Welcome to Ms. Litberg's World History Home Page
ball court, Chichen Itza
serpent mound, Ohio anasazi ruins
The ball court at Chichen Itza
District 201 needs to build a new Alternative school.  While the designers were racking their brains to come up with a plan it occured to someone that early American civilizations were able to construct pyramids, burial mounds, irrigation systems...and all without the use of modern technology.  How did they do it?  Maybe their secrets will get this school built!

You can help District 201.  All you need to do is figure out how the Mayans built that pyramid, or the Incas irrigated Machu Piccu, or the Moundbuilders constructed the Great Serpent Mound!  Ready for the task?  Then click on the button below!
problem and solution page
wall of skulls, Chichen Itza
Wall of Skulls, Chichen Itza
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