Welcome to my unofficial Lions and Lasers fan page! My name is Marina and I created this site on GeoCities because Lions and Lasers is my favorite obscure 80s band and they sadly don't have an official website (yet!).

I wanted to make this little fan site as a tribute to this underrated group that tragically vanished before they could fully take off. From what I've gathered, Lions and Lasers started playing retro-futuristic synthwave rock in the mid-1980s out of the Midwest. They gained an underground following for their cosmic space opera style and were known for their eccentric sci-fi stage outfits.

The core band members were:

Orion - The stoic, long-haired bassist

Nova - The wild drummer who loved explodey solos

Lyra - The mystical synth player who created otherworldly sounds

Rook - The rebel guitarist with lightning fast skills

Aria - The charismatic, pink-haired vocalist

Lions and Lasers worked on a concept album called Galaxy Odyssey in the late 80s but mysteriously disappeared before it could be released. Some say they had advanced futuristic tech and got in trouble with the government! Others claim they ascended to a higher plane of existence! I just hope they're still out there somewhere rocking in space and will return soon.

I made this site to share what little Lions and Lasers info I've collected over the years. If you have any memorabilia or know what happened to them, please email [email protected]! Let's solve the mystery of this radical lost band. L&L forever!

Pictures I've gathered:
Vintage Lions and Lasers Band Photo
The Elusive Lions and Lasers Album Cover
Lions and Lasers in Their Glory Days