TITLE: New Beginnings
CONTENT: Slash m/m, m/m/f, rape, m/pregnancy
DISCLAIMER: Don't own the characters, Vince or the WWE does. *pouts* Don't know the characters true sexual preference, this is just fiction.
DISTRIBUTION: Please ask first.
SUMMARY: AU-Sequel to 'Til Death Do Us Part. Can Edge and Christian start over or will Mark's final act doom their relationship?



I glare at Trish as she fidgets nervously with a strand of her bleach blond hair as she dares to stand beside of Christian while they try to explain the damning pictures to me.

I long to tell them that I know they are lying, but instead I just lay there listening to their lies. I saw them. I saw them with my own eyes ....they were kissing! Not only where they kissing, but they were doing it in my fucking hospital room while I was in a fucking coma.

God, what a way to wake up....finding your husband kissing his partner and telling her that he fucking loves her.

"Edge you've got to believe me," Christian continues.

"Get out!" I hiss to the both of them.

"Edge...." Trish starts, but I cut her off with a flick of my wrist.

"Get out, bitch!" I yell.

She pales as she glances at Christian and then me again before quickly darting from the room.

"Why did you do that?" Christian asks with a frown.

"You cheated on me....with her!"

"No....I never....."

"Liar. I saw you."

"What?" Christian asks confused.

"When I woke from my coma, you two were kissing...you told her that you loved her. God, Mark was right!" I whimper as I start to cry, the emotional strain was becoming too much for me.

"Edge," he whispers calmly, "that was a friendly kiss, nothing more. Did you know that she was raped the night we rescued you. Scott Hall viciously raped and beat her. Afterwards, he dumped her in the woods thinking that she was dead. I was just trying to make her feel better. I do love her...as a friend and partner."

"What about me?" I whimper. "What about my feelings? I woke to find you kissing her and telling her that you loved her!"

"I would never hurt you," he whispers softly, trying to sooth me. "You're the most important thing in my life."

"He's telling you the truth," Assistant Director Helmsley replies as he enters my room. "Mark manipulated the photos. I don't know about this kiss that you're talking about, but Trish has been some hard times in the last two weeks and we've all been trying to make her feel better."

I wipe my eyes and curse myself for being so suspicious and jealous of my beautiful husband. "You didn't...?"

Christian shakes his head. "No, I love you and only you in that way. Why don't you believe me?"

I start to sob. "Mark....he.....told me..... Christian, he and I....."

"It's alright," he whispers as he hugs me tightly. "You didn't have a choice. He was playing mind games with you."


I sigh in relief as he hugs me back. When Mark took him, I didn't think that I would ever be able to hold and kiss him again. I thought that I had lost him forever, but now as I hold him once again.....I'm complete. I don't care if he did sleep with Mark, he was violently forced into that situation, and any compassion he had for him was trickery on Mark's part.

"Nothing will ever come between us again," I whisper, vowing never to neglect him for a single moment.

Edge smiles at my endearment, but then frowns. "Christian, what did he inject me with?" He asks as his bottom lip trembles. "Why would he hurt me?

"The injection had an unknown toxin in it. The lab techs are still trying to figure it out, but you're doing fine now," I reply. "He was messed up Edge. He thought that you belonged to him. He was obsessed with you. Maybe he thought that if he couldn't have you, no one would."

"But he said that he loved me," Edge whispered as he wiped the tears from his eyes. "He said it was a gift."

Sensing how delicate Edge's state of mind was right now, I decided not to push the matter. "I'm sure he loved you in his own way, but you are married to me and I love you more than life itself. What's done is done. It's time we forgot about him and got on with our lives."

He blinks as he looks up at me. "I love you."

I reach out and gently caress his cheek. "I love you, too. To prove that I do, I've taken a leave of absence from work. I think we need to get reacquainted with each other and spend some quality time together."

He smiles one of his brightest smiles yet. "Thank you," he whispers.

Helmsley, who has been listening intently, gives me a thumbs as he slips from the room to give us some privacy.


I frown as I see Trish leaning against the nurses station. I watch as she wipes a tear from her eye, but when she sees me, she pretends that she has something in her eye.

"Did he tell you what a bitch I was?" She asks bitterly.

"He's confused," I try to make her understand.

"He wasn't the only one raped," she growled.

"No, but I have a feeling Mark's mind games really got to him. He planted seeds of doubt in his mind."

She pouts a little, but then stands and shrugs her shoulders as she brushes her hair back. I smile as I realize how beautiful and strong she really is.

"Well if he doesn't believe Christian and me, it's his own fault. Nothing happened," she continues.

"They've worked it out. Christian told him that you two were just friends."

"Edge believed him?" She asked shocked.

"It helped that I backed you guys up," I whisper with a smirk.

"And what makes you such a "truthful" source of information?" She asks with her eyebrow lifted.

"What reason would I have to lie?" I ask mocking hurt feelings.

She ponders my response for a moment and smiles. "You know what boss?"

"What?" I ask amused.

"You're quite an amazing man," she whispers as she grabs my tie and pulls me down to her level as she places a kiss on my cheek. She frowns. "You're not married are you?"

I chuckle. "Nope."

"Good," she whispers as she starts to strut toward the elevator. "Tell Christian, I'll call him later."

I smile as I watch her leave. "You're the amazing one," I whisper under my breath.


I grin as I nip and suck at Billy's neck, causing him to squeak and gasp at the same time. To say he was responsive to my kisses and caresses was an understatement, he was practically purring.

"I'll be late for work," he whimpered in frustration, torn whether to push me away or lay back and let me have my way with him.

I glanced at the clock. "We have ten minutes."

He moans as he realizes that I have no intention of letting him get away that easy. Smiling I lean down.

"S-h-a-n-e!" He gasped as I engulfed his cock with my mouth.

Ten minutes?

No problem.


"SHANE!" I scream as I spill into his mouth, his tongue lapping hungrily as he quickly swallowed all that I had to offer.

His fingers dig into my hips as he holds me still.

His moans are muffled, but so alpha sounding.

He finally raises up and licks his lips as he glances at the clock and then down at me. "Four minutes. See, I told you no problem."

My eyes roll back. "You're incorrigible."

"Well, thank you darling. You were delicious."

"Shane," I whimper as I crawl from the bed on wobbly legs and quickly head towards the shower.

"Want me to join you?" He teases.

I grin as I turn and stare him down. Part of me feels bad for not being able to return the pleasure, but I know that I can make it up to him tonight. "Shane Helms have you no mercy? I have got to leave in five minutes. Could you at least help lay out my clothes? Your sexual appetite is insatiable."

"You wasn't complaining a few minutes ago," he smirks.

"Shane," I whine.

"Alright," he says grinning. "We'll continue tonight."

"Thank you," I whisper as I slip into the shower, yelping when cold water sprays on my heated flesh.

God knows that I love Shane, but we've been fucking like bunnies for the last couple of weeks. Not that I'm complaining, it's incredible, but I'm not independently wealthy like Shane, I have to work. My parents didn't leave me a million dollars.

Damn, am I jealous?

He offered to take care of me, but I had refused. I didn't want to be anyone's kept toy.

"Billy.....tick tick."

"Fuck," I growl as I turn off the shower and dry off fast.

I run into the bedroom and Shane has laid out all my clothes. I frown at the black thong, but I don't have time to argue. Within seconds, I'm dressed in my neat Armani suit and headed towards the door with Shane tying my tie on the way.

"I must admit. It's fun watching and helping you put it on, but the real fun is when I get to take it off," Shane whispers, stopping when I glare at him. "Sorry, I'm being incorrigible again."

I laugh as I lean in and kiss him. "I love you Shane."

"I love you, too," he whispers. "Now go...."

I grin as he gives my ass a friendly pat as I run out the door.


I watch intently as Chris explores our new place. I knew if we stayed in our old house that the memories of the rape would return and I didn't want him to be afraid of his own shadow.

"It's nice," Chris whispers as he turns and wraps his arms around me. "Thank you."

I lean forward and tenderly kiss him. I feel horrible for not being home to protect him that day, and even worse because it was my suggestion that he stay home. God, if only I could turn back time. "I love you, Chris."

"Ditto," he whispers with a smirk.

"Hey, that's my line," I mockingly growl.

He glances at the bedroom. "So....do you want to....ummmm......"

I smile as Chris blushes a beautiful beet red as he tries desperately to ask me to make love to him. We haven't since the rape and I'm not going to rush him.

"If you're ready," I whisper, brushing a stray strand of hair from his face. "Only if you're ready."

He grins. "I want you, but I want the wolverine side of you."

I look at him confused. Wolverine was my code name that I had earned from my fellow co-workers from being vicious and animalistic when angered. That side of me had gotten me in a lot of trouble.

"I don't want you to make love to me, I want you to fuck me," Chris whispers softly. "I want to feel desirable again."

"You're very desirable," I argue.

He places a finger on my lips. "Please."

"What if I hurt you accidentally?"

"You won't."

"You can't be sure," I argue. "You've been through so much."

"Please...I need this."

I close my eyes and take a deep breath. I've never been able to deny him anything.


I moan as he shoves me back against the wall and proceeds to claim my lips in a dominating kiss. I spread my legs and rub against him feverishly.

When our lips part, we are both breathless.

"Fuck me," I whisper as he nips at my neck, marking me.

Before I can say anything else, he is whirling me around and slamming me face first into the wall as his hands shove my sweat pants down.

"That's it!" I encourage him as I buck my hips backwards.

I moan as I feel a slick finger press into me. Where did he get the lube? One thing about Benoit, he's always prepared.

"Don't want your fingers," I gasp.

He chuckles lightly as he removes his finger and slowly pushes the tip of his cock inside of me.


I growl as I push back, impaling myself on his cock, quickly stifling his concern for me. I'm rewarded as he grips my hips and pumps into me hard and fast, grinding himself against me.

"Like this baby?" He growls in my ear as his hands worship my body.

"Yes," I hiss between clenched teeth.

Our bodies grind together in the heat of passion. I come first spraying the wall of our new home, and in a sense, christening it. Benoit growls as he slams into me one final time before spraying one hot burst of cum after another into me.

I lean against the wall as I try to catch my breath, and he leans against me while placing soft kisses onto my shoulder. "I love you," I whimper as he starts to pull out.

"I love you, too."

My knees are weak and he scoops me up into his arms and carries me to the bed.

"My Hero," I whisper as he gently lays me down on the bed.

He smiles lovingly at me as he crawls in beside of me and we both fall into a blissful sedated sleep.


As I step out into the warm sunlight and it's bright, heated rays warm me, I feel free again. I glance over at Christian and he is smiling at me.

"Ready to go home?" Christian asks as he opens the car door for me.

"Yes," I quickly reply as I slip into the car, smiling up at Christian as he shuts the door for me.

The doctors said that there was no reason to keep me in the hospital after I woke up. My vitals are normal, but they are still trying to find out what the toxin is and what it's purpose was. My body is sore, but I'm not sure if it's from what Mark did to me, or if it's from being used as a human pin cushion with all those IV's and tubes.

I'm relieved when the drive home is relatively short. Pulling into the drive of our house brings back so many haunting memories. If only I hadn't left that morning, none of this would have happened.

Memories of my abduction and Mark caused me to shiver.

"Edge?" Christian asks concerned.

"I was just remembering that day," I reply as I step out of the car.

He gently takes my hand as he leads me inside. The house is just as cold and foreign to me as I left it. I notice my running shoe sitting on the sofa. The other one had gotten lost with Mark.

"Jericho found it. It was then that I knew you didn't go peacefully. You loved those shoes," he smirks slightly.

It is at that moment that I break down and cry. I pull Christian to me and hug him tightly. "I didn't think that you would find me. Mark said that he would kill you if I tried to escape. I was so scared," I whisper as he hugs me back.


"It's alright. He's gone, and we're together," I whisper.

He pulls away and manages a faint smile as he wipes away the tears. "If you didn't come for me, I was going to kill myself," he whispers.

"I had help. Trish mainly," I whisper.

His head lowers. "I'm sorry about earlier. I'll apologize to her as soon as I see her again."

I nod. "She's probably already forgiven you."

"I was pretty mean," Edge whispers with a frown.

"You don't know Trish," I smirk.

"Christian," he whispers softly.

"Yes, baby."

"Make love to me," he whispers.

His words have to filter through my mind for a moment. I hadn't expected him to be ready for intimacy this soon.

"Are you sure?" I ask. "You've been through so much, baby."

"Erase his memories from my mind. I want to remember your touch, not his."

My heart breaks as I see tears in his eyes again. "Alright, come my love," I whisper as I lead him up to our bedroom. "Tonight, I will worship every inch of you until his memories are all gone."

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