Title: Treasure
Author: Mistigri
Email: [email protected]
Disclaimer: Not mine - must all breakages be paid for? ^_^;;
Warning: Semi non-con, lemon
Summary: What I think happened between these two...
Pairing: Sharlen/Seiliez
Feedback; please, please, please? Or my kitty will bite you:p
Thanks to; Lipstickcat, beta and current caretaker of my VG books;)
Notes; This isn't a /nice/ fic - see warning...

My beautiful Seiliez.

How I love the way you give yourself to me, so openly, so utterly. I could not wish for a better puppet than you. The tragedy in your heart only makes it all the more irresistible.

You believe that I am offering you all that you desire, yet you are so blind that you do not see that it is before you already. You are torn, my beauty. So fragile, it is not surprising that through such harsh treatment you have cracked and broken. But that is what makes your fall from grace all the more poetic.

Do you think of him when I am with you like this? You keep your eyes closed tightly and utter not a sound. Do you imagine his arms around you, his lips against yours? Your brother, who loves you so truly but earns only your contempt?

Perhaps it is not to him then that you direct your thoughts. Could it be that you think of your reason for this, your precious princess? It is really quite pathetic that you should throw away all that you have because of the fickle words from her lips. Do you believe she cares about you? That she could even love you? How you amuse me, Seiliez. But you will have your wish; she will be yours, even if she would not have you as hers.

You are already mine, you do know that, even if you do not yet realise what it signifies. And so, tonight, you will think of me, and of me alone. I will not allow you to shut me out, to deny my very existence. Perhaps you imagine my coming to you as nothing but a dream; is this so, my dear? For I will not be thought of as nothing. I will give you your greatest desire, but in return you must give me what I want. And at this moment what I want is my name on your lips, even if I have to tear it from them, even if you cry out only to beg me to stop.

You're not accustomed to such rough treatment, are you? Could it be you are struggling, trying to fight against me? Perhaps you believe yourself to be strong now? But you must not forget who is the master in this little game.

Your first cry is one I will treasure forever, even when I have long forgotten you. It could almost be the sound of a heart breaking. But it is not enough to satiate my hunger for you. Nothing can exist for you, but me; you will want me, need me, love me and me alone.

It is easy to pin your hands above your head, denying you the chance of bringing yourself pleasure. You must believe that you deserve to feel only pain. I do not truly wish to hurt you, my dear Seiliez, but to love me is to suffer

I wish you would fight more; it does bring me such pleasure to have you helpless however you struggle against me. But I at least get my wish - your cries are such sweet music as you call my name, begging, pleading. You see, I control your every desire; it is my power to have you suffer or feel pleasure, as I will.

Yet still, I have to admit there is a moment in which you fill my thoughts and my being pulses with nothing but you and for an instant you become perhaps more than a mere puppet to me. But I return to my senses and release you so that you can end your suffering.

You sob as you bring yourself to climax, choking back a cry that makes me want to take you again. Come now, it was your decision to accept my offer - nothing I do is by force. I give you only what you desire, I know you see that.

Not even your tears can mar your beauty, but you hide them, shy away from me. And whose name is that on your lips? You call for your brother now? How pathetic. But don't worry, my dear Seiliez, I don't mind. It is already far too late.
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