Fandom: Card Captor Sakura
Date Finished: October 29th, 2003 (my 21st birthday! ;P)
Classification: Romance, Angst
Pairing: Eriol/Yue, Clow/Yue, Touya/Yukito, mild hints of Touya/Yue
Rating: NC-17
Note: Sequel to `Love Is�', but can be read independently.

By Elsewhere
<[email protected]>

All other information in Part One.

Part Eight:

aishiteru - I love you
arigatou - thank you
dame - don't
doushite? - why?
gomen nasai - I'm so sorry
iie - no
nande - why?
sou da ne - that's right

I embrace you
With my heart
Trembling like
You're going to shatter

That afternoon was unusually cold, the pastel greys of the sky
melting into ever darker colors as the hours waned towards evening.
Midway through the afternoon, Yuki excused himself from Touya and
made the familiar journey to his old house. Most of the cherry trees
were bare now, only a few stubborn blossoms clinging to life. Yuki
stared up at them sadly, his feet dragging slightly through the
carpet of petals, wondering if it would rain later that night.

When he reached the gate he felt hesitant, unsure if it would be
appropriate to approach Eriol when he really had nothing to say to
him at all. Yue told him to find the convenient place they'd used
before in the bushes, so he did, and a moment later Yue himself
emerged, brushed a few leaves out of his hair, and made his way
across the lawn and around to the back, expecting Eriol to be
outside. At first he saw no sign, and was about to consider going
back around to the front and ringing the door bell when a soft voice
hailed him from above.


It didn't take him long to realize where the voice was coming from.
He turned and glanced up, wondering why he caught his breath so
suddenly when he saw the now-so-familiar young man sitting draped
along a branch in the largest tree in his back yard, the small smile
on his face accenting the mild rose color across his cheeks which
could just as easily have been because of the slight chill in the

Within a second, Eriol had hopped down from the tree, brushing a few
leaves off of his corduroys and sweater. Yue was slightly relieved;
he wasn't about to offer to fly up into a tree that was still in
season, for fear of getting both clothes and hair tangled in the

"Thank you for coming," Eriol said, inclining his head and offering a
wider smile.

"I need to talk to you," Yue said quietly, without any prelude.

Eriol didn't react except to nod.

"And I need to talk to you," he said evenly, and then he looked up
towards the sky. "I'd say the rain is several hours away at least.
Shall we take a walk?"

"A walk?" Yue repeated, with a mild but sour frown.

Eriol smiled again, eyes dancing slightly, this time with
challenge. "Yes, a walk. Why, is there some problem?"

"Humans are not accustomed to someone with my appearance. I've become
used to this fact," Yue said with the barest sniff, brushing his
mantle back over his shoulder.

"No one will see you, Yue," Eriol assured him, smile widening. He
gestured forward with his hand. "We will not be interrupted for as
long as we wish."

Yue glanced at him. He knew Eriol was telling the truth, and he knew
precisely how and why he was telling the truth. With a quiet sigh, he
started forward and waited patiently until Eriol took the hint
implied in Yue's slow, measured steps and fell into line beside him
before he relaxed into a normal rhythm. Yue's bare feet glided
gracefully on the pavement, unaffected by the varying textures
beneath them; he felt it, but there was nothing that could easily
hurt him. Eriol matched his stride easily and strolled along quite
peacefully with his eyes closed, obviously trusting Yue to guide
their way at first. His hands remained clasped at the small of his
back and he seemed to be lost in his thoughts, the same small smile
at his lips, although a few times his brow furrowed and the smile
vanished, as though his thoughts had taken an entirely different turn.

Eventually Eriol did open his eyes and begin to guide their steps,
until they were in a particular part of the park that Yue hadn't been
to often. It was quiet and private on its own, and probably had
little need of Eriol's magical barrier. Better than that, Eriol had
led them on a path that was almost entirely surrounded by sakura
trees, and many of them were still in bloom. He must have known this
in advance�either that, or the *reason* for the late bloomers lay
within the eccentric magician himself.

Yue watched in silence as Eriol walked up to one particular tree and
leaned up into the branches as though he spotted one perfect blossom
that he simply had to have, carefully closed his fingers around it,
and plucked it. Then Yue waited patiently, trying to ignore the way
his heart was pounding, and the way Yuki's breath was like sandpaper
scratching in his ears, as Eriol walked towards him with the sakura
blossom held between his fingers.

"Do you like sakura?" Eriol asked, speaking the name of the flower in
Japanese to accent it. He held it up for Yue's inspection, and Yue
stared at the delicate blossom, pale pink and utterly perfect in form
and detail, cradled so cautiously in Eriol's fingers, long and
slender. If Yue allowed it, allowed *this*, would Eriol cradle him so

"Yes," Yue said quietly.

"Will you accept this?" Eriol asked gently, lifting the flower a
little higher. Yue nodded, the barest motion of his chin, and lifted
his hands, trying to take the blossom with only his fingertips in the
hope of avoiding Eriol's touch. But he feared he would drop the gift,
so he ended up touching Eriol's fingers after all, and a shiver ran
through him, surely enough that Eriol noticed, as the exchange was
made, until Yue was holding the flower in his hand, his eyes long
since staring off to one side, trying to focus on something else.

The most frightening thing, Yue mused as he clasped the sakura
blossom gently to his chest, was that he knew full well that Eriol
wasn't simply asking him if he would accept the gift of a flower. He
was asking him if he would accept *him*---if he, Yue, would accept
Eriol, or at least the possibility that Eriol might mean more to him
than he had only days before. And Yue had accepted. Though Eriol
didn't know it, Yue had accepted before Eriol had asked.

"I have a confession to make to you, Yue," Eriol said softly,
somewhat solemnly, and Yue closed his eyes. He felt as though his
breath was closing off in his throat, into an enormous hard lump. Was
this it? Was Eriol about to say something that would require some
kind of permanent decision?

/Clow�what would you tell me to do now? What advice would you have�?/

"Yue," Eriol said again, and Yue opened his eyes, turning to meet
Eriol's gaze and nodding when he found mild concern there. Eriol took
a deep breath, glancing off to one side before a look of
determination made his eyes hard.

"Yue, what I'm about to tell you might make you very angry. I'm sure
it would make Sakura-san angry, as well as Kinomoto-san, and quite
possibly Tsukishiro-san as well."

Eriol turned back to meet Yue's eyes, his voice becoming as firm as
the look in his eyes as he continued, "Yue, when you were in danger�
when you were about to fade away�if Kinomoto-san hadn't been able to
do something in time�I would have. I wouldn't have let you die."

"W�What?" Yue said with a blink, more because it wasn't the
confession he'd been expecting than because he was confused about
what Eriol was saying.

"I knew what was happening to you," Eriol said evenly, brow furrowed
slightly with some odd combination of concern, determination and a
frown. "If all else had failed, I would have stepped in and
transferred the power you needed. But I waited. I wanted Kinomoto-san
to be able to do as he wished. Sakura-san would probably be very
angry if she knew that I could have prevented the sacrifice that cost
her brother all of his power."

Yue blinked again and then finally smiled slightly, ducking his head
a bit as he tried to find some place in his robes to tuck the sakura
blossom. He really thought putting it in his hair would be just a bit
too undignified, especially after the chess fiasco of the week

"I think you underestimate Sakura�and To-ya," Yue said simply, not
bothering to hide his smile.

The combination frown-concern-determination look on Eriol's face
didn't budge an inch.

"Sakura-san and Kinomoto-san's reactions aside," Eriol said
calmly, "do you understand why I did what I did, Yue?"

Yue nodded, closing his eyes for a moment before opening them to
regard Eriol with the same intense look Eriol had been giving Yue a
number of times over the past few weeks.

"You knew that despite my initial assumption that you were merely a
copy of Clow, I would eventually discover that that wasn't the case.
I wouldn't have trusted you for such a delicate procedure, one in
which my life was at stake, and by the time I finally decided I could
trust you it would long since have been too late."

Eriol's face finally relaxed, a slight smile coming to his lips as he
realized that Yue truly did understand what he was trying to say. The
tension released from his shoulders, making him look far more
relaxed, far�younger. Yue wondered again how much of his physical
youth was illusion.

"Not only that, Yue�Kinomoto-san wanted to be the one to save your
life, and Tsukishiro-san's life. It was his way of making Tsukishiro-
san real�he wanted to tie himself to Tsukishiro-san forever in the
only way he knew how." Eriol's voice softened, his eyes carefully
watching Yue's face, again seeming to look deeper into Yue's eyes
than normal, looking for the other man that rested beneath. "I didn't
want to deny him that wish, if I could avoid it. If I had thought he
wasn't strong enough, or that it wasn't what he truly wanted, I would
have sought other alternatives."

Yue blinked again, this time because he had never considered any of
what Eriol had said in the light in which Eriol had phrased it, and
suddenly a lot of Touya's actions made a lot more sense to him. A
small smile spread across his face.

"I see you understand me," Eriol said quietly, returning the smile.

"Yes," Yue agreed simply, nodding, though his mind was far away.

"And Tsukishiro-san? Does he understand?" Eriol asked, raising his
eyebrows expectantly.

"�What?" Yue asked, finally returning his attention entirely to
Eriol, only a fraction remaining on Yuki, who had perked up slightly
as he had heard his name spoken several times, as well as Touya's.

"I need Tsukishiro-san to understand what I'm saying as well. My
conscience requires that both of you understand what I'm saying to
you," Eriol clarified, this time closing his eyes as he bowed his
head towards Yue.

Yue stared at him for a moment in silence and then he smiled again,
this time closing his eyes and shaking his head for a second before
he opened his eyes to find Eriol staring at him in puzzlement.

"Yukito," Yue said softly, almost gently, "doesn't understand, no."

"Why?" was the first word out of Eriol's mouth, soft and breathless
and following a long pause.

"He doesn't understand anything you say," Yue said quietly. "Yukito
doesn't speak English."

For a moment Eriol looked as though the breath had been knocked out
of him, and he finally did put a hand against his stomach as though
he felt sick.

"Are you all right?" Yue asked, lifting his eyebrows.

"I feel�as though I've been extremely insensitive," Eriol said, in a
tone of voice so soft it almost resembled his schoolboy voice of old,
although considerably lower-pitched. "I never meant to leave
Tsukishiro-san out of our conversations�it's just that when you and
Clow used to speak in private, you often did so in English, and I�"

"I know," Yue said patiently. "Yukito understands your reasoning as
well. Although he has been frustrated, he respects your privacy, and

"It's not a matter of privacy�Tsukishiro-san is a permanent part of
your life, and I have no objection to conversing with him as openly
as I converse with you," Eriol said quietly, finally meeting Yue's
eyes again.

"If you feel that way, then Yukito and I would both prefer that you
stop referring to him so formally," Yue said, resisting the urge to
laugh when Eriol blinked in surprise. "He says that Yukito would be

Eriol blinked again once and then slowly smiled before he bowed his
head again, finally standing up a bit straighter, regaining some of
his composure.

"Arigatou, Yukito-san," Eriol said, meeting Yue's eyes but obviously
speaking through him, the way Touya sometimes spoke to Yue while
looking through Yuki's eyes. "Gomen nasai. I hope you can forgive me
my mistake."

"He says you're embarrassing him," Yue said bluntly, his words not
quite as formal as Yuki's, following Eriol's example and switching
entirely back to Japanese.

Eriol laughed warmly, and after that the conversation seemed
naturally to lead into other things, and the awkwardness faded away.
They spoke of the changing seasons, and of what it would be like in
England at this time of year, and then of how it would be in China,
although it had been a long time since Eriol had been there, and
centuries longer since Yue had been.

By the time two hours had passed and it was almost supper time, Yue
realized that the conversation had become far too casual to bring up
anything like `I think I might be falling in love with you', but then
again, the subtle movements of their conversation seemed to imply
some of that anyway. He hoped he wasn't reading the signs in Eriol's
eyes, in his casual touch, in his voice, wrong�because for the first
time in centuries he wanted the signs to be right. It was a pleasant
feeling. He'd almost forgotten what it felt like to have blood
singing through his veins just because someone was near.

Eventually Eriol excused himself with a smile and said he'd better
get back and see whether Spinel had managed to burn the salad, and
Yue said he'd probably better get back to Touya, who was probably
wondering where Yuki was, because Yuki was never late for a meal. So
they parted ways, but this time Yue was sure that they would see each
other again soon, and this time he felt sure that something was
beginning, and that it was mutual, and that both he and Yuki were
fairly comfortable with it and it would be allowed to take its

Oddly enough, Yuki was smiling when he walked through the apartment
door�and it wasn't really his smile.


"Explain yourself Clow!"

Yue's words came out in a furious growl that rose towards a shriek,
and as he spoke, his fisted hands sliced through the air in front of
him. Clow, of course, didn't react to his guardian's tantrum in the
slightest, merely sitting calmly, smiling with eyes closed, and
although Cerberus usually would have been concerned by Yue's actions,
he was worried enough by what had caused them to be paying little
attention to Yue, his entire focus on Clow as well.

"What does this mean?" Yue continued, his voice quieting as he tried
to calm himself, dropping his fists to his sides.

"It's as I told you, Yue," Clow said, with his usual infinite
patience. He dipped his chin slightly, his smile growing soft. "I
will leave this world today."

This remark was met with complete silence, and whether Clow had
expected some other reaction or not, he obviously felt the need to

"Today I die," he said quietly, tilting his head slightly, seeming to
focus his attention briefly on Yue, although his eyes remained

The seconds that ticked by in the mortifying silence that followed
felt like hours, hours that suddenly seemed entirely too short.

"That's not a very funny joke," Cerberus said finally, the sound of
his voice like a knife slicing through the inches-deep tension. "In
fact it's not something to joke about at all."

"Gomen nasai, Cerberus," Clow said, tilting his head in the other
direction to regard his other guardian, still through closed
eyes. "It is not a joke."

Cerberus winced slightly the instant he felt the atmosphere next to
him shift.

"Doushite!?" Yue cried out, agony and rage warring for dominance in
his voice. His eyes were wide with a cross between terror and pain,
and Cerberus' wince became a full cringe when he saw this.

"It is my time," Clow replied calmly, with a patient smile.

"Your time?" Cerberus repeated incredulously, trying for the moment
to ignore the way his heart was pounding with sympathy towards his
fellow guardian, and anger towards his creator. "Impossible. You are
Clow Read. You are the world's most powerful sorcerer. You can bend
nature at your will. You made us; we know you best. You've lived for
hundreds of years without your power weakening."

"Sou da ne," Clow agreed, smile widening slightly. He reached out his
hand, palm up, gently and beseechingly, and despite the slight growl
that came to his throat, Cerberus couldn't help but pad over and
accept the offer. It felt odd, suddenly, to accept such a normal
gesture from Clow; to feel Clow's fingers gently stroking his head,
tickling behind his ears the way he liked so much, reaching under to
scratch his chin�

"But even so, everything must die, in time�even me," Clow continued,
still smiling�Cerberus finally did growl, then, shying away from
Clow's touch. Damn the man! Must he always smile, even at a time like

Cerberus glanced up, just in time to watch as Yue turned away, trying
to hide his tears behind the curtain of his hair.

"Nande!?" Cerberus shouted, and the sound of his raised voice was
enough to startle Clow just enough�Clow's hand slipped away from
Cerberus' head, and as Cerberus walked away, he looked back in time
to see Clow open his eyes, and to watch them fall on Yue. Clow's eyes
widened slightly and then hooded with sorrow.

"I have made preparations," Clow said gently, dropping his eyes to
where his hands now rested, clasped in his lap. "After I'm gone,
there will come someone who will care for you in my place. You will
love this person, as you have loved me."

Yue slowly turned back, and Clow glanced up, distress moving over his
face when he saw that Yue was no longer crying. His eyes had gone
cold; as impenetrable as ice.

"I don't want anyone else," Yue said quietly, in his lowest, firmest
tone of voice.

"Then this person shall require your approval," Clow said sensibly,
forcing himself to smile slightly again, focusing his attention on
Yue's face in the hope that Yue might meet his eyes.

His face fell when he succeeded; Yue lifted his head and, eyes
blazing, screamed, "I wouldn't approve of anyone else!!"

Clow sighed softly, bringing up a hand to rub his forehead. He
decided to deal with this privately, later, and turned to Cerberus.

"It won't just be up to Yue," he said simply. "He has obviously
already made his decision�he is partial. You'll have to approve as
well, Cerberus."

"Are you serious?" Cerberus asked him quietly, after staring him
straight in the eye for several moments in silence. Yue had gone back
to staring out the window at the gloomy, inky blue sky and the fat
white snowflakes falling towards the ground. He was trying
desperately not to cry, not to show how much pain he was in. How
could Clow talk about this so calmly, as though it weren't so serious�
damn it, he was dying! Didn't he understand what this meant!?

"How could I do that?" Cerberus said softly, voice wavering slightly,
and Clow offered him a gentle smile.

"You two and the Clow Cards will be happy with your new master after
I'm gone," Clow said gently, turning to focus his gaze on Yue again,
and Yue closed his eyes, fighting against the sting of tears. "That�
is my final wish."

He heard both of them catch their breath, and then he caught his own
when he heard another quiet sound�the sound of sobbing. Cerberus
shifted uncomfortably, but didn't seem to know what to do. Clow
glanced towards him and shook his head, letting him know that Yue was
best left alone.

"How�can you say that?" Yue whispered, turning to press a palm out
against the frozen window pane. "How can you think that we would ever
find happiness again? I will sleep in the book forever, never to

"Yue�" Clow gasped, and Cerberus jumped quickly out of the way as
Clow pushed himself out of his chair and rushed over to the window.
Yue looked up, anger and betrayal flashing in his eyes, tears
spilling down his cheeks, as he stared up at Clow when Clow tightly
gripped his arms.

"Surely they'll appear," Clow said quietly but firmly, almost
desperately, staring deeply into Yue's eyes as though trying to
impress his words as deep as Yue's soul. "Someone you will admit as a
new master."

"I don't need a new master," Yue whispered, staring back into Clow's
eyes just as defiantly as he took a step forward and firmly gripped
Clow's robe. "I don't *want* a new master."


All of the fight suddenly leeched out of Yue's eyes, becoming hurt
and confusion, when he heard the broken tone of Clow's voice, and he
saw the tears that flooded his master's eyes.

"Yue," Clow whispered again, and Yue allowed himself to be gathered
into a tight embrace, resting his hands awkwardly against Clow's
chest as Clow held him, hands stroking almost frantically through
Yue's hair. "You, Cerberus and the Clow Cards�I poured all of my
power and all of my heart into creating you all�after I die, I want
you to live on�I want you to stay with your new master and be happy.
Please, Yue, can't you understand that?"

"Clow�" Yue's eyes closed against his tears again as he reached his
arms up around Clow's neck, pressing himself closer, trying to tell
himself that this was all just a bad dream. But when he looked over
Clow's shoulder, he could see Cerberus standing awkwardly on the
carpet, staring at it, and he knew that this wasn't a dream�it was
really happening, just like he'd feared for so long�

"Clow�iie�" Yue whispered, pressing his face into Clow's neck and
letting the tears flow freely. "Iie�dame�you can't�"

"Oh, Yue�" Clow's hands were still in his hair, touching him
everywhere, trying to soothe him, but it wasn't enough�if he could
somehow press close enough to become a part of Clow, even for a few
meager hours, it wouldn't be enough.

Yue didn't remember much after that for a while�he was sobbing too
hard, harder than he ever had in his life, so hard that Clow was
begging him to stop, telling him he'd hurt himself. But he couldn't
stop�he couldn't make himself stop, and he couldn't bring himself to
try that hard anyway. The next thing he remembered, Clow was
whispering something against his forehead, and then he was getting
drowsy, and he knew that Clow had done something to him and he was
falling asleep�


He woke up alone, and the first thing he felt was blind, all-
encompassing panic, because he knew that this time he might truly be
alone�but no more than a moment passed before he heard the sound of
quickened footsteps in the hall outside, and then the door slammed
open and Clow rushed into the room, breathing more heavily than

"Yue," he whispered, eyes wide, and Yue took one look at him and his
eyes welled up with tears. Clow, of course, saw this and instantly
his face creased with sympathy. He hurried to close the door and
moved over to the bed, sitting down next to Yue and reaching out to
take the distraught guardian's hand.

"I'm sorry, Yue�I only left you alone for a while," Clow said
quietly, while Yue held his free hand over his face, trying to keep
himself from breaking down again. One look at Clow's face had told
him that he still wasn't dreaming. "I was speaking with Cerberus. But
we're finished now, so�I'm all yours."

"For how long?" Yue whispered from behind his hand.

"About three hours," Clow said quietly, gently pulling Yue's hand
between his own.

Yue started to shake.

"Yue�" Clow whispered, sighing quietly before he climbed into the bed
next to Yue and gathered the fragile guardian into his arms. Yue
started to cry again, softly this time, burrowing himself into Clow's
chest, and Clow ran his hands soothingly through Yue's hair. "Yue,
I'm so sorry�I know it's sudden. I didn't mean it to be, but I really
didn't know for certain until the middle of last night�"

"Doushite�?" Yue whispered, opening tear-filled eyes to stare at the
fabric of Clow's casual robe. "Are you ill?"

Clow stiffened slightly and then sighed again before nodding.

"Yes. An infection of the lungs. Incurable, they say. My magic kept
it at bay this long�it's keeping it at bay even now. But it will
claim my life tonight�there's nothing that can be done. I'm sorry,

"Oh gods�" Yue moaned, closing his eyes and bunching up the fabric of
Clow's robe in his fists.

"I told you I would die, someday," Clow said quietly, bending to
place a gentle kiss on the top of Yue's head.

"I didn't think it would be so soon," Yue whispered, closing his
eyes, trying to stop the tears. "I didn't think I could survive it,
even if it was in a hundred years, or a thousand�but three hours�

His voice trailed off into a desperate whisper.

"These are your three hours, Yue," Clow said gently, rubbing Yue's
back, paying particular attention to the places on his shoulder
blades where his wings would sprout from if he'd had them at the
time, which had always been sensitive places for Yue. Yue shuddered
slightly, pressing closer. "Cerberus understands�he said that he
wants you to have this time. As I said, I'm all yours�how do you want
to spend this time?"

Yue let out his breath slowly and opened his eyes, tilting his head
up to meet Clow's eyes. Clow smiled warmly down at him, and Yue felt
the tears welling up again. Didn't Clow feel any fear at all at the
thought of facing death? Yue supposed that Clow would say he would
have nothing to fear, given that every living thing died at some

"Clow�" Yue whispered, pressing his eyes tightly shut against the
tears again. "If you can, I�please�before the end�I want you to make
love to me once more�I want to remember that first, before the

Clow let out a quiet breath, then a soft laugh, sounding relieved.

"I was hoping you'd say that," he said gently, stroking his fingers
over Yue's temple. Yue opened his eyes, surprised by Clow's warm
tone. Clow's eyes were sparkling when they met Yue's. "I want you to
remember my love first, as well, rather than my death. And also, for
selfish reasons�I wanted to remember making love to you as one of my
last acts�"

Yue caught his breath as Clow's fingers suddenly dipped down and
pulled Yue sharply against him, so their bodies were pressed flush
together. Clow pressed his leg gently between Yue's and stroked his
knee against Yue's thighs.

"Aishiteru, Yue," Clow said with a grin, switching to Japanese
briefly before he gently pushed Yue onto his back on the mattress.
Clow's eyes became serious then, and his voice took on a pleading
note. "Please�please try to remember me with happiness. It doesn't
mean you can't grieve, Yue. But please try to remember me with
happiness and love as well. Promise me this."

"I promise�to try," Yue whispered, weaving his arms up around Clow's
neck as Clow started to run his hands over Yue's body, gently pushing
aside his pale robes, seeking paler flesh.

"Clow�" Yue whispered, arching upwards as Clow traced a hand lightly
down the centre of Yue's chest, resting his palm briefly against
Yue's solar plexus.

"So beautiful�" Clow murmured, bending down to let his lips and
tongue follow the same trail as his hand, and Yue bent and arched his
back as Clow gripped his hips, holding him to the bed. Yue cried out
and bucked upwards when Clow finally took Yue into his mouth,
suckling him gently until Yue was crying, begging for release,
whispering Clow's name, and the butterfly touch of Clow's tongue
against the base of Yue's erection was finally enough to give him
what he so desperately needed�

Yue screamed out Clow's name as he came, then blinked as Clow
appeared abruptly to catch Yue in his arms, as he so often did. Clow
kissed him deeply; Yue could taste himself on Clow's tongue, and he
groaned and pressed himself up closer to Clow, his hands roaming over
Clow's chest. Clow moaned softly as Yue pushed Clow over onto his
back, straddling him, and proceeded to explore along Clow's chest and
belly with his tongue and teeth, paying special attention to Clow's
sensitive nipples. Clow groaned, a deep, sensual sound in the back of
his throat, when Yue's long fingers closed around the base of his
erection and then started to slide cautiously up and down the firm
length, teasing Clow into a greater state of arousal as Yue gently
laved Clow's nipples with a playful tongue.

"Mm�Yue�" Clow murmured, his hands tangled in Yue's hair, loving the
feeling of the gorgeous silver river spilling over his entire body
throughout their lovemaking. Yue smiled slightly against his skin,
and Clow responded to the smile, relieved. "Ahh�Yue!"

Yue's grip had tightened slightly, and now Yue's other hand had
joined the fun, but the second hand was cool and slick.


"I can't wait any longer�" Yue whispered, leaning up to place a
gentle kiss over Clow's lips, and Clow nodded, then clasped Yue's
hands as Yue slid into position, straddling Clow's lap.

Clow groaned, fighting the urge to let go of Yue's hands and grip
Yue's hips as Yue slowly lowered himself over Clow, carefully
accepting Clow into his body.

"Ohhh�Clow�" Yue moaned, closing his eyes and tossing his head back
as he let himself adjust to the familiar, wonderful sensation of Clow
filling him. When he was finally settled comfortably against Clow's
thighs, he started to rock back and forth, biting his lip to try to
keep back the urge to cry out at the electric sensations that shot
through his entire body.

"Don't, Yue," Clow murmured, and Yue opened his eyes, surprised to
see Clow sitting up. Clow embraced Yue gently, bringing up one hand
to brush his finger over Yue's lip, encouraging him to let go, and
Yue let it fall away from where his teeth bruised it. "Just let go�"

"Clow�" Yue whispered, and then he watched as Clow placed a hand back
against the bed and used the leverage to rock upwards into Yue. "Ahh�

"Yue!" Clow gasped back, eyes flickering open and closed before he
groaned softly. "Mm�"

"Mmm�gods�" Yue whispered, both hands gripping Clow's shoulders now,
giving himself something to push against as he moved himself up and
down in Clow's lap. "Clow�"

"Yue�I love you�" Clow whispered against Yue's temple as he thrust
deeper up into Yue, making Yue stifle a whimper.

"I know�Clow�I love you�" Yue wrapped his arms around Clow's neck and
nuzzled his nose into Clow's temple, moaning softly against Clow's
skin. "Mm�gods�ahh!!"

"Yue�" Clow groaned, and then he let out a short cry as he stiffened
and then thrust up one last time into Yue. Yue shouted Clow's name a
moment later and then started to shudder. Clow cradled him gently
through his release, smiling and stroking Yue's hair until Yue
finally sighed and nuzzled his nose against Clow's temple again,
whispering gently that he loved Clow.

"I will always love you, Yue," Clow murmured softly, stroking his
hands gently through Yue's hair, and this time he only smiled when
Yue started to cry again. Yue was smiling too: a bittersweet smile; a
smile of reluctant acceptance.

"I know, Clow�I know�"


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