Lovers  (1/1)

For Darkflame, because she thinks that it's a good idea. For all the support I've recieved through my various endeavors, especially from my sister. for the authors who are always writing the greatest fics, especially Kay and Raybeaux.


Lovers (1/1)

I was with Stephanie for two agonizingly long years. Years where she grated on my nerves like you wouldn't believe, becuase I thought that I needed her to become WWF champion. since I've come back, however, I've begun to see her for what she truly is, a desperate little girl trying to be a grown woman, and failing miserably, of course. Sometimes it's actually comical to watch her, trying so hard to fill Daddy's shoes,prove that she's McMahon enough to dominate this business. The thing is that she'll never be McMahon enough to dominate this business, not because she's a woman, but because she's a coward. She has to have some man to hide behind in case things go sour. For the last two years that man has been me, a job that I am glad to be rid of. Keeping the whiny little bitch happy is harder than holding the title successfully. As Jericho will find out, Steph's not worth the trouble.Trying to out up with her is a test of patience that even God couldn't match. She is really that annoying.  I wish Jericho luck with her, however, being wher he is now, I know that he's going to need it. I just can't bring myself to pity the man however, maybe I'll have more luck after I take his titles at Wrestlemania, and leave him with nothing but Stephanie, and her loving support. He'll see things far differently when he doesn't have his titles to protect him from Stephanie's wrath. she hates loosing. She'll hate loosing to me more. I'm the only onw who knows just how long Jericho's been watcing my soon to be ex-wife. I could feel his eyes burning holes into my back sometimes, and he'd be standing off in some out of the way corener, not really looking at us, but I could feel his gaze. I knew what all that schoolyard teasing was about. They were both acting like elemaenatry school children, how could the world miss it. But still Jericho loved my wife, so I beat him, for Stephanie's honour, of course. Lately, however, I've been finding out that Stephanie has no honour. Soon Jericho will see what I have seen, I just hope that he's not stuck with the crazy chick for two years like I was. No doubt Stephanie has him secloistered in some broom closet and is drilling into his head that he needs to get revenge on me for all the wrongs that I've doene her. Hey, don't laugh, it's worked on Kurt Angle enough times, too many times to count actually.

But Angle doesn't interest me, I'm not facing him at Wrestlemania, he's old news, not worth wasting time worrying about anymore. Now Jericho is my next big challenge. See, my problem is that I don't want to completely annihalate him, just show him the light, show him that joining with me and leaving Stephanie behind could be one of the best decisions of his young life. Is that so much to ask? It is when Steph's around apparently. She hasn't let me get near him the entire time she's had him on her side. I wonder if Chris reaizes that he's just a pawn, that she doean't really give a damn about him, that she's not going to fall madly in love with him and proclaim her undying affection on national television. I don't even think that the cold little bitch has a heart, let alone knows how to love. I'd like to save Chris form learning the hard way, I like the kid, and he doesn't deserve to be put through what I was put through by Stephanie. That handlotion ting was just the beginning. It gets worse, much worse, trust me, I've been there.  the amazing thing is that I've come back to tell the tale. I  didn't let Stephanie swallow me whole, I retained some personal identity, some of things that make HHH uniquely HHH. I'm going to make sure that Jericho gets out before it's too late, even if I have to drag him, kicking and screaming into the light. Sue me, I really like the kid. I can't control it, I didn't want it to happen, it just sort of did. And I've had to live with it, the consequences of my feelings, it hasn't been easy, and Stephanie sure as hell hasn't made it any easier, but I've done it, I've come to terms with these unwanted, univited feelings. I know can admit that I'm in love with Chris fucking Jericho. And I hate him for it, quite a paradox, isn't it?

So when I get in that ring at the grandaddy of them all, at Wrestlmania, not only am I fightinh the man I hate more than anyone lse in the world, but not for the reasons the crowd assumes, I also facing the man I love more than life, and my soon to be ex-wife, who I'd condemn to the fiery pits of Hell, just to get her away from my Jericho. So I face the two people I hate most at the biggest sports entertainment venet of the year with the odds against me. Sometimes life can be a real bitch.


Ther done. I hope tha you enjoyed this series as much as I enjoyed writing it. Ideas are always welcome, especially for monolouges and thought patterns, not only are they the kind of fics I feel most comfortable with they're the ones I'm best at.
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