Title: Company 1/1
Author: Lipstickcat
E-mail: [email protected]
Pairing: Cid/Leon, a blink and you�ll miss it reference to Seifer/Leon(Squall)
Rating: Nc-17
Warnings: Angsty
Disclaimer: They don�t belong to me, no profit is being made.



The garage was cavernous and Leon�s voice resounded through it eerily. There were at least two gummi ships, more if he counted the parts that were scattered around the workshop. Cid was there; Leon could hear the gummi mechanic tinkering with a machine somewhere. The clunk of metal working against metal and a tuneless whistle echoed around him.

�Cid!� he called out louder.

The tapping and whistling stopped, the echo fading into silence. There was a shuffling, followed by a thud that sounded suspiciously like someone hitting their head on a machine, and mild cussing. The concrete floor rumbled and Cid slid out from beneath the ship closest to Leon, lying on a board with wheels on. He stood up rubbing his head, mostly for sympathy, Leon suspected.

�Hey Leon,� he smiled cheerfully. �What can I do for you?�

Cid began to wipe his hands with a cloth that was hanging from his waist. It made little difference; the cloth was as covered in oil and grease as his hands. Leon�s gaze focused intently on the Cid�s hands, his mind on a different world entirely.

�Well? Squall?�

That name snapped him out of his thoughts. He hated hearing that name; it reminded him of all he�d lost, all he couldn�t save. And the scariest thing about remembering was realising just how much he was forgetting. It was a lot less painful just not to think about *them*. He�d failed them all, and now they were fading in his mind. He couldn�t even keep them alive in his heart. He didn�t deserve to have survived when they were all lost to the Heartless.

A dirty hand was waved in front of his face, forcing him to focus back on the present.

�Hey, anybody tell you that we can�t hear you when you do that?� Cid smiled, tapping Leon�s head with his finger to indicate that he�d gotten lost in his own thoughts again. �What�s on ya mind?�

Leon gently pushed Cid�s hand out of the way.

�I�m just�� lonely? Bored? Depressed? Scared? �� In need of some company right now.�

Cid smiled again, but this time it was a softer expression, edged with sadness. It had been nine years, in that time he�s learnt to read between the lines with Leon. He�d been lucky, he had friends with him; Aerith and Yuffie, and now the kid was reporting sightings of Cloud. To his knowledge, Sora hadn�t run into anyone that Leon recognised as one of his old friends.

�So, what are you working on?� Leon asked as he pushed his hair out of his face and made eye contact.

Cid was a little taken aback. Leon was trying to make small talk - he must really be feeling out of sorts. He never had been a master of the art of conversation, but he didn�t normally bother.

�It�s a new gummi for the kid. He brought back a hyperion blueprint.�

�Hyperion�?� The gunblade name threatened to open a gaping wound in Leon�s chest.

Cid could see the look on the gunblader�s face as it became distant, his eyes unfocusing and clouding over. His brow creased, knitting his scar together. He was going to get distracted by his own thoughts again and Cid knew that wasn�t a good thing; the guy spent far too long thinking and dwelling on the past. It was tearing his soul apart. If he kept up like this, Cid feared that Leon might just give himself up to the Heartless. He suspected that Leon would welcome oblivion.

Leon had come to him for company. For a chance to get away from his memories and loss. It wasn�t the first time, and Cid knew from experience that conversation would only make matters worse. Everything reminded Leon of what he�d left behind to the extent that he couldn�t even bare to hear his own name. However, Cid knew how to help him.

The older man stepped forward carefully and cupped one hand along Leon�s jaw. Leon instantly pressed his face into the touch, taking comfort from the contact. Cid drew close, letting his breath dance over the other�s lips before softly pressing his mouth against them.

The first reaction that Leon felt, as always, was a twisting in his heart, telling him that he was cheating. But he couldn�t remember exactly who it was he was cheating on. They were no longer there; he couldn�t keep himself for someone who didn�t exist anymore. He pushed the pain away, an action that was becoming easier each time, and threw himself back into the kiss eagerly. As his lips began to move against Cid�s, Leon raised his hands and let them rest on the mechanics hips.

Cid�s thumb brushed across Leon�s cheekbone in a tender gesture, his other hand tangling in the long dark hair. He pressed himself forward so that his body was against the gunblader�s, the younger man�s hands slipping from their hold on his hips to lie against the top of his buttocks.

Cid kissed deeper, more passionately; he wanted to make Leon forget everything. He wanted to be the only thing in Leon�s life of any importance. Here and now, nothing else in the whole of existence.

The light growth of stubble on Cid�s chin scratched roughly against Leon�s own cleanly shaven jaw. It hurt, and Leon knew that he�d be vaguely sore later. It didn�t stop him from responding favourably to Cid�s encouragement though; in his world, pain and pleasure invariably came hand in hand. He parted his lips to allow Cid access to the inside of his mouth.

Leon�s mouth was sweet and warm, his balmy breath was beginning to pant into Cid�s. Cid ran his slick tongue over Leon�s, causing the brunette to moan deeply. The sound rumbled through Cid�s mouth deliciously.

Cid pulled back to look at Leon. The gunblader had a dark smear across his cheek and following the line of his jaw where Cid had held him. It suited his pretty face, the same way his scar did. It pulled him down from the heavens and dropped him in the gutter. It made him seem more real, less unattainable.

Leon regarded Cid with half lidded steely eyes. They smouldered dangerously. His chest rose and fell rapidly as he moved to close the gap again. Cid was satisfied with this reaction; Leon wasn�t thinking now, just doing.

The blond mechanic reached down and cupped Leon�s crotch. He worked his hand against the smooth, cool leather, until he was rubbing against a firm length. Leon gasped and tipped his head back, inviting Cid to suckle at his throat. The blond moved in, kissing a wet trail over the smooth skin, playfully biting at the corner of his jaw. Leon gasped as a heated tongue found its way to his ear, sending soft shudders through his body. Cid bit down on his ear lobe, tugging gently. The soft growl that accompanied the action vibrated through Leon�s head, making his body feel weak. He sighed and melted against Cid.

Cid chuckled softly. He loved it when Leon was like this, when he surrendered everything and let him take control. It was happening more often these days. The more Leon felt he had to take responsibility for the weight of the world -worlds-, the more he wanted someone else to take command of him. Cid suspected that in the past he�d had someone else to play that role for him when he was feeling overwhelmed. It was escape for him. Which was precisely what worried Cid; that one day he�d surrender at the wrong time and the Heartless would win him over.

The thought was chilling and he pushed it away. That wouldn�t happen, he wouldn�t let it. As long as he continued to give Leon moments like this, moments of release, it would be ok. And it was hardly a chore�

Turning his mind back to the here and now, Cid pulled back just enough to capture the other man�s silky pout between his teeth. Leon moaned wantonly and Cid had to keep his own legs from buckling at the sound. As he deepened the kiss, devouring Leon�s mouth hungrily, he skimmed his palms up the front of the gunblader�s t-shirt. He lingered over the ripples of his taut stomach and the gentle definition of his chest before slipping his hands further up.

Leon took his cue and shrugged out of his jacket. The heavy denim rumpled to the floor, narrowly missing a small-scale oil slick on the concrete.

Pushing almost imperceptibly at the brunette�s shoulders, Cid lent into Leon, getting him to take a small step back with every kiss, every nibble, until he was pressed against the mechanic�s workbench. Leon�s hands automatically fell to either side of him, gripping the well-worn edges of the bench. He leaned backwards, not pulling away from Cid�s kiss, but teasingly encouraging him to press harder against his body.

Supporting himself on the worktop between Leon�s arms, Cid leaned forward so that he could achieve as much bodily contact as possible. He ground their erections together slowly, groaning at the heat of the friction caused, even through the material separating them.

Stepping back, he took the time to admire Leon again. The gunblader leaned back against the workbench, his long hair ruffled and falling over his face. His breath came out in ragged pants, his chest rising and falling rapidly, which drew attention to his white shirt that now had grubby streaks and hand marks up it.

Cid choked back nervous laugh; that was going to take some cleaning later. He probably should have attempted to clean his hands first, but in all honesty, he liked Leon getting dirty.

Leon adjusted his position, so that he was half perched on the edge of the table, and began to unfasten his belts. The chink of buckles echoed through the spacious garage as he quickly undid them and pulled down his zipper. Cid took over again, reaching into the skin-tight trousers to brush against the arousal inside. Leon gasped and thrust his hips forward into the touch.

However, that sensation of flesh against flesh was short lived; Leon bit back a disappointed whimper as the palm was removed. Cid pressed a quick, forceful kiss against the brunette�s mouth, before sinking down. He peeled the tight leather away slowly, more because he had to than because he was trying to tease. As each inch of flesh was revealed he skimmed feathery kisses over it, making Leon sigh at the fleeting touches. As he pulled the trousers over the softly toned thighs, he paused. He glanced up to see Leon gazing down at him intently. His kiss-bruised lips were parted in anticipation and his hair fell around his face, loosely framing it. His eyes were half lidded and partially hidden by long dark lashes, but that didn�t hide the wild mercurial fire that blazed within them.

Cid�s eyes gleamed wickedly as he rose up in his kneeling position, so that he was level with Leon�s erection. A moist tongue darted out of Leon�s mouth and he wet his bottom lip. Waiting. Pleading.

Cid took a firm grip of Leon�s arousal and leaned in. Pre-cum slicked his lips as he brushed them over the head. He went a little deeper, swallowing the head and letting his tongue swirl around it. Leon let out a deep guttural groan at the soft, wet heat that encased him. Without warning, Cid deep throated Leon, skilfully choking back the gag reflex when he felt Leon�s cock touch the back of his throat.

Leon�s hands strayed blindly to the blonde�s short hair and, unable to find locks long enough to fist in, closed around the goggles on his forehead. As Cid pulled back, teasingly scraping teeth across the topside of the arousal, his aviation gear was tugged from his head and thrown across the garage. They skidded over the floor, but the sound was drowned out by Leon�s moans.

Briefly flicking his tongue over the end of Leon�s cock, lapping at the pre-cum that glistened there, Cid stood up. He pressed his body against Leon�s and forced a kiss on him. Leon sighed into his mouth as Cid grinded his fabric bound erection against Leon�s. Then, barely moving back enough to allow space, he planted his hands on Leon�s sharp hipbones and firmly turned him around. After the initial resistance caused by not knowing what Cid wanted, Leon quickly got the idea. Once turned, he willingly bent over the worktop, spreading his legs eagerly.

Leon looked over his shoulder as Cid unfastened his trousers, only pushing them down far enough to free his arousal. He allowed himself a few self-gratitory tugs as he looked over the submissive brunette before him. Then he ran his hands over the other�s ass, palming the soft flesh and enjoying the dirty smears he left on the pale olive skin. Pausing, he realised that something very important was missing. After looking around his workshop, his eyes lit up with an idea. Letting one hand trail across Leon�s waist, he leaned over the gunblader and picked up something from the workbench.

�What�s that?� Leon asked, twisting to see.


Leon turned back without reply, satisfied with the answer.

Cid bit his lip as he inspected the tub of E-Z Gummi in his hands. He hadn�t lied to Leon, not really. He just hadn�t mentioned that it was mechanical lubricant. It was safe to use, he was sure: There weren�t any warnings about it being harmful and it was made from natural materials, it had to be, the amount of times he�d had a mouthful of it whilst trying to use it on the underside of Gummi ships.

He twisted the cap off the container. OK, so the stuff was turquoise, that didn�t really matter, did it? As long as Leon didn�t notice�

He scooped out some of the cold gel on his fingers and began to prepare Leon. He quickly moved from one finger to two, taking Leon�s breathy gasps as encouragement, before taking more of the gel and smearing it over his erection.

Taking a firm grip on Leon�s hips, Cid positioned himself behind Leon and carefully pushed forward into his opening. Leon made a strangled sound in his throat and tossed his head up. His feathery hair splayed over his back, fine dark strands standing out against the white cotton.

Cid continued to work his way in with a gradual motion. This was always the hardest part; keeping in control of himself. Leon, however, seemed to be losing his control, eagerly pushing back against Cid�s hips and meeting each thrust halfway.

Velvety heat surrounded Cid, each movement making him fall deeper into the sensation. Leon�s enthusiasm and need enflamed him. The soft little desperate sounds that were slipping from between his lips were enough to send his last shreds of control spiralling away from him. Pulling almost completely out, he pulled Leon�s hips toward him before the gunblader had the chance to move of his own freewill, and slammed deep into him. A howl bounced off the walls of the garage, edged with pain, but mostly expressing Leon�s pleasure as Cid hit his prostate. A shuddering breath rattled out of the brunette as Cid pulled out again, before quickly impaling Leon once more.

Gunblade calloused hands gripped the edges of the chipped and splintered workbench as Leon was pushed against it. His erection rubbed almost painfully against the rough wood, but his mind was too focused on the feeling of Cid filling him to notice.

Cid pushed the hem of Leon�s t-shirt up his back and showered the soft skin with kisses, before reaching around and brushing his fingers through coarse curls of hair. The moment warm flesh touched his aching erection, Leon�s focus shifted to the tight grasp forcefully bringing him closer to climax. All he knew was the feeling centring around his stomach that burst out through his body in lightening strikes every time Cid hit his prostrate or tugged at his dick in just the right way. He no longer really knew, or cared, where he was or who he was with. His mind was tumbling over itself and sending out a jumble of memories connected to the sensations his body was experiencing. Although he wasn�t in control of his thoughts to know it outright, he was remembering those who he�d failed.

�� Leon�� Cid gasped, leaning close to the other�s ear.

�Squall,� came the sharp reply.

Cid couldn�t hide his surprise as his movements slowed and he let out an elegant �huh?�

�� Just for now�� Leon muttered, pushing back to impale himself on Cid. �� That�s all��

Cid knew he should be worried; Leon had never asked him to call him by his real name before. He knew that it was wrong. He knew he should be hurt. Leon was obviously not thinking about him, but trying to relive some moment in his past. He knew that it could open up a whole Pandora�s Box of issues in Leon�s head after this was finished.

But at that moment in time, he couldn�t quite force himself to care. He had the sexy gunblader at that moment in time and no matter where his mind was, his body was here and now. He was panting and calling, his chest was heaving out raking breaths, his skin was flushed and soft, his cock was hard and slicked with pre-cum, and he was oh-so tight and hot. Cid couldn�t have stopped now, couldn�t have refused Leon�s request, even if he�d wanted to.

�� Squall�� he muttered with a voice husky from too many cigarettes.

Leon moaned in reply, his cock jumping in Cid�s hand. Cid began to pump faster, his own thrusts losing rhythm and becoming frantic as he neared climax.

�Oh� Squall�� he repeated, the name felt so good as it spilled from his lips. The thought of being granted permission to use it was such a turn on. It sounded thick and rich and heavy with sex.

Leon�s own movements picked up, alternating between pushing back onto Cid�s erection and thrusting forwards into his hand. Suddenly, he threw back his head, letting out a long, low sound from the back of his throat, and came into Cid�s hand, shooting his load over his stomach and the edge of the workbench. The spasming of internal muscles quickly brought Cid to follow him, his hips jerking as he came inside Leon.

For a moment, Cid draped himself over Leon�s body. The garage was filled with the sounds of gasps as they tried to catch their breath. Eventually, Leon stirred, pushing himself upright in a none too subtle hint for Cid to get off him. The mechanic stood back and refastened his trousers as he watched Leon unravel his t-shirt and pull it back down over his torso. As Leon began to squeeze back into his leathers, Cid turned away. Snatching up his goggles from the floor as he passed, he made his way to a pile of relatively clean rags. He turned back in time to see Leon walk out of the garage.

That was about right. No need to stay longer than was necessary. Cid bitterly wiped his hands on the rag.

A wry smile crept onto his face. He hoped Leon would bump into everyone he knew in the whole town between here and his house; when he got back in and looked in the mirror, the dirty marks on his face would surely embarrass him. Cid turned back to the Gummi ships thoughtfully, he wondered if the Ice Prince ever blushed.
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