Fire Child (1/1)

for Shana, and Darkflame, for their never ending support. I don't own these characters, I never will. Unless Vince decides to sell them to me for the lint  have in my pockets, which I doubt will be happening anytime soon.


Fire Child (1/1)
by lirpa


So Angle wants to face me at Wrestlemania? Fine by me. I'll kick his ass, and leave nothing leaft for the EMT's to wheel out on a strectcher, but he shouldn't have brought the fireinto this. I can see that he wanted to make it personal, well, he's made it personal, and he won't survive after what he's said on Raw. He thinks that he'll scar me, make the fire seem trivuial in comparasion. Poor Angle, he's just invited himslef to a barbeque, too bad he's the one that's going to be barbequed. Such a shame, the boy really did have talent, and a future, until he ruined my hand, that is. Now he's given all that up for a shot at me in Toronto, at Wrestlemania. The onlt way he'll leave that arena is on a strectcher or in a bady bag, I don't really care which. No, wait, I'd perefer the bag, it would solve all my Angle problemsin one fell swoop, I'd be free to pursue other goals,like titles, and I's be able to stop wasting my timeon rats and roaches like Angle.  Sometimes I think that he's the slimiest person in the business, until I remember Regal, that is.  He just creeps me out , with his British accent and manners, not to mention his brass knuckles.

But back to Angle, after all I don't face Mr. Regal at Wrestlemania. The fire is something I've come to terms with, really I have. I still have the occasional nightmare about the burning, th sickening smell of burning flesh. Worse yet is that I know I'm smelling my own flesh burning, it's unbearable at times. And Angle's brought that all back, brought back the pain. Even though I've forgiven my brother, after all he was just a child, he didn't truly realize what he was doing, it still hurts When I came lto the World Wrestling Federation I was looking for acceptance, for people who could see past the scars. I found none, so I hid them, the scars I mean. It was just easier thatw ay. I didn't have to suffer any, or rather many, pity-filled looks, people left me alone, and I became lonely. I would seek people out, people to be my companions and friends, but they would all stab me in the back, especially my brother. Strangely he is the one whom I always seem to be drawn back to. He has changed so much recently, in hissearch for respect. That seems to be all that he cares about. His family means less than nothing to him now. And I'm alone again, and vulnerable.

If Angle thinks that he can take advantage of this, then he's sorely mistaken. I'll just take all these feelings out on him. He is, after all, fanning the falem, so to speak. That was truly a bad pun, since he's brought up my memories of the flame; the stench of burning flesh, the sweet smell of burning wood, the heat and intense light, the dark black smoke, its all coem back to me now. And its all  his fault. I'm going to make him pay, going to make him feel the pain, both physical and emotional, that the fire has caused me. He may think he can do worse, but he's wrong. He'll find out just how wrong when we're in the ring in the Skydome and it become very real. He'll realize thatin front of 67, 000 plus Canadians the American hero was taken apart. If he had a title I'd take that for all the misery that he's caused me in recent weeks. I'll just have to settle for his pride, and his dignity, and his self-confidence. I hope it will be enough. Of course it doesn't hurt   that he'll be leaving Toronto in pain. Maybe as much pain as I felt  when I left the arena after he, for all intents and purposes, broke my hand.  Even now, I can barely use it. It galls, if you want the truth. To be brought down my a mansmaller and less powerful than m. But at Wrestlemania Kurt Angle will learn no to play with fire. I intend to thoroughly educate him in all  fire safety techniques, especially the painful one, especially the painful ones. Angle will never know what hit him, truly, wlaking in front of a train will be kinder. Too bad I'm not in a particularly kind mood. But then should hav known. He wormed his way into my life, into my heart, and then he crushed it. i realize that I'm acting like a scorned lover, but I think I have the right, being both scorned and his old lover. Our relationship
was all just a game to him. it was haertbreaking to be left in favour of Booker T. Booker T, for God's sake.  I thought Kurt had some class, it appearsthat I was wrong.

So whilr Kurt and Booker ... enjoy each other's company I sit alone in my hotle room and plan my revenege. edge will take care of Booker T at Wrestlemania. My new lover is ever so much more considerate. All that's left is Kurt, and I'll take care of him. he knows, he's afraid, but that won't help him. Come Wrestlemania time he's going to pay for leaving me. after all, Hell hath no fury like a lover scorned, or something like that. Revenge is also a dish best served cold, nd mine's been chilling for two months. Although to be fair I haven't just plotted revenge. I've also moved on. Edge is a wonderful man, he completely understands my need for revenge. Perhaps Kurt's parents never told him not to play with fire because you might get burned. Or maybe he just didn't listen. But by the time I'm done with him he'll have gone through Hell, and there's an awful lot of fire there.
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