Title: I Thought I Had Lost You
Author: Katie Jones
Disclaimer: Don�t own them.
Distribution: Sure, If you want it. Just let me know where it�s at please?
Rating: NC-17, I think
Summary: Sequel to Nobody Wants To Be Lonely. Jeff got his heart broken, Somebody has a crush on Jeff, Jeff�s in a coma now. Wanna know more? Read the story.
Notes: In this particular story Kane and Taker are half brothers, Edge and Christian are brothers and Jericho is really Chris�s last name. Thanks to everyone for all the positive feedback. And a special thanks to everyone who encouraged me to write this sequel after I asked them if I should. Hope this doesn�t disappoint y�all.

Several weeks after the crash

�But Edge, why would Chris break up with me?�

�Damn Christian I don�t know. All I know is I am sick and tired of hearing about Chris Jericho. Matt needs me now Christian. I can�t be here feeling sorry for you breaking up with Jericho when Matt�s baby brother is in the hospital in a coma. Now leave me alone.� Edge shakes his brother off and heads out the door.

Arriving at the hospital, Edge isn�t the least bit surprised to see Taker�s bike in one of the parking spaces not far from the door. He smiles at the thought of the older man. Walking in through the front door, Edge nods to the nurse behind the counter and makes his way quickly to Jeff�s room. Walking inside he smiles at the nurse who smiles back and heads towards Matt. �Hey baby. Any change?�

�No. Edge, he�s not gonna get better is he?� Matt says dejectedly.

�Baby we don�t know that. Jeffie could wake up at any minute. I brought you a change of clothes and some food. Why don�t you go hop in the shower and I�ll stay with Jeff?�

�Thanks doll. Taker went to go get some air. He should be back any minute. Edge I honestly think he�s taking this harder than Dad and I are.�

�Where is your dad?�

�He went back to the hotel to take a nap. He should be back in about an hour or so. I�ll be right back out doll. And thanks.�

�Anytime baby.� Edge watches as his lover walks slowly towards the bathroom before turning to Jeff. �Hey buddy. You know this is killing everyone who cares about you? I don�t know how much longer Matt is gonna be able to hold on to his sanity. Jeff, please come on. I know you have got to be hearing me. Please buddy wake up. We all miss you so much.�

�Hi Edge.� The blonde turns around and stares at Chris.

�What the fuck are you doing here?�

�I came to see Jeff. Can I have a minute with him please?�

�Why? So you can hurt him some more. Or I know maybe so you can hurt Christian some more. Which is it Chris?.�

�Neither. I want to talk to him. Please Edge. Just give me five minutes.�

�You�ve got three and I�ll be right outside the door.�

�Okay fine.� Chris watches as the taller man walks out the door. �Hey Jeffie. I want to let you know how sorry I am. I know this was probably my fault but I don�t honestly know what it is I did that was so bad.�

�Try cheating on him with his best friend. Try letting him overhear you and said best friend having sex in the locker room where you told Christian you loved him even though we both know it�s not true.�

Chris turns around and faces Kane. �Where did you hear all that shit man?�

�I was in the locker room that night. I wouldn�t have thought anything of you two fucking in the locker room until I caught a glimpse of Jeff as he ran out the door. You two were a little cruel don�t you think?�

�I didn�t know he was in there.�

�Bullshit Jericho. His stuff was on the bench where you fucked Christian when you came in to the locker room. You had to of known. Is that why you told Christian you loved him? Is that why you said what you said about Christian being a better fuck than Jeff?�

Chris pales and tries to walk away. Kane grabs him by the arm. �If I ever see you near Jeff Hardy ever again, I will personally rip your heart out and shove it up your ass. Do you understand me?�

Chris nods and walks away. Edge comes back into the room. �Is all that shit true?�

Kane nods not saying a word.

�That prick.�

�Who�s a prick doll? Oh hi Kane. Jeff will be glad to see you.� Kane smiles from beneath his mask. Walking over to the bed he sits down and listens to Edge and Matt�s conversation. �Well, Edge?�

�Jericho. He had the nerve to come here and try to talk to Jeff. I finally found out what happened that night baby. You might want to sit down." Edge sits across from his lover and relays what he overheard Kane telling Jericho. Kane interrupts on a few points and tells Matt the whole story. Matt is fuming by the time Kane is done talking. So is the Undertaker who had come into the room in time to hear the entire story.

Matt walks over to his brother�s side. �Jeffie please. Don�t let that prick do this to you. To us. I need you little bro. Please.�

Matt starts to sob. Before he can collapse, Edge has picked him up. �Baby I am taking you to the hotel. You need to sleep. We can come back in a couple of hours. Kane, will you come with me? I need someone to verify this story for Christian.�

�Sure. Taker, I will be back.� Kane looks at his older brother, who is trying not to loose control.

�Taker, please stay with Jeff. I need Edge but I don�t want to leave Jeff alone.� Matt stares pleadingly up at the bigger man, who nods his agreement.

Once the others have left, Taker breaks down in tears. �Oh god Jeff. I should have told you how I feel. Please Jeff, give me the chance to tell you. Even if you laugh at me, at least I�ll know and you�ll be okay. Please Jeff wake up.� Taker lays his head on Jeff stomach and finally drifts off to sleep.

About three hours later, Jeff wakes up slowly. He feels the weight on his stomach and looks down. Smiling he tries to wake up the older man. His throat is too dry for him to speak. After several nudges Taker finally wakes up groggily. Looking around, he doesn�t see anyone. �What the fuck? I could�ve sworn somebody was pushing me.� Sighing he picks up Jeff�s hand, jumping when Jeff squeezes it. �Jeff you�re awake.�

Jeff coughs instead of laughing as he wanted to and decides to go for a nod instead. Taker jumps up and calls the nurse who comes running with the doctor. While the nurse and Doctor are checking Jeff over, Taker calls Adam and tells him the good news. Within minutes the entire roster is crowded into Jeff�s hospital room. Matt and their dad are sitting by Jeff�s bed, both in tears. Jeff looks around the room and notices Chris behind everyone. He looks away and says to Matt �It�s okay Mattie. I�m okay. I ain�t leaving you yet. I promise.�

Taker clears the room and let�s the father and his two sons have a private reunion. Matt looks down at his brother, still looking pale but better and says �I swear to god Jeff if you ever do this to me again, I�m coming after you and kicking your ass.�

Jeff laughs, which makes him start coughing. �Matt, I promise. Besides I don�t think I�ll be getting back on a bike for a long time.�

Their dad sits back looking relieved. �Jeffrey, I have to go back to work. I told my boss I would head back as soon as I knew you were going to be okay. Are you okay with that?�

�Yeah dad. Matt can take care of me. That�s his job right?� Jeff says smiling at his big brother. �But right now I am really tired. So if you two don�t mind?�

Matt and their dad leave the room. Their dad hugs Matt and leaves to go to the hotel to pack. Matt finds Edge and lets go of all of the tears he had been holding back. �I know Matt. It�s gonna be okay. He�s gonna be okay.� Edge just stands there, holding his lover as he sobs with relief. No one notices the blonde slipping into Jeff�s room.

�Hi Jeff.� Chris says walking over to his ex�s bedside.

Jeff looks up at Chris with tears in his eyes. �What are you doing here?�

�I came to apologize. Jeff, I know that you tried to kill yourself because of me but��

�Wait a minute. You pompous asshole. You think I did this to myself on purpose?�

�Didn�t you?�

�No. First of all you are so not worth it. And secondly I was upset over what you said to Christian but you know what? I don�t love you. I don�t think I ever did. You were there. You took care of me. And nobody wants to be lonely. But I realized something while I was in the coma. I don�t need anyone. Much less a half-assed self righteous bastard like you. I only hope Christian discover the truth before you make him fall in love with you. Now get out of my room.�

�You little prick. You know what. You will never do better than me. Nobody will ever love you. You are too unlovable. So fine. Be alone. We�ll see who moves on and who�s begging the other to come back.� Chris turns around and slams into Taker. He backs up quickly.

Just as Taker is about to punch the much smaller man Jeff calls out. �Taker? Can you come here for a second?�

Taker looks between the two men and giving Chris a warning he heads for Jeff. �What is it Jeff? Do you need me to get someone?�

�No I need help getting up.�

Chris snorts at the doorway. �Yeah that always was a problem for you.� He says ducking out the door.

Taker starts to go after him but is stopped by Jeff�s hand on his arm. Looking down at the fragile looking man, he asks �Why do you need to get up?�

�I have to go to the bathroom and I would prefer not having some woman holding me up while I go.�

Taker laughs and puts his arms around the younger man�s leg and back. Lifting him up, Taker shakes his head. �Damn boy you need to put on some weight.�

�Taker I just needed you to help me walk to the bathroom. I don�t need you to carry me.�

�Oh sorry.� Taker sets him down gently and places a supporting arm under Jeff�s arms. Jeff smiles up at him and Taker feels his heart speed up. He smiles back down at the  younger man and helps him to the bathroom. Walking him inside, Taker looks down at Jeff questioningly.

Jeff�s smile widens. �It�s okay. I can take it from here. Just stay outside the door and I�ll let you know when I�m done.�

Taker nods, relieved. Standing outside the bathroom door he sags onto the frame. He thinks to himself, �Oh god. I don�t know if I can continue just being his friend.�

Jeff pulls open the door and stares at the big man leaning against it. �I had to of been just imagining it. He would never love me. I must be going nuts. Thinking I have feelings for the Undertaker.� Jeff shakes his head trying to clear away the thoughts. Tapping the older man on the shoulder, he smiles. �I�m ready to go back to bed.� Taker sighs and wraps his arm under Jeff�s arms, escorting him back to the bed. He helps Jeff climb in and turns to leave. �Taker? Can you stay until I fall asleep? I know Matt was holding in tears and he�s probably crying his eyes out right now. I also know my dad hates hospitals. So will you?� Taker nods and sits down in the chair closest to Jeff�s bed. Jeff smiles softly and then yawns. Laughing, he settles into the bed and is soon fast asleep. Taker sits there staring down at the man he loves and just watches him sleep.
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