Notes: *sigh* Me writing Steph/Hunter, who'da thunk it? No, I didn't lose a bet this time either. I've actually been toying with this idea for months, but kinda held out due to a certain angl's determination to brainwash me. Inspired by the idea that both Steph & Hunter are from Greenwich, and the Craig David song 'Fill Me In'

Dedication: As usual, the Nut. I may be the Bitca, but you're a ... uh, never mind *innocent smile* :P Doesn't mean I don't love ya though.

Fill Me In

Part One

Stephanie smothered a yawn and discreetly checked her watch. 10 minutes. 10 long minutes until the bell went and she would be out of this stuffy class room and meeting her best friend Micah Williams. A quick trip home to collect her bags and say goodbye to her parents, then she was off to Micah's place for two months of the summer holidays while her parents were on a business trip.

Two months! Two months without Shane pulling rank on her and attempting to prevent her from having fun. Two months hanging out and kicking back and not having to worry about Shane spoiling her plans. And oh boy, did she and Micah have plans! Mr and Mrs Williams were as down to Earth as two Grenwich parents could get and they never worried too much about where their 15 year old daughter was or where she was doing.

The bell rang, startling Stephanie out of her thought. Grinning, she picked up her bag and hurried out of the classroom. When she got to her locker to collect a few stray bits and pieces, Micah was waiting for her. "Hurry up Steph! The sooner we get out of here the sooner we can get down the mall!"

"Oh god forbid that we miss out on any shopping time." Laughed Stephanie shoving the last few things into her bag. They looked at each other, grinning, then as the excitement took over, they hugged and jumped up and down squealing. Bags on their backs, they ran out of the building and to the front gate of the school, where a group of their friends waited for lifts. They'd only spent a few minutes excitedly making plans with their friends when a horn beeped.

"Micah! You want go home or do you want to spend your summer holidays at school?" called a male voice.

"Mars! What the hell are you doing here?" Micah squealed, getting into the light blue sportscar and hugging her older brother. Mars grinned. "Picking up my little sister and her best friend from school. How ya doing Steph?"

"I'm good." She nodded. Steph liked 20 year old Marsyas Williams simply because he was the complete opposite to Shane. Micah climbed over the front passenger seat and settled into the back with Stephanie. "What are you doing back here? I thought the idea of two months with me and Steph would be enough to convince you to stay at Uni for the rest of your life."

"First of all it's 'Steph and I.' " Mars corrected. "Secondly, you flatter yourself way too much. There's another reason for me coming home."

"Oh, what is it?" begged Micah, waving to the others as the car pulled out. Mars laughed. "I'm not telling. Now Steph, I've already stopped by your place and picked up your bags, Vince and Linda had to leave early, but your Mom said they'd call tonight. Shane gave me a big long lecture to repeat to you, but I tuned him out. You're old enough to make your own decisions."

"Thanks Mars." She grinned at Micah. Two sweet months of freedom! It was going to be great. Micah elbowed Stephanie. "We've got two months. Can you believe it? Two months to kick back and do whatever we want without Shane and the Posse causing trouble. I've made an executive decision."

"This'll be entertaining." murmured Mars quietly, but still loud enough for Micah to hear. She kicked the back of the drivers seat. "Get bent. Steph... I am getting you a boyfriend."

Stephanie burst out laughing. "Micah, I don't want one. Besides, can you imagine what Shane will do if I get involved with anyone but that moron Joey? And if getting a boyfriend turns me into a sappy, grinning idiot like you, then I'd much rather pass."

"See?" Mars reached behind him and slapped his little sisters bare calf. "Told you that going out with Cliff turned you into a blithering idiot."

Micah slapped him upside the head. "Yeah well, obviously it runs in the family. I mean look at you, and god, don't even get me started on Tawny."

"If a child ever suffered from middle child syndrome, it's her." agreed Mars, pulling into the driveway. There was a black mini van with a gold eternity symbol already parked out the front. Micah groaned. "Speak of the devil woman. Oh boy Steph, you're in for an education."

Stephanie had never met Micah's 18 year old sister Tawny before. At the age of 15, she'd been sent off to some boarding school on the other side of the country and within six months, had been expelled and blacklisted from every other boarding school in the country. Mr & Mrs Williams had sent Tawny off to a Lady's College of some type in Greece. She'd stayed over there for her holidays, more, they suspected because of all the 'Adonis-type hunks' than for any other reason.

"Tawny's not so bad." Mars defended her. "She's just a little wild."

"Which is like saying Hitler didn't want Jewish neighbours." muttered Micah. Mars laughed. "Come on. Now just act normally and remain calm, don't let Tawny smell your fear."

The words were barely out of his mouth before a female figure ran down the front steps and towards them shrieking "Marsyas! Micah! Did ya miss me?"

"No!" Called back Mars and Micah in unison as they got out of the car. Tawny ran over to Mars and hugged him tightly. "Oh admit it big brother, life has been hell boring since I got exiled to Greece. You need me around to keep things interesting."

She punched him lightly in the stomach and caught sight of Micah, who'd gotten out of the car by now. "Oh my god! Micah! You're all grown up! And without my misguiding hand to help you through those trumatic early teenage years. I don't suppose you want me to undo all the good work that Mom and Dad have done? I think you'd look really cute with blonde hair."

"Yes, no, no and oh god no! I like being a brunette thank you very much." Micah and Tawny faced off for a second, then Tawny crash tackled her little sister, knocking her to the ground and tickling her. "Did ya miss me? Cause believe it or not, I've actually missed you!"

"If I say yes, will you stop tickling me?" giggled Micah, struggling to get free. Tawny grinned. "Not unless you mean it!"

"I missed you. Honestly!" She squealed. Her older sister laughed and stood up. "No you didn't."

As Tawny brushed the dirt off her legs, Stephanie tried not to stare. Tawny's stop-sign red hair was cropped short and stuck up in a clump of spikes. Around her neck was a studded dog collar. She wore a ripped off the shoulder black t-shirt with a red tank top underneath, cut off shorts with patterned leggings underneath and black lace up boots. Steph had never seen anything like it before.

Tawny caught her look and turned a slow circle for the full effect before walking over and shaking her hand. "You gotta be Micah's friend. I'm Tawny Williams, middle child, life of the party, wild child, devil woman and evil bitch monster from Hell, depending on who you speak to."

"I'm Stephanie McMahon." Steph replied, trying not to laugh. Tawny looked surprised. "McMahon? You're not Shane's little sister are you?"

"Oh don't tell me you're planning on becoming the new Posse Moll?" Mars groaned. Tawny pouted. "Now, Marsyas, what do you take me for? Wait, don't answer that. Actually-"

"You already are the new Posse Moll?" Micah interrupted, with an innocent smile. Stephanie couldn't help herself and cracked up laughing. Tawny rolled her eyes. "No. I was sitting next to Pete on the plane from Greece."

She shrugged as though that simple statement explained everything. It made perfect sense to Stephanie, who'd seen the Posse members - Joey especially - in action, but simply left Mars and Micah confused. Tawny grinned conspiratorially at Stephanie. "Would love to stay and chat, but I've things to see and people to do. Later munchkins."

She climbed up into the van and roared out of the driveway, sending gravel flying every where. Mars groaned. "If there's one scratch on that car... You two go inside. I'll bring your bags in later."

"Thanks Mars!" Micah and Stephanie grinned at each other. Their summer holiday had officially begun!
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