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They have silver hair. They are bishonen. Yaoi. - Speaks for itself really
Final Fantasy 8 yaoi pairing Zell and Squall
Catboys galore! and other tailed bishy.... - For updates on this site - My live journal

And now to prove my life doesn't revolve completely around myself...
Gnome's Grotto - FF8 archive. Go read her yummy fics, tell her to get writing Beneath my Skin, because the teaser is *not* enough... *grin*
Kalloway writes the most excellent smut in the world. "Mwor", to quote her. Kingdom Hearts, FF7, FF8...
More from Kalloway - Such pretty pictures. And several of the bish here can't figure out how to button up the fly on their trousers... Not a bad thing really....
Trowako's site - Go read the Yami no Matsuei fic "Doll" and the Devil May Cry fic "Molten". And for the unsqwickable, the Gundam Wing fic "Exit Me". I order you to. Now.
Brigdh's yummy Yami no Matsuei fics can be found here. Read "Five Things That Never Happened to Hisoka"

Catboys! Why are you still here?!?
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