TITLE:   Enemies, Friends, and Lovers
CONTENT:  Slash m/m, rape
DISCLAIMER:  Don't own them, Vince does.  *pouts*  I don't know their true
sexuality.  This is just fiction.
DISTRIBUTION:  Kriket and Darkflame, all others please ask.
SUMMARY:   What really goes on in the back locker room area.  This story was
written a long time ago, back when Kurt was feuding with the Undertaker and
E&C were still a tag team.

Adam and Jason were glad to be back stage once again.  They couldn't believe
that Kurt had slapped Mark hard in the face like he did.  It wasn't in the
script.  Fuck.  'Taker was going to be pissed.  Adam began to panic,
wondering what 'Taker would do to them for helping Kurt.

"What's the rush, baby?" Jason asked confused as Adam practically dragged
him back to their locker room.

"I'm sorry,"  Adam whispered as he stopped and pulled Jason to him, wrapping
his arms around his slender waist.  "I just want to be alone with you,
besides, I have a surprise for you."

"A surprise?" Jason exclaimed, his eyes lighting up like a Christmas tree.

Adam laughed as he watched Jason's expression.  His lover was a big kid at
heart, mention a present and he would pester you to death until he got it.
"But you don't get it until tonight,"  Adam say adamantly, hoping to avoid
all of Jason's questions.

"Really?"  Jason pouted.  "Is it better than the birthday gift I gave you?"
Jason asked with a slight pouting of the lips,  trying not to smile as he
already knew the answer.

"Nothing could compare to that, but you're really going to like it,"  Adam
smiled as he remembered his birthday and that particular surprise Jason was
talking about.   Jason and him had tenderly made love for the first time.
All the years of being friends, and traveling all over the country, they had
finally became intimate.  Adam's smile increased.  Jason had really rocked
his world that night.

"What are we waiting for then?"  Jason whispered, getting undressed quickly
and rushing for the shower, his bare ass jiggling as he ran.  Adam smiled
and followed.  Who could refuse a temptation like that?

They somehow managed to keep their hands to themselves, afraid that someone
would walk in.  They dressed quickly and were just about to leave when Kurt
walked in.

"Hey guys, ready to go celebrate?"  Kurt asked as his eyes roamed over the
bodies of first Jason, then Adam.

Adam tried to control his anger.  Kurt had been after them for weeks now.
Damn, he was acting like a dog in heat.  "Kurt it was nice of you to ask,
but Jason and I have plans......special plans, which quite frankly, don't
include you,"  Adam hissed.

Jason gasped.  Adam sounded so mean and ......jealous.   Adam was jealous of
Kurt?  A small smile spread across Jason's face.   Kurt was  a good friend,
it's true, but Adam was his lover, his soul mate.  Why would Adam be so
jealous?  Kurt could never compare to him.  He brushed against Adam on
purpose, as he walked over to Kurt.  "Kurt, I'm sorry, but we've made

Kurt smiled and nodded.  "I see.  So that's how you two want to play it,"
he whispers watching Adam intently.  "It's alright Jason."

Adam glared at Kurt, who finally turned to leave.

"Hey Kurt, Mark is looking for you.  He didn't like that bitch slap that you
gave him in the ring," Adam said with a smirk.

Kurt stopped and smiled back.  "Way I heard it, he wants all three of our
heads on a platter," Kurt quickly retorted as he shut the door behind him,
not waiting to see the anger surge through Adam.

Kurt cursed himself for thinking that it would be easy to get Adam  and
Jason in bed.  But get them, he would.  He had wanted them for so long.  He
realized that Jason was the weakest one and that he'd have to get him first,
Adam would follow Jason anywhere, including his bed.  he smiled as he walked
away, forming a plan of seduction in his head.

Kurt didn't notice the tall, dark figure hidden at the end of the hallway.
Mark smiled, he was making his own plans.  No one comes in his yard and
slaps him.  Kurt would pay, and so would his two beautiful, blond

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