Sean smiles at the younger man. "I thought you weren't taking him back until he figured out what he did wrong?"

"And he figured it out. With some help from Jeff, yeah but that's okay. I love him and I am not letting him get away from me." Shane smiles and starts to pack his bags. After he's done he calls the airport and gets a ticket to Rhode Island. "There now all I have to do is make it through my match and I'll be just fine."

Sean grins and grabs Shane's bags. They stop at Sean's room to grab Shannon and the three men head to the arena.

Shane runs backstage after his match and bumps into Billy Kidman. "Hey Shane. What's happening?"

Shane glares up at the dark-haired man as he gets to his feet. "Get out of my way Kidman. I'm not in the mood for your games."

Billy smiles. "Oh, then you don't want to know who your lover was with last night before he left?"

Shane frowns and just looks at Kidman. "What are you talking about?"

"Chuck left for Rhode Island." Billy gasps and places a hand over his mouth. "Oh you didn't know?"

Shane turns around and walks to the locker room. He sees Mike sitting on one of the benches and plops down next to him. "Mike, when you went to see Chuck last night was he with anyone?"

Mike starts to tell the truth until he catches sight of Billy standing in the doorway. "Yeah. I'm sorry Shane. I guess he didn't want you back as badly as I thought he did." Mike looks away unable to stand the tears in Shane's eyes.

"I have to talk to him anyhow. I have to tell him that I love him." Shane gets to his feet and ignores the tears running down his face. He grabs his bag and heads out the door.

Billy walks into the locker room and glares at Mike. "You were supposed to keep him here."

"I'm sorry baby. He was determined to see Chuck. Besides, at this point he's not going to believe that Chuck is telling him the truth. He'll believe me. This way you get what you want without having to worry about getting your beautiful hands dirty." Mike grabs one of Billy's hands and kisses is gently.

Chuck is sitting on the couch staring into space when the doorbell rings. He gets to his feet and walks almost mechanically to the door. He pulls it open and just stares blankly at Shane who pushes past him. "Why'd you do it?"

Chuck shakes his head and looks out the still open front door before turning to the voice in his house. "Why did I do� Shane what are you doing here?"

"Sean told me you left. Why did you sleep with Kidman before leaving?"

"What the hell are you talking about? I have never slept with Kidman. I wouldn't want to. Besides, he's with Sanders last I heard."

Shane frowns. "What? No. Mike saw you and Billy together."

"When? The other night at the club? I told you Shane Billy was hitting on me and I was trying to get him to leave me alone."

"No. Last night in your room. Mike went to talk to you� " Shane trails off as he realizes that Chuck has no idea what he is saying. "Mike never came and talked to you did he?"

Chuck shakes his head. "Now, do you mind explaining why you're here? I thought you wanted nothing to do with me ever again?"

Shane opens his mouth to speak but nothing comes out. He bites his lip nervously and looks down at the floor.

Chuck steps closer to the younger man and cups his face in his hands. "Shane, baby what is it?"

Shane reaches up and pulls the older man's face as close as they can get without kissing. "Show me you love me?"

Chuck nods his head ever so slightly and places feather light kisses all over Shane's face. "I love you Shane. More than I have ever loved anyone in my life. You are the world to me." Chuck continues to place soft kisses all over the younger man's face and neck while he tries to think of a way to show Shane that he loves him.

Chuck smiles as he takes the young man's hand and leads him up to the bedroom. "I don't know if this will qualify as showing you I love you but it was supposed to be a birthday present but you broke up with me the week before your birthday."

Chuck settles Shane in the middle of his king-sized bed and starts to strip making Shane frown. Shane is soon staring unabashedly at Chuck's almost naked form. Chuck drops his boxers leaving himself completely exposed to his young lover. Shane looks up at Chuck's smiling face and then back down to Chuck's enormous erection. "I don't� I don't get it. What are you showing me besides the fact that you are as hard as a rock?"

Chuck laughs and points to a spot next to his cock. Shane looks down again and smiles as his eyes fall on a small tattoo that matches the one on his upper arm. "I thought you said you wouldn't ever get a tat?"

Chuck grins as he notices Shane still staring at the tattoo. "Baby, I know this is only the beginning of me showing you how much I love you. But at least it's a start right?"

Shane nods his head and gets to his knees. He inches over to the edge of the bed and grabs Chuck pulling him closer. "Thank you baby. Did it hurt horribly?"

"Well, it didn't exactly feel good."

Shane smiles and pulls Chuck closer kissing him softly. "Thank you darlin'. This is probably the best birthday present I've ever gotten."

Chuck grins and pulls back. "I don't know what to do baby. I know I love you unconditionally but I don't know how to show you."

Shane reaches up caressing Chuck's face. "You know what to do baby. You just have to do it."

Chuck looks at Shane and then smiles. "I should have done this a long time ago."

Shane just nods as Chuck slowly undress him. Chuck rolls his eyes at the younger man and leans down capturing Shane's lips in a slow, sweet kiss. He pulls back and starts nibbling along Shane's collarbone. "Mmmmmm, you taste so good baby. Your neck is perfect for me."

Shane starts to laugh and it quickly turns into a moan as Chuck nibbles along Shane's earlobe. Shane reaches up pulling his lover's hair out of his ponytail. "I love your curls babe. They are just so sexy." He proceeds to run his fingers through the older mans curls. Chuck laughs against the younger man's throat. Shane whimpers and tightens his fingers in Chuck's hair.

Chuck finally moves further down the young man's body taking one nipple in his mouth and tugging gently on the other, rolling it between his fingers. Shane's head lolls back as the older man switches sides but continues to play with both nipples. "Oh my lord. Chuck, you are driving me insane here."

Chuck pulls back and smiles at how totally turned on Shane is. He goes back to licking his way down Shane's body not missing an inch with his tongue. He stops at Shane's belly button and tugs gently on the steel bar there. He licks around and inside of the younger man's belly button. Shane arches against him and moans. Chuck smiles and continues to tug and tease Shane's belly ring.

He slowly makes his way further down the young man's body, avoiding the dripping erection. He licks and nips at the inside of the brunette's thighs, making his lover moan and writhe.

Chuck pulls back and smiles gently at the smaller man before picking him up and carrying him into the bathroom. He fills the tub with warm water and lays him down in it.

"What exactly are you doing Chuck?"

Chuck smiles and gets to his feet, walking to the linen closet and grabbing a wash cloth. "Bathing the love of my life. Do you have any objections Shane?"

Shane shakes his head as Chuck grabs the shower gel from the edge of the tub. The younger man takes a deep breath and smiles. "Vanilla?"

Chuck just grins at him. "Your favorite baby. You didn't think I would use anything else did you?"

Shane smiles back and settles into the water as Chuck proceeds to wash every inch of his body. The younger man sighs happily as Chuck finishes washing him and picks him up out of the water and dries him off. He then carries the younger man back to the bed where he picks up on his earlier torture of Shane's senses.

"I love you so much baby. Tell me what you want me to do to you."

Shane moans as Chuck starts placing soft kisses along the young man's erection. "Suck me baby please?"

Chuck nods his assent as he slips his tongue out and licks from base to tip of his lover's erection. "Whatever you want Shane."

Chuck drops his head and pulls the tip of Shane's erection into his mouth and begins to suck gently. Shane whimpers and tangles his fingers in the taller man's hair. Chuck smiles to himself and slowly slides his mouth down the shaft sucking gently the entire time. Shane moans as his head falls to the bed. "Oh my god Chuck. You� I� Oh god baby� I'm gonna shoot�" Shane trails off as a Chuck starts to suck harder and slides a finger into Shane's tight entrance. Shane spills his creamy seed down Chuck's throat as the older man milks him dry.

Chuck pulls back and smiles down at Shane, his fingers still inside of his smaller lover. "You taste so good lover."

Shane just moans as Chuck's finger searches out his g spot. "Oh god Chuck. This feels so good baby."

"It's not over yet Sugar. I love you baby. I love you so very much." Chuck brings his mouth down on Shane's and kisses him as lovingly as possible under the circumstances.

Shane bucks his hips against Chuck's hand and moans into the older man's mouth. "Chuck, I need you now baby. Please?"

Chuck shivers at the pleading note in Shane's voice and shakes his head. "I'm sorry Sugar but I am going to drive you crazy wanting me."

"You've already got that. Please Chuck. I want to feel you inside of me."

Chuck growls at the seductive undertone that is making Shane's sexy southern accent drip with lust. "Let me finish preparing you baby okay?"

Shane nods his head and watches through half lidded eyes as Chuck removes his fingers and drops between his legs again. Shane moans anticipating Chuck's sweet warm mouth around his cock again. He sighs in disappointment as Chuck slips his tongue out to tease his balls. His sigh quickly turns into a moan as Chuck rolls him over gently and slides his tongue slowly around the rim of his tightly puckered entrance. Chuck gets a firm grip on his cheeks and gently pulls them apart giving himself better access. Shane whimpers as he feels Chuck's tongue pushing insistently at his hole. "Oh god Chuck. Please stop baby don't stop."

Chuck laughs low in his throat at Shane's complete indecision. "I won't stop baby but let me do the work."

Shane nods his head and bites back a wail as Chuck pushes his tongue past the ring of muscles to lave the inside of his snug tunnel. Chuck smiles to himself and searches for his lovers secret spot with his tongue. He knows when he presses against it by the way Shane bows up off of the bed. "Jesus Christ Chuck what're you trying to do? Kill me?"

Chuck pulls back a few minutes later, Shane still mewling like a kitten. "No baby, I'm not trying to kill you. I'm making love to you which is something I should have done a long time ago." Chuck smiles down at his small lover and kisses him softly. "I love you with all my heart Shane I really do."

Shane blushes and smiles softly. "I know you do. I've always known. I just�" Shane shrugs when he can't find the words to put his feelings out.

Chuck nods his head and kisses the younger man softly. "I know you do. I know." Chuck wraps Shane's long, lean legs around his waist and slowly pushes his way in, making sure to give Shane time to adjust.

Shane moans and starts to writhe underneath his larger lover. "Chuck please� Stop torturing me. You know what I want."

Chuck smiles and slides out nearly all of the way before pushing his cock back inside of Shane his balls slapping lightly against his lover's ass. Shane mewls. "Oh god Chuck you're so big baby. Faster baby please."

Chuck nods his assent and picks up the pace sliding in and out of Shane with an ease that speaks of a long time together. It's not long before Shane is shouting out Chuck's name as his seed coats both men's stomachs. Chuck grins at him before rocking back and forth a few more times until he cums with a loud shout filling Shane up and then some.

Chuck collapses on top of his lover and sighs happily. "You okay baby?"

Shane nods and murmurs something that sounds like an affirmative. Chuck smiles into Shane's lightly muscled chest. "I should pull out Shane."

Shane shakes his head and wraps his legs tighter around Chuck's waist. "No. I don't want to lose this closeness. At least not right now."

"Baby, I appreciate the sentiment but I'm lying in your cum right now. It's a little uncomfortable. I'll come right back and hold you."

Shane pouts at his lover. "It's not the same. It won't feel as good."

Chuck smiles and nods his head. "Okay but I'm not lying here until we're both dry. Trust me when I say it'll hurt like a bitch to get apart."

Shane laughs and nods his head. "Okay then. Just a little while longer though please?" Chuck nods his head and sighs happily into Shane's chest. They lie together a few more minutes before Chuck pulls out. He picks up Shane and carries him into the bathroom. "Looks like you get to wash me off a second time."

Chuck grins and nods his head. He turns on the water making sure it's nice and warm before setting Shane down on his feet. Chuck climbs into the tub after him. Chuck washes them both off quickly. He reaches out grabbing a towel, drying both of them off. He smiles at Shane and picks the younger man up again, carrying him back to the bed where he lays him down under the covers. Chuck reaches over turning the lights off and climbs into bed with his young lover. Shane immediately snuggles against him and kisses his chest. They fall asleep holding one another.

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