Author: Mercury32
Title: BW: My Sacrifice
Disclaimer: Song by Creed. Don't own anyone who appears on TV. Integra and Lydia however are mine, allll mine!
Set: Set just after the Integra/Stephanie reunion in Chapter Four. All the things Stephanie wanted to say to Integra, but didn't.
Notes: Because my muses love hassling me when I'm driving. Because Y2Steph is a pain in the ass. Because I need something to feed the hungry mob who want more BW.

// Hello my friend, we meet again
It's been awhile, where should we begin?
Feels like forever //
Oh Teg. It's so good to see you again. I've missed you so much. I can't believe it's been three years, it feels like so much longer. God, how are you? How's Lydia? How did you all react after you heard? I'm surprised you don't hate me after that. I'd hate me. Did I mention how much I missed you and Lyd?

// Within my heart a memory
A perfect love that you gave to me
Oh, I remember //
You guys were the best friends I ever had. Hell, you were the only friends I'd ever made who liked me for who I was and not what my family was. You accepted me and welcomed me into your lives. I never had anything like that before. It was the memory of the friendship I had with you and Lydia was one of the things that go me through after....

// When you are with me I'm free
I'm careless, I believe
Above all the others we'll fly
This brings tears to my eyes
My Sacrifice //
When I was with you guys, I wasn't Stephanie Marie McMahon, daughter of Vincent K McMahon. I was just Steph, one of the girls. I could do and say what I wanted and it didn't matter. There was no talk of 'proper behaviour' no rules, other than be yourself. So I was. And you all loved me for it. When I realised what I'd given up, I was devestated.

// We've seen our share of ups and downs
Oh how quickly life can turn around
In an instant //
I'll never forget the way you guys fought. Even over something as small as who ate the last of the chocolate chip ice cream was like watching World War Three - especially if Lydia was involved. It was... it was nice. Within seconds, I lost all that, just because of a blonde whore who wanted what I had.

// It feels so good to realize
What's in yourself and within your mind
Let's find peace there //
I know things will never be the same between the three of us again. We've all changed too much in the past three years for that. But I hope that one day, the three of us, you, me and Lydia can find a similar kind of friendship that we once had, but more suited to who we are now. That would bring me a great deal of comfort.

// When you are with me I'm free
I'm careless, I believe
Above all the others we'll fly
This brings tears to my eyes
My Sacrifice //

// When you are with me I'm free
I'm careless, I believe
Above all the others we'll fly
This brings tears to my eyes
My Sacrifice My Sacrifice //

// I just want to say hello again
I just want to say hello again //

I wanted to contact you so badly, to just say 'Hey' and hear your cheerful voices. But I was afraid of how you'd both react. I nearly called, just to hear one of you answer. I couldn't do it. I was too scared to even say hello to my two best friends.

// My Sacrifice.//

I lost so much that day. Most of it I'll never get back. But I knew that at the time. Teg, my friendship with you and Lydia was one of the last things I wanted to sacrifice.
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