     Christmas Angels - Part 2/? (*Slash*)
     For disclaimer and such, see part one.

     Thanks for all your support!


     Jeff smiled as he watched the two look around the cabin. Matt and him had often come here as
     boys to play, or when they were confused and hurting. Their father had built it for them as a
     sort of home away from home for them. A place to think. Jeff's smile widened. Every time they
     had attempted to run away from home, they had came here and the reason behind his father's
     building of the cabin suddenly became more clearer.

     "You live here?" Adam asked wrinkling his nose. "It's awful small."

     "Adam!" Jason scolded, pulling the taller angel to him.

     "No," Jeff said smiling, "I live up the path in the big house, but you two have to stay here."

     "You're leaving us?" Jason asked frowning.

     "I thought you were going to protect us," Adam said pouting, crossing his arms across his chest.

     "I'll be back," Jeff said as he proceeded to light a fire in the fireplace. Even if they were angels, it
     was freezing cold in the cabin. "I have to check in with my dad and brother so that they don't
     stray down here."

     "Why?" Jason asked tilting his head, with the most innocent look that Jeff had ever seen.

     "They wouldn't understand about you two. They would probably freak out," Jeff said as the fire
     started to crackle and pop.

     Jason smiled as he leaned in closer to the pretty flame.

     "NO!" Jeff said pulling him back. "It'll burn you."

     Jason looked at him confused, but didn't attempt to struggle as he was ushered away from the
     beautiful flame.

     Adam smiled as he spotted the huge bed. He looked at Jeff and Jason questionably and then
     proceeded to crawl onto it. His wings fluttered slightly as he nuzzled his face into the softness of
     the pillows and comforter. "So soft," Adam whispered.

     Jeff had to force himself to tear his eyes away from Adam, as the long tunic that Adam was
     wearing was now up to his mid thigh. A few more inches and he would see the privates of an

     Jeff sighed as Adam finally laid down, but his long legs were sprawled open. The angels were so
     innocent and could be taken advantage of so easily. He had to protect them until the archangel
     could come and collect them.

     "Stay here," Jeff said as he walked toward the door embarrassed of how hard his cock was. "I'll be
     back soon."

     Jason smiled as he walked to the bed and crawled onto it.

     Jeff watched in awe as Adam snuggled close to Jason, resting his head on Jason's chest as he
     played with a strand of his long blond hair. He watched as Adam's snow white wings fluttered a
     little and then proceeded to blanket the pair.

     Jeff glanced at Jason's face as the smaller angel leaned down and kissed the top of Adam's head.
     The two loved each other and at that moment, Jeff wondered if angels were permitted to love and
     have a relationship. He shook his head as he shut the door softly.

     Before hopping into his jeep, he looked up at the night sky. Behind the gray clouds that was
     billowing snowflake after snowflake down upon him, he could see a bright star shining through.

     "Father, please protect him," he whispered in prayer.

     As Jeff followed the path back up to his jeep, he didn't see the glistening pair of eyes that were
     watching him or the smile on the monster's face.


     "Where have you been son?" Jeff's dad asked with a worried look on his face.

     "Out. I was trying to clear my head," Jeff said shivering as he went to stand by the fireplace in an
     attempt to warm up.

     "Chris has been calling and calling. Hell, you'd think he was your boyfriend or something."

     The sound of breaking glass echoed in the room, startling both men.

     Jeff smiled as he saw Matt standing over a broken cup of hot apple cider. The look on his
     brother's face was priceless, almost as good as when he had walked in on Chris and him earlier
     during sex.

     "I'll call him," Jeff said as he winked at Matt and bounced up the stairs.

     Matt glared at Jeff as he watched him run up the stairs and then heard the soft click of his
     bedroom door. He knew that Jeff was picking up the phone to call Chris. He had to tell their dad.

     "Dad, about Jeff......."

     "Never mind about your brother," his dad said frowning, stopping Matt mid-sentence, "we've got
     bigger problems."

     "What are you talking about Dad?" Matt asked frowning.

     "McMahon wants to foreclose on our home."

     Matt looked at him shocked. "Dad, why didn't you say something sooner?"

     "What good would it do?"

     "We're gonna lose the house and land?" Matt asked with a worried look.

     "Not if I can help it. It's Christmas and I'm not gonna let that monster win."

     "Dad?" Matt whispered as his father disappeared up the stairs.

     Matt frowned. It was Christmas Eve and it was the worst day of his life. First, he walked in on his
     best friend as he was fucking his little brother, not that Jeff was complaining, the look on Jeff's
     face had been of pure pleasure. Matt shook his head. It wasn't normal, he couldn't let them
     continue. He had to save both of them.

     Second, they were about to loose the only home that he'd known to McMahon, one of the greediest
     bastards around. No, he couldn't let that happen. He grabbed his jacket, he knew how he could get
     the money. He would borrow the money from his friend John Bradshaw. He was independently
     wealthy, but somewhat of a card shark. Most people were terrified of Bradshaw, but he had
     always been nice to Matt and he saw no reason Bradshaw wouldn't spot him a small loan.


     "MARK!" Vince roared as he entered the front door.

     Vince smiled as the huge man stalked toward him.

     "I have a job for you," Vince said rubbing his hands together. He silently wondered how much
     money could be made off owning two beautiful male angels. He thought about the media frenzy,
     the scientific frenzy, and last, but not least, the religious frenzy that would occur at the news that
     angels do exist.

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