Senior Research Fellow
Department of Zoology
University of Mysore
MYSORE – 570 006

Email: [email protected] Fax : ++ 91-821 – 421263 pp ++ 91-821 – 543079 pp Tel: (O)++ 91-821-517004

Residential Address: HARSHA T.S. 3\17, 15th Cross Health Block Colony ‘E&F’ Block, Ramakrishna Nagar MYSORE - 570 022 KARNATAKA STATE, INDIA.

Title of Ph.D. thesis: “Study of some environmental and microbial parameters in the river Cauvery and its important tributaries like Shimsha, Arkavathy, Suvarnavathy and Kapila rivers”.

Name of the research supervisor: Prof. Sadanand M Yamakanamardi, M. Sc., Ph. D (England)

Professional career up to date in chronological order:

  1. BT & FC Distilleries Hiriyur, Chitradurga Dist. Environmental Officer Aug.1998 to March 1999 Maintenance of primary and secondary Effluent Treatment Plant and Chemical analysis of Effluent
  2. PG Department of Studies in Zoology, University of Mysore, Manasagangotri, Mysore-570 006 Karnataka State, India. Research Scholar Sept 1999 To date Junior and Senior Research fellow in the DST Sponsored Research Project and to carryout the Research Activity.

Broad field of research interest with specific areas of involvement: Environmental Biology / Sciences – Aquatic Microbial Ecology.

Project Work carried out

  1. Presently working on - Microbial Ecology of the River Cauvery and its Tributaries in Karnataka State (DST-GOI Sponsored)
  2. Limnological Study of Gopalaswamy Pond Chitradurga, Karnataka State (During PG)
  3. Extension Work - Use of pesticides and fertilizers in Shankaraghatta Village - a preliminary survey (During PG)/li>

Knowledge of Instruments:

Techniques known