Lisa Pye-Rabe
390 East Airline Dr
Rosewood Heights, IL 62024
The Pieces of a Pye
The ancestors of
Lisa Pye & Andrew Rabe
I am researching the following names:  Click on a name to see more.
Brooks, Cragin, Dunbar, Goodwin, Greenwood, Hampton, Kess, Laffer/Lauffer, Lewis, McMillan/McMillin, Parsons, Pitcock, Pye, Rabe, Webber, Winne, Wise, Woodward, and many more.
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Civil War
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Advise from the Past
Beard Eaten by Goat
"We ourselves feel that what we are doing is just a drop in the
ocean. But the ocean would be less because of that missing drop."

-Mother Teresa-
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