Getting Lei'd In Hawaii

Summary: Shane and Shanny are in Hawaii
Note: Inspired by the fact that Shane really is in Hawaii this week and some comments made on his mb�also AJ helped me out with the idea
Another note: If you wanna see what was said for real�check out Shane's message Board� through his site

Shane steps out of the bathroom only to find a note left by his young lover.


I went out to get us some ice cream. I'll be right back. I love you.

Love, Shan

Shane smiles and pulls out his laptop. 'I may as well update the message board as long as I'm not busy.' Shane smiles to himself as he reads through some of the messages before approving them. 'These girls are insane.' He shakes his head as he looks over some of the more interesting ones. He is so involved in what he's doing that he doesn't hear Shannon come back in. Shannon smiles to himself and walks over to the table where Shane is at. He reads over his lover's shoulder as Shane approves the messages. Shannon raises an eyebrow over one particular message. He frowns as he watches Shane reply to the message. Shannon steps back and smacks the back of his lover's head. "Not anymore you're not." He says before walking into the bathroom and shutting the door.

Shane looks up in surprise and watches stunned as Shannon heads for the bathroom. "Baby, I was just joking. Besides, you saw the way she spelled it. She asked if I had gotten lei'd not laid. Come on baby, please don't be mad at me."

Shannon opens the bathroom door and shoves Shane backwards. "There's no difference. You know damn well what she meant. I asked you before with the whole "He's a big boy" thing not to talk about us. You said you wouldn't but there you go again."

Shane bites his lip trying not to laugh. "And you forgave me for that. Just like I know you'll forgive me for this. Baby, I was just messing with the girls. You know I don't talk about us on the board. They don't have the slightest clue about what goes on between us. I'd offer to have phone sex with you again but seeing as how we're both right here, will you settle for the real thing?" Shane asks, wrapping Shannon into his embrace.

Shannon tries to shove the bigger man away but Shane won't budge. He looks down at Shannon and pouts. Shannon bursts out laughing. "You are such a goof. Promise me right here and now that you won't say anything like that ever again?"

Shane nods and leans down kissing the younger man. Shannon kisses him back just as passionately. Before he knows it they have fallen onto the bed and are both undressed. Shane slides down Shannon's body and takes his cock into his mouth. He starts sucking, gently at first but getting rougher as Shannon starts to encourage him by thrusting his hips upwards. It's not long before Shannon releases in the older man's mouth. Shane swallows every last drop, milking his lover dry and licking him clean.

Shane moves back up Shannon's body and kisses him slowly. Shannon moans against Shane's mouth. Shane reaches around Shannon's body and slips a finger into his lover's body. Shannon's shout is muffled against his lover's mouth. Shane adds another finger and nudges the younger man's prostate before adding a third finger.

Shannon moans and moves his hips restlessly against Shane, showing the brunette that his lover is more than ready. Shane pulls his fingers out and kneels between the young blonde's legs. Shannon lifts his legs and places them on Shane's shoulder. Shane grabs the younger man's hips and slowly pushes his way inside the younger man's tight sheath. Both men groan when Shane is fully seated in Shannon.

Shannon is the first to move, rotating his hips impatiently. Shane smiles as he gets the point. He slides almost all the way out before thrusting back in. The two men find a quick but satisfying rhythm. Shane is silent as they work together to bring each other to orgasm. Shannon on the other hand is extremely vocal, moaning and whimpering and mewling. Shane smiles to himself over their differences.

His mind is torn away from his thoughts as Shannon's body tightens around him and the young blonde's seed splashes against his stomach. Shane comes with a moan filling Shannon up. He collapses on top of the younger man and just breathes in his lover's scent for several seconds.

He finally manages to push himself off of the younger man. He rolls off to the side and smiles at his young lover. Shannon smiles back softly. They snuggle up together and Shannon falls asleep. Shane smiles down at his lover and watches him sleep for several hours.

He finally slides out from underneath the younger man and gets back on his computer. He quickly types up his diary entry and smiles to himself knowing that Shannon is going to kill him. He jumps when Shannon shouts, "You prick. You promised Shane."

Shane turns around guiltily. "Hey baby. I was just about to update my site with the new diary and everything?"

Shannon frowns and places his hands on his hips. "I swear to God Shane, if you post that entry, I will never speak to you again."

Shane frowns. "Come on baby you don't mean that?"

Shannon glares at him. "Try me."

Shane pouts and turns back to his laptop. He deletes the entry and turns back to Shannon. "There are you happy now? Now the girls will just have to wait a couple of more weeks until I get a new entry posted."

Shannon nods and climbs onto Shane's lap. "I am very happy. Now turn that damn thing off and get back in bed." Shane grins and follows his lover's orders, first turning off his computer and then climbing back into their bed.

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