The Law of Cosines is used while solving triangles that are not right triangles, or triangles that are; while in the form of SSS (side, side, side); or ASA (angle, side, angle)

Equation: For triangle ABC; a, b, and c are sides; as well as A, B, and C are angles. Then these equations are true:

For the following examples, refer to the triangle at the right.

Ex 1: If b equals 10, c equals 13, and angle A equals 33 degrees, find side a.

Step 1: Set up the equation a2 = 102 + 132 � 2(10)(13)(cos 33)
Step 2: Simplify a2 = 100 + 169 � (-3.452)
a2 = 272.452
Step 3: Square root both sides a = about 16.51

Ex 2: If a equals 27, b equals 19, and c equals 23, find angle C.

Step 1: Set up the equation 232 = 272 + 192 � 2(27)(19)(cos C)(10)(13)(cos 33)
Step 2: Simplify 529 = 729 + 361 � 1026cos C
529 = 1090 � 1026cos C
Step 3: Isolate the cosine by division -561 = -1026cos C
Step 4: Use inverse cosine .547 = cos-1 C
About 56.8 degrees = C

There are also many other useful websites on the Law of Cosines. Here are few useful ones that I have found:

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