TITLE: Fanning the Flame
EMAIL: [email protected]
PART: 1/1
CONTENT: Slash m/m
DISCLAIMER: Don't own the wrestlers. They own themselves or Vince does. *pouts* I don't know their true sexuality, this is just fiction, and no money is made from it.
DISTRIBUTION: Please ask first.
SPOILERS: None to mention, just the part where Christian and Lance are sent to Raw and Lance's article, which is at......http://www.stormwrestling.com/commentary/default.asp?aID=1276
PAIRING: Adam/Jason, mention of Lance
SUMMARY: Told from Adam's POV. Jason discovers that Adam thinks he has been unfaithful, so he decides to show Adam that they are soul mates.
AUTHOR'S NOTE: This story is in response to a challenge made by Arely. Hope this is what you had in mind Arely. :)


I watch transfixed and horrified as I press against the glass window in attempt to watch the two writhing figures moving on the bed more closely. The smell of sex lingers thick and musky in the air as Lance fucks Jason, my Jason, hard and fast.

Their sweaty bodies glisten in the pale light as their movements become more erratic...more urgent.

Jason wraps his legs around Lance's waist in a desperate attempt to pull him closer and deeper.

"NO!" I scream as I frantically bang on the seemingly unbreakable window until my fists are throbbing in pain.

But they ignore me as if I don't exist. Jason moans in pleasure as Lance continues to thrust feverishly into him. Lance issues his own soft grunts of pleasure as he tries to push even deeper into Jason.

I bang on the window.

"NO! Jason, I love you!" I scream at the top of my lungs.

Lance turns and looks at me. His usual serious and expressionless face changes before my very eyes. A cruel, deliberate smile tugs at his lips as he thrusts into Jason. They continue to fuck and fuck and......


I bolt upright from the couch as I feel someone brushing my hair away from my face. I look up into the surprised blue eyes of Jason. My eyes glance at the clock on the wall. Fuck. I had fallen asleep an hour ago.

Jason lifts an eyebrow as he looks from me to the clock. "I know. I'm twenty minutes late, but you wouldn't believe the traffic. You also wouldn't believe what happened to me at the Rental car place. And they call me a dumb blond," he rants as he stands and stretches. "Are you alright? Was it another nightmare?"

Nightmare. Now that's the understatement of the year.

I look at him as if I'm in a daze. The dream was so vivid in my mind. Hell, I could still smell the scent of sex.

"That's it," he growls as he places his hands on his hips. "No more scary movies for you. I told you not to watch that movie, remember?"

"Yes," I whisper. I feel my heart rate slowing, which is a good thing because I thought it was about to explode a minute ago. I glance out the window and sigh. Lance is long gone.


I look up at Jason and see his serious expression.

"Yeah?" I practically squeak.

"What were you dreaming about?" Jason asks so softly that it's almost a whisper. "Don't tell me it was about that movie. You called out my name and Lance's."

Oh, shit.

"Both of you were in it."

"Why was it a nightmare then?" He asks as he sits down beside of me.

I bite my bottom lip. It's now or never.

"Lance and you have become real close lately, and I ......I worry....I think....."

"Think that Lance is fucking me?" Jason finishes the sentence.

I nod, lowering my head and allowing my hair to fan around my face, hiding my shame.

His fingers run through my damp hair and brush it away as he tilts up my chin. "I love you, Adam Copeland. Always have and always will. You were my first and you "will" be my last."

I moan as he presses his lips against mine. It is several minutes before we break the kiss and when we do, we are both breathless.

"I'm sorry," I whisper. "I shouldn't have ever doubted you. I...."

"Shhhh," he replies, placing a finger to my lips. "I think you need to feel how much I love you."

I shiver at his words.


I like the sound of that word.

Jason had never been the aggressive one in our relationship, but I allow him to grip my hand tightly and practically pull me into the bedroom.

"Strip," he growls lustfully as he removes his own shirt as we stand at the foot of the bed.

I smile as I realize that tonight.....he's in control.

I obey every order and soon I'm standing naked before the man that I love more than anything.

"You've been naughty Adam," Jason teases as he stalks slowly behind me, one of his fingers trailing along the curves of my body sending deliciously wicked chills down my spine as he presses against me.

I nod. "Punish me."

How could I ever think that Jason would cheat on me? Especially with Lance, the most serious and straight guy that I know.

"Drop to your knees," he commands as he walks back in front of me.

I do as he requests, kneeling directly in front of his long and slender cock that is jutting proudly from it's dark nest of curls. I long to lean in and lick at it's glistening tip, to taste my beautiful lover.

Much to my surprise, Jason takes a step back and looks down at me. His blue eyes are sparkling with mischief and I know that I'm in for a long night.

"Stroke and pleasure yourself, but do not come," he whispers to me. His voice deep and husky with his own sexual desire.

I do as ordered, stroking my cock and playing with my balls, while he watches completely mesmerized.

"Finger yourself," he whispers as he starts to mimic my actions in unison.

I almost spill as I see him stroking himself, while his index finger disappears into his mouth, slicking it and then moving behind himself and pressing it inside.

I mirror his actions, and soon the room is filled with our moans of pleasure as we work our bodies and enjoy watching the other one do the same.

"Enough," he gasps, releasing his cock and removing his finger. He leans over slightly as he tries to compose himself. His face is flushed and his hair is tousled.

I lick my lips as I see his chest is heaving with excitement and anticipation just like mine. My cock aches, but I restrain myself from touching it. I can see that he's barely restraining himself as well. If we can hold out, the end result will be worth the wait.

I smirk as I smell his raw need. He's never been in charge before and is obviously debating on his next command.

"Stand," he whispers with trembling lips, blushing slightly.

I do as he requests, but I take my time doing it, making sure that I flex all the muscles that I can in that few seconds that it takes for me to stand. I smile inwardly as I hear the soft appreciative gasp that escapes his lips.

"Bed. Back. Spread your legs wide," he whispers, barely able to control his own need.

I do as he requests making sure that he gets a good view of my ass in the process.

I lay upon the soft silky comforter and spread my legs for him. My cock is still standing at attention as Jason slowly crawls onto the bed with me.

"Grip the headboard and don't you dare move your hands or I'll stop," Jason whispers as he licks his lips.

As I grip the wooden headboard, his mouth descends upon my cock slurping it into the warm recesses of his mouth as he starts a heavenly sucking motion around the head.

My hips arch up and for a moment, I almost reach for him.

My moans and his suckling sounds feel the room, echoing in my brain.

"Ummmmmm......Jason......ahhhhhh," I moan. All coherent thought is lost as he slips a finger into my opening. I'm immediately fucking myself on the single digit, wishing and craving desperately that it was his silky hard cock.

He raises up, letting my cock slide slowly from his mouth. "Do you love me, Adam?"

I nod frantically. "More than life itself," I groan as his finger continues to tease me.

"And you know that I love you more than life, right?" Jason teases as he adds another finger. God! Jason knows how to fan the flame inside of me.


"But you dream of Lance and me together?" He asks, his tone of voice changing.

"I was.....It's just that.....I was jealous of all the time you two get to spend together," I finally admit with a sob.

Before I know it, I'm sobbing pathetically and can't stop.

Jason raises up and kisses me tenderly as my body trembles. God, how could I be so stupid?

"It's alright, my love. I forgive you. You know that it wasn't my idea to go to Raw, right?"

I nod as I sniffle. God, I'm pathetic.

"I would never leave you by choice. It was Vince and Eric's bright idea. They think that I'm holding you back...."

"No!" I snap angrily. "You've never held me back!"

He smiles tenderly, but I can see the tears in his eyes. "Thank you," he whispers. "I love you and would never do that."

I nod. "Tonight, lets forget about wrestling and our careers. It's just you and me."

He grins as he kisses me. "Ready to become one, my love?"

"Yes!" I gasp in need. "Make me yours."

"We have always been each others. We are soul mates and no one can separate us, no matter how many miles they place between us. We will always be one," Jason whispers as he gently pushes into me.

It's my first time in all our years together to be penetrated and I gasp slightly at the pain, but the pain is exquisite.....pleasurable. More, it strengthens our bond as soul mates.

Jason takes it slow and soon our bodies are bumping and grinding together feverishly in heated passion. A realization hits me....we fit together perfectly.

"ADAM!" Jason cries out as he spills inside of me. His seed is warm and it makes my body tingle.

"Come for me Adam," he growls in my ear, emphasizing his point by nibbling at my ear.

"JASON!" I roar as I come so hard that I actually see stars. As my seed sprays our abdomens, I loose conscious.

I awaken later to find Jason laying beside of me and placing soft butterfly kisses along my eyes.

"Adam, wake up," he whispers softly in an attempt to awaken me.

"Ummm...." I moan, too exhausted and spent to vocalize my feelings. Damn, I'd never passed out before.

"Soul mates," Jason whispers as he smiles down lovingly at me. "Forever."

"Forever," I whisper as I drift back to sleep. This time my dreams were filled only with us, no more Lance. Nothing will ever come between us again.

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