Title: The First Time All Over Again
Author: Katie
E-mail: [email protected]
Disclaimer: I don't own 'em & I'm not claiming that this happened, only in my mind.
Distribution: Only at Castles in the Sky http://members.tripod.com/katemarie_1
Rating: NC-17
Summary: Jeff and Shane have a fight and then make up
Note: This is for Jade's request for some Jeff/Shane H. sappy smut.. I hope this works for you.

Jeff jumps as someone grabs him from behind. He turns around prepared to yell at whoever it is. "Shane?" Jeff looks around and then pulls the older man into an empty locker room. "What are you doing here?"

"JR wanted me to be here tonight. He's thinking about using me for a run in." Shane Helms smiles at his young lover and pulls him in for a kiss. "I've missed you baby." Shane frowns when Jeff pulls away.

"I've missed you too Shane but we can't do this here. It's not like it was in Omega or even when I visited you in WCW. These guys aren't quite as nice about gays."

Shane frowns and steps away from his lover. "Sorry. I didn't realize that my being here cramped your style." Shane walks out of the room and disappears from Jeff's sight. Jeff slumps against the wall and puts his head in his hands.

"What's wrong Rainbow Bright?" Jeff looks up and smiles sadly at Chris Jericho.

"Hey CJ. I just pissed off Shane."

"Ah, lover boy's here and you don�t want anyone knowing you're lovers?"

Jeff nods his head. "You know how these guys are. I don't want Steve or Shaw or Show going after Shane. He doesn't deserve that."

"Did you tell him that?"

"No. He didn't give me a chance too."

"So this is his fault?"

"No. I didn't say that. I just�" Jeff trails off as he realizes where Chris is going with the whole thing. "I fucked up by not explaining myself. How do I get him to listen to me?"

Chris shrugs. "Lance and I have an understanding that we don't show each other how we feel if we're anywhere where we can get caught. So I've never had to deal with this. But I can tell you how I would feel if Lance ever shoved me away. It would kill me. And he'd have to do a hell of a lot of groveling in order to get me back. So get prepared to be on your knees."

Jeff laughs. "On my knees? That's a familiar position when Shane's around."

Chris laughs and reaches out smacking Jeff. "Knock it off. I'm serious. You're going to have to beg for forgiveness. And you might want to consider telling your brother about you and Shane. That certainly wouldn't hurt things at all."

Jeff frowns at the older man. "Yeah, so Matt can kick both mine and Shane's asses? I don't think so. But you're right. I do need to make this up to Shane. Can you find him and get him to my room?"

Chris nods. "Of course. When do you want him there?"

"Anytime after nine."

"Okay. I can do that."

Jeff smiles and on impulse hugs Chris. "Thanks man. You're the best and Lance is a hell of a lucky man."

"I know he is. Now get the hell out of here and buy all sorts of romantic shit to make Shane fall in love with you all over again."

Jeff grins and heads out of the arena. Chris smiles and heads off to find Shane.

Jeff looks around the room happy with the set up he has prepared. He jumps when he hears Shane's voice out side his door. "Dammit CJ. I don�t want to talk to Jeff."

Jeff frowns as he hears another familiar voice ring in. "Awwww. Poor Shane had a little spat with his lover."

"Fuck you Austin." CJ says before Shane can say anything.

"I've told you CJ. Boys aren't my style." Austin says frowning.

"Yeah you prefer plastic Barbie dolls. Now go away so Shane can talk to Jeff. They are best friends after all."

Austin smirks. "Yeah and according to rumors that's not the only thing they are." Austin grabs Shane and shoves him against the wall. "For yours and pretty boys sake, those rumors had better not be true."

Shane gulps and pushes Austin away. Jeff opens up the door and smiles at Chris and then glares at Austin. "Hey b... uddy. Come on in. We need to talk."

Shane looks from Austin to Chris to Jeff and nods. He follows his young lover into the hotel room. "We have nothing to talk about Jeff. You are obviously ashamed of me. And that's okay. But dammit leave me alone."

Jeff grabs Shane and kisses him passionately. "Baby, I am so sorry I made you think I didn't want you. I was worried that Austin or one of the other's would see us together and try to hurt you. I love you so much Shane and I don't want to see you hurt."

"Why didn't you just say that Jeff?"

"You didn't give me a chance. I was going to tell you why I pushed you away but you left before I had a chance. So I set this up to get you to listen to me. I love you more than anything Shane and I just wanted to keep you safe. I am so sorry I hurt you."

Shane sighs wanting to stay mad at his young lover. He looks into Jeff's hopeful green eyes and smiles. "I love you too Jeffie." Shane pulls the younger man into his arms and kisses him. "I'm sorry I freaked out. I can understand why you did what you did now."

Jeff grins and leans his head on Shane's shoulder. "Come into the room. I wasn't sure this was going to be this easy." Jeff takes Shane's hand and leads him farther into the room. Shane gasps as he looks around the room. Vanilla candles are lit and covering the room providing the only light. Jeff bites his lip nervously as Shane looks around the room. Shane's eyes fall on the bed, which Jeff had covered in satin sheets and a satin bedspread.

Shane turns wide eyes to Jeff. "You did all of this for me?"

Jeff smiles and shrugs his shoulders. "Yeah well, I love you. I'd do anything for you."

Shane smiles and reaches over kissing Jeff softly. "Thank you babe. This reminds me of something." Shane says as he turns back to the bed.

Jeff kisses the back of Shane's neck softly. "Our first time?"

Shane turns around and wraps his arms around Jeff's waist. "That's right. I seduced you in my bedroom."

Jeff grins and hugs Shane back. "And it was the best night of my life. So now it's my turn to seduce you." Jeff smiles as he wiggles his hips against his lovers. "Not that you need much encouragement."

Shane groans at the feel of Jeff's cock brushing against his through their jeans. "Jeffrey, whatever you do don't make me wait."

Jeff smiles. "What if I told you I want to recreate our first time together?"

Shane grins and reaches between them unbuttoning Jeff's jeans. He pushes them down his hips and drops to his knees in front of his young lover. Shane kisses Jeff's cock lightly through his thong. "Damn I love it when you wear this Jeff." Shane sucks on Jeff's cock through the silk making Jeff moan and buck his hips against Shane's mouth. Shane grins and sucks harder.

"Dammit Shane stop or I'm gonna� Ooooohhh." Jeff moans and reaches down grabbing Shane's head.

Shane finally pulls back and gets to his feet, kissing Jeff hard on the mouth. "I want you baby. I need to be inside of you now."

Jeff nods and pulls off his shirt. "Make love to me Shane. I need to feel you inside of me."

Shane grins and picks Jeff up carrying him to the bed. "I am going to make you beg me."

Jeff giggles as Shane sets him gently on the bed. "Shane you don't have to torture me. I'll beg you right now."

Shane smiles as he pulls his t-shirt over his head. "Nah, I want to torture you a little." Jeff watches as Shane starts to unbutton his jeans. Shane tugs the material over his hips and steps out of them leaving on his boxer briefs.

Jeff sighs happily when Shane climbs onto the bed and slides between his legs. Shane lies down on top of Jeff rubbing their dicks together. Jeff is gasping for air when Shane finally kisses him. "I need you so much Shane. Please baby, make love to me."

Shane smiles and slides down Jeff's body kissing him as he goes. Shane stops at his stomach and pulls gently on his belly button ring with his teeth as he tugs the thong down Jeff's hips and legs. "Oh god Shane� Please baby� Need you�"

Shane smiles as he kisses the base of Jeff's cock but doesn't say a word. He licks his way up to the tip and sucks it into his mouth. Jeff's hips buck into the stimulation. Shane slowly inches Jeff's thick cock down his throat. He moans and relaxes his throat as the blunt tip hits the back of his throat. Jeff groans and moves his hips restlessly against Shane's mouth. Shane smiles as Jeff continues to thrust into his mouth. Shane pulls back just as Jeff is about to release. "No way baby. I told you I'm going to torture you."

Jeff groans at the loss of heat from Shane's mouth and at Shane's words. "Shane, please. I need you so much. Please."

Shane smiles as Jeff continues to beg. "I told you I'd make you beg me." Shane smiles as Jeff glares at him. Shane reaches over to the bedside table and grabs the tube of gel Jeff had laid there earlier. "Flavored Jeff?"

Jeff blushes and pulls Shane down for a kiss. "Yeah well, what can I say?"

Shane looks at the flavor and laughs. "Strawberry huh?"

Jeff grins as he lies back on the bed. "Yeah well, you don't need anything to make you sweeter but I love the way strawberries taste so I thought the combined flavor would be terrific."

Shane laughs and leans down kissing his young lover. "I love you Jeff."

"I love you too Shane. Now please� I need your hard cock buried inside of me."

Shane moans at the image Jeff's words provoked. Shane licks his lips and leans down kissing Jeff. "I will be baby. I just need to stretch you out a little bit."

Shane keeps his mouth pressed against Jeff's and squirts some of the lube onto his fingers. He pushes one slick finger past the tight ring of muscle into Jeff's tight hole. Jeff moans at the invasion and pushes his hips down trying to take Shane's finger deeps. Shane slides his finger in and out slowly enjoying torturing Jeff. He adds another finger after a few minutes and spreads them stretching Jeff as much as his fingers will allow him to. As Shane goes to add a third finger, Jeff shakes his head. "No Shane. You. Now. I want that huge hard cock buried inside of me and I swear to god if you make me wait anymore I am going to hurt you."

Shane laughs which turns quickly into a groan. Shane's hands are shaking as he tries to coat himself with the lube. Jeff smiles at this and takes the gel from Shane's hands. He squirts some into his palm and lovingly covers Shane's dick. "Now baby. I need you so much."

Shane nods his agreement and pushes his way inside of Jeff. Jeff moans at how full he feels when Shane is fully sheathed. Shane waits a few seconds before starting to thrust in and out of Jeff. Shane whimpers as Jeff's inner muscles tighten around his throbbing cock. It's not long before Jeff shoots his seed in creamy bursts against Shane's chest and stomach, covering his own stomach as well. Shane shouts his release as he fills Jeff completely. Shane drops on top of Jeff and lays there panting for several minutes. He finally manages to push himself up so that he is looking into his lover's green eyes. "That was incredible Jeff. Totally amazing."

"I agree." Jeff yawns making Shane smile. Shane pulls out of Jeff with a groan and grabs his young lover's hand. "Come on Jeff. Let's go get cleaned up and then we can fall asleep holding each other."

Jeff smiles softly and follows the man he loves into the bathroom.

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