I Thought I Knew You (1/1)
for me, because the dynamics of this pairing has always interested me. For shana and Darkflame for offering me unending support. For Kay, for writing stories that keep me at the edge of my seat and coming bac for more, and for all the people I forgot to mention, you know who are.

I Thought I Knew You (1/1)
by lirpa


I readlly thought I knew you, but you've changed so much since my injury. You've become cold and hard and uncaring. Nothing like the man that I once knew, nothing like my old lover. But I suppose that's what I get for being out of the game so long. I've missed the fued of the century, I didn't get to fight anyone for WCW. I try so hard not to judge, because I haven't gone through the things that you have for the last eleven months, but it's so hard. I see you going out there, night after night, and acting like an utter fool. It's  been like a car wreck, you know you shouldn't look, shouldn't stare, but you just can't help yourself. I look at the new you and wonder where my old lover went.

I can see his body on Raw and Smackdown, now just Smackdown, I suppose, but it used to be every Monday and Thursday. I can see your exploits on excess, but all I see is your body, and deep down I know that's not my lover inside, because my lover would never do or say any of those things. My lover would honour his titles and his position, not use the bossss and his slut daughter to his best advantage. My lover would never willingly help that ho try to end a great wrestler's career. Because my lover may not have respected some of the other wrestlers, he may have hated their guts and thought their in-ring characterization was crap, but he respected their talent and their willingness to continue to wrestle knowing that their careers might be ending tomorrow, hell that their lives might be ending tomorrow, because of one mistake out there. He sure as hell isn't mine anymore, and lover, when he has Stephanie? Give me a break.

The man who goes out there every night may look like my lover, may sound like him and smile like him and laugh like hm,but it isn't really him. Not at heart, not where it really matters. His heart is different now, cold and calculating. Not at all like the man I left. What show is it that that says the truth is out there? The Y-Files, mayber. No, that doesn't sound right. X-Files, perhaps. That sounds about right. Well, they're wrong  about little green men and other unexplained phenomena, but they are right about the truth bit. It's out there somewhere, and I intend to find it.

I suppose it is partly my fault, I left him here, alone, while I went home to spend time with my wife and kids and recover. I know now that was a mistake. He probably thought that I abandoned him, or something equally horrific. Not being ready to cash his popularity in quiteyet he stayed with the WWF. At the end of that, however, I think he got tired of always being in the background, and he made a full out heel  turn against someone he was assured of getting booed out, should he injure. Especially with Rocky just off his suspension and all. The onlt thing about his behaviour that confuses me happened at Survivor Series. I mean he screwed up and let his anger at Rocky get the better of him. We needed Kurt to save us, and our jobs. How depressing. But he continues this fued with Rocky, til Vengeance where he beats Rocky for the title, and then beats Stone Cold Steve Austin for his title, with a little help that is. Now the crowd really hates him because he's going out there with a superior attitude and he can't carry his mouth. Until he gets a hold of this heel thing he needs Vince to bail him out  when things get tough. But he learns and he grows and he regresses back to full fledged idiot when he allows "Daddy's Little Girl" to join him. I know that it won't make Hunter angry, hell the world knows that it won't make Hunter angry. I think those two are the only oblivios ones.

They get into Wrestlemania, in Toronto Skydome, and even Stephanie can't help him then. He looses to Hunter. The next night they're in Montreal and the draft is announced. Steph makes a handicap match for the title with Hunter, then she later changes the match to Triple Threat. Monday night, draft night, rolls around and Jericho gets screwed out of his title when Steph gets pinned.  So now he's out a manager and his title. He's got nothing really, except the chance to reagin the title, if Vinnie Mac lets him.

He's a creature of circumstance, I think. To be a champion he had to be a heel and he's always wanted to be a champion. He gave up all the crowd's lovefor a few bits of metal attached to some leather, titles he can't even say are his anymore. But I wonder if I hadn't been injured, if   I'd been there through the alliance angle, if we'd have a different Jericho. A kinder Jericho. If I could still look into his face and see my lover, instead of seeing the ice man that he has become.

There is no time for regrets in this business, however. You simply have to take the hand of cards you're dealt, you don't have to like them, you jut have to play. here I thought I was holding a Royal Flush and in reality I don't even have two pait. Life really sucks, but I wonder when next I'll be able to look into his face and think I know who you ans I'm special to you. Becuase lately all that seems to be coming to mind is I thought I knew you.
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