younger and faster, and more imposing than Hogan has been in a long time, no matter what the crowds think.  They'll get behind their hero, the man who still tells them to eat right, be nice to each other, and take their vitamins. Not the vitamins he's taking though, because those are illegal in an awful lot of places, and it wouldn't be good to get the kiddies on the wrong side of the law.

How do I know that Hogan's using steroids? I don't, and that's the beauty of it. The World Wrestling Federation, or rather World Wrestling Entertainment, is the biggest cesspool in the world, at least the back is. Rumours can take off in ten seconds, and it doesn't matter if a conflicting rumour is already spinning in the wind, so to speak. For example Ric Flair and Vince McMahon can both hate each other and be illicit lovers hiding the truth from everyone in less than ten minutes, it just depends on who you talk to first. And the word secret doesn't exist back there, if you don't want it known you don't open your mouth, it's as simple as that. Thankfully, we keep our rumours to ourselves, for the most part, and they don't end up on web sites or in chatrooms too often, not to say it hasn't happened.

Now what does this all prove? That it takes very little to get a vicious little rumour started, all I need is some of the dopes in the back to believe me, and I'm always believed, after all they don't call me the Game for nothing.  I can play anyone in the back like a fiddle, make them dance to any song you can imagine. Are you tired of clich�s yet? I thought so.

The bottom line is I was screwed out of my title, and Hogan is going around, no parading around, like his sorry ass won it fairly. If he had I wouldn't be complaining right now. But I don't like playing the What If game. Sadly, it's one of 'Taker's favorite games. What if I hadn't screwed you out of your title at Backlash? Well, I wouldn't feel the need to kick your face in.

Sadly, he's too good at giving the puppy dog face, and I miss it. After all, we're not even on the same schedule anymore. This brand thing has broken up many relationships, but the people in the back are getting over it, slowly, and grudgingly, but we are getting over it. Just don't ask for Bubba's opinion of our respective bosses,  it's supposed to be pretty bad, some, people say because he misses tagging with his brother, and some people say because he misses his brother for a whole different reason. Them rumour mill can be so fickle sometimes.

Still, the only man I trusted in the back betrayed me and cost me my title, he stabbed me in the back.  And while he may think that very little has changed in our relationship, that everything's okay now, I don't trust him. I talk to him every night and I hold back. I don't tell him my innermost thoughts anymore because I'm afraid he'll use them against me. And it's a terrible feeling to have with your lover. It's terrible to think that if he'd betray me in the ring what would he do in the back, if there are any vicious rumours around Raw, and when he's talking to me he's secretly laughing at poor, deluded Hunter.

I hope he's not though because if he was i'd have to start some rumours of my own, and I don't really want to do that, even though it would give me a momentary sense of pleasure. I have to be sure that he's cheating on me, and with who, before I begin my revenge. But don't worry, when Judgment Day comes I'll be cheering for my lover, and when he wins I'll be first in line to take his title, and make sure he never sees it again. Think of it as my revenge if you like. Hell, I really don't care how you think of it, I don't care if you think of it at all.  Fact of the matter is I still love him, but should he win the title his days as champion are numbered. It would be ironic if I decided to take his title the same way he took mine from me. Although I doubt he'd appreciate  the irony. Actually, I doubt he'd even understand, I mean he did the same damn thing to me. He claims he did it because he couldn't stand the thought of wrestling me for the title, but we both know that's crock of shit. he just doesn't think that he can beat me. I know he can't beat me.

So while Hogan's out there ruining $40, 000 motorcycles, and making a general nuisance of himslef, I'm getting some perverse pleasure form it.  Not because I like seeing my lover getting beaten up, but because he'd losing at mind games to Hogan. Hogan!

Of course when they meet at Backlash the ring commentators will do every possible thing they can to make it seem as if Hogan isn't being completely outclassed. They won't succeed though. We all know know Hogan can't beat Mark.

The thing is they're both wrestlers from the past, people who've been in this business an awful long time. See, they'er the past. Relics from and era gone by, me, I'm the future, my star is just rising. 'Taker and Hogan are barely staying afloat, injuries doing a number on their older bodies. So I can afford to wait just a little bit longer, but if 'Taker double crosses me, well he'll find out firsthand that I am, indeed the Game, and I know how to play better than he could ever hope to.
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