Title: The Forest
Author: Lipstickcat
Email: [email protected]
Pairing: Butch/James
Rating: Pg-13
Disclaimer: Not mine
Notes: Sequel to �One Night�


�Well, at least my hair doesn�t look like a petrified jolteon.�

Jessie and Cassidy were exchanging insults after a fluke run in. The twerp gang had long since crept away, leaving the Rocket members to fight it out amongst themselves. James and Butch stood silently by their partners and glared at each other in support of their own sides, but their eyes gave away so much.

�And,� Jessie continued, �our motto�s better.� She nodded triumphantly despite her weak argument.

Cassidy produced a large piece of paper that had Giovanni�s signature at the bottom. She held it so close to Jessie�s nose that she couldn�t read it.

�But our motto is the proper one, it�s even endorsed by the Boss, see?�

�Actually Jess,� James spoke for the first time since the encounter, �theirs does make more sense.�


Jessie�s hand hit James� cheek at the speed of light. A red blotch appeared as it begun to smart. James looked down at his feet, he had seen Butch flinch as the blow had hit him. He decided to do what he knew best, he turned and ran. Jessie ignored him.

He ran blindly through the city until he reacted a park on the outskirts. He watched as the children played with their pokemon. It was so simple when he was young, when he didn�t understand his purpose in his parents lives. When he didn�t know what love was or that they had none to spare for him.

He sat down on a bench and sighed. He�d been content with Jessie until he�d spoken to Butch. Afterwards, he had fallen back into his daily routine, occupying himself with trying to catch that electric mouse. He only thought about what he had said when Jessie hit him.

But the night, that was different. It was so lonely with only his thoughts as company. Even on the nights when there was only one bed available at whatever Inn they could afford, even with Jessie and Meowth�s bodies warming him, he felt cold. He longed to be in Butch�s arms again, to feel the overwhelming warmth of their closeness. To feel special.

He jumped as a hand rested on his shoulder. He turned to see the familiar green hair and brown eyes that had haunted his dreams recently.

�Hey.� Butch�s lips curled in a friendly smile as he greeted James.

�Hey.� James said back. He wanted to return the smile, but his heart felt too heavy.

�They�re still arguing, I don�t think they�ve even noticed that we�re gone.� He sat down next to James and wrapped his fingers around the worn leather of James� glove. �Do you want to talk?�

James nodded and began to get up.

�But not here. I don�t want anyone to see me cry.�

As they walked through the forest, James found himself spilling out his heart again. Even as the tears tumbled down his face he felt better. A warm breeze blew through his blue hair, ruffling it, like it ruffled the leaves on the trees. He had always liked being outdoors.

�I don�t think I can take it much longer. It�s like Jessie is two people. I�m continually on edge in case she snaps. I think I might have a nervous breakdown before long.� He kicked a stone into some bushes and veered off the pathway after it. Butch followed silently, wanting James to open up to him completely. They began to weave amongst the trees in the wilderness. �I don�t even enjoy stealing pokemon, I�d rather catch them myself. I�d rather be a trainer.�

�Then why don�t you?�

�What? With Weezing?� James laughed as he held out his pokeball.

�Yeah, why not? Weezing�s a strong pokemon, you�d easily catch other wild pokemon. You�d be a good trainer.� Butch reached out and squeezed James� free hand in support.

�I couldn�t leave Team Rocket, what would Giovanni say?�

�Fuck Giovanni!� Butch suddenly stopped in the middle of the forest. James gawked at him, at his passionate outburst, but he continued regardless. �Fuck Jessie. Fuck Meowth. Fuck Team Rocket.� He paused for a second. �In fact, fuck Cassidy! WE would make GREAT trainers.�

James began to weep again. It was enough that Butch had saved his life, had lent an ear and shoulder to cry on, had held his hand, and, was still gripping it tightly. But for him to leave Team Rocket, a job that he enjoyed and was good at, just for a loser like himself, that was too much.

Butch pulled him into his arms and held him tightly. He patted James� back and whispered encouraging noises into his ear. James� body stopped shaking and he began to sniffle as he calmed down. He pushed his head into Butch�s collarbone, feeling Butch�s deep breathing against his body. Butch kissed his forehead, James smiled at the soft warmth of his lips. Butch began to stroke his hair. James closed his eyes in bliss and vowed to pet Meowth more often in future, there was no reason why the pokemon should miss out on feeling loved. His thoughts were interrupted and his eyes snapped open as Butch�s hand crept down his back and rested on his buttocks.

The pace of Butch�s heart increased as he slid his hand down James� back. He wanted this to seem matey, to test the ground and how James would react. He cursed himself as James� body became ridged against his. He�d blown it. In that second he felt sad for James as he knew how much James had needed the friendship. Now he would surely go back to Jessie and nothing would change.

He nearly fell over in surprise when James lifted his head and kissed his lips. It was barely more than the touch of a butterfree�s wings, scared and unsure, but it spoke volumes.

With his other hand, Butch cupped James� head and held him close. First, he lightly kissed him in short pecks of assurance. Then their mouths met for longer periods of time. James held Butch around the neck, letting Butch take control of the situation. Both men could feel the others breathing quicken.

Butch slid his tongue past James� lips and into his mouth. James gasped at the unfamiliar sensation as Butch began to explore his mouth and tongue. He had never, ever been kissed like this before, but it felt so good.

Butch pushed him against a tree and began to undo the zipper on James� uniform. He slipped  his jacket away as James pulled his gloves off with his teeth. He quickly untucked James� black tee-shirt and his hand crept up inside, finding a nipple to tease. James moaned into his mouth as another new sensation shot through his body, making it tingle.

Butch rested his palm on James� warm chest, pausing to feel his racing heartbeat. Then he quickly pulled James� tee-shirt over his head. James� hair fell back messily, his eyes were obscured by more than the usual strand of hair. Butch carefully brushed the hair aside, so that he could stare into those glittering emerald eyes.

He stepped back and James took his que to unzip Butch�s uniform. His hands trembled as he reached out and fumbled for the zipper. After what seemed like hours, Butch�s jacket was undone. He wasn�t wearing a top underneath. Butch took his hand and guided it to his smooth chest. James carefully ran his hand over the contours of the defined, yet understated, muscles.

It had grown dark and a cool breeze ran through the forest, but neither noticed. Both were absorbed in the heat that their bodies generated.

Butch�s hand moved down to James� belt. Then he stopped, he looked at James with a troubled expression on his face.

�What�s wrong?� James asked.

�I was wondering, is your hair colour natural?�

�Why? Is yours?� James replied defensively.

�Its just that.... With your hair being blue.... I was wondering if it was that colour.... Elsewhere....� Butch cast his eyes back down to James� trousers.

�Ohhhh.... Yes, its natural. I inherited it from my dad. But that is a darker shade, almost black in some lights. How about you?�

Butch shook his head and smiled.

�Dyed, I�m afraid.�

�That�s probably a relief. So what�s your natural colour?�

�You�ll just have to find out.�

A nearby nest of spearows were awakened minutes later by the strange cry of �BLOND!?!� echoing through the night. Other noises followed, but they ignored them...


The sun was just rising as Ash wandered through the forest. He had got up early with the intention of doing something that he hadn�t done in a long time, catch some new pokemon.

Pikachu was full of energy as small rays of golden sunlight shone through the trees. It bounded away from Ash, towards a clearing. Ash started to jog after it.

The remains of a large fire glowed with its dying embers, nearby there was a figure lying on his side. Despite having his back to them, Ash instantly recognised the white uniform and blue hair.

�Team Rocket!� He cried, mostly for the sake of it.

James looked around at them sleepily. Suddenly another figure sat up. It wasn�t Jessie, it was male, and he�d been lying awfully close to James for Ash not to have noticed him before.

Simultaneously, Butch and Ash muttered, �I know you...�

An argument was about to ensue, but Pikachu ran across to James. The pokemon instinctively understood what was going on. Ash watched nervously as James picked Pikachu up. The yellow rodent chatted away to him excitedly, James didn�t understand a word, but he was sure that it was something nice. When they were finished, he put Pikachu back down and looked up at the confused Ash.

�You won�t tell anyone about this, will you?�

Ash shook his head, still unsure as to quite what it was that he shouldn�t tell anyone about. Then he turned and dashed after Pikachu, who was already running into the distance.

James curled back up with Butch, planning to get a few more hours sleep before deciding what he should do next. All around him the forest was waking up, his ears were filled with the sounds of pokemon. He�d always liked sleeping in the open. It had gave him more space to run and hide if he needed to. Hopefully he�d never need to hide from anyone again.
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