Title: Tickle Your Fancy
Author: Lipstickcat
E-mail: [email protected]
Fandom: Dragon Knights
Pairing: Rath/Kai-stern
Rating: Pg-13
Summary: A lazy summer afternoon�.
Warnings: I guess there�s a little foot fetishism :s some people might find it sqwicky�
Disclaimer: They�re not mine, even the books I�m reading belong to Mistigri
Notes: Thank you to Mistigri for beta-ing. I would like to point out that she thought of the title ;P

Oh, I�d also like to make it clear that although I have many kinks, feet aren�t one of them, I suspect that a rogue plotbunny pounced on me while I was distracted by the kitten climbing the curtains�.


The sun beamed down warmly, bathing the two figures in its caress. Birds sang up in the trees, the trill of their voices finding harmony with the occasional rustle of leaves when the wind blew. The sky was perfect, a bright, deep topaz shade, wisps of white cloud floating by, never quite thick enough to obscure the sun.

Rath and Kai-stern were in the palace gardens. The Dragon Officer sat on a bench, snugly settled in the corner, half leaning against the back of the seat, half against its arm. He had drawn one leg up, so that his foot was against the wooden slats of the seat, and was reading from a poetry book with it resting against his knee. His other leg was draped over the edge of the bench, his bare foot flexing thoughtlessly in the cool, long grass. The bench was sturdy, but old, and it creaked softly every time the silver haired man stirred.

The Dragon Knight sat in the grass at the same end of the seat as Kai-stern, leaning against the leg of the bench. He sat cross-legged and read a well-thumbed book of children�s fairy tales. If anyone else had been there, he would have been mortified that they should know that he was reading it, but he didn�t mind Kai-stern knowing. It was his favourite book. He knew every page by heart, but the words still captured his imagination like it was the first time he had read them.

There was a smooth flick as Kai-stern turned a page before letting his free hand drop down and tangle in Rath�s hair. His fingers twisted and toyed with the silky lengths without thought. He ran his fingers through the dark hair as though it was the most natural thing to do in the world. Rath smiled gently to himself, the corners of his mouth curving up as he took in a deep breath. His senses were filled with the sweet fragrance of the garden as fingertips trailed over his scalp soothingly.

A warm breeze blew across the two figures, as though the sunlight also wanted to trace across the skin of the Dragon Knight and Officer and take part in the idle connection between the two. Reluctantly, Kai-stern�s hand left Rath�s head in order to catch the flipping pages of his book before he lost his place. Rath continued to read, focusing a little more clearly on the words again. He jumped, just slightly, as, in the last puffs of the wind, a feather landed between his pages and danced briefly. It was large, either a tail or wing feather; it had several different shades of brown in stripes that blended into each other, varying from a milky coffee colour to a dark earthy shade. Rath picked it up and studied it, twisting it between his thumb and forefinger so that it made a flapping noise as it found resistance in the air. Then he returned to his book.

As he read, he ran the feather long the side of his face, nuzzling his cheek against the solid strands. He brushed the end of it over the bridge of his nose, the hollow core bending and flicking with a rustle that only he could hear.

A movement in the corner of his eye distracted him and he looked over to where Kai-stern�s foot flexed in the grass. Carefully laying his book down to the side, Rath lent over, and repositioned himself so that he was lying on his stomach. Then, he ran the tip of the feather over the top of Kai-stern�s foot. The taller man stirred, the old wood creaking, but he didn�t move his foot. Rath flicked the plume over the pale skin, moving from ankle to toe and then back up again. The foot tried half-heartedly to twist away from the vaguely annoying feeling, so the Knight grabbed it by the ankle and lifted it up, and then began to drag the tip of the feather along the sole. A faint giggle could be heard above him as the foot began to squirm and try to slip out his grip. Rath grinned and held on tighter, taking part in a playful game of tug of war with the leg. The tip grazed over the bridge of Kai-stern�s foot and it reflexively jerked away as a shiver sparked up to his ankle and he laughed out loud.

Again, he wriggled his foot to try and free his ankle. Rath dropped the feather and wrapped his other hand around the bottom of the older man�s leg to keep it still. For want of any other means to tickle the foot with, he stuck his tongue out and flicked that across the arch of the foot. Kai-stern kicked out with a howl, but failed to loosen Rath�s grip. Completely lost in the game, Rath enthusiastically launched a full on attack and wrapped his mouth around Kai-stern�s big toe.

The laughter fell dead; even the birds in the trees seemed to stop singing. Silence. Utter silence. Then a scrapping swish as the poetry book slid from Kai-stern�s knee. It thudded against the edge of the bench and then flopped in to the grass alongside Rath�s torso, pages bending as it landed open, face down.

Suddenly all the joy bled away from Rath and his stomach churned. Had he done something wrong? Why wasn�t Kai-stern laughing anymore? His hold on the ankle loosened and he pulled back, slipping the toe from his mouth self-consciously.

There was a moan, a guttural noise that didn�t sound like it should be coming from his friend.

�� Don�t stop��

Rath�s eyes widened, jet-black pupils dilating in the crimson depths. He obeyed, hesitantly returning his lips to encircle the toe. Kai-stern sucked in breath sharply, which Rath could only assume was a sign that he was doing something right. He let his tongue stroke against the toe, finding the slightly salty taste surprisingly appealing.

Kai-stern�s eyes fluttered shut. His lips parted to a stream of little gasps and breathy pants. One hand gripped the top of the bench to hold him up as he began to melt. All he could feel was the exquisite cool mouth as it moved from swallowing one toe, to taking two more in with it. It took all his effort not to squirm away from Rath�s mouth; his instinct was to pull away before it became unbearable, but he couldn�t deny himself this feeling. It was like his whole essence was being devoured by a million soft, wet holes, and he was loving every moment of it. A hot tongue pushed between his toes and he nearly screamed, his body jerking, fighting with itself.

Rath, to his credit, knew that these were good noises and didn�t stop. He held on tightly to Kai-stern�s ankle and lightly scraped his teeth over the toes. Kai-stern writhed and slid down the seat a little, his other leg losing its purchase on the seat and slipping over the edge.

Finally letting go of the foot, the Dragon Knight kissed and licked his way up to the ankle. He nipped playfully at the exposed lower calf muscle, and then pushed himself up onto his knees. Crawling between Kai-stern�s legs, Rath�s hands snaked into the Officer�s lap, rubbing against the hardness there. Kai-stern pushed himself up onto his elbows, then further up until he could lean forwards and capture Rath�s mouth. They shared a heated kiss before Rath suddenly broke away with a grin. He stood up. Kai-stern turned his steely eyes to the young man above him, he was panting heavily, his normally pale skin was flushed.

�Where are you going?� he asked as his chest heaved.

�That depends,� Rath replied, cocking his head to the side to take in the sight of the man he adored in complete disarray.

�On what?�

�Well, if you promise to take me demon hunting tomorrow, your bedroom. If not, I�m going to get something to eat.�

Then he walked off, smirking to himself, in the direction of Kai-stern�s quarters. It took a moment for the Officer to steady the adrenaline that was pumping through his body enough to stand. On legs that shook with energy waiting to be released, he followed Rath. He could cope with a day�s demon hunting for this.
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