Freaks are Cool (1/1)
for me, and ofor Kay, to brighten your day so you get better quicker, for Grace, and shanna, for Cath, even though she has no idea what this is, hell she doesn't even know it exists, and for me, because the school year's nearly done, thank  God!

Freaks are Cool (1/1)
by lirpa

I've had quite a few days to think opf what I did wrong, I was finally getting to be a wrestler.  Sure, I had all the physical stuff down, but I didn't have a character, besides an angry, burned mute. I got to speak, to wrestle with soem great, charismatic people. And people really liked me, I could be more than angry, I could be happy, or desperate, and I could show the fans all that, I didn't  have to be just angry.  I could be whatever I wanted  to be for the first time in my wrestling career, and no one could tell me no, because it was what  the fans wanred to see. I was finally getting to be me, I didn't have to be some stupid burned guy; I could be some smart burned guy.

I was brought into the Raw brand to keep the nWo in check. I was supposed to be ic Flair's enforcer. So the nWo took it upon themselves to make sure I couldn't  enforce upon them They jumped me from behind. They left me lying on a concrete  floor in the back of some arena, and X-Pac, the little bitch who used to ben my special friend, if youlike, took my mask. He did it because he knows I hate to letanyone see my face. he knows tat I hate it, because I let him see my face once, and onlyonce. And he took advantage of that knowledge to do even greater damage, not to mt body, but to my soul, and to my heart. Oh yes, he lefty a definte impression upon my heart. iI haven't shown my new lover, my first since Pac left me, what my face looks like. And maybe I never will.

But back to that night. It's all kinda hazy, the concussion did that ito me, they always do. But I kinda remember the match, versus X-Pac, no DQ, falls count everywhere, kinda like hardcore, only without the title. He lured me into the back where his nWo buddies were waiting for us. Despite all his speeches pto the contrary he had no intention of fighting fair. I hate liars. And hate a liar even more if it's that two timing  slut. But no matter, the nWo is welcome to his ass, I don't need it anymore.  I don't even want it anymore. My new lover isn't at all like X-Pac. He's taller, and blande, the exact opposite, and I revel in it. I love him more than I ever loved  that two-timing slut.

You want to know who he is? well, I dn't feel like ktelling you, not oright now at least. I don't want the nWo to find out. They can knock me out, put me on the shelf for months, but they're not going to get their slimy little hands on him because they're not going to find out who ohe is. And believe me, they've been trying for a while.  Funny thing is, no one's tod them, not even my brother. You se 'Taker and I haven't been on the same page, the best of terms, whatever you want to say since he went on this crazy respect gig. he doesn't realize that the people already respected him, hell he's Deadman Inc, and the people know that. he needs to chill out for a while, get his priorities straightened out. Only he doesn't seem to want to do that, and it escapes me why.

But I oexpected khim to go running to thenWo, all eager to tell them exactly who my little love is. But he hasn't. Maybe he's just waiting for me to0 slip up, so he can hurt me more when he tells them. Blood has never been thivker than water with him, never in my life at least, or possibly only with me. If we had other family perhaps he would try to protect them, he did with Sara, at least for a while. But now he has to be angry; the has to throw people off stages and beat them within an inch of their lives for no damn good reason. can you tell my family has issues. It's pretty sad that when I play "My family's more screwed up than yours" I always win. Actually, there's not pretty about it, it's just sad.

Be that as it my they're still my family, and although I don't want to se them very often I still love them. Just like I love my lover, only I always wan to be around him, even though the draft has split us up. At least the nWo can't get him on Smackdown I think. I hope they can't but truthfully I'd rather have him with me. Many people pwill tell you I'm not very good with long distance relationships, even some as simple as life long friendships.  Still, while I'm not there he's safer far away from them, just in case X-Pac, the Big Show, Flair, and Nash find out who he is.  And that Flair defecting to the nWo thing? Flair obnviously didn't plan very well. Let's face it, the people sitting at home got that, Vince has done it a million times. Flair needs to get some new ideas.

Now I'm thinking of  X-Pac,and that little punk still has my mask. But don't worry, I'll find ka way to get it back, and then X-Punk will find out exactly what Hell's like. I might even retire him there permanently, just for the hell of it. Besides  he's nothing but a waste of oxygen and resources. The Earth would be better without thaty pathetic waste of spac, but then maybe I'm a little bit biased.  Who knows? It doesn't matter so much, not now that I can't do anything, or rather it has to matter less I'd go insane, again. That's not an experience I want to repeat, not under my own power, at least. My little lover might kill me, but he'd never drive me insane. He's accepted all that I've given him so far. I'm afraid to show ohim everything though, I'm afraid to show him my face. I can tell at times that my stubborness angers him, but he grits his teeth and bears with me, thank God!

That's another thing, God. I never used to belive in him; I thought if he existed he would have saved me from the fire, and let me live a normal life.  But I've become quite religious lately. Why? you ask. well it's actually simple. I met an angel. Yes, I met an angel and my faith was restored, because that angel pays attention to me, tell me how much I mean to him. Everything I could have ever wanted. And even Hell won't be able to shelter anyone who lays a hand on even a single piece of hair outside the wretling ring. I can't protect him inside the wrestling ring, although God knows I want to, but outside of it is a completely different story. Outside the ring he's off limts. And  if the nWo mess with him when I get back I'll be taking more than my mask back, a lot more.
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