     Feed the Hunger - Part 2 (*Slash*)
     For disclaimers and such, see prologue.


     ~MARCUS' POV~

     I smile as I listen to Trish read the incantation that will release Rhyno and I from the spell that was cast upon us. I
     sense her presence now that the ground is no longer holy, but desecrated.

     My body tingles as the spell is ended. I growl as I use my fist and knock the lid to my coffin open, roaring as the
     foul, stagnate air of the tomb filters into my nostrils.

     I look over and watch in amusement as Rhyno rips the lid off of his coffin. He grins at me as he sniffs the air.

     The sweet smell of freedom.

     Quicker than a human eye could detect, both of us jump from our coffins and rip the door to the tomb open.

     I smile as I see the small, delectable Trish standing before me. She drops the book of magic as she bows
     submissively before me.

     "No more lonely nights for you, my child. First we claim my mates, and then you shall be allowed to chose your
     mate. What is his name.....Chris," I growl.

     "I know where they are, Master. I sent them dreams of you last night," Trish said as she smiled sweetly showing
     her small fangs.

     "Where are my descendants?" Rhyno growls impatiently.

     Trish smiles as she hands him a piece of paper with an address on it and a small piece of cloth. "Their address and
     a piece of cloth ripped from Jeff's shirt."

     Rhyno smiles as he sniffs the cloth, growling at the scent of the young male.

     I chuckle as I smell the werewolf's arousal. I have a feeling that the two young werewolves are in for some serious
     rutting tonight, 200 years worth.

     Trish watches amazed as Rhyno transforms into a huge, black wolf and disappears up the long flight of stairs in
     search of the two male pups.

     "Come Master," Trish whispers seductively, "I will lead you to my brothers, your mates."

     I can barely control my emotions as I climb the long stairs to freedom. As I step out into the night for the first time
     in 200 years, the first thing for me to admire is the full moon. "Hello stranger," I whisper to my night time constant.
     It has been so long since I've felt the cool night breeze caressing my skin and it feels so good. I look at the tall
     buildings and the strange flying objects in the sky. I can't help but eye my new hunting ground with growing
     skepticism. "So much has changed."

     "But so much as stayed the same, Master," Trish whispered in reassurance as she handed me a bundle of clothes.
     "Fresh clothing will help you blend in with the mortals."

     I lift an eyebrow as I inspect the black leather pants before putting them on. "They are too tight," I growl as I shift
     uncomfortably in them.

     She blushes, "No Master, it is the style. You are what humans today call.....sexy."

     "Sexy?" I ask confused.

     "Hot," she whispers.

     "No, I'm not hot. It's quite comfortable out here."

     She giggles. "No Master, you look hot."

     I look at her confused. "That is a good thing?"

     "Oh yeah," she whispers as she licks her lips hungrily.

     I shake my head confused as I pull on the strange shirt that she has given me. It doesn't cover my arms and I look
     at her confused. "Someone must have ripped it."

     "It's a muscle shirt," she whispers as she caresses my arms, admiring my many tattoos.

     "Humans have strange dressing habits lately," I growl.

     She giggles as she holds up a black jacket. I smile as I read the inscription on the back of it. "Deadman, Inc."

     "Won't the humans know?" I asked concerned.

     "They won't even have a clue," she whispers as she helps me slip it on. She then bends down and pulls her jacket
     on. It has the same inscription on the back of it.

     "Come on," she giggles. "Let's go get Adam and Jason."

     I frown as I follow her into the new, strange, wonderful world of the living. I suddenly long for the uncomplicated
     old world. The landmarks that I once knew are all gone, and standing in their place are tall buildings that seem to
     have no end.

     As she leads me down a busy path of people, I see some humans pretending to be vampires. I laugh out loud in
     amusement, and she grins at me. They do not know that they are in the presence of the true King of the Undead.

     Trish pauses as she stands outside of a brightly lit, loud establishment. I smiled as I read the name. "Heaven."

     "They are inside?" I growl.

     "Yes, master," she whispers.

     My eagerness to be reunited with my mates causes me to storm into the building. Pausing as a huge hand gripped
     my arm. "Whoa, where do you think you're going?" A large human male growls.

     "Remove your hand or I shall remove it from your body," I growl.

     "Boys," Trish growls as she pushes in between us. She's small, but powerful.

     The tall, blond hair bouncer laughed as he looked down at her. "There is a cover charge here," he growled.

     Trish grinned as she pulled some green paper from her pants pockets. "Keep the change," she growls as she looks
     at the man's name tag as he releases my arm.

     I can tell that Trish is reading his mind as I am. He's not interested in her, but he's really interested in me. For a
     brief moment he looks into my eyes, and I grin as I place him in a trance. I glance around and make sure that no
     one is close to us. I hear his heartbeat as it increases as I lean closer. My tongue licks along his neck, savoring the
     feel of the artery underneath.

     He jumps a little as my fangs penetrate the soft tissue of his neck, but I hold him firmly. Trish taps my shoulder and
     I reluctantly pull away, licking at the puncture wounds, smiling as they instantly heal. I pull away and release him
     from the trance.

     I smile as he releases my arm and blushes, completely unaware of what I had just done.

     "Later," Trish whispers grinning.

     I smile as I follow her, glancing back at the big man. "Yes. Later, Kevin Nash," I whisper as I lick my lips,
     savoring his taste. He will make a wonderful addition to the night.

     As we ventured further into the dwelling, I frown as my keen senses were assailed by the foul smell of ale and
     smoke, mingled with the scent of male arousal.

     I searched the room for my two angels and find them on the dance floor. Slowly we made our way to them. Both
     young men completely unaware of our presence.

     I sniff the air, and a low growl escapes my throat as I smell their arousal as they grind their bodies in all sorts of
     erotic movements.

     I look around the room and notice that all eyes are looking at them.

     I growl possessively, but know that I can't cause a scene with this many humans. They can gaze upon them, but
     they will never touch my angels.

     Trish and I approach carefully. I reach out to Adam with my mind, sending him erotic images of all of us together
     in bed. I see him tremble as his arousal increases. He pulls Jason closer as he leans down and kisses him

     Trish reaches out to Jason's mind, sending him erotic images of all of us together. He whimpers as he clings closer
     to Adam, melting into his embrace.

     They are so caught up in the music and dance that they do not notice us, until we are right behind them. Trish
     closes in on Jason and pulls him from Adam, dancing with him seductively and provocatively as she places him in a

     Adam starts to protest, but I pull him to me. Before he can scream, I look into his eyes and send him images of us
     together. He's always been the strongest of the pair, and always edgy. That's why I chose the vampire name of
     Edge for him.

     He moans as I lean down and kiss him. His eyes flutter as I trail a path of kisses down his chin to along his neck.
     My tongue flickers at the large exposed vein. If I didn't have an audience, I would claim him right now. He
     whimpers as he feels the sharpness of my fangs scrape against his skin.

     I reach out to Trish and we slowly leave the dance area, much to the disdain of the human's who had been
     watching them.

     I wrap my arm around Adam's waist as I lead him outside, growling at any male who reached out for Adam. Trish
     does the same with Jason.

     Tonight, they will be mine once again. Together we shall rule the night.

     ~RHYNO'S POV~

     I follow the scent on the cloth. My senses are so keen after 200 years of imprisonment in a stale tomb that I think
     I could track them from anywhere.

     I smile as I slowly make my way up to the huge ranch style home in the secluded woods.

     My smile widens as I hear them.

     Changing back into human form, I creep up to their bedroom window.

     A soft growl escapes my throat as I see the older brother mounting his younger brother.

     Jeff moans in pleasure and submission as he lets his older brother rut on top of him. He grips the sheets as Matt
     leans down and nips at his shoulder.

     "So beautiful," Rhyno thought, "But soon you both will learn that I am the Alpha male."

     Rhyno stroked his huge, leaking cock as he searched for an entrance into the dwelling.

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