Foolish Games

You took your coat off and stood in the rain,

You were always crazy like that

I watched from my window,

always felt I was outside looking in on you

She gets off the bus and walks slowly towards the hotel, ignoring those who jostle and push her in their rush to get out of the rain. Her cousins urge her to get out of the tain, with a mischevious smile she throws her jacket to them and does a cartwheel, then a round off. A brief smile crosses my face as those still on the bus with me burst into spontaneous applause.

"That Molly's something special all right." Spike Dudley leans across the aisle. I glare at him and he shrinks back. He's not telling me anything I don't already know. Molly is damned special. It's no secret, I'd annouce it over the TitanTron if I thought I'd get away with it. I just don't like the idea that Spike also knows how special she is.

You were always the mysterious one

with dark eyes and careless hair,

You were fashionably sensitive, but too cool to care

Then you stood in my doorway, with nothing to say

besides some comment on the weather

I watch him on the monitor cutting a promo. Despite all the time Raven and I have spent together, there's still so much about him I don't know. That's half the attraction I think.

"Hi." A voice says softly. I look up and Spike's leaning against the doorway. My pulse quickens instantly. "Hey Spike."

There is a minute of uncomfortable silence. I don't feel quite safe around Spike anymore since D-Von & Bubba decided it's time to put me through a table. I think he senses this.

"It's... it's.. been shitty weather lately huh?"

I raise an eyebrow. The weather? He came here to talk about the weather?

"Yes." I reply coolly. "I guess it has been."

He sighs, and drops his gaze to the floor. I stand up and move slowly towards him as he looks back up and gets ready to say something else. "Molly, I -never mind. I'll see you round kay?"

Well in case you failed to notice,

In case you failed to see,

This is my heart bleeding before you,

This is me down on my knees

Somewhere along the line, I've fallen head over heels in love. Only now I have competition. I need Molly. A lot more than that little runt does. If I lose her at all... especially to him.... I need her. I can't put it any better than that.

I don't know what's going on between them, but I'm scared. He can offer her so much more than I can. Spike doesn't have all my insecurities and issues to get around. Every time I see her, I question her on what's going on. She tells me nothing and I do believe her, but there's a tiny doubt that's destroying me.

These foolish games are tearing me apart

You thoughtless words are breaking my heart

You're breaking my heart

I hate this! I really really hate it!! I like Spike, I enjoy his company, but that's all there is to it! Raven doesn't believe me. He demands to know what's really going on. So Spike and I may play it up a little, but that's only for the fans and to annoy our familes. We're just friends... I could never hurt Raven like that. I've explained all this and he won't let up. What he doesn't understand is that I need him as much as he needs me and all the accusations are breaking my heart.

You were always brilliant in the morning

Smoking your cigarettes, talking over coffee

I remember the way Raven was in ECW. We were often the first people up each morning and would sit and talk over breakfast. When breakfast was done, we'd continue talking as I drank endless cups of coffee and he indulged in a cigarette or two. We weren't friends, but we got along well back then. I remember how passionate he'd get over subjects that meant a lot to him. I didn't realise he had the same passion for Molly.

You philosophies on art, Baroque moved you,

You loved Mozart and you'd speak of your loved ones

As I clumsily strummed my guitar

Raven and I barely talk anymore. We used to discuss anything and everything, now all I get is questions about Spike. I loved sitting and listening to him talk. He's a smart guy, he really is. Some of the stuff he'd come up when straight over my head. I never felt like a country hick when I was with Raven though.

Excuse me, think I've mistaken you for somebody else

Somebody who gave a damn,

Somebody more like myself

I can't believe what I'm hearing. And from the man who claims he needs her more than anything in the world. I stare at Raven in disbelief. "You won't help?"

"I'm not going to help you look like a hero in her eyes."

I suddenly realise what this is all about. He's insecure as far as Molly goes. This is unbelievable. It's not about who looks like a hero or not. It's about Molly and stopping my brothers from putting her through a table. I shake my head in disgust as I walk away. "I thought you cared about her."

I�m so angry! This isn�t about him or me or the way either of us feels about Molly. It�s about protecting her and taking care of her. If she finds out about these foolish power games that Raven�s trying to force me into playing, it�ll break her heart.
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