Title: Pink
Author: Lipstickcat
Email: [email protected]
Pairing: Butch/James
Rating: G
Disclaimer: Nope, not mine
Notes: Written as a gift for the wonderful Anita. Her artwork will be found here� sometime, I hope� So just ignore the �in joke� at the end� ^_^;; Ugh, nasty evil Mary-Sues�.



James smiled nervously at the three large bouncers as they moved aside to let him in. They all looked identical, fat, in a toned muscle kind of way, with shaved heads. They were wearing matching black puffer jackets with �Fanclub� written on in white stitching. They rustled as they moved. Their purpose was to intimidate and James was definitely considering turning around and running away.

Butch breezed past them with a confident stride and a small nod directed at the three men. James was left feeling very alone and vulnerable standing in the middle of the pavement, in a strange city, at night. He scurried through the doorway after Butch, wishing that he was invisible. Butch waited for him to catch up before pulling his wallet from his back pocket. He fished out enough money for the two of them and handed it over the counter to a girl with her hair in pigtails.

James stared up the dark staircase, following the sound of music that was filtering down from the club above. They were playing �Teenage Dirtbag�, he liked that song, it had a happy ending. Before it got to his favourite part, he was distracted by a strange shuffling noise behind him. He turned to find Butch shaking a plastic container from side to side. James peered inside. It was full of jellybeans! He took two out, a red one and a green one, one for him, one for Butch. Butch smiled as he set the container back down on the counter. He didn�t expect to see, never mind eat, his sweet.

James popped the red bean into his mouth. He savoured the crack as he broke through the sugary shell to reach the soft jelly center. It did little to soothe his nerves though, he still wanted to turn back. He felt over dressed. He was wearing a black vinyl bodice top with a silver zipper up the front and four other zips for decoration, and leather trousers with yet more zips and a large chain that hung from two hoops around his waist. Butch had talked him into wearing them, telling him how good his delicate figure looked in them and promising him that he wouldn�t feel out of place. James found Butch very convincing at times........

But his confidence wasn�t boosted by the fact that Butch looked considerably more casual than himself. He was simply dressed in a black vest top, with a torn fishnet shirt over the top and black jeans. He had argued that he hadn�t got the figure or the looks to pull off the attention drawing clothes that James was wearing. James wasn�t sure that he wanted to draw any attention. He was pretty sure that the leather dog collar and the eyeliner were mistakes.

As James lingered at the foot of the steps, a skinhead walked in wearing an incredibly fluffy purple fake fur coat. James stifled a giggle, he could have been mistaken for a Venonat! He stifled another giggle as he imagined Ash trying to �catch� him. He imagined him setting Pikachu on him and then being chased by a frazzled and very pissed off skinhead.

The man passed James without giving him a second glance, before bounding up the steps two at a time. As he gazed after him, James felt Butch�s fingers slip between his. He tensed briefly, they didn�t normally hold hands in public places for obvious reasons, but as he looked around and realised that no one was taking any notice, he relaxed. He decided that he should give the club a go and let Butch lead him up the stairs.

Butch opened the one of the double doors and held it for James. He entered and looked around, black was definitely the theme for the paintwork. There were a few people milling around, but it was still early yet. Music was being blasted from overhead speakers. It was loud, but not too much so that he couldn�t hear himself think.

Butch walked past him, his hand briefly brushing against his waist. James followed him to the bar.

�The usual?� Butch asked James. He nodded back.

A young lad on the other side of the bar turned to them. He was wearing a white cowboy hat, his blond hair just peeping out from under it, and a black T-shirt with �Fanclub� printed in bold white lettering. He smiled at James, his eyes wandering briefly over his face and down to his collar, then he turned to Butch.

�A pint of Fosters and a Tia Maria with coke, please.� Butch ordered as he leaned on the bar.

�Ice?� the bartender asked.

Butch glanced over to James as he nodded and then turned back.


The cowboy slid James his drink across the bar and began to pull Butch�s pint. James turned to lean back against the bar as he sipped his drink. The refreshing cola and the tang of caffeine liquor was sweet and cool. Absentmindedly, he popped the other jellybean into his mouth. He was jerked forward, nearly spilling his drink, as Butch grabbed his hand and pulled him away.

They strolled past the seating area. James briefly glimpsed a couple making out in a booth, but Butch was moving too quickley for him to get a good look. They rounded the corner and walked across the edge of the dancefloor. A few people were already dancing. One person was holding UV sensitive glow sticks and was swinging them around his body as he bobbed and weaved to the music. James was mesmerised by the swirls of colour that seemed to have a life of their own as he walked past.

At the other side of the room there was a Point Blank arcade machine. As the flickering screen caught his attention, James began to take the lead, pulling Butch towards it. Eagerly, James grabbed the pink gun from its holster, beaming at Butch. The taller man groaned and reached for his wallet. He feed some coins into the machine and picked up the blue gun.

James was surprisingly good at the game, his aim was valuably seconds faster than Butch�s. Butch, in the meantime, was happy to �let� James win, if it meant that he was starting to relax more. James had begun to smile broadly and was messing around, posing between stages. Butch took in James� fluid beauty as he rested one hand on his hip and slowly swung his other arm up until the barrel of the gun was resting against his pouting lips. James looked up at him through his blue fringe and gently blew the imaginary smoke away. The whole thing sent an icy shiver along Butch�s spine.

If constantly beating Butch made James happy, reaching number three on the highscore made him ecstatic. He jumped into the air, squealing several times and waving the gun around, before finally crashing into Butch. He wrapped his arms around his neck, crushing his mouth against Butch�s, but before Butch had a chance to respond, he�d already pulled away and was bouncing around in front of the screen and screaming every time that �JIM� appeared on the highscore.

Butch yanked the plastic gun from his hands, grabbed his arm and dragged him to a nearby booth. James fell silent, worried that he�d somehow upset Butch, he�d hardly been given the chance to snatch his drink from the top of the arcade machine. As soon as they sat down, Butch turned to James, took his drink from his hand, setting it next to his own on the table, and placed his hands on either side of James face. Before James could comprehend what was happening, Butch pulled him forward and pressed his lips against his own.

James melted.

Suddenly, the music, the drink, the game, meant nothing. All he knew was that Butch was kissing him. In public.

Butch�s palms slid from his cheeks, over his jawbone, under his ears and up, his fingers weaving through his silky hair. One of James� hands lifted up, so that it was resting on Butch�s forearm, the other hand wrapped around his waist to try to pull Butch closer.

Butch�s lips were soft and warm. They moved slowly and tenderly, but with meaningful passion. His tongue probed against James� lips and James allowed it access to his mouth. A low moan hummed in James� throat as Butch�s tongue stroked his own.

Butch shifted from his position on the seat so that he was crouching in front of James, between the table and the seat. James opened his legs so that Butch could lean against the padded chair. Butch�s hand travelled from James� hair, down the smooth curve of his neck. It carried on down his front until it reached the exposed flesh at his waist. He gently brushed the soft skin, sending a pleasurable shudder through the young man�s body.

James� hands shot up to Butch�s shoulders and he roughly pulled him forward, forcing a deep kiss. Butch�s mouth tasted of the thick lager that he had been drinking. It had a hazy taste that hung to James� lips, a bitter sweetness that filled him with a dizzying lust. His hands wandered beneath the net top and tight vest. He stroked Butch�s toned stomach before pushing the top further up to trace the shape of his muscled chest.

Butch pulled away. He was grinning broadly, but he had a reluctant twist on his lips.

�I think we need to cool down a bit.� He held out his hand as he stood up and gestured towards the dance floor. �Come on. Lets dance.�

James took his hand and walked with Butch to the dance floor. A buzz surrounded him, a mixture of excitement, alcohol and desire. He had stopped caring who was staring at him and for what reason. He would be quite happy if Butch tried to smother him right in the middle of everyone.

There were more people dancing now, there seemed to be a sea of bodies that rippled in time with the music. Interested in the other kinds of people that came to this club, James took a closer look at some of the other dancers. A tall lanky girl, with shoulder length dark hair, weaved her arms in to the air and turned around. After a double take, James realised that it wasn�t a girl at all, but a man wearing a long black skirt. Butch reached over and tapped the underside of James� chin, prompting him to close his gapping jaw and stop staring. James looked around, no one else seemed to even notice.

A broken drum beat echoed through the speaker system, followed by a slow, high pitched instrument, playing a tune that James could almost imagine a stripper dancing to. Butch lowered his gaze and began to dance as the singer declared; �Pink. It�s my new obsession.�

James caught on quickly and began to sway his shoulders, resting his hands on his waist so that the movement followed to his hips seconds later. During the chorus, Butch leaned in close to James, his face so close that they could feel each other�s breath flit over their lips. Then he pulled away quickly, to get lost in the music again.

A small smile played on Butch�s lips as he mouthed the words of the song along with the gravelly voiced singer.

�I want to be your lover.
I wanna wrap you in rubber....�

James raised an eyebrow and blushed slightly. Inside, he was already considering the possibilities that the line held. He danced a little closer to Butch, but made an effort not to make contact with him, to heighten the tension that threatened to pull them together any minute.

As the song stopped, a new song with a heavy drum beat and deep base line was faded in. The people on the dance floor changed, some people walking off for a rest, while others whooped as they leapt onto the floor. James wasn�t into heavy music and moved to take Butch�s hand so that they could watch from the sidelines.

Suddenly, Butch ducked forward in time with a chord being ripped from a guitar. James stepped back, surprised. Butch stood upright again as the music slowed slightly and began to stomp and jump around his space on the dance floor. James looked around, most of the other people were behaving in the same way. Butch was bowing his head down roughly and then flicking it back again, so that his hair flew over his face and then back again. Then he hunched over and began to play an imaginary base guitar.

James suddenly felt conscious that he was the only one not dancing. Butch was completely ignoring him, lost in a world where he played an instrument in a band, and the person behind him kept stomping on his heels. Feeling slightly sorry for himself, James left the dance floor alone.

He leaned against the wall and watched Butch enjoying himself. He couldn�t quite bring himself to upset with him, it wasn�t Butch�s fault that he didn�t like that kind of music. When the song stopped Butch strolled over to where he was standing and pulled James into a tight hug. He was worn out from his efforts and James could feel his heart thundering in his chest. He quite liked the feeling. Butch pressed his lips against James� and then fell back against the wall, to try and get his breath back. He slung his arm around the smaller mans shoulders and James leaned against his chest, content to be in his arms.

His mind began to wander as he watched the light display across the ceiling. Clashing shades of sky blue and blood red bounced off the mirror ball suspended above the writhing mass below. James was spell bound as the colours cut through the darkly lit room. Suddenly, Butch�s voice broke through his day dreamy haze of dancing colours. It sounded mildly irritated, but amused.

�We so do not!�

James looked to Butch, then followed his gaze in the direction of two young women. One had dark red hair that flicked up at the ends, the other had blond curls that cascaded over her shoulders, despite her hair being held back by a red headband. Butch was addressing the redhead, who was wearing a scarlet top that declared that �MEN LIE� in yellow lettering. She turned to her friend, placing her hands on her hips and grinned.

�You�ve just proved my point.�

James bit his lip to hold back his smirk. Butch�s face went blank for a second, before he laughed and shrugged his shoulders.

�Besides,� the blond continued, �it doesn�t say that we don�t lie.�

Butch held out his hand and the girls eagerly shook it. James nodded shyly at them.

�I�m Butch and this is....�

�JAMES!!!� Both girls cried in unison.

James� head jerked up in surprise, but before he could ask how they knew his name, they had dragged both men onto the dance floor. Neither Butch nor James wanted to be rude, so they didn�t protest, but happily joined them. Butch watched carefully, as grins were exchanged between the two. James quickly found his confidence and felt compelled to ask the blond where she had bought the apple green top that she was wearing. He had to have it. A painful burst of jealousy shot through Butch�s heart as he saw James lean over and talk into the girls ear. She smiled and answered him in the same way.

The redhead grabbed his hand to distract him. Butch smiled sadly at her, he didn�t want to give her he wrong impression. He leaned forward to shout over the volume of the music.

�I�m sorry if.... It�s just that..... Me and James..... we�re...sorta..............together.� It had taken a lot to admit to, but he suddenly felt as light as a feather, like all the world had been lifted from his shoulders.

The girl nodded and smiled. Her eyes sparkled.

�We know.�

She squeezed his hand. Then she caught her friends attention and nodded towards the bar. They both gave James a quick peck on the cheek and then disappeared into the crowd. James looked on as they vanished. Warm hands from behind him curled around the exposed skin at his waist and he felt Butch�s body press against his back. Soft breath brushed over his ear as Butch spoke.

�Lets go home.�

James twisted his head, he didn�t want to go yet, he was having too much fun. Butch licked his lips and continued.

�Oh. I�m not planning to go to sleep when we get back.....�

James was pulling him towards the doorway before he even managed to finish his sentence.

At the bar, the red headed girl took a sip from her drink as she watched to two figures leave. She smiled to her friend. They turned and signalled to the cowboy behind the bar. He walked over, reached behind the counter, pulled out two notebooks and a pencil case, and handed them over to them. He smiled at them.

�That dog collar was so hot.�

�Thanks.� The blond nodded.

�Have a nice night.�

�We will.�

With that, the girls left. Both of them already had plans for what to do with the rest of the night.....
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