Passing Judgment (1/1)
for Kay, who asked for sap and sex, I've done my best, there is no actual sex, but there is mention of sex. For darkflame, who is kind enough to archive this crap. For shana, who promises to read it all one day, just as soon as she gets the time. Grace, thanks for telling me what you liked and didn't like, I know I have wierd ideas, but you've supported them all, and found something good in them all.  Sorry Grace, I forgot just how much Kurt suffers in this one, again, sorry if I got your hopes up. For all the people who'd proably review this if I remember to put it, and the rest, up at Lili's. Kay, I will get around to it someday.

Passing Judgment (1/1)
by lirpa

It's a harrowing experience waiting for you lover to come back from a match like this. You can't help but remember that if they lose they'll be changed forever. And no, I'm not talking about Hell in a Cell, or facing m brother, even though he'll make you famous, I'm talking about this Hair for Hair match. I love his hair, so long, so beautiful, ans so sexy. I can't even imagine him without it, I don't even really want to try, it would be too different, but not a good kind of different, but a very, very bad kind of different; and I'm sure all the Edgeheads around the world would agreee with me. My love just isn't the ksame without his pretty hair, truth be told, I'd don't think he'd look as good as a bald as he does right now. But then again, some of the fans might disagree with me; I have to hope that Vince doesn't. And because Vince controls how that match goes down I'm sitting back here biting my nails and hoping he isn't stupid enough to shave my lover bald. Edge won't even tell me how the match is going to end, and for once, Kurt's mood isn't any indicator. You should have seen him when it was announced that he was dropping the title, or when they told him they were dropping him out of the title race, oooh boy. Let's just say that it wasn't pretty; quite a few lamps and deli trays met unfortunate ends, onlt to have insult added to injury when Kurt stomped all over them. Kurt can be such a big baby at times. These "times" are whenever he doesn't win, or if he has to do something he views as distasteful. And for a hero, he's quite a prude. You'd be amazed at what he finds distasteful. He wouldnt work with anyone much taller than himslef for the longest time, he thought hey made him look small. And when he was on that huge winning straek when he first entered the fed, he had to have the same room number at every hotel, God was that ever annoying. And another thing, he never, ever lets us forget he's an Olympic champion. That's great, don't get me wrong, but it was also six fucking years ago. He needs to stop living in the past.

Now I can hear your thoughts, for a man very happy with his lover he sure seems to be obsessing. And I suppose that I am. I'm going to say that I'm trying to belittle Kurt rnough that he doesn't look like a threat to my lover, or his hair, anymore It's silly, I know. But it makes me feel better, at least for a little while. That's all that matters for now.

Look at me, the match hasn't even started yet and I'm already nearly insane  with worry. I have got to stop winding myself up, it's not like I can do him any good if I'm too nervous to speak. Actually, I can't do him any good at all, with this injury and all. I have to calm down, breathe, just breathe.  Close your eyes and when you open them you will be calm. Calm, dammit, calm.

Let's talk about something else, how about Adam? No, strangely it's a very calming subject for me.  I'll tell you about our first date then, it's a memory I'm very fond of. Well, I suppose that we should start at the very beginning.

I've always been watching Adam, ever since he joined the federation. I remember watching him from afar, my eyes would just naturally follow my Adonis whenever he was in the room. As corny as it sounds it was love at first sight, for me. He was going out with Jason at the time, and I remember that he took their breakup, which was right before tey broke up on TV, in case you're wondering, really hard. I didn't plan it or anything, I gues it's jut because I'm such a loner, but Adam came to me for comfort. It was one of the best moments of my life, the first time I wrapped my arms around his lender shoulders and held him while he sobbed his heart out. It wasn't long after that Adam asked me, yes Adam asked me, out on our first date. He was so unsure of himself that even if I wasn't madly in love with him I would have said yes.

We went to this really fancy restaurant , you know with candlelight and everything?  I had my very first candleight dinner with Adam, and he insited in paying too. It was the most romantic evening of my life, up until then.  I know now that Adam's big on romance. I don't think taht anyone else has done nearly so many romantic things togeter as Adam and I have.

I helped him get over Jason, and he helped me get over my ... deformity, so to speak. I know that Adam loves me for who I am on the inside, and I want to be able to protect him form Angle. Angle was my opponent at Wrestlemania, so I could at least give him a few tipson how to deal with hi, buit I want to do more. It's almsot compulsive, I need to protect him. I know I can't. You wouldn't believe how mnay times I've told myself he needs to fight hios own battles, but when it comes to Adam my mind just shuts off, i run on instinct, and I'm damn lucky that Adam finds it endearing.

A match I never would have worried about, it's Adam's time t shine, but for the hair, for his beautiful hair? What if I'm never able to brush it again? What will I grab at in the middle of  ecstasy? Adam's hair is much more than threads of gold, it's a part of Adam, something that makes him unique, something uniquely him. I used to tease him about hbeing very vain, he spent so much time on his hair, and he told me that he loved his hair, that he wouldn't be the same without it. Okay, so I love his hair too. It's one of my favorites of his featureas. It comes right after his smile, whgich comes right after  hsi heart. I'm sappy, sue me, I dare you.

  I need to be calm, can't think abouyt Adam's hair. Think about Adam ... in bed. With his hair all tossed around, lying messliy over the pilows ... no wait, think of something else. Think od his screams. The way he tosses his hair back when he screams.  Think of what makes him scream for you, but above all else, don't think about Adam's hair.

Okay, screams. Screams are good. The way Adam screams is kind of hard to describe, but not at like how he screams in the ring. They're higher, more femine maybe. Trust me, that's the only feminine thing about Adam, well, besides the hair, but it's perfectl;y acceptable for mena to have long hair nowadays. Think abou how you make hin scream, or maybe not, since that's X-rated. Think about Adam's wonderful tongue, think of all the absolutely delicious things he knows how to do with it, but don't think about  his hair.

It's no use, his hair is on my mind, and it won't leave me alone. I can only hope that at Judgment day Kurt isn't the one passing judgment.
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