Jos� Clemente Orozco:
"The Critical Pessimist"
Orozco's famous murals:
Biblioteca Gabino Ortiz,
After the Combat, The Masses
Dartmouth College,
Arrival and Departure of Quetzalcoatl, Christ Destroying His Cross, Hispanic America
Escuela Nacional Preparatoria,
Cort�s and Malinche, Destruction of the Old Order, Maternity,
The Strike, The Trinity

Modern Migration of the Spirit
The themes in Orozco�s murals tended to concentrate on the revolution and the ideas and abuses of the people who participated in the revolution. His work become a format for his distaste of the Mexican political system. However, he did put his country�s needs before the needs of foreign tourists. He insisted that the Mexican murals not "flatter the tourists" and that the murals should be realistic despite how unflattering the depiction of the subject. Orozco followed the Nietzschean philosophy of life.
La Riforma
Orozco's famous murals:
Hospicio Cabanas,
Cort�s, Man of Fire
New School of Social Research,
Carrillo Puerto, Gandhi, Lenin
Palacio de Bellas Artes,
Palacio de Gobierno , Guadalaj
ara, Father Hidalgo
Pomona College,
University of Guadalajara,
False Leaders
Information gathered from Contemporary Mexican Painting in a Time of Change by Shifra M. Goldman.
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