Title: I Don't Have The Right
Author: Katie
E-mail: [email protected]
Disclaimer: I don't own 'em & I'm not claiming that this happened, only in my mind.
Distribution: Only at Castles in the Sky http://members.tripod.com/katemarie_1
Rating: R
Summary: Several people's thoughts on cheating on their lovers.
Note: Sequel to Just a Kiss and I'm not entirely sure where it came from expect Just a Kiss seemed like it had to say more. I believe there will be one more part of this thing but I don't know for sure.
Another note: As always mucho thanks to AJ for reading this *G* She's my saviour from sucking as a writer *G*

Chris's POV

I look over at the other table and sigh unhappily. Can you blame me? It's only been two weeks and yet there he is acting like nothing ever happened between us. Yes okay so it was my fault. I'm the one who kissed him. It was just a kiss though. Or at least it was supposed to be just a kiss. Goddamn him to hell for being so fucking irresistible. Hardy had that one right though. He tastes like heaven. Pure heaven. There really is no other way to describe it.

Lance is completely oblivious to the fact that I'm not paying him half the attention he so richly deserves. I worship Lance. He's my lover, my best friend, my everything but I can't for the life of me stop thinking about goddamn Chris Benoit. Of course Lance and I were best friends long before we ever even thought about becoming lovers. We've been friends for longer than I care to remember so maybe that's why we ended up in bed together? But I just love the way he tastes. Lance I mean. He's addictive. But then again so apparently is Benny. God, I am so fucked up.

All of this self delusional talk is all because Jeff fucking Hardy opened his slutty mouth and let it "slip" that he and Benoit had just spent the night fucking each other's brains out. God what a sight that must have been though. Benoit naked covered in sweat pounding inside of my, I mean Jeff's ass. Damn what I wouldn't give to be Jeff Hardy for that one night.

Just to go back in time and have Benny fucking me like there was no tomorrow. Of course since the night I kissed Chris, I've seen him with just about every single superstar you could possibly imagine. I'd swear he was trying to make me jealous but I highly doubt that. He barely even looks at me anymore. I don't know what to make of him anymore.

Maybe this was all my fault. In fact I'd bet money on it. But that doesn't mean I have to like seeing him kissing any other guys. Especially not Shane Helms. What the hell does that little punk have that I don't? Oh right. He has Chris. At least for now.

I turn my eyes away from the sight of Shane wrapped around the man I want. It's pissing me off and I know I don't have the right to get angry. I lean into Lance hoping to get some kind of reaction from Chris. When I look up I find he's not even looking. So what do I do? I kiss Lance with as much passion as I can muster.

I pull back and Lance just smiles at me. "What was that for?"

How the hell do I tell him I'm trying to make Benny jealous? Easy, I don't. "Just because I find you so fucking irresistible baby."

He smiles at me and reaches out letting his hand settle on my knee. He squeezes before turning back to his conversation with Justin. I look towards where Benoit and Shane are and scowl when I find them gone.

Lance's POV

He thinks I'm stupid. He honestly thinks I'm not completely aware that he's in lust with Benoit. Not that I blame him. There is just something about Chris Benoit. But the fact that Jericho sat there and lied to my face? That pisses me off. I honestly wouldn't mind if he just told me the truth.

I know all about their kiss. Everyone who has heard about it has made it a point to come running to me to let me know about it. I don't care. Yes I love Chris. And yeah I am a little jealous of my lover's attentions towards another man. But I can deal with that. It's not like I've exactly been faithful.

I look across the room to where Sean O'Haire is standing with the Thrillers and sigh. What can I say? I know he's a psycho. I know he's in love with Chuck. But I still want him. And truth be told, we spent one hell of a night worshipping each other's bodies. Only now that Chuck is back from his injury Sean could care less about anyone else.

With a shake of my head I turn to look at my lover's profile. He's beautiful. There's no other description for it. His blonde hair is drifting into his face and even though he's scowling his stunning sea blue eyes are still sparkling. I love Chris. He's everything to me. He's my lover, my best friend, everything. But when I look up and see O'Haire leaning in to whisper to his lover, a streak of jealousy a mile wide nearly knocks me over.

Maybe I should just come clean with Chris. Tell him about the night I spent with O'Haire while he was out of commission. I shake my head. Not a good idea even if he is considering cheating on me with Benoit. I look over at Chris and then back at O'Haire and sigh. I love Chris but I want O'Haire. How the fuck do I figure out what to do?

That's actually an easy question to answer. Nothing. That's what I do. Nothing. I can't cheat on Chris again. I mean he only kissed Benoit. I had sex with O'Haire. There's a huge difference. If he ever found out� Well I don't want him to ever find out. It wouldn't be pretty. For me or O'Haire.

I look over at Chris and then back to O'Haire and sigh. Jesus, I never thought I'd have this problem. I love one man but desperately want another. I'm so screwed.

He loves Chuck so much. You can see it in his eyes. Besides, I don't want to be the one to tell either Chris or Chuck that O'Haire and I fucked each other senseless. They'd both get pissed and quite frankly I don't want to hurt either of them. I just don't know what to do.

I'm looking at O'Haire so intensely that it shocks the hell out of me when Chris leans over and kisses me again. Again I ask him what the kiss was for and again he lies to me. It pisses me off but I know I don't have the right to be angry. I mean okay so he's lying to my face but I'm lying to him every day I don't tell him about me and Sean. God I'm such a horrible person.

I know Chris thinks I'm talking to Justin but the truth is Justin's just talking to hear himself talk. He's like that. I sigh and turn my attentions back to O'Haire. God he's so beautiful. Just looking at him is enough to make me hard. Maybe Chris has the right idea. We can use each other to make the other men in our life jealous. What the hell am I saying? Fuck. I'm losing it. This is not a good thing. Sighing, I remain staring at the object of my desire knowing I can never have him again. 

O'Haire's POV

I can feel his eyes on me. What am I supposed to say? Sorry Lance but it was a cheap one off because I was horny and missing my lover? Somehow I don't think that would fly. Not to mention it being a complete lie. But he's with Chris and Chuck is back. I won't hurt Chuck. Ever.

I look over at my older lover and have to smile. He's so damn beautiful. I miss his curls but I'm getting used to the blonde. He catches me looking at him and grins. He rolls his eyes as we listen to Stasiak bitch about his newest angle. Well, fuck, at least he has an angle and isn't used strictly as a jobber. He actually gets to be on TV on occasion. Mark, Mike and I are stuck in dark match hell. But we are all back together so there is a bonus to all of this.

"For fucks Shawn shut up. Jesus at least you're on TV. Yeah you end up looking like a jack ass all the time but you should be used to that by now. Look at Chuck, he's been stuck in the same angle for months now but you don't hear him complaining about having to look like a complete pussy." I laugh at Mike's response to Shawn's whining. He's right though. The fans such as they are will never ever look at Chuck the same way again. Shawn's sputtering. He's not used to having his lover go off on him like that. Or I should say one of his lovers.

I shake my head and try to act nonchalant as I look over at Lance. He's talking to Chris and smiling. They make a great couple. But I can't help the jealousy that courses through me at the sight of them holding hands and leaning against one another even though I know I don't have the right. God this is such bullshit. But I can't hurt Chuck by telling him I want to cheat on him again with Lance Storm. Hell I can't even tell him about the first time because I won't hurt him.

Chuck leans against me and begins whispering in my ear. I'm so intent on Lance that I don't hear a word he says until he says he loves me. "I'm sorry babe. I was spacing out. What else did you say?"

He laughs, a slow sweet sound that always makes me hard. "Just that you and I should ditch the others and go back up to our room. I've missed you Sean."

With a sigh, I shake my head. It's not that I don't want him but I can't take my lover to bed when I'm thinking about another man. He frowns at me and rubs his hand down my back. I feel his hand drop onto my ass and it makes me jump. "Sean. I thought you said you'd never say no to me?"

I force a laugh out. Jesus he had to bring that up didn't he? I shrug. "I know babe but I� I mean we need to spend some time with our friends. As much as I love making love to you we can't just spend all of our time in bed."

He scowls at me and stares off across the room. I have to wonder why his scowl deepens but at least he's ignoring me for now. I turn my attention back to Lance and sigh. Fuck. He's so� I don't know what word describes him but damn. All I know for sure is that when I look at him I want him. I just know I can't have him anymore. I really want to just go over there, throw him over my shoulder and take him back to my bed.

I growl low involuntarily when Chris kisses his lover. Right now I want nothing more than to walk over and punch that little blonde bastard. But that would raise suspicions. As it is Chuck is frowning at me. "What?"

"What are you growling about? Not that it doesn't turn me on to no end but�"

"I was just thinking� It's no big deal babe." I hate that I'm lying to him. I hate it. I don't want to lie to him but I can't tell him the truth can I? No I can't. Because it would shatter him.

Chuck's POV

I'm still laughing at Mike going off on Shawn when I realize that my lover isn't paying attention anymore. I can't figure out why he's been so weird since I got back. He's been paying more attention than ever to me which normally would be a good thing but I want to talk to Helms and I can't if he's always around me. I know I shouldn't even be thinking about the man I cheated on O'Haire with but I can't help myself. Sean would kill me if he ever knew. Actually he would probably kill Shane first and then me. I allow my eyes to drift around the room as I search out Shane.

Scowling I realize he's still hanging onto Benoit. Fuck. Okay so I don't have the right to be jealous. But I am. Don't get me wrong. I love Sean. I really do love him. But I can't stop thinking about Shane and how he felt underneath me. And I can't help but compare him to Sean. He's so hard and rough which okay quite frankly I like it that way but Shane is so� Well, soft isn't the right word but it's the only one I can come up with. He's very flexible, not like RVD but in the sense that he's more or less a go-with-the-flow type of lover. Sean on the other hand is the kind of guy who wants it his way or no way. Actually that's one of the many things I love about Sean. He's very intense. Some people would say psycho and they wouldn't be completely wrong but he's not the kind of guy who would ever hurt his lover.

Looking back over at my lover I have to smile. He's got this fierce look in his eyes as he stares at something across the room. I'd swear the look in his eyes was jealousy if I wasn't sure that he's been completely faithful to me. I wish I could say the same. I sigh and look back over at Shane and Benoit. I guess if Chris makes him happy than I should be happy for him. Right? Fuck. I know I don't have the right to want anything from Shane but I can't help it. I want him.

I lean over and whisper into Sean's ear. "Why don't we ditch the others? We can go back to our room. Come on Sean. I've missed you so much and I love you."

I can tell by the vacant look in his eyes that he didn't hear me until I said I love you. "I'm sorry babe. I was spacing out. What else did you say?"

I laugh. "Just that you and I should ditch the others and go back up to our room. I've missed you Sean."

Sighing, he shakes his head. I'm shocked. He's never said no to me before. I frown at him and rub my hand down his back. Dropping my hand onto his ass he jumps. "Sean. I thought you said you'd never say no to me?"

He laughs and then shrugs. "I know babe but I� I mean we need to spend some time with our friends. As much as I love making love to you we can't just spend all of our time in bed."

I scowl at him and stare across the room at Shane. My scowl deepens as I realize Shane and Benoit are gone. Dammit. Not that I should be wanting my lover to take me to bed and fuck me senseless while thinking about another man but I'm hard as fuck and I need to get off.

Sean suddenly growls. I frown at him and he snaps at me, "What?"

"What are you growling about? Not that it doesn't turn me on to no end but�" I have to know what is upsetting him. If he has even the slightest clue I'm in deep shit.

"I was just thinking� It's no big deal babe." He's fucking lying to me. I don't believe� Wait a minute. I'm getting mad at him? That's bullshit. I have absolutely no reason to get mad at him. God this is so confusing.

Shane's POV

I smile at Benoit. We both know we're using each other. I'm desperately trying to forget about Chuck Palumbo and he's trying to forget about Chris Jericho. So we're fucking each other's brains out on a nightly basis. It doesn't work. I can't even count how many times he's shouted out Chris's name while he was buried inside of me but I can't get mad at him because I've called out Chuck's name just as many times.

He's smiling at me but like I'm sure he sees in my eyes, it's not an all there smile. I like him. And if it weren't for Chuck I'd be jumping for joy at having him pay attention to me. He's explained how this whole thing got started for him. Just a kiss my ass. I'd bet money that he's been in love with Jericho for longer than he'll ever admit. But that's okay because he's not the only one lying to himself.

I keep telling him that all it is for me was a really good two weeks with someone else's lover. That's such a huge lie. I've been in love with Chuck for years. Now that Chuck and I are back after healing from our injuries he's gone right back to Sean. Not that I blame him. Sean's beautiful. What I wouldn't give to have both of them. But that will never happen because Sean is notorious for not sharing his lover.

I shrug as the older man pulls me towards him room. The sex is great. He's huge, bigger than almost any other man I've ever been with, the exception being Chuck. I know he's thinking about Chris as he pulls me into his room and shuts the door. He's wishing I was blonde, blue eyed and a bigger build. Too bad I'm wishing he were a much bigger taller, blonde man with brown eyes. Well okay he has the eyes. But it's not the same. I don't protest as he presses his mouth against mine. After we fuck each other senseless we'll both feel guilty for thinking about someone else but while it's happening it's a release. For both of us I'm sure.

I pull him on top of me and grind our hips together. He's already hard as a rock and so am I. We waste no time with foreplay as he yanks our clothes off before climbing between my legs. It's not like we didn't just fuck each other senseless two hours ago so he doesn't bother preparing me. I reach over and grab a condom. Hey if I'm gonna be fucking around as much as Jeff to forget about Chuck I'm at least gonna be smart about it.

Slipping the rubber onto his already dripping shaft, I grin as he slaps my hand away. Last night I made him cum in my hand just by putting the jimmy on him. He rolls his eyes and reaches over grabbing a tube of baby oil. Squirting some into hands he warms it up before coating his thick heavy cock.

Mmmmmm. That is just a gorgeous sight. I reach out and touch his stomach causing him to look into my eyes. "Want you Chris."

"I'm yours Shane." He smiles. The grin complete with missing tooth turns me on to no end. Hey I said I'd be jumping for joy having Chris pay attention to me if it weren't for Chuck.

I spread my legs as wide as I can to accommodate him as he guides himself to my puckered hole. Pushing his way in, I bite my lip at the dull ache that always accompanies the feel of him inside of me. He pauses for a few seconds before pulling out a little.

With each slow hard thrust he somehow manages to hit my prostate. I was already writhing under him even before he was hitting it. Now I'm ready to come apart at the slightest touch. This should be a great indication of how long we've been together trying to get over those two. He knows better than to touch me unless he wants to be covered by my cum.

It's not long before he's pounding into my ass. My head is banging against the headboard but I don't really care. I just want to cum. He groans softly, which is his way of warning me he's going to cum. Grabbing his hand I place it on my shaft. "Together."

I know that one word will be enough for him to understand. He nods his head and grasps my cock lightly before giving it one swift stroke, which is more than enough to send me flying over the edge. I'm dimly aware of him screaming out my name as my seed covers his hand and stomach. Once we're done shooting, we drop onto the bed. He rolls out of me softly while I try to figure out what was different about that fuck.

With a sigh, he rolls off of the bed. The rubber still covers his cock as he heads for the bathroom. I lay there determined to figure out why that session felt so different. He walks back in his cock uncovered but still bobbing heavily between his thickly muscled legs. He's got great legs. He sits on the bed next to me and smiles, sending shockwaves of lust straight to my groin. "What?

"You didn't call out his name."

I frown. I know what he means but I can't believe it. For the first time since we've gotten together I didn't call out Chuck's name? That's what felt so weird about it. I wasn't thinking about Chuck. I was thinking about Chris. And in fact he called out my name and not Chris's? I tell him so and he nods.

"I know Shane. I don't know what it means but� Well, fuck. For the first time since our affair got started I didn't think about him. I didn't even have a fleeting thought that considered him."

"What do you think this means?"

"I'm not sure baby. But� Well fuck, maybe this mean we're getting over them? Or maybe we're just getting comfortable enough with each other that it's working for us. I don't know. But I do know that I like not thinking about him while I'm buried in you."

I nod my head. "I like not thinking about him while you're making me come apart. Chris I� I don't know if I'll ever love you but I do care about you. A lot."

"I care about you too baby. Get cleaned up. I'm kinda tired."

"Kay. I'll go shower and then head back to my room."

"No." He just said no. Why did he just say no?


"I want you to stay here. Tonight. With me. I want you in my bed when I wake up in the morning."

"Are you serious?"

Instead of speaking he nods. I can feel a slight blush creep across my face as he reaches out and pulls me against him. "You're sexy when you blush Shane. Stay the night. I want to hold you."

I'm speechless so I nod. He lets me go and I take a quick shower before heading back to the main room. He's lying there lazily stroking his thick shaft and I feel a shudder pass through my body. He grins at me and before I can tell myself to take it easy I'm on the bed and covering his mouth with my own.

I don't know if this ever going to be anything more than two friends having sex and I know I don�t have the right to ask him for more when I'm lusting after another man but for now? This feels good. And more importantly it feels right.

After he sends me shuddering over the edge again, this time without a condom, we snuggle together instead of our customary must get clean routine. He holds me in his arms until he falls asleep and only then does his grip loosen. I sigh as I listen to him breathing. He's one of the most beautiful men I've ever been with. I just have to wonder where this is going to take us.

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