Title: Confused
Author: Katie Jones
Disclaimer: I don�t own them unfortunately. WCW and WWF own em.
Distribution: If you want to use it, go for it. Just please let me know where it is.
Rating: R for now.
Content: Slash eventually.
Summary: Jeff Hardy is married and has four kids but isn�t in love with his wife anymore. (totally lame summary but I didn�t know what else to say)
Notes: AU sort of. They�re wrestlers but there aren�t any different feds. It�s all one big happy family. And being gay is the norm. Used mostly character names and it�s my universe so Bret Hart and Vince never had a falling out, Edge and Christian are still faces and Rock�s a heel. So are Austin and Goldberg for that matter. Everyone else can assume their normal positions. (not like that but it�s a nice thought) I don�t use any ECW guys because unless they have moved to WWF or WCW, I don�t know who they are.

Chap. 1

Jeff smiles across the room at his older brother who is busy playing tonsil hockey with Lance Storm. He takes a seat next to Bret Hart who just smiles at him. Jeff nods his hello and looks over his next months schedule. �Damn.� He mutters under his breath.

�What�s wrong kid?� Bret asks.

�I�m not going to be able to see my wife for the next month. My kids travel with me but she has to be in Europe for the next three weeks and then she is going to her folks place the following week. I was supposed to meet her but now I find out that I am booked for the entire month. This sucks.� Jeff says looking distraught.

�Poor kid. But hey at least you�ll have your kids with you right?�

�True that is a bonus. But still, a month without sex? I�m gonna go nuts.�

Bret laughs but stays silent. He looks at Shawn Michaels when he sits down and they start talking about their angle. Jeff looks up as Jeff Jarrett sits down next to him. �Hardy.� Jarrett says with a wicked grin

�Jarrett.� Jeff says wishing he were somewhere else. Jeff scoots away from Jarrett and closer to the Bret.

Bret looks down at Jeff when he bumps into him and asks quietly �What�s wrong?�

�Double J is always hitting on me. It creeps me out. He knows I�m straight.�

Bret smiles sympathetically. �Do you want me to switch places with you?�

Jeff looks up surprised at the offer. �Are you sure man?�

�Nobody needs to be hit on by him.� Bret stands up and motions for Jeff to take his place. When Jarrett starts to move over as well, Bret glares down at him almost daring him to try it. Jarrett swallows and stays in place.

�Thanks Bret.�

�No problem kid.�

They both go back to ignoring each other. Bret lays his arm across the back of Jeff�s chair and is talking to Shawn. Jeff is trying his best to ignore the big man who is brushing against him. Jeff thinks to himself �Why am I not pushing him away? I can�t actually like having him touching me. No I�m straight. I am not into guys.� Jeff finally can�t stand all of the conflicting emotions and jumps to his feet. Bret looks surprised. �Is something wrong kid?�

�No. I just� I have to go check on my kids.� Jeff says as he all but runs away.

Bret and Shawn look at one another. �That boy is a little too high strung.� Shawn says with a laugh.

Bret nods his agreement as he follows Jeff with his eyes.

Chap Two

Jeff reaches the nursery with a sigh. �Jesus I have lost my mind. Of course I noticed how he smelled. He was practically on top of me. God, he and Shawn must think I�m insane. � Jeff says out loud.

Mick is playing with the kids when Jeff comes into the room. �Jeff? Are you all right?�

�Mick.� Jeff yelps. �I didn�t think anyone was here. I�m fine.�

Mick opens his mouth to say something but decided it a wiser course to stay quiet. Jeff smiles and goes over to where his triplets are playing with a puzzle. �Hey you three. Having fun?�

�Yeah Daddy. Uncle Mick was helping us put together our puzzle.� The oldest of the three says smiling up at her dad.

�Oh really Angie? Was he any good at it?�

�Not really. He kept trying to make the wrong pieces fit in the wrong place.� The second, Marie says.

�And what did you think about his puzzle fitting skills, Elisabeth?�

She just shrugs up at her dad and goes back to the puzzle. They all look up when the door opens and Elisabeth ducks behind her dad when Jarrett comes into the room. �Hey Jeff. You and I need to work out our match tonight. Hi girls. Aren�t you the cutest little things?� All three of the girls cower behind their dad.

Jeff stands in front of the girls and says �Okay I�ll meet you in your locker room after the meeting. Now stay away from my little girls.�

Jarrett smiles and proceeds to leave the room. Mick comes to stand next to Jeff. �Jeff? Are you okay?�

�Yeah Mick. I�m fine. Will you stay with my kids?�

�Sure Jeff.�

�Thanks Mick.�

Chap Three

Jeff goes back to the meeting room and takes a seat closer to his brother and as far away from Jarrett as he can make it. Vince has already started talking. �First of all let�s welcome back to the family Bret Hart, Shawn Michaels, Mick Foley and Road Dogg. Next I need to remind everyone that Mick, Shawn and Bret, while no longer allowed to wrestle will be managing new stables. Also everyone lets offer our congratulations to Jeff Hardy on his new additions to his family and to Mick Foley for his new addition to his family. And now for the first hour of Raw, I�ll let Eric give you the run down on who�s doing what. Eric?�

�Thank you Vince. Curtain jerking is 3 count versus the Dudley�s. Next we will have promos from the Rock and Goldberg. Next up will be Road Dogg versus K-Kwick. Next we have Edge and Christian versus Matt Hardy and Lance Storm. Final match of the first hour is Jeff Hardy challenging Jeff Jarrett for the European title. And now I�ll turn it over to JR for the second hour. JR?�

�Thanks Eric. First up in the second hour is Lita versus Daffney versus Trish versus Major Gunns for the women�s title. Following that match we have a first blood match. Chris Jericho versus Sean O�Haire. Next is an Intercontinental Match. Chyna defends against Chavo Guerrero. Last but not least we have a match deciding the number one contender. Rock versus Goldberg versus Undertaker versus Triple H versus Kevin Nash versus Stone Cold. Everyone see whoever announced your match to see the results.�

Jeff stands up and walks over to Eric who immediately starts to flirt. Jeff groans and asks �Can I please just find out if I�m losing to him or not?�

�Sure thing sweetie. Here you go.� Eric says winking as he hands Jeff an envelope.

Jeff takes the envelope and walks away quickly. Walking into the wall that is Kevin Nash he looks up. �Sorry man. Wasn�t looking where I was going.�

�It�s okay darlin�. Happens all the time.� Kevin says patting Jeff on the head.

Jeff shakes his head and walks around Kevin. He keeps going all the way to the nursery without opening the envelope. Once there he smiles at the kids and sits at one of the miniature tables. Opening the envelope he swears under his breath. �Son of a bitch. That mother fucking piece of trash. How dare he. He knows I�m supposed to beat him.� Jeff jumps to his feet and exits the room as quickly as he had entered. Pounding on the locker room door, Jeff doesn�t wait for it to be opened. He pushes his way in. �Oh here�s a big surprise. Is this how you fucked me out of the title Jarrett? By fucking Bischoff?� Jeff says as he walks in on Jarrett standing behind a bent over Bischoff, both of them naked and sweaty.

�Why Jeff. So kind of you to join us. I�ll tell you what little boy. Let me fuck you and I�ll job to you. Otherwise you will never get your hands on any singles titles or tag titles for that matter.�

Jeff launches himself at double J and starts hitting him. Suddenly he feels himself being lifted off the older man and carried out of the room. Jeff fights his captor, finally hitting him in the knee. �Dammit boy.� Jeff turns around to look at the Undertaker.

�Why the fuck did you stop me?�

�Jeff, he�s not worth it. He�s not worth you losing your job.�

�Fuck that. That fucking asshole is screwing me out of my title . I was supposed to win tonight. I was supposed to beat him. That son of a bitch made Bischoff change the outcome just so they could try to fuck me. Screw that. I want his ass in a sling.�

Taker stands there looking at the young man outwardly expressionless. Inside he is reveling at the passion this childish looking man is expressing. �Jeff.�

Jeff stops pacing and looks up at the older man. �What?� He snarls.

�Jarrett will get his. But you need to keep your hands off of him unless you want to lose your job. I promise he will never screw you out of another title nor will he proposition you ever again but you have to stay away.�

�Fine.� Jeff fights back the tears that are threatening to flow. �Thanks man.�

�No problem boy. And one more thing.�

Jeff looks up into ominous green eyes. �Yeah?� He whispers.

�If you ever kick me again, I will flatten your skinny little ass.�

Jeff bites his lip to keep from laughing. �Sorry Taker but I didn�t know it was you. I might not have kicked you.�


�Yeah well. What do you expect? You�re the one who picked me up and was carrying me down the hall like I was a sack of potatoes.�

�True. Okay boy. You�re forgiven this time.�

�Thanks Taker.� Jeff puts his hand out for Taker to shake. Undertaker takes his hand and shakes it. Jeff pulls his hand away as if burned. He looks up at Taker and then runs off down the hall leaving Taker staring after him.

Chap Four
Jeff�s POV

Damn. What is wrong with me? I love my wife. Why do I keep having these feelings every time a guy touches me? I think I�m going nuts. I love my wife. So why is it every time I look at some of these guys I get a semi? Am I nuts or what? I swear I am going to go insane if I keep feeling this way any time I get touched by a man I consider a friend. First Bret and now Taker? Who�s next? Jericho? Oh god please let me figure out what it is I�m feeling. I had better go see my kids now before I completely lose my mind or what�s left of it.

I walk into the nursery daycare center and see my triplets playing with Noelle, Mick�s daughter. It makes me happy to see my girls so happy when their mom isn�t around. Now all I need is to see my newest little angel. She�s so beautiful. Her name is Lara. She is my littlest princess. Everyone thinks I should want a boy but I am so happy with my four little angels that I don�t think I want any boys. I mean sure I�d love to have a boy to carry on the family name but it�s not that big of a deal to me. �Here�s my little baby.� I say to her as I pick her up. You see my wife is an international news reporter. She travels all the time. I have raised our little girls. I have also found out that the kids are very responsive to being talked to all of the time. So whenever I see my youngest I talk to her. Usually just so she can hear the sound of my voice. And my triplets love to talk to their sister. They are the best big sisters. Kinda like Matt is the best big brother I could ask for. They are always playing with their little sister and just being there for her in general. So since I don�t know who else to talk to about this I talk to my baby. I know she can�t answer back but that�s what I need. She also can�t judge me. And she makes a really good listener.

After she has fallen asleep I look down at her in her crib. I might not be the best example for my kids but I love my little angels and no one can say I don�t love them to pieces and that I don�t do anything and everything for my babies. I know they don�t have a steady home or even a normal family but they are surrounded by love. And if I�m not the one holding and kissing my girls than my brother or my friends are there. And the parents in the Fed have this tendency to stick together. We all watch out for each others kids and each other to a certain extent. My wife, Andrea thinks that I should let her take the kids with her. That�s insane. Andrea is in a war zone right now just to prove that she can do it. She wasn�t asked to take this assignment she offered to take it. I love my wife but I can�t let her take my babies with her to some country that is at war just because she needs to prove to her colleagues that she has the balls to go out there and get the story at any cost. Okay now I�m not being fair. When she�s home she�s a terrific mom and a very loving wife but I just don�t get why she has to put her life on the line just to prove that she�s one of the boys. I don�t mean to sound like I think she should be at home barefoot and pregnant because I don�t. I love that she has her own career and is independent but my girls need their mom once in a while. Oh well. I am not capable of changing her mind about this. I need to go. My match is in about five minutes and I have haven�t even gotten changed.

Chapter Five
Back to third person.

A month and a half later

Jeff looks up as Sean O�Haire walks in the room. �Hey kid.�

�Hey Sean. How�s it going?�

�Fine how about you?�

�Great. My wife is flying in tonight in time for the show. I am so excited to see her.�

Sean smiles wistfully. �How long has it been since you�ve seen her?�

�A month and a half. My girls are going nuts wanting their mommy.�

�You got some cute kids man.�

�Thanks. I dread the day when they start dating.�

�I would too if I were their dad. They are going to be some serious heartbreakers.�

�That�s true.� Jeff stands up as Eric comes into the room. �What do you want?�

�Your girls are missing. No one has seen them in almost four hours.�

Jeff grabs Eric by the collar and slams him up against the wall. �You son of a bitch. What the fuck did you do to my girls?�

�Nothing Jeffie. I am just the messenger.�

Sean O�Haire grips Jeff�s hands and pulls him off of Bischoff. �Jeff if you kill him than you don�t find anything out.� Sean says unintentionally in Jeff�s ear.

Jeff jumps at the feel of Sean�s breath on his ear. �Okay I won�t kill him but just let me beat the shit outta him.�

Sean remains holding Jeff back until the Undertaker walks into the room. �Jeff, Jarrett�s missing too.� Neither Sean nor Taker expects what happens next. Jeff sinks to his knees and starts to sob. Both men go to hug Jeff and staring at one another, stop just before embracing him.

Jeff�s sobs finally subside and he looks up at the two men who are rubbing his back. �We have to find my kids. I swear to god if that son of a bitch hurts them, I will kill him.�

Taker and Sean both nod and stand up. They reach down at the same time to help Jeff to his feet. Jeff takes each of their hands and pulls himself up. Glaring one last time at Bischoff, Jeff storms out of the room, Taker and Sean following him.

Bischoff pulls out a cell phone and makes a call. �Hello Jarrett?�

�Yeah what Eric?�

�Jeff knows you took his girls. Disappear before he catches up to you. And one last thing. Do Not hurt those girls.�

�Yeah, yeah, yeah. I know. I�ll call when I reach our destination.�

�Okay lover.�

�Bye doll.� Eric hangs up the phone and leaves the room.

Bret steps out of the shadows and narrows his eyes. He immediately takes off in search off Jeff. He finds Jeff talking to Mick and the other parents. He interrupts. �Jeff, I need to talk to you right now. It�s about your girls.�

Jeff looks at him, rage in his eyes. �What about my girls?�

�Jarrett�s got them. And Eric knows where they are going. He called Jarrett after you left the room and told him to get out of wherever he is.�

Jeff throws a fist in the direction of the wall. �Owww.�

Jeff thinks to himself before turning, �Walls don�t talk.� Jeff looks up into Kevin Nash�s eyes and winces. �Sorry man. I meant to hit the wall.�

�It�s okay darlin�. But if you keep hitting me and running into me I might start thinkin� that you are doing it on purpose.�

Jeff looks up at him and rolls his eyes. He turns back to Bret and asks �Which way did that jack ass go?�

�You must be talking about Eric.� Nash says from behind Jeff.

Jeff turns around and looks at the big man. �Yeah I am. Why? Have you seen him in the last ten minutes?�

�I saw him heading out to the parking lot about�.� Nash stares as Jeff takes off at a dead run, Taker , Sean and Bret hot on his heels, before finishing his sentence. �Five minutes ago.� He starts to laugh at the absurdity of it before Mick tells him what happened. Kevin follows the other four men.

Chapter 6

Jeff catches up to Eric�s car just as he is pulling out of the parking lot. �Open the fucking door asshole.� Jeff grinds out, blocking the car�s path.

Eric looks at Jeff and starts to open the door, thinking he might be able to out run the younger man. He is suddenly yanked from his car by strong hands. �You sick son of a whore. Where are Jeff�s little girls?�

Jeff, Bret, Taker and Sean all look on in amazement at the sight before them. Kevin Nash has Eric by the throat at least four feet off the ground. Eric is gasping for air when Jeff hears a voice from behind him saying �I am Jeff Hardy�s wife, Andrea Hardy.�

Another voice that sounds like Jim Dotson is heard saying �I�m sorry ma�am I don�t have you on my list. Therefore I cannot let you in the building. If you want I can call Jeff and find out if you are his wife.�

�Please do so now.� Andrea says.

Jim rolls his eyes as Jeff comes running over. �Big Jim, this is Andrea. I didn�t put her on the list because I was supposed to pick her up at the airport.� Jeff looks at his wife while the other wrestlers look on. �Andrea honey, the girls have been kidnapped.�

Andrea looks at her husband. �How were they kidnapped?�

�Long story and I don�t want to get into it right now. You stay with Jim while I go look for our little girls, okay?� Andrea nods looking tearful. Jeff pulls her to him and kisses her. �I love you Andrea. Don�t ever forget that you and our girls are my world.� Andrea nods and kisses Jeff. He smiles softly at her and heads back to where Nash has Eric up against the car now.

�Eric you had better tell us where Jarrett has Jeff�s girls before I rip off your balls and use them for golf practice.� Kevin says menacingly.

Eric swallows and then nods his head. �Okay I�ll tell you. He is at the Super 8 out by the airport. His flight to Atlanta leaves in twenty minutes. If you hurry you can catch him.�

Jeff looks at Nash and silently thanks the big man. He turns and jumps on the back of his bike and takes off. Undertaker climbs on his bike and follows the younger man. Bret grabs Sean and Kevin and pulls them towards his rental car. Climbing in they all look at one another and Bret silently starts the car. They pull out of the parking lot Eric protesting the entire time until Kevin shuts him up with a look.

Chapter 7

Jeff reaches the hotel and ditches his bike quickly. Running into the lobby he spots the Jarrett who is looking down at Elisabeth and grinning evilly. Elisabeth is being held by her sisters while she is crying and holding her cheek. Marie is blatantly glaring at the man who hit her sister while Angie is trying to soothe Elisabeth. Marie finally speaks up just as her father gets within earshot while remaining out of sight. �When our daddy gets here he is so totally going to kick your butt from here to China and back for touching us. And I am gonna have fun watching.�

�Shut up little girl or you�ll get more of what I gave that brat.� Jarrett says pointing in the direction of Elisabeth who cries louder.

Jeff can�t take it anymore and flies at the older man, tackling him to the ground. �You fucking piece of shit. How dare you touch my girls. I am going to kill you.� Jeff yells while hitting Jarrett repeatedly in the face. Jarrett tried to duck the blows and then to block them but Jeff was too angry to be stopped. Jarrett was finally knocked unconscious and Jeff got off of him. Looking over at the stunned check in clerk he says �Call the cops. I want this mother fucker arrested for kidnapping my girls.� Jeff then drops to his knees and pulls the triplets into his arms. He notices the baby crying, in her carrier only a few inches away and picks her up, adding her to the embrace. They are all hugging when Taker and the other�s show up. Jeff is talking to the cops and not letting go of his little girls. The guys hang back until the cops leave and then approach Jeff and his girls.

�I guess you didn�t need us to show up.� Taker says smiling down at the little girls all clinging desperately to their daddy.

�No I didn�t but thanks for the back up anyhow. It means a lot to me.� Jeff says smiling at the men standing before him. He looks down at his girls all of whom except the baby are clinging to his legs. �Umm can I get you guys to help me transport these girls back to the arena where I have my rental van?�

�No problem.� Bret says looking at Sean and Kevin. �We can take the baby and one of the triplets.�

�Great. Taker can you take the other triplet and I�ll take Elisabeth?�

Taker looks unsure. �Jeff I have my bike not a car.�

�That�s okay. They know to hold on tight. Don�t worry man. Angie�ll be okay. I promise.�

Angie smiles up at her dad and then looks up at Taker. �You�re really tall.�

Taker laughs. �And you�re really short.� He says getting down on his haunches so that he�s eyes level with her. She smiles at him and blushes. He picks her up and smiles at Jeff. �Okay. If you�re sure about me putting her on my bike.�

�I�m sure big man. I trust you with my babies. Hell, I trust all of you guys with my girls.� Jeff says smiling softly at the older men who are looking at him.

They all smile back and climb into/onto their vehicles. Jeff reminds Angie and Elisabeth to hold on tight and he pulls out after Taker. They head back to the arena.

Chapter 8

Andrea runs up to them and hugs her little girls tight. �Oh my babies. Are you all right?�

The girls nod. Elisabeth pushes away and goes back to Jeff clinging to his legs until he picks her up. Angie pushes away and heads over to Taker, grabbing onto his legs, looking up and smiling at him. He smiles back and picks her up. Marie walks back over to Sean and pulls on his pants leg. He looks down at her and grins. Pulling her up into his arms, Sean smiles and winks at the little girl. Andrea tries to soothe the baby, Lara but she isn�t having it. Kevin walks over and takes the howling baby from her mother�s arms. Lara immediately quiets down and just stares up at the big man holding her and making cooing noises. Andrea gets the feeling she�s not needed and starts to walk off. Jeff grabs her by the arm and passing Elisabeth off to Bret, he pulls her into his embrace and kisses her passionately. �I�ve missed you love.� Jeff says softly. �If you want I can talk to Mick and Colette and ask them to watch our girls tonight. So we can be alone. I haven�t had you to myself in three months. I need you.� Andrea smiles and nods.

Taker looks at the other guys and they nod at his questioning look. �Jeff if you want, me and these guys would be happy to watch the girls tonight so you and Andrea can have some alone time.�

�Are you sure guys?�

They all nod, Sean speaking up. �Jeff, if you want us to, we�d be more than happy to.� He smiles down at the younger man.

Jeff grins up at them. �Thanks guys. It means a lot to me. I�ll grab their stuff from the back of the rental van and drop it in Bret�s locker room okay?�

The guys nod and set the little ones they are holding on the ground, except Kevin who hands Jeff the baby. He smiles and the men leave. Jeff looks at Andrea and smiles. �Hey baby. Why don�t we go to my dressing room? We can drop the girls off in the nursery and have a little preview of tonight?�

Andrea laughs softly. �Baby I need to tell you something. I have to go back to Bosnia in the morning. I know I was supposed to have a week�s vacation but they needed me to stay so I said yes.�

Jeff glares at his wife. �You said yes without even talking to me.� He states. �How could you? I took the next week off so I could spend time with my wife and kids all at once. I was planning on taking us all to California. You know the girls want to go to Disneyland. How could you do this to us?� He asks frustrated.

�Baby, I�m sorry. I know I should have talked to you about it but I can�t turn down this chance. You know that.� Andrea says pleadingly.

�What I know Andrea is that you are more concerned with proving that you have the balls to go into the field than you are with making sure our girls are being raised properly.�

�I�ve told you time and time again that my girls are just as important to me as my job.�

�Yea. Our girls are more important. In fact they are so important to you that you leave them for months at a time to go to some god forsaken country where you could get killed just for being American. Not to mention me. I must be pretty fucking important to you since you would rather go back to Bosnia than spend the next week making love with me.� Jeff says glaring at his wife.

She bites her lip and looks away. �Jeff you know I love being with you but right now my job is important to me. I don�t know why you can�t support me. I support you when you go out there getting hit over the head with chairs, jumping off ladders and being thrown of the top of cells. So why can�t you support me in my job?�

�Fine. Never mind the fact that I have agreed to watch our girls grow up without you around but you wanna throw my life up in my face. Why don�t you just go back tonight? I don�t know why you came here in the first place.� Jeff says, no longer angry but sad.

�I came here because I love you Jeff. You are my husband. I wouldn�t be married to you if I didn�t love you.� Andrea says pleading with Jeff to look at her.

He turns around and stares through her. �I honestly believe that you believe that. But you can�t love me as much as you say you do. If you did you wouldn�t risk your life for your job. No job is that important.�

�Mine is Jeff. I do love you and our girls but my job is just as important to me. I mean is almost as important to me.�

�I think you had it right the first time.� He looks away towards their children. �Girls. Don�t play on that.�

�Okay Daddy.� The girls call back.

Jeff turns back to his wife. �I love you. And I want you safe but you consider your job more important than me and our girls. And I can�t keep living that way. I can�t worry about whether or not my wife is alive. I need to concentrate on my babies. So if you go back to Bosnia than do not expect to be able to come back home to me and our girls. I have put up with this bullshit long enough. No more. Leave this time and it�s for good.� Jeff says.

�You�re making me choose between my job and you?�

�Yeah. I guess I am.�

�If I have to give up my job than shouldn�t you do the same.�

�I have been a wrestler longer than I have known you. You became a reporter after we got married. Our jobs are completely different. I may risk my neck every time I get in the ring but I know how to be careful. I know how to stay safe. You can�t say the same. You can wear all the bullet proof vests you want but you can�t stop a bullet from going through your head. I mean it Andrea. You leave tomorrow and don�t bother coming back into our lives.�

�Okay Jeff. I�ll call and let them know that I can�t go tomorrow.�

Jeff smiles and pulls Andrea into his arms. �I promise you won�t regret this baby.�

Andrea just nods against his chest frowning to herself.

Chapter 9
Jeff�s POV

I walk out of the bathroom, naked. Andrea looks up and smiles at me. �Jeff, you are so silly. We just got back to the room. I thought you said you were hungry.�

�I am. Just not for food.� I say wiggling my eyebrows at her. She giggles and pats the bed beside her. I jump onto the bed and start to undress Andrea. She sighs and lets me do it. I throw her clothes aside and quickly enter her. As we are moving together, my thoughts start to wonder. I start think about Bret and Sean and the other guys and am startled to find myself more aroused by the thought of them than I was aroused by my wife. I stop moving altogether and slide out of my wife.

Andrea sits up. �Jeff, what�s wrong?�

�Nothing I just�. I can�t. Not now. Why don�t you order up some room service and I�ll go pull myself together?� I says pushing off the bed and heading into the bathroom. Andrea sighs with relief and grabs the phone. She calls and orders up dinner.

I steps into a steaming shower and stands under the spray, wondering why I was thinking about my friends while I was making love to my wife. I don�t get it. What is wrong with me? Why am I so turned on by the thought of Bret and Sean and Kevin and Taker? I�m not gay so why does the thought of men turn me on more than the thought of my wife? I�ll make an appointment to see the doctor tomorrow. Maybe he can help me figure out what the hell is wrong with me. I stand under the hot water for several more minutes willing my erection to go away. When that doesn�t work, I start to stroke myself. Thoughts of Andrea laying naked beneath me don�t help so I think about Sean instead. I quickly come all over my hand and the wall to these thoughts. I groan and sit on the edge of the tub after turning off the water. What the fuck is wrong with me? Thoughts of Andrea won�t bring me off but thoughts of Sean O�Haire will? Jesus what is wrong with me? I think as I sit there getting cold. I am starting to shiver when Andrea knocks on the door. �Jeff, honey, I�m running down to the restaurant. I don�t feel like eating in the room okay?�

I swallow and find my voice. �Okay baby. Can you grab me something to eat?�

Andrea agrees and heads out the door. I put my head in my hands. I feel like my life is a lie. I can�t be gay. I can�t. I love Andrea Somewhere deep inside of him another voice says �But you�re not in love with her.� �I love her.� I say out loud. �That�s the important thing. I love her.� The other voice says �Then why doesn�t she turn you on? Why is it she has never turned you on?� �She turns me on. She does.� �Sure Jeff. That�s why every time you think about your wife you automatically think of your girls but every time you think of Sean or Bret or Taker or even Kevin you get hard.� I think about this for a minute. Dammit, I know that this voice is right. I love my wife but as a friend. Why haven�t I seen it before? Why have I never known that I�m gay? Oh man. How do I explain this to Andrea? How do I explain this to my girls? I finally step out of the tub and dry myself off. Laying down under the covers I fall asleep with these thoughts running through my head.

Chapter 10
Back to third person

Jeff wakes up the next morning to find his wife sleeping in a chair. �Andrea, why are you in that chair?�

She wakes up and looks at Jeff. �Because I didn�t want to disturb you last night. You looked so sweet and angelic.� She looks down at the floor and then back up at Jeff. �Honey, why did you pull out of me last night? I know you were still hard. I could feel it. So that wasn�t the problem. So what was?�

Jeff looks down at the floor and then back up at Andrea. �I wasn�t hard because of you. I�. God this is hard. Baby, I love you but I�m not in love with you anymore. The only things that are holding us together are our girls. I know you aren�t in love with me anymore. And what�s worse is I know why I�m not in love with you anymore.�

�I know you�re right about us and the girls and me not being in love with you and I know why I�m not in love with you anymore. It�s because I am in love with my boss. But why aren�t you in love with me anymore?�

�I�m in love with someone else. Who isn�t important right now. The important thing is that I am in love with a man.� Andrea looks at Jeff in total shock. Jeff continues. �What do you want to do about the girls, Andrea?�

�You�re their parent. Not me. I never even wanted children. So as soon as you have the papers drawn up, I�ll sign over full custody of them. Right now I need to call my boss and tell him that I�ll be on the first flight I can manage.� Jeff nods and watches in silence as Andrea packs her stuff and picks up the phone. He stays sitting on the bed as she walks out the door and out of his life. When she is gone he calls up Sean and asks him to bring the girls by. Sean agrees.

Half an hour later, Sean knocks on the door. Jeff opens the door looking haggard. �Hey Sean. Thanks for bringing my girls.� Jeff looks around but doesn�t see his daughters. �Uh. Sean? Where are my girls?�

Sean smiles lightly. �Actually, Taker, Bret and Kevin have kidnapped them for the rest of the day. I came down here to tell you and to see if you are all right. You sounded kinda sad on the phone.�

Jeff blushes and opens the door all the way, revealing he is only wearing a towel. �Come on in. If you really wanna hear about it then I�ll tell you.�

Sean nods and tries to pull his eyes away from Jeff�s wet, almost naked form. �Uh maybe I should come back in a few minutes?�

�No. I just need to get dressed.� Jeff grabs Sean�s hand and pulls him into his room when he hears his brother�s voice down the hall. �No big. It�s not like we�ve never showered together or anything.� Jeff says ducking into the bathroom.

Sean swallows hard and takes a seat at the small table set in the room.

Jeff walks out of the bathroom a minute later wearing a pair of tight blue jeans, unbuttoned and no shirt. �Now are you sure you want to hear about my problems?�

�Jeff we�re friends. You mean a lot to me. As a friend I mean.� Sean says trying to cover his obvious arousal.

Jeff looks at him and smiles somewhat sadly. �Okay here goes. My wife went back to Bosnia and we�re getting a divorce. Turns out we don�t love one another or rather we�re not in love with one another. She is giving me full custody of our kids, the only bright spot. She is in love with her boss who is a great guy for someone who�s forty years older than she is. And I am� I have just realized I�m�� Jeff pauses and takes a deep breath.

Sean looks up at Jeff who is only inches away from him and closes his eyes. �What is it Jeff? What could possibly be so horrible you can�t say it?�

�I�m gay. And I just realized this. And I�� Jeff trails off as he looks down at Sean.

Sean looks up when Jeff trails off. �What Jeff?�

Jeff is only inches away from Sean�s face. Sean tilts his head as if he is going to kiss Jeff. Jeff pulls away abruptly. �I don�t want this man. My entire life I have been into women. At least that�s what I thought. When I think back on it I don�t think I have ever made love to a women where I didn�t imagine a man in her place. I was making love to my wife last night and the only reason I had a hard on was because I was thinking about y�. guys. I even tried jerking off to the thought of Andrea but it didn�t work. When I thought of y�. a man I came almost instantly. Sean what�s wrong with me?�

�Nothing�s wrong with you Jeff. This is perfectly normal. Most of us wondered why you were straight.� Sean stands up and walks over to where Jeff is standing with his back turned. He places his hands on the younger mans shoulders. �Jeff, it�s okay for you to feel this way. It�s not a betrayal to anyone. You haven�t done anything wrong.� Jeff closes his eyes and leans back against the taller man�s chest as he listens to him. �You are perfectly normal. Just because you didn�t know that you were gay is no reason to come down on yourself. How many times have you told me that you like to be different?� Jeff smiles softly and shrugs, enjoying the feel of Sean holding him. Sean takes a chance and wraps his arms around Jeff�s waist. �Well, I think that�s part of the reason you wanted to be straight. Because you wanted to be different. But Jeff, no matter what you are, gay, straight it doesn�t matter because none of that changes who you are. You are still a sexy, charismatic, intelligent young man.� Sean says resting his chin on the top of Jeff�s head.

Jeff blushes and asks �You think I�m sexy?�

Sean laughs and pulls away, turning Jeff around. �That�s what you got out of all that? Yes I think you are probably one of the sexiest men I know.�

�You really think I�m sexy? Does that mean you want to kiss me?� Jeff asks leaning as close as he can without touching Sean.

Sean nods and backs away, saying �But you�re new to this whole thing and there are a lot of guys in the fed who would love to date you.�

�Like who?�

�Undertaker, Bret, Kevin, Jericho, Michaels, Edge, Christian, Kane, Kwick, Road Dogg, do you want me to continue?�

Jeff blushes and shakes his head. �No way all of those guys like me like that. First of all, Taker, Bret, Kevin, Shawn, Kane and Road Dogg are all at least ten years older than me. Jericho is almost ten years older than me. Edge, Christian and Kwick aren�t into guys, are they?�

�Yea. They are into guys. Especially you. And as for ages so what? I�m at least five years older than you.�

�Five years is nothing. Edge Christian and Kwick are only four years older than me but that�s not the point.�

�Exactly. Age doesn�t matter. These guys like you. A lot. And so do I.� Sean stops Jeff�s forward movement with a hand placed on Jeff�s chest. �*But* I think that you need to� Well, I guess explore your options. So to speak. Go out with a few of those guys and then if you�re still interested in me than maybe we can go out sometime.� Sean places a finger over Jeff�s lips when he goes to speak. �Jeff, just trust me. You don�t want to rush into a relationship right off the bat. And I won�t settle for anything but a relationship.� Sean kisses Jeff softly and leaves.

Jeff stands there in shock for several minutes before he starts smiling. His cheeks turn pink as he thinks about the kiss and about Sean.

Chapter 11

Jeff is walking through the halls of an arena the following week when he is approached by Shawn Michaels. �Hey Shawn. What�s up?�

�Not much kiddo. I wanted to let you know how sorry I am that you and your wife have split up.� Shawn says, completely sincere.

Jeff smiles at him. �Don�t even think about it man. It�s no big deal. Andrea and I just realized we were in love with other people and not each other anymore. Besides she�s giving me custody of my girls so I�m happy. Did you want something else?� Jeff asks as Shawn is staring at him.

�Listen man I know you�re not gay but I was wondering if you�d like to go out to dinner with me sometime. It doesn�t have to be a date but I really want to get to know you better.�

�Actually Shawn, I�d like that. And we might as well make it a date. And you�re wrong. I am.�

�Great. That�s terrific. What do you mean I�m wrong? You are what?�

Jeff smiles. �Gay. That�s why Andrea and I are divorcing. Because I couldn�t be with her without thinking of guys. And the fact that she�s in love with someone else. But I kind of just realized that last week. But Shawn I have to tell you something. Nothing is going to happen except dinner. I am in love with someone else and he won�t date me until as he put I have more experience.�

�So in other words you are just using me?�

�Yeah I guess I am. I understand if that makes you change your mind.�

�It doesn�t. I don�t care. Truthfully as much as I like you, part of me is trying to make someone jealous.�

�So we�re using each other?�

�Right.� Shawn smiles at the other man. Jeff smiles back and they make plans to go to dinner that night.

Later that night, Jeff is getting dressed up. His girls are watching him, smiling. �Daddy you look pretty.�

�Thanks Angie. What do you think Elisabeth? Marie?�

Jeff�s girls all look up at him and smile. �You look very pretty daddy.� Marie says not to be outdone.

Elisabeth smiles shyly and says softly �I think you are the prettiest man ever Daddy.�

Jeff grins and finishes tying his tie. He kneels down and picks up all three girls. �Give me a kiss you little monsters.�

They all kiss him just as there is a knock at the door. Angie wiggles until Jeff puts her down. She runs for the door and asks �Who is it?�

�It�s Shawn sweetie. Let me in.�

Angie giggles and looks at her dad questioningly. Jeff nods and she pulls open the door. Shawn steps into the room and hands her a flower. �This is for you.� He pulls two more flowers out and hands them to the other two girls. �And these are for you.� The girls all take the flowers and giggle as Shawn finally catches sight of Jeff. �Damn Jeff you look hot.�

The girls giggle harder and Elisabeth says �Ain�t he the prettiest man ever?� Shawn nods and keeps staring at the young man in front of him.

Jeff rolls his eyes. �Sorry Shawn but we can�t leave until O�Haire gets here. He�s watching the girls for me.�

Shawn clenches his jaw as jealousy courses through him. �No problem.� He says a minute later with a forced smile.

Less than five minutes later, Sean shows up. �Sorry I�m la�. Wow Jeff you look fantastic. Is Shawn here?�

Shawn comes and stands behind Jeff. �Come on baby. We�re gonna be late for our dinner reservations.� Shawn grabs his and Jeff�s coats and ushers the younger man out the door smirking at the angry look on Sean�s face.

Jeff however was oblivious as he says goodbye to his daughters. As he is being pushed out the door he looks at Sean one last time. �Take care of my babies, okay?�

�I will Jeff. You don�t have anything to worry about. Besides I have Mick and Colette�s room number if I need help so don�t worry. Now go have fun. But not too much.� He yells the last down the hall just as the other Shawn pulls Jeff into the elevator. Sean leans despairingly against the door for a minute before pushing off the door and putting a smile on his face. He walks into the room and flashes that smile at the girls who are all sniffling. �Oh what�s wrong angels?�

Elisabeth walks slowly to where he has sat down and climbs in his lap. Angie and Marie come and stand next to Sean�s chair. Marie speaks up for all of them when she says �We don�t like Daddy dating him. We want daddy to date you.�

Sean bites his lip to hide his smile. �Oh girls. Your daddy and I will date eventually. I just want him to see other guys before he settles into anything. I think it�s only fair don�t you?� The girls all nod. He continues. �And personally I agree. I don't like the idea of him dating the other Shawn either but it�s only one date.� I hope he thinks to himself.

The girls all nod and Marie says �Can we go get some ice cream? I bet it would make us feel better.� Sean laughs at this. He looks at his watch and sees that it is only seven o�clock.

�Have you girls had dinner yet?� He asks with a smile still on his face. They shake their heads and he says �Well, then why don�t we go down to the restaurant and get some dinner and then if you girls eat everything on your plates we�ll see about the ice cream okay?� They all nod their heads vigorously except Elisabeth who kind of shrugs. Sean hugs her close. �Are you hungry sweetie?� Elisabeth nods silently. He smiles gently at her. �You don�t like this do you?� Elisabeth shakes her head. �Is it who he�s going out with that bothers you or is it that he left you with me?�

Elisabeth looks up at him with sad eyes. �No. I like you Sean. I just don�t like him. He�s not nice.�

Sean bites his lips in order not to laugh. �Why do you say that?�

�Because he looked at Daddy the way Uncle Matt looks at Uncle Lance. And when they look at each other like that it usually leads to them making a lot of noise in the bedroom or bathroom and they sound like they are hurting one another.�

Sean covers his mouth with one hand to stop the smile that has spread across his face and to hide that smile from Elisabeth. He just nods and hugs her tighter. She cuddles against his chest and says �I like you Sean. You smell nice.�

Sean allows himself to smile at the little girl and he kisses her cheek. �Ya know what. I like you too. So let�s go get some food. I�m starving.� He says making the little girl laugh. The five of them head down to the restaurant where Sean is quickly ushered to a table. Mick, Colette and their kids are there as well.

Mick comes over and says �Hey Sean. Hey girls. Do you five want to join us?� Mick is looking at Sean when he says this but it�s the girls that speak up.

�Oh please Sean can we? Please????� Marie and Angie plead with their baby-sitter.

Sean looks at them and smiles. He then looks over at Elisabeth and says �What do you think Lis? Should we go join Mick and his kids?� Elisabeth looks up at him with clear green eyes like her dads and nods her head. Sean smiles and picks up her and the baby. Mick takes the other two�s hands and leads them to his table. They all sit and eat their dinner�s before Colette speaks up. �Sean, if you want honey we can watch the baby while you take the girls for ice cream.�

�Are you sure Colette? I would really appreciate it.� Sean says smiling at Mick�s wife. She nods her head.

Angie and Marie speak up from their spots at the table. �Sean we don�t wanna go for ice cream anymore. We wanna go play with Uncle Mick and his kids.�

Sean nods and looks down at Elisabeth who is sitting in his lap. �What about you, munchkin?�

Elisabeth sticks her bottom lip out in a pout. �I wanna go for ice cream. But I guess I don�t get too huh?�

Sean closes his eyes, torn between letting the other two have their way and letting Elisabeth have her way. Mick speaks up before Sean can make a decision. �Sean. We�ll take Lara, Angie and Marie with us up to our room. We already have several other kids coming over to play. You take Elisabeth out for ice cream and when you get back you can come on up to our room and help us watch all of the little ones, okay?�

Sean looks at Mick astonished. �Are you sure Mick? That makes it at least six kids over the age of two and two under the age of one?�

�Actually it will be more like eight kids over the age of two and five kids under the age of two. But it�s still no problem. Besides, it�s not like we haven�t had every single wrestler�s kid in our care at the same time before.�

Sean looks at him even more amazed. �Well, if you two are sure than okay. Sound good to you girls?� Angie and Marie nod their heads emphatically. Elisabeth just shrugs. Sean sighs. �Okay then. Come on munchkin. Let�s go get some ice cream.� Elisabeth smiles up at him and hops off of his lap. They head out the doors of the hotel hand in hand.

Colette makes a comment for Mick�s ears only. �That little girl want extra attention. I just hope Jeff doesn�t fall in love with someone like Michaels cause he is not the fatherly type.�

Mick nods his head and they take the kids up to their room for the night.

Chapter 12

Jeff is sitting uncomfortably as they watch the horror movie unfold on screen. Jeff  looks away as the monster slashes yet another innocent young victim. �How can you like watching this shit Shawn? This is possibly the worst movie I�ve seen since the Spice Girls movie.�

Shawn looks at Jeff offended. �Listen I just thought it would be fun and it gives you an excuse to get closer to me. You can always hang on to me when you get scared.� Shawn says almost leering at Jeff as he trails his fingers up Jeff�s leg to his crotch.

Jeff jumps up out of his seat and looks down at the older man. �You creep. You said you asked me out to make someone else jealous. You liar.� Jeff looks around and then dumps his coke on Shawn�s lap. �Go fuck yourself Shawn cause you ain�t getting what you were obviously hoping to get.� Jeff grabs his coat and heads out of the theater. He�s mumbling to himself as he walks the entire fifty blocks back to the hotel. Heading inside he notices the elevator door just starting to close. He calls out for the door to be held and manages to just slide inside. He looks up in surprise when he sees Sean. �Sean! Where are the girls?�

Sean smiles. �Here�s Elisabeth and the others are with Mick and Colette. Elisabeth wanted to go out for ice cream and the other girls didn�t so Mick and Colette volunteered to watch them. You�re back early Jeff. What happened?�

Jeff looks away, embarrassed that he fell for Michaels� lines. �I don�t want to talk about it Sean.�

Sean nods and together they gather up Jeff�s girls all of whom have fallen asleep. Jeff smiles to himself when he sees how easily Sean has fallen for them. They take the girls back to Jeff�s room and Sean motions for Jeff to follow him into the hall. Jeff does. �Jeff, honey what happened on your date?�

Jeff smiles at Sean. �Did you just call me honey?�

Sean thinks back and mentally slaps himself for doing it. �Yeah. Sorry I just��

Sean is cut off by Jeff�s fingers on his lips. �It�s okay Sean. I like hearing you call me that. Can we please forget this charade? I don�t want to go out with anyone but you.�

�Jeff, do you think I like watching you get all sexy for someone else? I don�t. But I don�t want you to feel obliged to me for helping you realize or rather helping you tell people you are gay.�

�I don�t feel obliged. Sean I didn�t tell you the whole truth when I told you about my realization. Come back into the room. You might need to sit and there aren�t any chairs out here.�

Sean nods and follows Jeff suspiciously. �Jeff I don�t get it. What�� Whatever else Sean was going to say is cut off by Jeff�s mouth on his.

Jeff pulls away and takes in a deep breath. �I have wanted to do that for a long time, Sean. Okay take a seat and I�ll tell you what I need to.� Sean takes his seat looking up at Jeff, expectantly. Jeff takes a deep breath. �Okay remember when I told you that I needed to think of guys to get myself off?� Sean nods his head. �It wasn�t� it isn�t just any guy. I think of one guy specifically.� Sean looks up at him, an unreadable expression on his face. Jeff takes another deep breath. �It�s you. You�re the guy I think about to get myself off. I don�t want to date Shawn Michaels or Bret Hart or Taker or any of the other guys you mentioned want to date me. I only want to be with you.� Sean sits there in silence for several minutes. Jeff takes this to be a bad thing. �I�m sorry Sean. I shouldn�t have told you. But I don�t want to date these other guys. I want to be with you. If that ain�t gonna happen then I�ll stay single. I don�t need somebody in my life but I want you in it.� Jeff sits down in the empty chair and stares at the older man. Sean sits silently, dazed. He starts to say something and then thinks better of it. Sean stands up and starts to pace. Jeff closes his eyes and tries not to cry. �Maybe you should leave, Sean. Think about what I�ve said. Get back to me.� Sean nods his head and heads out the door. He stops and turns around to say something but notices the tears slipping down Jeff�s cheek. Sean closes his eyes and against his better judgment walks back to where Jeff is sitting. He wraps Jeff in a hug. Jeff pulls away after a few minutes. �I�m sorry Sean. I don�t want you feeling sorry for me.�

�Jeffrey Nero Hardy, any man would be damn lucky to have you hand them your heart. Jeff, I just� I have been in love with you for so long I guess it threw me when you declared your intent.� Sean takes Jeff�s face in his hands and locks green eyes with blue. �I just want you to be sure that I�m the one for you. Cause quite frankly kid, I can�t take it if a month from now you decide you want to explore your sexuality with other men.� Jeff starts to shake his head but is stopped by Sean. �Don�t say you won�t do that. You don�t know what will happen between now and then. So if you truly love me then do me a favor. Don�t get me wrong I don�t want you having sex with anyone but I do want you to go out on at least two other dates. I don�t care who they are with but I just want you to know this will make everything better. For me at least. I won�t feel like I am keeping you from exploring who you are. Please Jeff. Promise me.�

Jeff says with regret �Okay. Two more dates. But that�s it. Sean I don�t want to be with these other guys. I only want to be with you. So I�ll go out with two other guys. As long as you promise me that you�ll be jealous.� Jeff smiles at the older man.

Sean blushes and says �Trust me. You have nothing to worry about. I can�t help but be jealous.� Jeff blushes and kisses Sean softly. Sean kisses him back gently. They pull apart and Sean gets to his feet. �Okay. I had better go before this goes further than it should.�

Jeff walks him to the door. Kissing Sean goodnight, he closes the door and heads into the bathroom. He strips off his clothes and starts the shower. He steps under the hot spray and cleans himself off. As he is washing his hair, Jeff starts thinking about the kisses he and Sean had shared. He feels himself getting hard. He reaches down and starts to stroke his erection lightly. Jeff closes his eyes and imagines that it�s Sean�s hand on him. His hand moves faster and faster until with a muffled shout he comes on the shower wall. Jeff starts to laugh at himself. �Jesus I am an idiot. The man is no sooner gone than I�m jerking off to the thought of him.� Jeff cleans himself again and steps out of the shower. He towels himself off quickly and pulls on boxers. He then heads into the main room and climbs into bed. He quickly falls asleep, dreaming of Sean.

Chapter 13

Jeff is changing into his ring gear when he notices Kane looking at him from across the room. Jeff smiles and pulls on a shirt. He gets to his feet and heads over to the older man. �Hey Kane. What�s happening?�

Kane looks down at Jeff and smiles. He can�t believe that this beautiful young man is paying attention to him. �Not much Jeff. Are you ready for your match against Shane?�

�Of course. Shane and I know each others moves almost as well as I know Matt�s. Are you ready to go up against Nash?�

�Yeah. But I don�t actually like it.�

�Why not? Nash is one of the best.�

�I know. That�s not the problem. I am sick of every guy that is even close to my size being thrown in my path. Just once I want to face a guy because we have a history not just because he�s seven feet tall.�

�Oh. I guess I can understand. Do you want to talk about this some more? I mean after the show?�

�Are you asking me out kid?�

�I hadn�t thought of it that way but yeah I guess I am. So what do you say?�

�I thought you and Michaels had a thing going.�

�Michaels and I? I went out on one date with him and he acted like a creep the entire time. He couldn�t seem to keep his hands off of me. So what do you say Kane? Will you go out with me? Dinner and maybe a movie?�

�I say your nuts wanting to go out with me but since you asked�. Yeah I�d love to go out with you. I�ll drive if that�s all right. We can meet up in the catering room after my match.�

�Sounds good, man. As for you driving, that�s no problem but I do have to find someone to watch my girls. Sean will probably do it but I want to make sure it�s okay with him if I hand the girls over to him until we get back. I�ll let you know in about twenty minutes if that�s all right?�

�Sure no problem Jeff.� Kane goes back to getting dressed for his match.

Jeff walks out of the locker room in search of Sean. He finds the older man in the daycare playing with his daughters. Jeff watches for several minutes smiling at the sight. Jeff clears his throat. Sean looks up guiltily. �Hi Jeff. I was just� playing with the girls.�

Jeff looks at him curiously. �If you were just playing with my girls then why do you look so guilty?�

�I.. Uh� Well� Damn, caught.� Sean nods at the girls who are each playing with a brand new toy.

�Sean. What are you doing buying my girls presents?�

�I just� They said they like the Power Puff girls and so I� Sorry Jeff.� Sean says looking like a little kid who has just gotten caught with his hand inside the cookie jar.

Jeff laughs. �It�s okay. Just tell me. I�m not going to get mad at you, Sean. But I came looking for you with a purpose. I need you to watch the girls again tonight. I have a date with Kane.�

�Kane? Jeff are you sure that�s such a good idea?�

�Why Sean you wouldn�t happen to be jealous would you?�

�You know I am. But I just meant that he�s easily twice your size. He could hurt you.�

�This is Kane we�re talking about. You know the man everyone says is the gentle giant? He ain�t gonna hurt me. Trust me.�

�I do trust you Jeff. I just don�t trust him.� Or any guy for that matter, Sean thinks to himself.

Jeff smiles and walks over to Sean. Taking the older mans face in his hands, he kisses him softly on the lips. �Sean, you can trust him. But more importantly you can trust that I will not let any other man touch me. I only want you. The only reason I asked him out is��

Jeff is cut off by Sean. �What? You asked him out? Are you nuts Jeff? What were you thinking?�

Jeff looks at Sean, taken aback. �Sean. I am a big boy. I can take care of myself. And you wanted me to date other men. I am doing that. And I am making sure that I go out with guys I think are safe. That means asking out guys like Kane. If you can�t take me asking other men out than you ask me out.� Jeff looks at Sean rage burning in his eyes.

Sean looks deep into the younger mans eyes and is immensely turned on by the fire and passion he sees. �Jeff, I didn�t mean to upset you. But damn if you don�t stop looking at me like that I am going to take you right here in front of your little girls.� Sean whispers so that the girls don�t overhear.

Jeff swallows and steps closer to the older man. He whispers in return �Sean right now I really don�t think I would care if you took me in front of the entire roster. I want you so bad.� Jeff is just millimeters away from Sean�s mouth and they are both breathing very hard.

Sean backs away quickly. �Jeff your girls��

Jeff takes a deep breath. �You�re right. So will you?�

�Will I what?� Sean asks still thrown over the passion that is still heating the air between the two men.

�Will you watch my girls while I go out tonight?�

�Oh yeah. Of course. I love the girls.� Sean says still gasping for air.

�Great. Girls, I am going out tonight so Sean is going to take you back to the hotel, okay?�

The girls all nod sadly. �No problem daddy.� They all say in unison.

Jeff smiles at his girls and then up at Sean. �Thanks again, honey.� They both stop and look at one another at the endearment. Jeff smiles sheepishly and Sean just looks at Jeff.

Chapter 14

After Jeff�s match he hurries back to the locker room and hops in the shower. He stands under the hot spray for several minutes before going to clean himself. He is thinking about Sean and how hot things had gotten before in the daycare center. He smiles to himself and drifts back in time.

�Honey?� Sean asks Jeff the tension from their almost kiss still making it hard for the older man to breathe.

�Yeah well it just kind of slipped out. Why don�t you like being called honey?� Jeff asks seductively.

Sean gulps. �I like it. It�s just that it was unexpected.� Sean backs up as far as he can go stopping when he hits the wall.

Jeff approaches him slowly. �I�m known for doing the unexpected. Now why don�t we both do the unexpected and you kiss me?�

Sean looks at Jeff in surprise. He didn�t expect Jeff to be so forward this soon. He does as he�s asked though and leans forward, capturing Jeff�s lips in a soft, sweet kiss. Jeff moans into his mouth and wraps his arms around the bigger man�s torso, effectively pulling Sean closer. They caress each other�s backs as the kiss deepens. Both forget their surroundings as they press their bodies tightly against each other. Several minutes later they jump apart guiltily when they hear giggling. Jeff bites his lip to keep from laughing at the dazed look on Sean�s face. Jeff turns around to see his daughters watching the two men, faces lit up in absolute delight. He smiles at them and shakes his head, warning them to keep quiet. He turns back to the older man who is still overcome  by the passionate kiss. �I had better go get ready for my match. I�ll see you later Sean. Girls behave for Sean. I�ll be back late probably.�

Jeff sighs as his hand brushes against his cock thanks to the daydream. He snaps out of it and realizes what he is doing. He jerks his hand away from his painful erection and shakes his head. Laughing he looks around to make sure he is alone. He finishes his shower and steps out getting dressed in the outfit Steph had run out and gotten him for his date. He pulls on the black dress pants and looks around for the shirt. Not finding it he goes in search of Stephanie, walking through the halls shirtless.

He bumps into Bret who knocks him down accidentally. �Oh shit. I�m sorry Jeff. Are you okay?� Bret says as he brushes off Jeff.

Jeff tries not to laugh. �Bret, it�s okay but your hand?�

Bret realizes that his hand has rested on Jeff�s butt. Pulling it away quickly, he starts apologizing. �Oh Jesus Jeff I am so sorry. God I am an idiot.�

Jeff smiles at the blush falling across the older man�s face. �Bret it�s okay man. No big deal. You didn�t mean to.� Jeff brushes the dirt off his butt and smiles again at Bret.

�You look really good but shouldn�t you have a shirt on?�

�Yeah. Steph didn�t leave me one. I have to find her. Have you seen her?�

Bret smiles at the well built man in front of him and subtly checks him out while answering. �Actually I saw her when I passed the women�s dressing room a few minutes ago. She�s probably still there but I was wondering if I could ask you a question.�

Jeff nods his head. �Of course. Whatever you want to ask.�

�Will you go out with me?� Bret says hurriedly, trying to block his nervousness.

Jeff looks at the older man amazed. �You want to go out with me?� Jeff asks unsure he heard Bret right.

�I�m sorry Jeff. I made a bad assumption. I don�t know what I was thinking asking you out.� Bret looks sad and starts to walk away, angry with himself.

Jeff stops him by placing a hand on his arm. �Bret. I just wasn�t sure I heard you right. I would love to go out with you. When?�

�You�re obviously going out tonight so how about tomorrow night? Six o� clock, dinner and a movie?�

�Sounds like a plan. But can we make it seven? I promised my girls I�d take them out tomorrow and they made me promise that we wouldn�t get back to the hotel until six thirty.�

�No problem. Will you have any problems finding a sitter?�

�No. Sean O�Haire has been spending a lot of time with them so they�ll hang out with him.�

�Good. Well, I�ll let you hunt down Steph. See you tomorrow night.�

Jeff leans forward and kisses the older man on the cheek. �See you tomorrow.�

Jeff turns and walks down the hall, leaving Bret staring after him.

Chapter 15

�Steph wait up. Please.� Jeff calls out down the hallway.

Stephanie stops and turns around. �What�s up Jeff? Damn boy you look hot. But where the shirt I got you?�

�That�s what I wanted to know. It wasn�t with my stuff. So where did you put it?�

�It should have been in the bag with the other stuff. I know I got you a shirt. Oh damn you know what. I forgot. I couldn�t decide which shirt so I was going to think about it but I forgot to go back and get the shirt. How long do you have?�

�I have until Kane�s match is over.� Jeff says pointedly.

�Damn, that�s not enough time. Come on.�

�Where�re we going?�

�To find someone who is willing to loan you a shirt. Maybe Rock will have something.�

�Rocky is twice my size. At least in the chest area. So are most of the guys here. And the guys who aren�t dress the same way I do.�

�Well, then we�ll just have to find you a shirt that is too big for you. I know. Sean O�Haire. He dresses nice. And he�s not that much bigger than you are.�

�Okay if that�s what you think.� Steph looks at Jeff funny and continues pulling the younger man down the hallway. Reaching Sean O�Haire�s locker room, Steph barges in without bothering to knock. She stops short upon seeing the huge man naked. Jeff who isn�t paying attention walks right into her. �Damn Steph warn a guy when you decide to sto�..p  short.� Jeff says looking at Sean. �Hi Sean. Nice. Very nice.� Jeff says grinning at the older man who is looking around desperately for something to cover himself.

Sean finally spots his pants and pulls them on. �Hi Jeff. Steph. What can I do to help you two?�

�Well, Jeff here needs a shirt for his date tonight and since you aren�t even close to his size.� Steph says noticing for the first time how well built the tall man is. She remains oblivious to the sexual tension between Jeff and Sean as she continues. �So Sean you don�t have anything he could wear do you?�

�I only have two shirts with me. One that�s dirty and one that�s clean. And I need the clean one since I�m baby-sitting his girls and I promised to take them out to dinner. So if Jeff here wants to wear my dirty shirt he�s welcome to.�

Steph nods her head. �It�s not like you spilled anything all over it right?�

�That�s true. I mean it�s not that dirty. It�s just that I wore it all day. So Jeff do you really want to spend your first date with Kane wearing a shirt that smells like another man?�

Jeff speaks up for the first time since entering the room. �I�m kinda desperate here. I only have t-shirts or my ring shirts in my bag. So if you don�t mind me using your shirt than I�ll take it.�

Sean hands him the shirt and smiles at him. �Just don�t spill anything on it. And don�t bring it back to me smelling like Kane okay?�

�Okay. I�ll make sure to take it off before anything happens with Kane.� Jeff says trying to make Sean react in some way.

Sean feels the anger rising up in him but manages to shove it down or so he thinks. �Make sure you do that. And keep it away from the bed when you two are having sex.�

Jeff looks up at Sean as if he has stricken him. �I�.. How dare you? What the fuck do you take me for Sean?�

Stephanie looks between the two men and grabs Jeff�s arm. �Come on Jeff. Let�s go. We need to get you ready for your date.�

Jeff throws the shirt back at Sean and stalks out of the room. Sean collapses onto the bench and looks helplessly up at Steph. �Can you just� tell him that I�m sorry and I need to speak to him after his date? His girls are supposed to spend the night with me but if he doesn�t want them to then tell him he has to come get them, please?�

�Sure but Sean what is going on with you and Jeff? I thought you two were friends.�

�We were. I opened my big mouth and made a stupid comment which I should have known better but I�. You know what can you just give him the message for me?�

�Sure.� Steph looks at him curiously and leaves. She goes in search of a shirt for Jeff to wear.

Chapter 16

Jeff looks up from his cup of coffee and smiles at Kane. �Hey I was wondering when you were going to get here. Are you ready?�

�Yeah. Are you sure you want to go out with me Jeff?�

�I asked you out remember?�

�I know but still��

�But still nothing. I like you. You�re a nice guy and you�ll treat me with respect.�

Kane smiles down at the young man and holds his hand out to him. Helping Jeff up out of his seat Kane raises an eyebrow. �Wow Jeff you look great.�

�Thanks Kane. So do you. Can we stop by the daycare so I can say goodbye to my girls?�

�Sure. No problem.� Kane follows Jeff to the daycare center watching his butt the entire time.

Jeff walks in to the daycare and his girls all rush him. �Hi girls.�

Marie looks up at Kane and back at her dad. �Is that who you are going out with tonight Daddy?�

�He sure is. You girls know Kane.�

Three pair of eyes settle on him suspiciously. Kane swallows and smiles back. Angie turns to her dad and says �Daddy we don�t want you to go out with him. We want you to go out with Sean.�

Jeff grits his teeth together but smiles around it for his girls. �Girls I know you like Sean but he thinks I need to date other guys. Besides I�m not so sure I want to date him.�

Kane speaks up. �Jeff, I�ll be waiting outside for you okay?� Jeff nods.

Elisabeth looks at her dad with a pout on her lips. �But Daddy you and Sean were kissing?�

Jeff blushes thankful that Kane left the room. �I know monster. But it apparently didn�t mean anything to him so just drop it. And be good for him okay?�

All three girls pout at him. �Okay Daddy.�

Jeff stands up after kissing each of the girls and goes over to his baby. �Bye Lara honey.� He straightens up and turns around to see Sean standing there. �Sean. Take care of my girls tonight.� Jeff starts to leave when he is stopped by Sean�s hand on his arm.

�Jeff, I am so sorry about what I said. I acted like an idiot and I have no excuse. I shouldn�t have said what I did and I was wrong. Please Jeff you mean so much to me. I can�t stand having you mad at me.�

�Have fun tonight girls. Goodbye Sean.� Jeff says shaking Sean�s hand off and walking out the door.

Sean sits down in one of the kiddy chairs and puts his head in his hands. He tries desperately not to cry. Angie, Marie and Elisabeth all approach him and stand there waiting for him to look up. He finally does when he�s sure he won�t cry. �Hi girls. What�s going on?�

Elisabeth puts her hands on her hips and glares at the man who hurt her dad. �Why did you hurt Daddy? I thought you and Daddy were going to be like Uncle Matt and Uncle Lance.�

Sean starts to speak but is cut off by Marie. �You are a big meanie. You hurt Daddy.�

�We don�t like you anymore.� Angie says as all three girls turn on their heels and go to play with Lara.

Sean sits there, crushed. �Will it help if I say I�m sorry? I didn�t mean to hurt your dad. Maybe I should call Mick and have him and Colette watch you girls for the night. Cause you obviously have no interest in being with me.�

Elisabeth turns around and looks at him with tears in her eyes. �I just don�t get why you were mean to Daddy. I thought you liked him.�

�I do like him Lis. I just got jealous because he is going out with Kane tonight. I will do anything you guys want tonight. I promise.� Sean looks at the girls desperately.

Angie and Marie look up at him and frown. �You can�t bribe us. We don�t like you anymore and you can�t change our minds.�

Elisabeth looks sadly up at him as she is pulled back around. Sean nods his head sadly and heads out to find Mick and Colette.

Chapter 17

Jeff looks across the table at Kane and smiles softly. Kane smiles back and speaks up for the first time. �Jeff what�s with you and O�Haire?�

�I don�t know what you mean.� Jeff says trying not to remember the spiteful things Sean had said.

�You and O�Haire act like you are inseparable one minute and then you can�t stand him the next. I want to know why you are going out with me when it�s obvious you are in love with Sean?�

�I�m not in love�.� Jeff trails off at the look of doubt on Kane�s face. �Because he doesn�t want to take advantage of me. Because he thinks that what I feel for him is some sort of gratitude. And because he asked me to go out with other guys before making sure that he is the man I want to be with. But it doesn�t matter because he seems to think that all I want to do is get laid, which is so far from the truth it isn�t even funny. Not that you aren�t a great guy Kane but��

�It�s okay Jeff. I wasn�t expecting you to hop into bed with me. I�m not blind. I can see how much you love O�Haire even if he can�t.�

Jeff laughs. �Yeah well, it was obvious to Michaels but that didn�t stop him from pawing me.�

�I�m not Shawn Michaels.�

�I know. That�s why I asked you out. And I didn�t ask you out to spend the evening talking about Sean O�Haire.� Jeff looks at the much bigger man across from him and smiles almost sadly.

Kane looks at him forlornly. �No you didn�t but you want to go talk to him? Don�t you?�

�No. I want to be with you right now.�

�Liar. Come on let me grab the check and I�ll take you back to the hotel.�

�Kane this isn�t necessary.�

�Yes it is.� Kane signals for the check which the waiter brings over quickly. Paying, he stands up and holds his hand out to help Jeff up. �Come on. Let�s get you back to the hotel. And back to Sean.�

Jeff looks up at him questioningly. �Why are you doing this?�

�Because I care about you. And you�re hurt. I can�t make that better but O�Haire can. In fact I�d be willing to bet he�s the only one who can.� Kane looks at Jeff as if daring him to disagree.

Jeff looks away, unable to meet the older man�s eyes. He doesn�t speak until they reach the hotel. �Kane I�m sorry. I have been acting like a selfish spoiled brat tonight and that isn�t right. I just�� Jeff is stopped from speaking further by Kane�s finger on his lips.

�Shhhh, little one. It�s okay.� Kane whispers. Leaning down he brushes a chaste kiss across Jeff�s lips.

Jeff goes to speak but Kane has disappeared. �How does he do that?� Jeff asks, looking around for the older man. Taking a deep breath, Jeff heads for the elevator to go see Sean.

Chapter 18
Jeff�s POV

I reach Sean�s door and reach up to knock. I pause not sure if I should be here or not. I know how I feel about Sean but what if I�ve been wrong about him all this time? I don�t think I could handle that. But I know Kane�s right. I need to talk to him about this. That�s all there is to it. I knock. I wait several minutes before realizing that I don�t hear my girls. And Sean�s not answering.

I turn away and head down the hall. I wonder where he took my girls. I know he wouldn�t hurt them. But they are still my babies. I go to Mick and Colette�s room. Mick opens the door on the first knock. �Hey Mick are Sean and my girls here?�

�I thought you knew.�

�Knew what?�

�Sean dropped the girls off before we left the arena. Something about you and him having a fight and the girls witnessing  it. They�re really pissed off at him. They wouldn�t even say goodbye when he dropped them off.�

�Dammit. Okay. Do you mind watching them through the night? I have to find Sean.�

�Not at all. Jeff, son, what�s going on?�

�I�m in love with him and he said something to piss me off so I acted out and now I�m kinda worried about what he�s going to do.�

�You don�t think he�d do anything stupid do you?�

�I don�t know. I hope not but�. We�ve both said a lot of things that we shouldn�t have over the past day. Thanks Mick. And thank Colette for me too.� I leave their room and go in search of Sean. I only hope that he doesn�t do something stupid.

Chapter 19
Back to 3rd person & a note on this ch. All typos when Sean is speaking are on purpose.

Sean looks up from his beer and sees Chuck sit down next to him. �Hey Sean. You okay buddy?�

�I�m fine. Jus a lil drunk. No big deal.� Sean says , slurring his words.

Chuck looks at Sean in disbelief. �Yeah right. How much of you getting drunk has to do with Jeff going out on a date with Kane?�

�Nuttin at all. It has evrythin to do wit me and Jeff fightin. I jus had to open my mouf and be all jealous an shit. Now Jeff hates me and so do his girls. Not that I blame him or anything but if only I could talk to him and apologize for evythin. I�m a idiot. I fucked evrythin up. He as good as said he loves me and I screwed it up. Oh shit man. What am I gonna do? I love him.� Sean says looking teary eyed at Chuck.

Chuck tries his best not to laugh. �Nothing for now. You are going to let me take you back to the hotel and you are going to go sleep this off and when you wake up in the morning you go find Jeff and apologize. You apologize until he tells you to stop apologizing. And then you apologize for apologizing. And then you apologize for apologizing. And then you take him out and show him how much you love him without laying a finger on him. And then and only then do you try to approach his girls. Sean, if he loves you, if he cares at all he�ll forgive you. So come on. Let me take you back to the hotel.�

Sean tries to stand up on his own but can�t. The Undertaker happens to be there and notices Chuck and Sean hanging out. �Hey boys what�s going on?�

Chuck answers for both of them. �Sean here got himself drunk and can�t manage to stand up on his own.�

Taker laughs. �Okay. Get on the other side. We�ll carry his ass back to the hotel. Unless you were stupid enough to drive two blocks?�

�I wasn�t. Sean did you drive here?�

Sean shakes his head and looks up at Taker. �You know what. I love Jeff. And I fucked evrythin up.�

Taker smiles. �Jeff�s a good kid. I�m sure if you sober up and explain everything to him he�ll forgive you.�

�Nope. I bacisally called him a slut. He ain�t gonna fogive me not never.�

Taker smiles at Chuck who grins back. �Okay kiddo. Let�s your ass back to the hotel and in bed.� Taker says, trying desperately not to laugh.

Chuck and Taker carry Sean back to the hotel and they put him in bed. As they head for the hotel bar, they stumble across Jeff, literally. He is sitting next to the elevator on Sean�s floor and Chuck trips over him.

�Jeff what are you doing on the floor?� Taker asks, laughing as he helps Chuck to his feet.

�I�m sorry Chuck. I�ve been looking all over for Sean and he�s nowhere to be found. I thought if I sat by the elevator I�d be sure to see him before he went to his room for the night.�

�We just put him in his bed not five minutes ago.� Chuck says rubbing his knee.

�What? When did you guys get off the elevator?�

�About ten minutes ago. We couldn�t find Sean�s key.� Chuck laughs at him.

Jeff groans. �Where was he?�

�At a bar down the road getting drunk off his ass.� Taker says, noticing how worried Jeff looks. He bumps Chuck with his elbow and nods towards the young man before them.

�Did he say why?�

�Something about you and him having a fight and you hating him?� Chuck answers realizing how much Jeff cares about his friend. �We told him to sleep it off but here.� Chuck hands him a key card. �It�s to Sean�s room. I thought I would need to check on him in the morning so I swiped it.�

�Thanks Chuck, Taker.� Jeff hugs both men and heads down the hall to Sean�s room.

Taker looks down at Chuck. �Come on kid. Let�s go have a drink. It�s on me.�

�In that case, let�s go.� Chuck smiles up at the big man. Taker smiles back and they head down to the bar.

Chapter 20
Jeff�s POV

Thank god for Chuck and Taker. I let myself quietly into Sean�s room. Walking towards the bed I hear him groan. �Chuck is that you buddy?� I don�t say anything. I don�t want him to make me leave. �Chuck can you hand me the garbage can? I think I�m gonna throw up.� I bite back a smile and hand him the garbage can. He does throw up and I know I shouldn�t find the sight of him drunk off his ass and well into a massive hang over sweet but it is. Especially knowing he did it because he was upset about our fight. He lays his head back onto the pillow and almost drops the garbage can. I take it from his hand as he falls into a light sleep. I�ve had quite a bit of experience with sick kids and I figure there isn�t much difference. I take the garbage can and rinse it out. Wetting a wash cloth I take both back to his bedside. I roll him onto his back and have to smile as he winces. �What the hell are you doing Chuck?� I guess I should tell him I�m not Chuck.

�It�s Jeff Sean. I�m taking care of you. What were you thinking getting drunk?� He groans and tries to roll back over, to get away from me. I stop him. �Honey, I know why you did it.�

�Chuck�s got a big mouth.� His voice is gravely and sends a chill through me. How odd to be turned on when he�s sick and not feeling well.

�Yeah he does. But I�m glad he does. Sean we both said things we didn�t mean. I love you. I can�t stay mad at you. Kane and I ended our date early. And all we talked about was you. But you need sleep and to get cleaned up. So just shut up and close your eyes. Let me take care of you. Please Sean.�

�I�m too tired and too much in pain to argue with you.� Sean snaps at me. Sean groans.

I immediately think he�s in pain and get up to get him a glass of water and some aspirin. Bringing the water and aspirin back to his bedside, I�m shocked to see the tears falling down the sides of his face. �Sean, honey, what�s wrong? Are you okay?�

�Why are you being so nice to me? I have been a complete jack ass to you. Dammit Jeff I don�t deserve you being nice to me. What you should do is scream at me and yell and storm out of the room, slamming the door behind you.�

�Would that make you feel better? Cause I�ll tell you I could easily scream and yell. But Sean, honey, I love you. I can forgive you almost anything. I know that you didn�t mean to hurt me.� I look down at him and he smiles back at me.

�Jeff, I love you so much. I never meant to hurt you. I just got so jealous I didn�t know what I was saying.�

�I know Sean. I know. Now take a couple aspirin and drink this glass of water and let me undress you. Then you need to sleep. Mick and Colette are watching the girls all night so I am at your disposal.�

�Okay.� Sean smiles softly and I just melt inside. I still can�t quite figure out why he makes me feel this way but I guess that�s not the important thing. I watch as he takes the aspirin and drinks the water down. Taking the glass from him I set it on the night stand. I wipe off his face with the wash cloth and set it aside. Then I go to undress him. God he�s beautiful. He�s fallen asleep. I pull a chair up next to the bed and watch him sleep for a while. When I get tired, I strip off my clothes and climb into the bed with him. I figure he�s too tired to notice. I fall asleep quickly, feeling safe for the first time in a while, knowing that the man I love is next to me.

Chapter 21
Sean�s POV

I wake up my head pounding. What the hell is wrapped around me? Looking down I see Jeff sprawled out on top of me. Amazing that even in my hung over state, I am hard as a rock from the contact of his skin against mine. I lay there quietly listening to the sound of him breathing. I have never been this happy in my life. This is what I want for my future. Jeff and his girls and me as one big happy family. I can�t believe I almost blew it when I was the one who wanted him to date other men. And then I had the nerve to get jealous. If I was Jeff I wouldn�t ever speak to me again. But I am so glad that he decided to forgive me.  I wonder what he�ll do if I wrap him in my arms. I need to hold him so I do. He snuggles closer to me and keeps sleeping. This is exactly what I have always wanted. Smiling, I completely forget about my headache. All I can think about is how Jeff feels in my arms. I fall back asleep with a smile on my face.

I wake up again and notice Jeff is gone. I knew it was too good to be true. I climb out of bed and hop into the shower. The water rushes past me as I close the glass sliding doors and stand there thinking of Jeff. Without even realizing what I�m doing I reach for my cock and start to stroke it lightly. I think about Jeff and how good he felt laying on top of me. It�s only when I come all over myself that I realize what I am doing. �Dammit. What�s wrong with me?�

�I don�t know hon. But I liked watching you.� I look up startled. Jeff is standing in the doorway grinning at me. I feel a blush creep over my face as Jeff stares suggestively at my cock.

�How long were you standing there?�

�I saw the whole thing. You looked beautiful baby.�

I swallow hard. �Thanks but you could�ve warned me you were watching me.�

�Where�s the fun in that? Besides I enjoyed the show.�

I shake my head lightly and step out of the shower after rinsing myself off. I grab the towel and try to cover myself but Jeff won�t let me. �Come on Jeff. I need to dry off.�

�I know. But I love your body.� He steps as close as he can get to me and leans up for a kiss. Jesus, his mouth is so soft. He feels so good against my body. I try to hide my reaction but he won�t let me shift away. I feel his hands brushing against my chest and try desperately not to embarrass myself. When I feel his bare chest against mine I pull my mouth away from his.

�Jeff, what are you doing?�

I�m looking at him as he blushes. He�s so beautiful. I wonder if I�m dreaming again. I don�t want to wake up if I am. He finally answers me. �I want to feel your body against mine.�

�Jeff, I can�t�. I mean we can�t do anything.�

�I know that.� I nearly cry when he pulls away from me completely. �Never mind. I�m sorry. Are you feeling better though?�

�Yeah. Sort of.� Jeff looks down at my erection and laughs when I turn away. I�m not usually shy but I am harder than I ever remember being before. I feel him hug me from behind and gasp when his hand closes around my erection.

�Is that for me?� He says with a giggle. The little brat knows he did it to me.

�Of course. But Jeff seriously if you don�t stop touching me I�m gonna come all over the place.�

He strokes my cock a few times making me whimper. Me whimpering. I can�t believe what this boy is making me resort to. �Maybe I wanna make you come.�

�You little brat. Stop please.� He stops and I sigh with relief. He makes a little noise that almost sounds like purring which makes me harder, something I hadn�t thought possible. He still hasn�t removed his hand and I can feel the heat from his body laid against my back. Jeff runs his fingertips over me making me moan. When he grips me again, I cry out. He starts stroking me and it�s not long before I simply can�t hold back. I come hard over his hand and mine. I had put my hand down to catch what Jeff�s couldn�t. He stays flat against my back as he brings his hand up to his mouth. I groan as I watch him lick his hand clean. He slips his body around mine without breaking contact. I can only watch, feeling completely helpless as he brings my hand up to his mouth and proceeds to lick it clean. I feel myself getting hard watching him lick my seed from my hand. I have never seen a more erotic site. He pulls my head down to meet his and he kisses me. I was wrong there is something more erotic than watching him lick my come off my own hand. Tasting myself in his mouth. He grinds his hips against my cock trying to weaken my resolve. I want to give in but if I do, I know I�ll regret it. Not being with him but being with him before we�ve been dating for a while and being with him before his girls have forgiven me. I pull away regretfully. �Jeff, I love you and you can obviously tell how much I want you but we can�t do this. Right now your girls hate me. And besides we�ve never even been on a date. When this happens between us, I want it to be the perfect moment. Not just me taking you in some cheap hotel room in the bathroom.�

Jeff looks at me with those gorgeous green eyes filled with hurt and I smile softly at him. His expression goes from hurt to understanding to� love? I turn away to get dressed and he kisses me between my shoulder blades. I can feel him running his fingers over my tattoo. I smile as he kisses it. After I have pulled on my pants, I turn back to him and pull him into my arms. He grabs onto me and holds tight. We stand there for several minutes just embracing. I feel satisfied, not sexually but� I don�t know how to explain it. This is it. He�s the man I want to spend the rest of my life with but I don�t want to rush him. I do know one thing and that is I don�t want him going out with any other guys. It will kill me if I have to watch him date another man. I start to tell him when he kisses me again. Those lips of his are so soft that I lose myself in his taste. His hands run over my torso and I moan into his mouth, unaware that my hands are roaming over his body until he whimpers in my mouth. We pull apart gasping for air. He looks up at me and grins. I try to look at him sternly but who can refuse a smile as bright as his. I smile back and his grin gets wider. Still gasping for air I try to speak only to have, once again, my mouth assaulted by his. If he doesn�t stop this I will not be responsible for my actions. We pull apart again and he kisses me softly as I go to speak. �Shhhh. Don�t speak Sean. Just let this moment be what it is. I just came back to make sure you were feeling better. I�m going to go collect my girls. I promised them a day out.� He whispers as if not wanting to disturb the air.

He turns to leave when part of what he says snaps my attention. �Jeff wait. You said you wanted to come back?�

�Yeah. I�m sorry about this but I slipped into your bed when you fell asleep last night. When I woke up this morning, I was on top of you. I left and took a shower but I came back as soon as I got dressed. I�m glad you aren�t too hung over. Maybe you can meet me and my girls for lunch. McDonalds at one o�clock. You can try to win over the girls again.� He smiles softly, almost shyly. I can�t resist him.

�Okay. If you�re sure they won�t get mad at you for me barging in on your day out.�

�They won�t. At least Lis won�t. She asked for you this morning when I went to see the girls. The other two asked if I still hated you. When I told them I didn�t they were relieved. So join us. I think they�ll like having you along.� He turns to walk away again but flips back around. �Oh shit I almost forgot. Can you watch the girls tonight?�

�Why?� Something tells me I am not going to like his answer.

�I have a date with Bret Hart. I don�t want to cancel cause he�s a really nice guy. I promise only dinner and maybe a movie. I won�t even let him kiss me goodnight.� Dammit, dammit, dammit. I hate this and myself for making him promise to do this.

I smile for his benefit and nod my head. �No problem. I�d love to watch the girls.� He smiles happily at me and I can�t stay mad. I am turning into a huge sap. I hug him close again and he sighs happily. I smile at the happy noises coming from him. I walk him to the door and wave as he disappears down the hallway. I look up when I hear the door across from me, Chuck�s door open up. I start to say hi to Chuck when I realize that Taker is exiting his room. He doesn�t notice me so I slip back into my room and watch what�s happening from the peephole in my door. I grin like a mad man when Taker leans down and kisses Chuck softly. Chuck caresses his cheek and Taker leaves. I open the door and just look at him. He shakes his head and goes back into his room. I have to find out more about this. For now though I go back into my room and flop onto my bed sighing happily to myself.
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