Title: Bird Boy, the Snob and the Heart Break Kid
Author: Katie Jones
Disclaimer: I don�t own them unfortunately.
Distribution: If you want to use it, go for it. Just please let me know where it is.
Rating: NC-17
Summary: Triple H, HBK, Raven, sex; Nuff said
Notes: Another request from Mercury

Raven looks up when the shadow falls across him in the dressing room. �What do you want Helmsley?�

�You bird boy. My room two hours. Room number 506. Be there.� Hunter starts to walk away and thinks better of it. �Don�t make me come after you bird boy. You won�t like what happens then.� With that Hunter leaves the room.

Raven sits there mumbling to himself when his lover comes into the room. �Uh Raven? What the hell was Trips doing in here?�

�I�m not entirely sure baby. But he said he needed to talk to me later tonight in the bar. I�m going.� His lover starts to protest but is stopped by him. �Baby, don�t worry. I know you hate the man but he has a lot of power in the company so relax. He could possibly give me a push so I have to go.�  Raven doesn�t understand why he has just lied to his lover but he felt he had to. Chris Jericho looks up at him with adoration evident in his eyes. Raven smiles softly and pulls him in for a kiss. Chris undresses his older lover and then himself. �Baby we don�t have to�� Chris places his fingers over Raven�s lips to shush him. He prepares himself while Raven looks on. He then slicks some of the gel down Raven�s erect shaft. Chris bends over the bench and waits impatiently for Raven to enter him. Raven doesn�t make him wait to long though. Chris cries out when Raven fills him. They move together quickly. Minutes later both men are coming. Chris cries out at his release. Raven shouts his lovers name as he releases deep inside of Chris. They collapse together on the cold hard floor of the dressing room. Chris curls up and goes to sleep. Raven holds him and thinks about his upcoming encounter with the blonde man he has been lusting after for months. He finally falls asleep.

Disclaimers see pt. 1

Raven walks up to room 506 and knocks tentatively on the door exactly two hours later. Hunter answers the door wearing only black silk boxers. Raven raises an eyebrow at the younger man and says �I�m here. What do you want with me?�

Hunter doesn�t say a word. He just pulls the older man into the room and shuts the door behind him. He leads Raven into the main room of the suit and tips his head to one side. Raven starts to speak but is stopped by someone slipping a silk scarf over his mouth, efficiently shutting him up. Hunter then whispers �No words. At all. For the rest of the night. I hope you told Jericho that you wouldn�t be back tonight.� Hunter says nothing else. He just helps the other person on the room undress Raven. Raven is turned around and he gasps as he sees Shawn Michaels standing naked before him. Shawn smiles and drops to his knees in front of the now naked Raven. He darts his tongue out between his lips and licks the tip of Raven�s erect cock. Raven moans at the moist heat that encloses his throbbing member. Raven jumps when he feels Hunter massaging his ass. Hunter winks at Shawn who is looking up at him. He then slicks some lube onto his fingers and swiftly but not carelessly slips a finger into the older man. Raven moans through the gag making Hunter and Shawn harder. Hunter soon has the older man prepared and slicks some lube over his cock. Without warning he thrusts inside of Raven making him cry out, his voice muffled by the gag. Shawn sucks harder, both blondes trying to make Raven come. Soon, Shawn is swallowing the older man�s seed.  Raven is strained from trying to hold himself up. Hunter slips out of him, having gone over the edge when Raven spilled his seed into Shawn�s mouth and picks the older man up carrying him to the bed. He lays him gently on the bed and turns to Shawn. Keeping his thoughts to himself, he throws Shawn over his shoulder and tosses him onto the bed. He quickly prepares his older lover and then thrusts into him. Shawn cries out in ecstasy. Hunter and Shawn keep a frantic pace until they both come fast and furious. Raven, who had been enjoying the show, leans over and licks Michaels clean making the blonde moan. Hunter watches, enjoying the sight. Raven looks up at Hunter with a predatory gleam in his eyes. Hunter is looking at him questioningly when Raven jumps on him knocking him backward onto the bed. Raven then grabs the lube from the surprised young man and licking some onto his fingers deftly prepares him. Shawn watches with a lustful gaze. Raven smiles eerily and nods to Shawn to join in. Shawn quickly sets about preparing Raven. The two older men nod at one another and just as Raven plunges into Hunter, Shawn takes him from behind. All three men cry out from the sheer pleasure. Raven lets Shawn and Hunter do most of the work. Shawn pumps into Raven forcing the older man to pump into Hunter. The three of them come shouting profanities and each other�s names. They fall onto the bed gasping for air. Raven pulls the gag out of his mouth. �Damn you two that was fantastic.� Hunter and Shawn smile and snuggle closer to the older man. He slips out of their embrace and reaches for the phone. �Hey Chris? Hey baby. I am so sorry but Hunter and Michaels and I and Vince are going over some future storylines. This is going to take all night baby. I�ll be back in the morning okay�.. I know Chris, but this is important to my career�. Baby, I promise I�ll make it up to you in the morning�. Okay�. I love you too�. Goodnight.� Raven lays back in his spot and the two younger blondes cuddle back against him. �Hey Hunt?� Hunter just nods, waiting for the question. �Do you think you could maybe make an effort to get along with Chris so we can make this a foursome?�

�I�ll try.� Hunter says with a yawn.

�Good. Goodnight you two.�

�G�Night.� Shawn says already falling asleep.

�Good night Bird Boy.� Hunter says, quickly falling asleep.

Raven pulls the two younger men closer and falls asleep dreaming of Chris.

The End
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