
� What the hell do you mean �they�re gone!�� Hunter yelled into the cell phone. He jumped out of bed and threw on a robe, his heart in his throat.
�I mean exactly what I say, you blond idiot! THEY ARE GONE!� came the frantic reply. Hunter threw open the door to his room and made his way downstairs, knocking on Shane�s door as he passed.
�Are you sure it was him?� Hunter asked fearfully, already knowing the answer. Hunter was enraged, that bastard had come back to hurt his Chyna and he�d taken her!
�Hunter, how many times do I have to tell you! I mean, DO I HAVE TO DRAW A FUCKING PICTURE FOR YOU!!!!� Hunter counted to ten before speaking,
�Look Jerry, I know you�re upset, I am-�� he was cut off.
�No! you listen here! My girlfriend was taken too and I have a sneaking suspicion that you and your little Chyna are the reason behind it! Now, you get your ass back here NOW!� The line went dead. Hunter growled and hurled the phone at the wall, narrowly missing Shane�s head.
�WHOA! What the fuck did I do Helmsley?!?� Hunter put his hands over his face and said nothing. Shane went over and sat beside Hunter, a look of concern on his face.
�What is it man? Did something happen to Chyna? It�s Chyna�isn�t it.� The last came as a statement. Hunter nodded his head and looked at Shane through pain-filled eyes.
�It�s Undertaker, he broke into Jerry�s and kidnapped the girls.� Shane looked at him, not quite getting it.
�What�girls as in plural as in more than one? That kind of �girls�?� Hunter sighed and got up, heading for the stairs. Shane followed close behind,
�Seriously man, he took Chyna AND Kat? Why the hell would he take Kat?� Hunter didn�t answer, he went into his room and threw his clothes into the suitcase and got dressed. He made his way back downstairs and headed for the door. Shane grabbed his coat and followed. Hunter looked at him, puzzled.
�Where the hell are YOU going?� Shane shook his head and motioned for Hunter to wait. He ran back upstairs and came down again with something in his hand. He tossed a small box towards Hunter, who caught it mid-air. Hunter saw that it was the ring that he�d forgotten in Miami.
�Thanks man, but you still haven�t answered my question�where do you think you�re going?� Shane nodded to Hunter and opened the door, motioning for him to go. Shane left with him and closed the door behind them. He turned to Hunter and simply answered,
�With you.� Twenty minutes later, they were on a flight to Memphis, leaving Stamford behind them, the sun just starting to rise in the horizon� 

Chyna awoke to the sound of someone crying softly. She opened her eyes and with great difficulty, managed to turn her head to where the sound was coming from. In the dim lighting she could just barely make out the huddled form of Kat, who was cowering in the corner. Chyna stretched out her hand and called out weakly to her friend.
�Kat�� The sounds immediately ceased and the small blond woman scurried over to where Chyna lay. She stretched out beside Chyna and brought her face close to hers.
�Thank God you�re awake! Chyna, I�m scared�I want to go home�� With those words, Kat dissolved into a fit of tears and her tiny body shook as the sobs wracked her body. Chyna gently placed her hand on Kat�s cheek, thinking that right now Kat reminded her of a little scared child.
�Shhh, it�ll be okay sweetie,� she soothed, �we�re going to get out of here, we�ll find a way!� Chyna�s voice shook with the strength of her conviction, she knew that she had to get them out of wherever they were and fast, before something terrible happened to them. After a few moments, Kat quieted down and was calm enough to answer Chyna�s questions.
�How long have we been here?� Kat cocked her head thoughtfully, the occasional hiccup making her jump suddenly.
�I don�t know, I think only for a few hours though, you slept through all of it, but we were on the road for about twelve hours before they put us on a plane and now we�re here. Chyna�I might be wrong, but I don�t think we�re in Memphis anymore. In fact, I don�t even think we�re in Tennessee anymore!� Chyna�s head spun at that realization, they would be harder to find if they weren�t in Memphis anymore�Chyna closed her eyes against the tears that suddenly threatened to spill over, she was ashamed that she was being so weak, she had always been the strong one�
�Kat honey, do you know where we are? I mean, did you see anything when they were bringing us in?� Kat didn�t answer right away, she was straining to remember. Her face lit up when she thought of something,
�I saw cactuses, lots of cactuses. And I think I saw a buzzard�but that was probably my imagination.� Chyna smiled at this, Kat always knew how to lighten the situation.  Chyna sighed heavily and tried to sit up, only to moan in pain and fall back down again, her back burning like it was on fire. Kat was immediately concerned, hovering over her and telling her not to move. She carefully ran her hands over Chyna�s back, becoming worried when she felt the warm stickiness of blood on her fingers. Chyna brushed her probing hands aside, determined to get up, her muscles were cramping.
�Jesus Kat, I have to walk around before my legs fall off, help me get up!� Kat grudgingly agreed and moved to assist her friend. After much moaning and groaning, Kat managed to get Chyna to her feet and to keep her from falling back down when the pain in her back got to be too much. Chyna swayed as waves of dizziness washed over her and pain shot through her back. She waited until the pain had faded a little, and then took a tentative step forward. Her knees buckled and she went crashing to the floor.
Kat gasped when the wound opened even more and blood started gushing from Chyna�s back, running onto the floor and forming a dark puddle. Chyna gave a little cry and then went limp, passed out from the pain. Kat cried out and fell to her knees beside the unconscious woman.
�We�re never going to get out of here�� She said quietly to herself as she looked around for something to hold against her friend�s back. Not finding anything, she bit her lip in indecision and then made up her mind. She slipped the robe from her body and gently pressed it against Chyna�s back, trying to stem the bleeding. It wasn�t until forty minutes later that the flow of blood lessened and Kat was able to sit back and rest. Tossing the blood-soaked robe away from them, Kat sighed and hugged her knees to her, shivering slightly from the chill in the dark room.
After a while, the chill became too much to take and Kat was painfully aware that she was wearing only a skimpy undershirt and some plain cotton panties. Crawling closer to Chyna, she lay down and pressed her cold body against her unconscious friend and tried to sleep. She was just dozing off when she heard footsteps echoing outside the room and the sound of the doorknob turning�

Undertaker was angry. The others could sense it and they were afraid. The big man dressed in red paced the floor anxiously, dreading what he knew was sure to come. His hands clenched at his sides in an unconscious gesture, he cautiously approached the large oak door that would lead him to his master. He�d been in his chambers ever since they�d arrived at Undertaker�s gigantic ranch in Death Valley and Kane wasn�t exactly looking forward to feeling Undertaker�s wrath.
Stopping in front of the door, he hesitated and then knocked softly. When he heard the muffled answer, he grasped the doorknob and made his way into the shadowy room. He spotted the big man immediately, he was sitting in a large armchair in front of a blazing fire.  Stepping forward, Kane went to him and knelt at his feet, a sign of submission.
He didn�t raise his head until he felt a light touch upon his shoulder, beckoning him to make eye contact. When he did, Kane�s blood chilled at the pure malice he saw in his master�s eyes. He quickly averted his gaze and spoke quietly, forming the words with great difficulty.
�Y-you sent f-for me m-master?� Undertaker looked down at him in sudden amusement, he took pleasure in Kane�s discomfort. He gazed at him for a moment before speaking.
�Kane�do you realize what you have done to make me angry?� Kane nodded rapidly and then hung his head in shame. Undertaker continued,
�Because of you Kane, I have to wait until my prisoner�s body has healed before I can take my pleasure with her!! You KNOW I dislike waiting!!!� Undertaker was now shouting and Kane cringed before him in fear and confusion.
�B-but m-master�can�t you j-just do it a-anyway? Why m-must you w-wait?� he asked timidly. Undertaker growled low in his throat and sprang from the chair, grabbing the younger man by his throat and slamming him into the wall.
�BECAUSE you IDIOT!!! Don�t you understand?!? I NEED to have her wanting me as much as I want her, I NEED her to forget Helmsley and to be mine forever!� Suddenly letting Kane go, Undertaker stalked out of the room and slammed the door behind him, leaving the shaking man on the floor�

Undertaker walked slowly towards the basement, silently fuming. He was furious with Kane, yet he was even angrier with himself for letting his feelings show. He was confused by the new emotions racing through his head, concern, tenderness�love? Shaking his head as if to clear it, he dismissed his thoughts and mentally chided himself for having such weak thoughts.
He opened the door that led down to the basement and made his way down the long winding staircase. When he reached the floor, he grabbed a torch from the wall and used it to see his way. Undertaker was very proud of his home, it was over five thousand square feet and it was in the middle of Death Valley where no one was around.
It didn�t have electricity or phones, just running water and indoor plumbing. Undertaker stopped when he reached the iron door at the end of the hall, he unlocked it and turned the knob. Stepping into the room, he was greeted with a blast of cold air.
Holding the torch in front of him, he gazed down at the women who lay huddled on the floor. His eyes drank in the sight before him, the small blond woman naked except for her panties and undershirt, and the raven-haired beauty unconscious and lying in a puddle of her own blood.
A wave of concern washed over him and he quickly rushed forward and knelt by Chyna, tenderly checking for her pulse. He sighed in relief when he felt the strong beating against his fingers. Moving back, he noticed for the first time that Kat was now awake and watching him in terror. He stood up and pulled the shaking woman to her feet.
�Well well well, we aren�t so tough now, are we you little bitch!� he taunted cruelly, enjoying the way she cowered in fear. He grinned cruelly and twined his fingers through her soft hair, bringing her face closer.
�We�ll see how brave you are when Kane comes down for you, my pretty. You see, he wants you and he�s going to enjoy tearing you apart until you scream and can�t walk straight for a month!� Finished, he threw her away from him and turned back to Chyna, noting how pale she was. Walking over to her and bending down, he gently scooped her up and held her to him. He walked slowly to the door and went into the hall once more. As he was leaving, he threw a warning to Kat over his shoulder,
�Kane will be down soon for you. Don�t even think of leaving this room, if you do�you won�t like the consequences�� Kat stared after them in horror, she was alone! Dropping to the floor, she hugged her knees to her chest and started rocking back and forth, tears of hopelessness streaming down her face�


Hunter paced back and forth across the hotel room, his cell phone in hand. His voice was strained as he talked into the phone and there were dark patches under his eyes from lack of sleep.
�Are you sure he checked out two nights ago? I mean, is there any way that they could still be in the city?� Jerry sat on the couch watching Hunter, his face pale and drawn with worry. He waited until Hunter was off the phone before speaking.
�Any leads Hunter?� Hunter shook his head and sighed, dropping onto the couch beside him. He covered his face with his hands and breathed deeply. Jerry hesitated before continuing,
�Uh Hunter�listen man, I�m really sorry about what I said to you the other night. You know, about it being your fault and everything�it�s not. I just want Kat back so damn much!� Jerry�s voice broke with the last words and Hunter looked up from his hands at him. Jerry was trying hard to hold back tears of hopelessness, and Hunter wouldn�t have blamed him if he�d started crying right then and there. He was close to tears himself. Jerry stood up abruptly and walked to the door. Hunter looked at him in confusion and asked where he was going.
�I can�t stay here and wait around for the police to find them, I have to go looking myself.� He answered. Hunter nodded and Jerry left, closing the door behind him. Hunter sat there on the couch for what seemed like hours, just staring ahead and thinking.
In his hands he held the ring that Linda had given him, his fingers were running over it lightly and in his mind, it was Chyna he was touching, not the cold piece of metal in his hands. Hunter was brought back to reality by a knocking on the door, he got up and answered it. He stood aside as X-Pac, Tori, Road Dogg, Matt, Jeff, Lita, and Chris Jericho filed into the room one by one. X-Pac walked up to his best friend and put his hand on his shoulder, sensing the pain he was going through.
�Hey man, we�re really sorry about what happened to Chy, don�t worry, you�ll get her back.� Hunter only nodded and went to sit back on the couch. Lita knelt down and took Hunter�s hand, her face was one of concern.
�Hey bud, how long has it been since you�ve slept?� When he didn�t answer, she sighed and got up, walking over to Jeff.
�Jeff baby, we�ve got to get him into bed, he looks like he hasn�t gotten any sleep in days!� she whispered into his ear softly. Jeff nodded and motioned for Matt and Road Dogg to help him. They went and stood in front of him, Road Dogg spoke first.
�Hunter bro, you HAVE GOT to get some sleep man, you won�t be any good to Chyna if you�re asleep on your feet!� Hunter�s head snapped up at this, his eyes flashing angrily. The three men backed away slowly, giving him room.
�WHAT THE FUCK WOULD YOU KNOW ABOUT THIS!!! My future wife, the only woman I have EVER loved is in the hands of a fucking lunatic and all you can say is GET SOME FUCKING SLEEP!?! They all stood and waited for him to get all his frustration out, knowing that it was what he needed. Hunter raged on for a good while longer until his body was drained and he slumped wearily onto the couch. He shook his head,
�Guys�I�m sorry, I-I didn�t mean that, I am just so fucking scared that I�m going to lose her!� His voice cracked and his shoulders shook as wracking sobs overtook his huge body. Tori moved forward and drew him into her arms, rubbing his back and trying to sooth him.
�It�ll be okay Hunter, shhhh, don�t worry, you�ll get her back��

Kane rubbed his hands together in sheer anticipation, it was time for him to collect his reward. Wasting no time, he made his way into the ancient basement and headed for the chamber, not even bothering to bring a torch.
Stepping inside the cool room, he waited for his eyes to adjust to the darkness. Seeing her small body huddled in the corner, he smiled under his mask and walked silently towards her. Bending down, he noted her state of undress, it excited the hell out of him.
He watched her for a second, his head cocked to one side as if he wasn�t sure what to do with her. Then, making a decision, he scooped her unconscious body into his massive arms and headed back upstairs�

Undertaker gently set Chyna onto his bed, smiling when she immediately started shivering without the heat of his body next to her.  Staring down at her sleeping form, Undertaker felt a strange sense of possessiveness wash over him, she truly is beautiful he thought. The state of her back worried him deeply though, he knew he had to do something before it became infected.
Sighing, he went into the large bathroom that opened from his room and got a cloth, bandages, and some whiskey. Setting them on the small table beside his bed, he sat down beside her and gently brought her up against his chest, holding her up while he peeled the blood-soaked shirt from her body.
Throwing the offending garment into the fireplace, he rolled her onto her stomach and pushed her long thick hair off to the side, ignoring the urge to kiss her neck. Picking up the cloth, he tenderly washed the blood from her back, making sure he cleaned it thoroughly.
When he was finished, he threw the cloth into the fireplace next to the shirt and picked up the bottle of whiskey, a grim look on his face. Moving to straddle her so that she wouldn�t buck off the bed, he unscrewed the cap and taking a deep breath, he poured some onto Chyna. She woke up instantly, a scream of agony filling the room.
Undertaker was surprised at how strong she was as she nearly threw him off the bed. Using one hand to hold down her head, he poured some more on, ignoring her cries of pain.
�What the fuck are you doing!! Stop!!� She cried as the alcohol burned into her already traumatized flesh. Undertaker frowned and set the bottle aside, leaning down to whisper into her ear.
�Calm down, I�m doing this to help you!� Chyna immediately stilled but didn�t stop struggling, her arms flailed about, almost catching him in the face. His patience ran out.
Growling low in his throat, he viciously smacked the back of her head, knocking her out. Satisfied that she wouldn�t bother him anymore, he quickly wrapped the bandages around her and then rolled her back over. His breath caught in the back of his throat when he saw her chest bared to his view.
Lord but she was magnificent! He could feel his cock stirring and he forced himself to calm down, reminding himself that he had to wait until she was healed. That thought angered him considerably, and with a growl, he got up and stormed from the room, locking the door behind him.

Kat moaned as she felt strong hands moving over her chilled flesh, warming her. The hands moved over her stomach and up to her breasts, gently pinching the nipples and making her sigh with pleasure.
�Jerry�� She whispered as the hands massaged her aching breasts. Suddenly, she remembered where she was and her body stiffened in fear. The hands stopped and Kat heard a low throaty chuckle come from her captor. Struggling to open her eyes, Kat realized that they were already open and that she�d been blindfolded. She also realized that her hands had been tied above her head and that she was laying on something soft, a bed? She thought. Panicking, Kat arched her back, trying to pull her arms free. Her heart jumped when she felt a tongue lick at her neck and teeth gently nipped her, making her yelp.
�Please�stop�let me go�� She breathed as the tongue made its way down to her breasts, making her squirm to her horror, with pleasure. Her pleas fell on deaf ears however, and Kat soon found it hard to resist the pleasure that was coursing through her body.
The hands were back again, this time nudging at her thighs and threading themselves through the silky hair that lay at the apex of her thighs. Kat cried in dismay when she felt her legs opening as if with a will of their own. Instantly, she felt strong fingers sliding between her legs, caressing her now wet flesh. She nearly bucked off the bed when one long finger slid effortlessly into her, a second one soon following.
Her body shook and small gasps were coming from her as the fingers slid in and out, creating a delicious friction that soon had her screaming with her climax. Suddenly, the fingers were removed and Kat felt her small body being covered from head to toe with a much larger one.
Big hands grabbed her ankles and locked them around his waist, his huge cock nudging at her for entrance. With one thrust, he buried himself to the hilt, making Kat cry out from the delicious fullness of him. Then he started to move, thrusting long and hard, Kat�s screams of ecstasy filled the room and within seconds, she was lost forever to the power of Kane�


Chyna groaned and opened her eyes, her vision blurry as she tried to look around. Waiting until her eyes adjusted, she slowly raised her head and peered cautiously into the dimly lit room, noting that she was alone. Chyna moved her arms experimentally, sighing in relief when she found that they were unbound and that she could move around freely.
Sitting up slowly, she winced when she felt the soreness in her back, it was throbbing painfully with every movement but bearable. Swinging her legs off the side off the bed, Chyna planted her feet into the thick carpeting on the floor and stood up, cursing herself for feeling so weak. After making sure her legs would hold her weight, she took a cautious step forward and was pleased to know that she could walk without difficulty. Making her way around the dim room, Chyna noted her surroundings.
There were no windows and so she had no clue where she was or what time it was, the only light came from the small crack under the door to her right. Stumbling to the door, Chyna tested the handle, not surprised when she found that it was locked.
Suddenly, she heard footsteps right outside the door and she frantically bolted for someplace to hide, dismayed when the door was unlocked and flung open before she�d even taken five steps. Chyna cried out when strong arms wrapped around her from behind and lifted her off the ground, her attacker laughing deep in his chest when she struggled.
�I see you�re feeling better. Excellent.� Chyna kicked backwards at her captor, satisfied when he let out a muffled �oomph� and his grip on her loosened enough for her to break free. Not wasting any time, she bolted for the open door and had made it halfway down the dark corridor before her weakened body was sent crashing to the floor, nearly crushed under the weight of the Undertaker.
�You try my patience woman, don�t make that mistake again!� Chyna�s struggles immediately ceased when she heard the threatening tone in his voice, knowing that she was in no condition to confront him. Apparently appeased, Undertaker stood and pulled her to her feet, turning her around and pulling her roughly along back to the bedroom.
�You will stay in here until I say otherwise, is that understood Chyna?� Chyna nodded meekly and lowered her gaze, angry with herself for feeling so intimidated. Undertaker noticed this and smiled, his hand coming out to caress her face.
�You�ll do nicely my pet. Get used to the fact that you now belong to me and that this is your new home.� Chyna shook her head defiantly and tried to step back, dismayed when his arms immediately shot out and grabbed her. She ignored his frown of warning and continued to struggle.
�No! I don�t belong to you! I don�t love you!� With every word her eyes filled with scalding tears, and her body trembled with her conviction. Undertaker smiled cruelly.
�Love? Who said anything of love? I possess your body and that is all that matters, you can do nothing to change that fact.� Releasing her, Undertaker stepped back and turned towards the door, preparing to leave. Chyna glared hatefully at his broad back and let the tears stream down her face.
�Hunter will come for me you bastard, he won�t let you get away with this!� She cried, turning and throwing herself down onto the bed, her face burying in the pillow. Undertaker left and shut the door behind him, locking it and then putting the key in his pocket. Walking down the hallway, he heard Chyna�s words echoing in his head.
�Don�t worry my pet,� he whispered to himself, �I�ve got a little something planned for your precious Hunter��

Hunter took one last swig from his bottle, draining its contents. Sighing, he set the empty bottle down on the floor next to the other ones and lay back on the bed, staring up at the ceiling with unseeing eyes. Where the hell could he have taken her? He thought as he closed his eyes, God he was exhausted.
The past week had been hell for him, the police had found nothing and his own search was going nowhere. They�d simply disappeared. The only comfort for him came in the form of his friends and his memories, pictures of her were strewn all over the room as a bittersweet remembrance. Despite all the reassurances that came his way telling him that she would be okay, his mind and heart were starting to doubt.
Maybe the bastard had killed her�Hunter pushed that morbid thought away as soon as it entered his mind. No, he wouldn�t bother kidnapping two young women if that was his agenda, he could�ve simply murdered them in their sleep if that was the case. He felt the familiar tears scalding behind his eyelids that came when he thought about her.
When would this end? When would the pain go away? Hunter squeezed his eyes shut and hugged his pillow to his body, wishing it were her instead�


Trish Stratus smiled wickedly as she made her way down the hallway, her blond hair streaming out behind her. Stopping at the end of the hall, she pulled out a compact mirror and quickly checked her appearance, noting with great satisfaction that she looked even more stunning than usual. And why shouldn�t she look great tonight? After all, she�d spent almost the entire day in the beauty salon spending the large sum of money she�d received that morning.
Smiling once more, Trish thought back to the phone call she�d received the night before. She�d been in her hotel room watching TV and waiting for her facemask to dry, when the phone had rung. Picking it up, she�d been surprised to hear who�s voice it had been on the other end, telling her in precise words, what he wanted her to do for him.
At first she�d been reluctant, knowing that she could lose her job if she were found out. After money was thrown into the mix however, she�d been more than happy to oblige him. Giggling quietly, Trish patted the small video camera that was hidden inside her pocket, her other hand coming up to knock on the door in front of her.
When she heard movement from inside the room a few seconds later, she quickly pasted a sympathetic expression onto her pretty face and waited for him to answer. She could hear the bolt being drawn back and suddenly, the door was open and the smell of stale alcohol rushed out to meet her. Forcing herself not to gag at the smell of him, Trish smiled warmly and reached a hand out to touch his arm.
Hunter, I thought you might want some company�can I come in?� Hunter stared at her through drunken eyes and then stepped aside to let her through, his face unreadable. Walking past him, she immediately saw the pile of empty beer bottles beside the bed and smiled smugly. This was going to be easier than she�d thought�  


Kat stretched and opened her eyes, her body feeling wondrously refreshed. In fact, this was the best she�d ever felt in a long time. Rolling over in the bed, she threw an arm over top of the huge man that lay sleeping beside her. A small smile came to her face as she watched him, just a few short days ago she�d despised and loathed him, had been terrified of him down to her very core. Now however, she felt totally different. She felt at ease with him, she felt safe, like she belonged.
She knew she shouldn�t feel this way, she knew she should be trying to escape him, to get back to Jerry. Jerry�how was he taking this, he must be going out of his mind with worry. Kat closed her eyes as a pang of remorse hit her, feeling guilty for failing him. She wouldn�t dwell on it though, it had become increasingly clear to her that Jerry was obviously not the one she was supposed to be with�she was meant to be with Kane.
Sighing happily, she felt Kane stir in his sleep, his arms reaching out for her. Kat quickly cuddled closer to him, not wanting him to become angry and wake up. That was the only thing she was having trouble dealing with, his anger. As long as she complied with his wishes and didn�t do anything to upset him, he treated her well enough and was gentle with her. When she did something wrong�
Kat gave a little shudder and then pushed the thought aside, after all, it WAS usually her fault and she deserved to be punished. Suddenly, she felt his arms tighten around her and she realized that he was now awake and watching her closely.
Turning her face to him, she smiled and ran her hand down his cheek. He never wore his mask when they were inside his bedroom, Kat had soon realized that it was mostly for show anyway, as he had very little scarring on his face. He was actually quite handsome, in a rugged sort of way�
Kat brought her other hand up and held his head so that she could reach up and kiss him, his groan of pleasure muffled by their lips pressing together. Rolling so that she lay under his massive body, Kane braced his arms on either side of her and began kissing his way down her neck to her breasts. Kat moaned quietly and ground her hips into his, all thoughts of Jerry leaving her mind, never to return�


Trish grinned tiredly and slipped from the bed, her naked body gleaming in the moonlight that shone through the window. Moving quietly so as not to wake Hunter, she quickly gathered up her clothes that were scattered about the room and dressed hurriedly, she had to get out of here fast. Once she was fully dressed, she made her way over to the dresser and extracted the camera from where she�d hidden it in a potted plant, the red light still blinking as it continued to record.
Shutting it off, Trish slipped it into her pocket and headed for the door, an evil smile on her face as she turned and blew him a kiss before leaving. Walking swiftly back down to her hotel room, she giggled and patted the camera lovingly. Once inside her room, Trish went immediately to the phone and dialed the cell phone number she�d been given. Hearing him pick up, she smiled and twirled around a little.
�Mr. Undertaker sir,� She breathed, �It�s done.�

Undertaker stroked thoughtfully at his beard pleased that his plan had gone so well. Sighing quietly, he stood from his chair by the fireplace and went to find Bradshaw and Farooq. Locating them in the kitchen playing poker and drinking beer, he growled menacingly. They were immediately on their feet and bowing their heads.
�Yes my master.� They said in unison, well aware that he had not been in the best of moods lately. Undertaker moved closer and circled around the table, sitting in an empty chair and leaning back. His acolytes exchanged a wary look before cautiously sitting back down, their bodies tensed with anxiety. Fully aware that he was unsettling to them and pleased by that knowledge, Undertaker fixed them with an icy stare.
�You waste the hard-earned money I pay you on beer?� Bradshaw gulped and shifted nervously in his seat, his palms suddenly becoming a lot more sweaty than usual. Farooq swallowed loudly and stared at the ceiling, suddenly mesmerized by the cracks in the tiling. Undertaker forced back a laugh and instead growled low in his throat.
�No matter! I have more important issues to discuss right now. I need you two to do a job for me, are you willing?� The acolytes remained silent for a second, both knowing that it didn�t matter if they were willing or not, they would be doing whatever it was anyway. Finally, Bradshaw spoke up.
�Yes my master, we�re willing to do whatever you wish of us. We are completely at your disposal.� Undertaker nodded almost imperceptibly, well pleased by his response.
�Excellent. I need you to take care of something, a minor technicality if you will. This whole business with that fool Helmsley is almost at an end and there�s only one thing standing in the way of my plan.�
�We understand master, tell us what we have to do.� Undertaker grinned his evil grin and leaned forward in his chair, his hands coming to rest on the tabletop.
�There�s a certain young lady by the name of Trish Stratus who knows too much for her own good. I want you two to pay her a little visit and shut her mouth - permanently��


Trish hummed quietly as she made her way over to the meeting place, the video camera in a brown paper envelope in her pocket. A smile came over her face as she thought about the money she�d be receiving for this little job, even more than what she�d already gotten.
Undertaker had told her to go to the alley behind an old abandoned fireworks factory, he�d said it would be less conspicuous if they rendezvoused there. Her instructions were to wait for the courier and to deliver the package safely to him, she would then receive her payment. Trish giggled and hugged herself, fantasizing about all the wonderful things she�d buy, clothes, makeup, maybe a new nose�
Trish was startled out of her thoughts by the sound of a car approaching, its headlights becoming visible as it entered the dark alleyway. Trish rubbed her hands together and leaned back against the wall, trying to strike what she considered a provocative pose.
The car slowly came to a stop about five feet away from her, the lights blinding her as the doors opened and two very large men stepped out. Warning bells went off inside Trish�s head.
�Farooq, Bradshaw, what a pleasant surprise!� She breathed, her voice shaking slightly. They remained silent and moved towards her, their faces expressionless. Trish swallowed heavily and tried to back further into the wall, the hard stone cold against her back. Finally, Farooq smiled and stuck out his hand.
�Trish, it�s nice to see you again.� Trish stared down at his hand for a moment and then up at his face, unsure of what to make of the situation. Finally deciding that she was safe, she stuck out her own hand and shook his.
�The feeling is mutual�Farooq is it?� The large black man nodded slowly and then smiled at her, not releasing her hand. Trish felt her heart jump a little as he pulled her away from the wall, Bradshaw moving behind her.
�Do you have the package Ms. Stratus?� He asked politely, his eyes searching her expression for her response. Trish let out a shaky breath and nodded, forcing herself to smile. She reached into her pocket and pulled out the envelope.
�Yes, it�s right here Mr. Farooq. Here you go.� She said, handing him the package. Farooq took it from her outstretched hand and then tossed it to Bradshaw, who caught it with no trouble.
�Excellent. Now, about your payment.� Trish nodded eagerly, her heart pounding in anticipation. Farooq reached into his jacket pocket and pulled out a large wad of rolled up bills. Trish�s eyes nearly bugged out of their sockets when she saw they were all hundred-dollar bills. Holding out her hand, she smiled winsomely, frowning in confusion when he didn�t give her the money.
�Is something wrong?� She asked, clearly at a loss. Farooq shook his head and chuckled, the deepness of his laugh filling the alleyway.
�There�s no problem Ms. Stratus, there�s just something I want you to do for me first.� Trish blinked, unsure of what he meant.
�And that would be�?� Both men started laughing then, sending Trish into an even deeper state of confusion. Sobering suddenly, Farooq looked her straight in the eye.
�Suck me.� Trish�s eyes went wide, her mouth opening and closing in shock. Seeing her hesitation, Farooq�s hand whipped out and grabbed her chin, his eyes turning dangerously dark with irritation.
�You heard me woman. Suck me and then you�ll get your money.� Not waiting for her answer, he forced her down onto her knees before him and unzipped his fly, pressing her face into his crotch. At first Trish resisted, struggling against the hands that were holding her down. Soon however, she became more enthusiastic when he repeated his command, again promising her the money when she was done. Resigning herself to her fate, Trish began stroking Farooq�s hardening flesh, her skillful hands drawing loud groans from him.
�That�s it baby, put me in your mouth�that�s it.� He moaned as she opened her mouth and took his entire length down her throat, the size choking her a little. Tangling his hands in her hair, Farooq began pumping his hips slowly into her face, his tempo increasing with his passion.
Applying strong suction, Trish began bobbing her head up and down on him, her enthusiasm mounting as his grunts and gasps reached her ears and his hold on her hair tightened. Finally, he gave one more thrust and then went rigid as his orgasm hit him, his seed shooting down her throat. Trish swallowed it all down, not missing a drop.
Farooq sighed and pulled back from her mouth, quickly zipping himself up. Still down on her knees, Trish smiled up at him coyly and held out her hand to him.
�Now�give me what�s coming to me.� She said, her eyes on the wad of money before her. Farooq chuckled and glanced at Bradshaw, who�s hands came to rest on her head, stroking her hair. Now impatient, Trish repeated her demand. Farooq grinned down at her.
�You want what�s coming to you little girl? We�ll give you what�s coming to you.� Leaning down, Farooq pushed the wad of money down the front of her dress, his fingers touching her breasts as he withdrew them. Trish sighed in relief and smiled at him. Moving to stand up, she gave a little squeak when Bradshaw roughly shoved her back down. She looked at Farooq in confusion as he turned and got in the car.
�But you said tha-� Trish didn�t get to finish her sentence, Bradshaw moved like lightening, taking her head in his massive hands and snapping her neck like a twig. A look of utter astonishment was on her face as she slumped over to the ground, her body hitting the dirt with a quiet thud. Stepping over her, Bradshaw reached down and retrieved the wad of money from her cleavage, a sneer on his face.
�Tramp.� He muttered, spitting onto the body before getting into the car and driving away�  

Chyna sighed in disgust and threw down her book, too anxious to read what was written on the pages. Getting up from where she was lounging by the fireplace, she started pacing around the room, her thoughts crowding around in her head.
Where the hell was Hunter, and why hadn�t he found her yet? The Undertaker had held her captive for at least three weeks now, maybe more, and she couldn�t believe that no one had rescued her and Kat yet. Kat�
Chyna�s thoughts strayed to her friend and she wondered what had become of her. Had she been brutally raped and murdered by Kane? Was she even here anymore? The questions flew around her head, almost making her dizzy.
Another question that was seriously bothering her surfaced as she continued to analyze her situation. Why hadn�t Undertaker touched her yet? She knew he wanted her, he himself had told her that much. She just couldn�t understand why he�d gone through so much trouble to get her here and then leave her alone, not even bothering to check on her at all.
She hadn�t seen him since that night when he�d barged in and told her this was her new home, he�d simply avoided her at all costs it seemed. The only contact she�d had with other people came when Mideon brought her her meals three times a day. Other than that, she was left completely isolated in her room with nothing to do except read the books she�d been provided with or sleep.
Sighing again, Chyna walked towards the gigantic bed and lay down upon it, closing her eyes and stretching her arms above her head. Her mind instantly conjured up images of her beloved, filling her head and heart full of happy memories that helped to ease the ache inside of her.
�Oh Hunter�where are you?� She whispered to herself before falling into a restless, dream-filled sleep�

Farooq and Bradshaw quickly made their way down the corridor towards their master�s chambers, the package in their possession. Stopping in front of the large door, Bradshaw knocked lightly and waited for a response.
�Enter�� Came the muffled rumble a few seconds later. Taking deep breaths, the acolytes pushed open the heavy portal and filed into the room, their steps almost silent. Their master was seated by the fireplace in his massive throne-like chair, a contemplative expression on his face as he stared into the fire. Kneeling before him, Farooq and Bradshaw bowed their heads in a sign of respect.
�Master Undertaker, the woman has been taken care of as you requested.� Undertaker made a low sound of approval in his throat and Bradshaw felt a little more at ease.
�Excellent. Did you retrieve the package?� Farooq nodded curtly and held out the envelope, his hands shaking slightly as his master reached out and took it from him. Both men held their breath as Undertaker calmly opened the envelope and extracted the tiny video camera, his mouth tugging into a rare smile.
�You may leave.� He said brusquely, sending his acolytes scurrying like rats out of the room. Alone once more, Undertaker sat back in his chair and fingered the camera absently, his mind already devising a plan that would take care of that pest Helmsley for good�  

The next night�

Hunter groaned and opened his eyes, his hand reaching for the ringing telephone beside his bed. Picking up the receiver, he yawned and cleared his throat.
�Yeah?� Instantly, the sound of X-Pac�s energetic voice came blaring into the telephone, making Hunter wince.
�Pac? Shut up a minute, will ya? My head is killing me here.� X-Pac mumbled an apology and politely waited for Hunter to adjust. Once his head stopped pounding, Hunter let him speak.
�Hunter man, where the hell have ya been? I�ve been trying to get a hold of you for the last two days!� Hunter grimaced as he thought about just where�d he�d been for the last few days, wallowing in his own self pity in a haze of alcohol and memories.
�I�ve been busy Pac�what�s up?� On the other end of the line, X-Pac gave a little snort, causing Hunter to raise his brow.
�What�s up? WHAT�S UP?! Man, have you even been in the fucking twilight zone for the last couple of days? I mean, you haven�t heard about what happened?� Instantly, Hunter perked up and tightened his hold on the receiver, his heart beginning to pound.
�What is it Pac? Did they find Undertaker? Did they - � Hunter was cut off by a long sigh from X-Pac, the pity in his voice grating on his nerves.
�No man, I�m sorry but there�s still nothing new on the girls whereabouts. I�m talking about what happened to Trish.� Trish? Hunter thought back for a few seconds, knowing that there was something he should be remembering that involved Trish Stratus.
�What happened to Trish�man, what are you talking about?� Momentary silence was his only answer and Hunter felt a little tingle of uneasiness skitter through his body.
�Man, I can�t believe you haven�t heard about it. She�s dead man�� Hunter�s heart almost stopped for a second as X-Pac�s words hit him like a ton of bricks. Then with the realization of what he was saying, came the memories of the other night, Trish coming over and visiting with him, having a few drinks with him; comforting him.
�Dead? Are you serious man? I mean, I just saw her - � Hunter caught himself before he could finish his sentence, not wanting his friend to know he�d been with Trish.
�I mean, she was fine a few days ago when I saw her in the hallway at the hotel. What happened to her?� Hunter breathed a sigh of relief at having saved himself from a potentially dangerous blunder.
�Don�t know for sure man, word is, she was found in some alley with her neck broken�might�ve been an obsessed fan.� Suddenly, Hunter needed some time to think about things, he needed to be alone with his thoughts for a while. Making up his mind, Hunter closed his eyes and spoke into the receiver.
�Shit man, that�s awful. But hey, I�ve got some things to do here so, would you mind calling me back later?� X-Pac snorted in disbelief.
�Are you serious man? A friend just got murdered and you have some things to do? Man, what has gotten into you all of a sudden, as soon as I told you she was dead you started acting all spooked.� Hunter thought quickly for a plausible excuse and cleared his throat.
�I�m not spooked Pac, I�ve just been really busy trying to get my shit done, you know? All this business with Chy is driving me up the wall, I just need some time alone, okay?�
�Okay man, whatever. Listen, I�ll call you tonight and we�ll go out for a while. It�ll be fun Hunt, we�ll bring Tor and some of the guys and go shoot some pool or something, okay?� Hunter smiled to himself at his friend�s understanding.
�Sure Pac, that sounds great. I need to go out and take my mind off of things, even if it�s just for one night. Thanks buddy, I�ll talk to ya later.�
�No problem bro. Bye.� Hunter hung up the phone and let his head fall back on his pillow. Trish was dead? Granted, Hunter had never really been all that close with her, but still� It was awful to think that some crazed fan had murdered her. The fact that she�d just been with him the other night didn�t sit too well with him either, what even happened that night? Hunter could barely remember her coming over, let alone anything else that had happened. Racking his brain for the details of what had gone on, Hunter was interrupted by the phone ringing again. Thinking that it was X-Pac again, Hunter picked it up.
�Pac, what the hell?! I told you I needed some -� Hunter was cut off mid sentence, the deep voice on the other end of the line chillingly familiar.
�Before you continue bitching like the pathetic excuse for a human being that you are, I suggest you listen to what I have to say.� Hunter�s heart nearly stopped beating in his chest as he recognized Undertaker�s voice.
�You sonofabitch! Tell where Chyna is now or I�ll fucking kill you!� Undertaker laughed into the phone, his amusement obvious.
�Now now, no need to get violent. I�m not going to tell you where she is though�.I�ll let you see for yourself.� Hunter was afraid to believe what he was hearing.
�What are you talking about Undertaker? If you�re lying to me, I swear I will hunt you down and rip you apart!�
�Don�t bore me with your idle threats you little worm, do you want to see your woman again or not?� Undertaker�s voice had changed from one of amusement to one of extreme annoyance.
�Yes�I-I�m sorry. Please, just let me see where she is.� Undertaker chuckled deeply into the phone as he listened to Hunter's pleas.
�First thing�s first Helmsley. As far as anyone else is concerned, this conversation never took place�you got that?�
�Yeah, I got it. Please, I need to see her again.� On the other end of the phone, Undertaker grinned evilly and chuckled.
�Excellent. Listen carefully Helmsley, I�ll be sending my people to come pick you up this evening. You�d better be alone or the deal is off, understood?� Hunter closed his eyes as if in pain before answering, his voice sounding almost strangled.
�I understand�I�ll do anything you say.� Immediately after Hunter finished speaking, he heard the line go dead and he hung up the phone, his hands shaking. This was it, he was finally going to be reunited with his beloved - his soul. Moving around the room in a daze, he quickly threw on some clean clothes and then sat down on the couch to wait for nightfall, his heart filled with hope for the future�

Chyna yawned and stretched out on the bed, her muscles sore from lack of activity. She was going crazy, she needed to see someone! Even Mideon had stopped bringing her meals to her, he just left them inside the doorway and then quickly left, almost as if he were afraid to look at her.
Still contemplating this latest bizarre turn of events, she didn�t even hear the door being unlocked and pushed open. A hand being placed on Chyna�s shoulder finally brought her out of her trance and she nearly jumped off of the bed she was so surprised. Turning quickly, she was shocked to see not Undertaker standing there, but Kat.
A huge smile suddenly lit up her face and she drew the smaller woman into her arms for a hug.
�Kitty! Oh God, I was so worried for you! Are you okay?� Kat smiled warmly and drew back in Chyna�s arms, her eyes running over her body.
�I�m fine honey, what about you? Have you been treated well?� Chyna shrugged and shook her head, slowly turning so that Kat could see she was okay.
�Well enough, I haven�t seen anyone in weeks though. What�s happening? Why are you here Kitty?� The smile left Kat�s face suddenly, and Chyna felt a cold knot of fear begin to form in her stomach. Looking at her more closely, she noticed for the first time just how different her friend looked from the last time she had seen her.
Gone was the pale blond hair that Kat had been so proud of, instead, it was a deep black with vibrant red streaks running through it. Her way of dressing had changed as well, she was clad in a long red leather dress that clung tightly to her body, the neckline low and plunging nearly to her bellybutton. 
�Kitty? What�s going on?� She asked again, her voice quiet but urgent. Kat closed her eyes briefly before turning her pain-filled gaze onto her friend.
�My lord Undertaker has requested that you join us this evening, he has a surprise for you.� Chyna stared down at the woman in front of her with a confused expression on her face. Her lord Undertaker�? Realization finally dawned on her as she put the pieces together in her head. The words Kat was using, her new look�
�Oh Kitty, no�not you. Please tell me you haven�t joined them�� Kat remained silent but the look on her face spoke volumes; she was one of them now, and it was obvious that the same was expected of her as well. Suddenly drawing away from Chyna, Kat moved to the far side of the room and went to the closet, opening the doors and rooting through its contents. Chyna watched, perplexed, as she took out a long flowing gown seconds later. Funny how she'd never noticed that closet before�
Bringing the dress over to her, Kat gave a small smile before handing her the dress.
�Please Chyna, my lord has requested that you wear this, honor his wishes.� Chyna stared in disbelief as her friend turned and headed for the door, preparing to leave. Before she could exit the room though, Chyna�s frantic voice stopped her.
�Kitty, wait!� Kat halted in her steps and looked over her shoulder, her eyes questioning. Chyna watched her through pain-filled eyes.
�Just tell me one thing�are you happy here?� Kat blinked and opened her mouth, not sure of how to answer her.
�Please Kitty, I need to know.� The pleading in Chyna�s voice almost broke Kat�s heart, and she was hard-pressed not to go back and give her a hug. Instead, she chose to be honest with her.
�Yes�I�m happier than I�ve ever been in my whole life. Soon you will know what it feels like - once you�ve accepted your fate.� Without bothering to hear her friend�s response, she left the room and locked the door behind her, leaving Chyna standing in the middle of the room clutching the dress in her hands with a look of confusion on her face�

Later that evening�

Chyna gazed at herself in the mirror, shocked at the image she saw looking back at her. After many hours of soul-searching and debating with herself, she�d decided to do as Undertaker had asked and had donned the dress Kitty had given her.
It was beautiful. Long and flowing, the bodice was the deepest shade of purple with an almost indecently low neckline, her back left exposed. The sleeves were long and tight, ending in points halfway down her hands and they were the color of night. The skirt matched the sleeves, the inky color enhancing the paleness of her skin and the slits that came up to mid thigh accentuated her lean physique.
Staring critically at herself, she decided to leave her hair down, its thick mass tumbling gracefully down her bare back. Once she was satisfied with how she looked, Chyna walked over to the bed and sat down, a small frown on her beautiful face.
Why was she even obeying him? She asked herself, finally realizing just what she was doing. Before she could reconsider her decision, a knock on the door forced her to forget her thoughts and look anxiously at the door.
�Lord Undertaker is ready for you now.� Came the muffled voice through the door. Chyna sighed and stood up, heading slowly towards the door.
�I�m ready.� She replied softly as the door was unlocked and opened, revealing Mideon. Stepping out of the room, she was led down the hallway towards the large chamber that was the dining room, Mideon�s hand resting cautiously on her arm.
Chyna found herself warming to the strange little man, he�d been nothing but polite and friendly with her whenever he�d brought her meals to her, and she could feel no animosity for him. Entering the dining room, the breath caught in the back of her throat as she looked around it. It was breathtaking.
The walls were made of stone and the lighting came from medieval torches that lined the walls, causing the room to glow with an almost eerie quality. She was led to the center of the room where a gigantic stone table sat, big enough to seat at least thirty people she guessed. Mideon pulled out a chair for her at the far end of the table, one seat away from the end.
Settling into the seat, Chyna looked around nervously, unsure of what was going to happen tonight. The sound of footsteps brought her attention to the far end of the room where she had come in, it was Kat. Spotting her friend immediately, Kat smiled and hurried over, her long red dress trailing behind her. Sitting down beside her, Kat gave her a small hug.
�You�re here! I was so worried that you wouldn�t come, I was scared for you.� Chyna spared her a brief smile and squeezed her back, her mind going over what her friend had just said.
�I figured it was time to stop hiding in my room.� Chyna stated, her lie not entirely false. Kat nodded in apparent acceptance of her response, her pretty face lit up in a huge smile.
�Lord Undertaker said he has a surprise for you tonight, I can�t wait to see what it is!� Chyna blinked in surprise at her Kat�s enthusiasm, it was obvious that she was very happy here. A question suddenly came to mind.
�Kat, what have you been doing for the last few weeks? I mean, aren�t you missing King at all?� Kat�s smile left her face and Chyna could�ve sworn she saw pain in her gaze for just a second before she forced a serene expression.
�Jerry? Why would I miss Jerry?� Chyna stared at her in disbelief, shocked to hear Kat say such a thing, Kat and King had always been head over heels for each other.
�What do you mean �why would you miss him�? You�ve been in love with him for the last eleven years, that�s why! He�s your soul mate!�
�You�re wrong Chyna. I WAS in love with him. He�s not in the picture anymore, I have a new life and Kane is a part of that life - not Jerry. The old Kat is dead, and it�s best that everyone realizes that - including Jerry.�
�You�re not dead, you�re just disillusioned! You�ve -� Kat�s hand whipped out and slapped her hard across the face, her eyes flashing dangerously. Chyna stared at her in utter shock, her hand coming up to touch her cheek. Kat watched as a single tear rolled down her friend�s cheek, and she glanced down in bewilderment at her stinging hand, remorse instantly washing over her.
�Oh God�Chyna, I�m so sorry�I�I have to go�� Kat stood up quickly and ran from the room, leaving Chyna sitting there by herself, still holding her face in shock�

Kat tore blindly down the hallway, her eyes blurry with tears of guilt at having struck her friend like that. Running to her room, she slammed the door shut behind her and slumped back against the door, her mind replaying what had just happened over and over again, torturing her.
It wasn�t Chyna�s fault - Kat knew that. She just didn�t understand yet, that was all� After calming down somewhat, Kat walked further into the room and went to stand in front of the gigantic mirror that hung on the wall. Looking into the glass, she gazed hard at herself, a disturbing revelation hitting her seconds later. She didn�t even know who she was anymore�


Undertaker strode quickly down the hall towards the dining room, his mouth tugging into a smile of anticipation. This was it - she would finally be his forever more, no distractions, and no annoying pests like Helmsley to stop him. Walking into the room, his gaze was immediately drawn to where she was sitting, his breath catching at the back of his throat at her beauty.
He stood there watching her for some time, observing the way her breasts moved with every breath, the way her hair rested against her smooth neck, the way her hand was brushing away the tears from her face� Undertaker�s brows drew together in a deep frown as he saw the bright red mark that covered her cheek, anger building inside of him. Moving quickly, he was at her side in an instant and pulling her out of her chair, her gasp of surprise filling the room.
�Who did this to you?� He growled softly, his hand coming up to touch the mark on her cheek. Chyna gazed up at him through terror-filled eyes, her breath coming out in small gasps as he roughly shook her.
�WHO DID THIS!!!� His voice raised into a snarl, and she was sure her heart was going to stop beating, her fear was so great. Undertaker glared down at her when she didn�t answer, his eyes darkening until they were almost black. Chyna�s eyes rolled back in her head and she went limp, unconscious in his arms. Undertaker cursed and lightly slapped her cheek, trying to revive her. When it became apparent to him that she wasn�t going to regain consciousness right away, he growled low in his throat and swept her up so that she was cradled against his chest.
Closing his eyes, he began chanting in Latin under his breath until he had the image in his head. He could see everything, he saw from when Kat gave her the dress up until she viciously slapped her, his snarl of rage echoing off of the walls as he watched the little bitch in red retreat back to her room. Once the vision had passed, Undertaker carefully took the woman in his arms back to her room and laid her on the bed, her sleep continuing.
Back in the hallway, he went into his chambers and slammed the door shut, extremely angry and agitated. Minutes later, the door flew open again, and Undertaker�s bellowing voice could be heard through the entire house.

Hunter swore loudly and tried to tear the hood off his head, his bound hands making it impossible. It had been hours since the Acolytes had picked him up and brought him to the house, and he was growing more and more agitated by the second. Once they�d arrived, Hunter had been immediately been handcuffed and led into a small room, a hood placed over his head before he could get a good look at where he was. He didn�t exactly know where he�d been taken, but the chill in the air and the fact that no light streamed through the hood gave him the impression that he was in a basement of some sort.
Shivering slightly, he leaned back into what he assumed was a wall and began humming quietly under his breath, his thoughts going to his life with Chyna. God, he missed her so much! He couldn�t wait to see her again. As time went by, he found himself singing softly to himself, and he realized that it was their song that he was thinking of. Just that realization made him smile.

  One thing I�m sure of is that we will always be,
Even though the road seems to get a little rough
  It�s for you I live, I can do anything
And it will never be too much

In my darkest hour you are there to light the way
When I�m down you always lift me up again
Oh, oh, oh you know me better than I know myself
You comfort me and let me know with you I�m gonna win
Walk with me hand in hand
We will help each other understand how to go through
There will never be a day that we�ll grow apart
And we�ll forever be together hand in hand

Sometimes I�m wrong and even in that case
You didn�t go away you stayed right next to me
As time goes on I realize that you�re for me
And I will love you for eternity�

Hunter blinked back the tears as the words went straight to his heart, it seemed like he was doing quite a bit of crying lately� He just hoped they would come for him soon, he needed to see her - to be near her. Closing his eyes, Hunter started humming again, his thoughts once more on the only woman he had ever loved�

Kane hurried through the house towards his master�s chambers, his heart thumping loudly in his chest. He knew something was terribly wrong, he could feel Undertaker�s anger so strongly it was like a great wall of fire falling onto him. He couldn�t even figure out what would make him so angry, he�d done nothing to displease him�that he knew of. Stopping before the great doors, Kane knocked once and was surprised when the door flew open on it�s own accord. He was using his magic, Kane realized. Walking briskly into the room, he made his way over to his master and knelt before him, his head lowered.
�My lord Undertaker, I -� Kane was cut off when Undertaker�s massive boot whipped up and caught him in the head, his body flying backwards with the impact. Hitting the floor, he lay still and thought quickly in his head, trying in vain to figure out what he had done.
�You fool! I should�ve never let you have that little bitch!� Kane bristled when he realized whom his master was talking about. His own dear, sweet Kitty. What could she have done to warrant this kind of anger from their Lord and master�? Rising cautiously to his feet, Kane lowered his head once again and held out his hands in a sign of submissiveness.
�Master, I am confused. Please tell me what I have done to anger you.� Undertaker glared at him and stalked closer, causing Kane to swallow heavily. Standing before him, Undertaker rolled his eyes back in his head and began chanting, his hand coming out to touch Kane�s forehead.
�See what your whore has done�� Came the deep rumble, and Kane gasped in surprise when a bright flash went off in his head and pictures appeared before his eyes, pictures that sent a bolt of fear straight to his heart. His beloved Kat, viciously slapping the raven-haired woman, her pretty face contorting in pain as she realized what she�d done.
  Once the vision had faded, Kane breathed deeply and closed his eyes, remorse flooding through him for what he was about to do. He knew the rules, and he knew the consequences that applied when they were broken. He could not go against this, no matter how much he had come to care for the tiny woman who was his lover.
�I understand my Lord, do what you will with her��

Chyna moaned quietly and opened her eyes, her head feeling like it had been split in two, it was pounding so badly. Sitting up cautiously, she realized that she was back in her room, and that she was still dressed in the purple and black gown. Frowning in confusion, she thought back to the night�s events, her eyes widening when she remembered her conversation with Kat, her hand coming up to touch her bruised cheek.
Pain washed through her as she thought of what had transpired between them, she truly hadn�t meant to anger her like that� Sighing ruefully, Chyna got off of the bed and went to the door, her hand reaching out and touching the doorknob. Fully expecting the door to be locked, she gasped in surprise and joy when it twisted easily in her hand and the door swung open, freedom suddenly very much closer that it had ever been.
Moving slowly, she stepped out into the hallway and looked both ways. It was empty. Suddenly very excited, she quickly ran down the hall until she came to the dining room, peeking in, she saw that it too was vacant. Knowing that the exit was most likely in the other direction, she retraced her steps and headed to the other end of the hallway, her luck increasing when she found two more doorways.
Opening the one to her right, she was just about to go through it when she heard a voice coming from the other door. Listening closer, she could just make out the strains of a song being sung, its words beautifully familiar. Hunter! She thought with elation as she threw open the heavy door and ran down the steps, grabbing up a torch on the way down.
Sprinting down the dark corridor, she came to the door at the end of it and pushed it open, her heart jumping when she saw the bound and blindfolded figure sitting on the ground. Upon hearing the door opened, the figure had stopped singing and was tensed in preparation of a confrontation. Moving forward, Chyna knelt down before him and took a deep breath.
�Hunter�?� The hooded figure snapped its head up and tried to look at her, the heavy material of the hood making it impossible.
�Chyna baby, is that you?� Came the excited voice of Hunter, his arms trying to free themselves from the handcuffs. Chyna gave a little cry and ripped the hood off of his head, her eyes tearing up when she saw his joyful face staring back at her.
�Oh Hunter! Oh God, it�s really you!� She cried, throwing her arms around him and drawing him to her, her face burying in the long blond hair that she loved so much. Hunter let out a broken sigh and nuzzled his face into her neck.
�I missed you so much babe, I thought I�d never see you again�� Those few whispered words sent arrows of sorrow through her heart, it must�ve been terrible for him to not know where to find her�
�It�s okay baby, I�m here now�we�re going to get through this, I�m getting us out of here. Come on.� Chyna got to her feet and pulled him up so that he was leaning against the wall, her grunt of exertion bringing a small smile to his face.
�Gone soft on me Chy?� Chyna smiled and ran her hand down his cheek, sighing happily when he nuzzled her palm.
�Look who�s talking big guy, you can hardly even stand up!� Hunter hung his head in mock defeat, a grin tugging at his lips.
�Ouch babe. Ouch.� Chyna giggled and shook her head. It felt so good to be happy again - to laugh. Sobering suddenly, she grabbed a hold of Hunter�s arm and started leading him slowly towards the door, their movements awkward due to the fact that he was still handcuffed and he�d been sitting down for the last few hours.
Once in the hallway, they were able to move a bit faster, and they quickly headed up the stairs and onto the main floor again. Looking around cautiously to make sure no one was there, Chyna dragged him through the second doorway. Hunter chuckled, obviously not bothered that much by the danger of being in their situation.
�You know, I�m supposed to be the one rescuing you, not the other way around.� Chyna sighed and rolled her eyes, continuing to lead him down the dim hallway.
�Quiet wonderboy, or I�ll stick you back in the basement!� Hunter wisely shut his mouth after that, and let her guide him through the house. After a while, they came to the end of the hall and were faced with another set of doors to choose from. Chyna glanced worriedly at both of them, trying to decide which one to go through. Hunter graciously helped her out.
�Put your hand by the crack underneath it, if you feel a air current flowing then that�s the right one.� Chyna smiled gratefully at him and then bent down, sticking her hand by the crack. Hunter was mesmerized by the view, a stupid grin plastered onto his face. Not feeling an air current, Chyna straightened up and turned to him, frowning when she saw the look on his face. Swatting him gently on the arm, she knelt down by the other door, this time keeping her body turned the other way and muttering about men being pigs. Hunter pouted and leaned against the wall, a twinkle in his eye.
�Can�t blame a guy for trying Chy.� Chyna nodded absently and stuck her hand out, a triumphant smile covering her face when she felt the cool breeze of air rush over her hand.
�It�s this one. Let�s go.� Standing up, she grabbed a hold of him once more and they opened the door, revealing a large room that was obviously the front foyer. Their faces lit up when they saw the huge double doors that led to the outside. Rushing forward, Chyna grasped the door handle and was just about to open it, when Hunter�s voice stopped her.
�Wait babe, where�s Kat?� Chyna�s hand dropped, she had completely forgotten about her! Groaning in frustration, she was just about to turn around, when a deep rumbling chuckle stopped her in her tracks, her blood running cold.
�She�s right here�� Chyna slowly turned until she was facing the source of the voice, her hand reaching out to grab a hold of Hunter�s arm. There stood Undertaker. With him was Kat, her arm being painfully twisted behind her back by Bradshaw. Chyna felt her heart plummet to the ground as she watched the entire ministry come out from their various hiding places, surrounding them completely. Hanging her head in defeat, she clasped Hunter�s arm a little tighter.
�Oh fuck��

Chyna grunted in pain as she was roughly deposited into the chair by Farooq, her struggles easily deflected by the huge man. Across from her, Bradshaw dumped Kat into another chair and then stood behind it, his arms crossed across his massive chest. Looking over her shoulder, Chyna could see Farooq in a similar stance. Undertaker stood at the end of the great room, Hunter being held at his side by Kane, who had joined them on their way to the dining room.
The room was silent, waiting for Undertaker to speak. Folding his arms across his chest, Undertaker grinned evilly.
�Well, now that everyone is here let�s begin, shall we?� Chyna glared at him through hate-filled eyes and then focused her attention onto her beloved, her heart bleeding for him.
�Now, Chyna my dear, aren�t you the least bit curious as to what your �boyfriend� has been doing these past few weeks?� Chyna returned her gaze to Undertaker, a frown crossing her face. Undertaker chuckled at her look of confusion.
�I can see you don�t understand my meaning. Let me rephrase that, what do you think your beloved Hunter has been doing while you�ve been gone?� Chyna narrowed her eyes at him and sneered.
�Probably trying to find me and planning how he was going to rip your balls off and shove them down your throat!� Undertaker laughed then, the sound reverberating throughout the huge room.
�Feisty tonight, aren�t we! But unfortunately, you�re wrong. You see, I had your man checked up on, and let�s just say that he wasn�t exactly too worried about finding you.� Noting her suddenly worried expression, Undertaker smiled and motioned for Viscera to free Hunter�s hands and then turn on a nearby television set, a picture filling the screen seconds later.
Not immediately realizing what she was watching, Chyna frowned when she heard Hunter�s sharp intake of breath and saw the look of absolute helplessness on his face. Watching his expression through one eye, Chyna returned her attention to the screen and was horrified by what she was seeing and hearing take place.
A blond couple with their faces obscured from the camera were sitting on the end of a bed, both naked - both obviously very much aroused. With a growing sense of unease, Chyna watched as the woman pushed the man backwards onto the mattress and got on top of him, straddling his hips and leaning down to kiss his throat.
Suddenly, the woman paused and turned her head towards the camera and Chyna could see who it was. Trish Stratus. Trish giggled and tossed her long blond hair over her shoulder, her lips curving into a smile as she ran a hand down the man�s muscled chest.
�But Hunter, what about your girlfriend�what about Chyna?� In the space of only a few seconds, Chyna could feel her world come crashing down around her as the man sat up and his face came into view.
�Chyna? Chyna who�� She realized in that instant just what it was she was watching - Hunter making love to another woman�and liking it.

Hunter turned pleading eyes onto Chyna, his heart breaking as he saw the pain and humiliation in her eyes. He watched as Farooq stood back and let her get up from her chair, her lithe body moving slowly across the room until she was standing directly before him.
�Hunter,� she whispered softly, �How could you?� Hunter squeezed his eyes shut and hung his head, ashamed down to his very core.
�Chyna honey, it�s not what you think! I don�t even remember that night! Hell! I didn�t even know what I was doing!� As if to condemn him further, the video rolled on.
�OH HUNTER! YESSSSSS! I�M CUMMING!!!� Chyna�s eyes darkened until they were almost black, her face becoming flushed and angry.
�Chyna sweetheart, I -� Chyna�s hand whipped out and smashed into his face, sending him staggering backwards.
�YOU BASTARD!� Chyna screamed, tears of humiliation running down her cheeks as she advanced upon him. Hunter clutched at his throbbing face and tried to plead with her, his eyes filled with both emotional and physical pain.
�Baby you have to believe me! I didn�t know what I was doing!� Chyna shuddered visibly and glared at him.
�You didn�t know?! Hunter, how THE FUCK could you have not known what you were doing! You fucked her like the little whore she is and all you can tell me is that YOU DIDN�T KNOW. Well you know what big guy? I DON�T KNOW YOU.�
Hunter watched in pain as she turned away from him and ran from the room, no one moving to stop her. Once the shock wore off slightly, a murderous rage began to fill him, and he turned hate-filled eyes onto the smug face of the Undertaker.
�You sonofabitch! This is your fault, you set me up!� Undertaker didn�t even bother denying it, he just shrugged his shoulders and raised an eyebrow.
�One does what one must when the stakes are high, Helmsley. You of all people should know that. Besides, am I to blame for your infidelity? How does that little saying go? Oh yes�You can lead a horse to water, but you can�t make him drink. Face it Helmsley, I led, you drank��
Hunter�s face flooded purple and he let out an enraged bellow, leaping towards the Undertaker with his hands ready to strangle the life from him. Undertaker didn�t look too concerned, as a meaty arm shot out and caught Helmsley mid-air before he could come anywhere near his target.
Kane chuckled low in his chest as he tightened his hold on Hunter�s throat and squeezed, the blond man gasping desperately for air. Undertaker smirked and stepped towards Hunter, an almost feral glint in his eyes as he got right in his face.
�It�s useless to try and fight me Hunter, you�ll never see your beloved Chyna again. What I can�t understand is how you could ever think that I would let you take her back. On second thought, what makes you think that she wants to go back? You broke her heart, you fucked around on her, got caught, and now she never wants to see you again. The game will soon be over Helmsley, and I�m going to win.�
Hunter was barely conscious now, and he desperately needed air. Purple and red spots danced before his eyes but he took no notice of them. Instead, his gaze was trained on Undertaker, who was now heading out of the room and going in the direction Chyna had gone. Suddenly stopping, Undertaker turned around and smiled thinly to him.
�I think I�ll go comfort my prize now. Have a pleasant evening Hunter�� Hunter�s vision went blank and he was suddenly sent spiraling into darkness, Undertaker�s words echoing hauntingly in his head�

Chyna buried her face into the pillow and wept bitter tears, her heart a cold lump in her chest. How could he have done that to her? He knew how much she cared for him and still he had to go and screw around on her with some cheap, bleach-blond bimbo! In her mind, she saw Hunter making love to Trish over and over again, their cries filling her head and poisoning her soul.
Why had he done it? Was that even the first time? That thought sent streaks of anger through her body, making her tremble with rage. Was she not enough for him, was that it? Fresh tears flowed from her brilliant green eyes, and as she cried on, love and hurt eventually transformed into hatred and pain, blocking everything else.
�Hunter, why did you do it? Why!� She cried out loud, the bitterness and anger clear in her voice as she pounded her fist into the pillow.
�Because he doesn�t appreciate you like I do.� Chyna�s head shot up in surprise, her eyes immediately going to where the Undertaker stood in the doorway, his hair loose and flowing around his shoulders. Chyna stared hard at him, occasional hiccups making her body jump as she took in his appearance. She was surprised to notice that he didn�t look nearly as frightening as usual, he wasn�t evil right now. Instead, his face bore an expression of worry and sympathy, something she would�ve never dreamed possible of him.
�He hurt you badly.� It wasn�t a question, but a statement, and Chyna found herself nodding despite her earlier impressions of this man. He looked so inviting, so warm and caring, and with a force so strong that she couldn�t even explain, she found herself suddenly sitting on the bed with her arms held out to him, begging for him to come to her.
Moving swiftly, Undertaker crossed the room and sat down on the bed beside her, his arms drawing her tentatively towards his massive chest. Chyna sighed deeply and rested her head on his shoulder, feeling his steady heartbeat with her hand.
Who would�ve imagined that she�d be sitting wrapped up in the arms of her enemy? Chyna thought drowsily as the heat that flowed from his body quickly made her sleepy. Closing her eyes, she nuzzled his neck and slowly drifted off into sleep, her breathing evening out until it was slow and controlled. Above her head, Undertaker smiled evilly into the dim light of the room and tightened his hold on his prize.
�Game over Helmsley��

Kane grunted as he hoisted the unconscious man over his shoulder and headed towards the basement, pausing only to grab up a torch. Moving quickly, he deposited his prisoner into the small cold room and made sure that he was properly chained this time. Once he was positive that he wouldn�t escape, Kane headed back to the dining room to where Kat awaited him.
The closer he got to the room, the heavier his heart felt, and he knew that what he was about to do was necessary, no matter how cruel it was. Hearing his heavy footsteps, Kat�s face lit up into a smile, and she shot up from her chair, running to meet him. Crying out in joy, Kat flung herself into Kane�s arms and held on tightly.
�I missed you so much! I was so scared Kane.� Kane squeezed his eyes shut and held her to him, his heart feeling like it was being torn from his chest. Sensing that something was wrong, Kat leaned back in his arms and gazed questioningly to him, her eyes searching his for an answer.
�What�s wrong, is everything alright honey?� Kane slowly shook his head and Kat felt the icy claws of fear begin to wind their way up her back. Reaching up with both hands, Kat touched his mask-covered face and smiled thinly.
�Kane?� Hanging his head in her grasp, Kane slowly set her down onto the ground and then reached up with one hand to remove his mask. It was something that Kat had never seen him do outside of their room, and it terrified her. Kane moved mechanically, setting the mask down on the floor and then pulling her to him, sweeping her up into his arms and then pushing her back against the wall. Before she could protest, he brought his mouth down upon hers and thrust his tongue inside, frantically stroking her tongue and wrenching little moans from her.
Kane savored every sound she made and let it permeate into his brain, locking it forever into his memory. Then, moving without preamble, he roughly ripped the leather dress from her body and unlaced his fly, shoving forcefully into her body. Kat cried out at the delicious fullness of him, her hips grinding into his in a maddening pace that drove them both quickly to the edge of sanity.
Kane growled as he felt her sucking on his neck, the slight pain adding to the intense pleasure he was feeling. Finally, he gave one last mighty shove into her wet warmth and then groaned as he exploded inside of her, his seed pouring out of him in a dizzying rush. Kat screamed as the orgasm hit her, her claws digging into his back and raking red trails across it. Breathing heavily, Kane leaned forward until his head rested against her forehead, her breath tickling across his face.
Purring contentedly, Kat smiled and closed her eyes, her arms lazily wrapped around his massive neck. Knowing that it had to be done now, Kane sighed and brought his hands up and began stroking her neck, his fingers wrapping themselves around her slender throat. Kat�s eyes popped open in confusion.
�Wha-?� Kane shushed her by pressing his lips against hers, effectively distracting her from what his hands were doing. Once he was sure she had let her guard down, he brought his mouth close to her ear, his throat suddenly choking up and making it hard to speak.
�I�m sorry my darling�I love you�� With those words, Kane shut his eyes and swiftly snapped her neck, her jerk of surprise and last shuddering breath shredding his heart into a million pieces� 

One month later�

My tea�s grown cold, I�m wondering why
I got out of bed at all
The morning rain clouds up my window
And I can�t see at all
Even if I could, it�d all be gray
Hang your picture on my wall
It reminds me that it�s not so bad, it�s not so bad�

Chyna sang softly to herself as ran the brush through her hair, a smile on her face as the sweet words filled the room around her. Sighing quietly, she set the brush down onto the dresser and pushed her hair back so that it cascaded down her back, shiny and long. Once she was satisfied with her appearance, Chyna stood up and turned towards the bed, a radiant smile on her face as she watched the large man reclining on it.
�You have a beautiful voice my darling.� Chyna blushed a little and shook her head, a bashful grin on her face.
�Thank you master, I�m glad you�re pleased.� Undertaker gazed at her fondly, a small smile tugging at the corners of his mouth. Raising his hand, he motioned for her to join him on the bed. Chyna was quick to oblige him, hopping up onto the gigantic bed and laying down beside him, her cheek resting along his shoulder. Once she was settled, Undertaker wrapped his arms around her waist and kissed her smooth forehead, his gaze warm as his eyes traveled over her firm body.
�Do you know how much you have pleased me my pet?� He asked softly, his hold tightening slightly. Chyna gave a small moan as she felt his lips kissing their way down the side of her neck, her thoughts becoming jumbled and erratic.
�As much as you�ve pleased me, my lord.� She answered breathlessly, her hands coming up to tangle in his long thick hair. Groaning now with sudden need, Undertaker swiftly shifted them so that she lay under him, his arms on either side of her body. Chyna giggled slightly when his head came down and he began nibbling on her ear, low growls coming from deep inside his chest.
As desire swiftly coursed throughout their bodies, they became lost in each other, reveling in how they felt together. Unable to hold back any longer, Undertaker hurriedly stripped the clothes from their bodies and buried himself deep inside her waiting warmth, a loud groan of satisfaction leaving his throat. Moving together, they set a hard fast pace that soon had them crying out in completion, her scream of passion accompanied by his grunt of ecstacy.
Breathing heavily, Undertaker rolled off Chyna�s damp body and gathered her into his arms, enfolding her in his strong embrace. The room was silent except for their labored breaths and the crackling of the fire in the fireplace, a warm glow filled the room. After a while, Undertaker gently lifted her face up to his and gave her a lingering kiss, his feelings transmitting into her own body as their lips connected. Breaking the kiss, his face became brooding all of a sudden.
�I never got a chance to ask you my darling, are you still upset over Kat leaving?� Chyna�s brow furrowed pensively before being replaced with a look of calm acceptance.
�I - I was at first�but she made her choice when she decided to abandon Kane and leave with Hunter. I only hope that she finally finds happiness.� Undertaker smiled, pleased by her answer and that she wasn�t questioning her friend�s or her former lover�s disappearance too much. Growling softly, he leaned down and nipped at her ear, wringing a soft moan from her swollen lips.
Suddenly, ready for another round of lovemaking, Chyna surprised him by rolling onto him and straddling his hips, her hands going to his wide chest and lovingly rubbing the skin there. Undertaker grinned at the naughty twinkle in her eye, his hands coming up behind her to cup her buttocks and knead her soft flesh. Rising up abruptly, Chyna reached behind her and gently guided his hard length to her entrance, sinking down onto him until he was fully enclosed within her. Leaning down so that her lips were against his ear, Chyna whispered softly.
�I love you my lord�� Undertaker squeezed his eyes shut and let the sensations flow over him, her words only adding to the pleasure he was feeling. Unable to help himself, Undertaker decided to test her loyalty to him one last time.
�And what of Hunter? Do you still love him as well?� Chyna growled softly into his ear and started moving upon him, her hips sliding easily with each motion she made. Once again, they quickly found satisfaction with each other, and it wasn�t until he was in a state of near unconsciousness, that Chyna chose to answer him. Stretching out on top of him, she breathed a tired sigh and idly ran her fingers over his chest.
�Hunter? Hunter who��
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