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The Image Galleries

This website has contains the largest number of Lisa Bonet images on the world wide web. The images were collected from Lisa's fans all over the world.

The photos are set up in such a way that they take the journey from the early stages of Lisa's career to the present. If you have more photos to contribute contact the webmaster.

See photos

New Lisa Interviews!

20th MAY 2003 - Catch up with the ever-interesting Lisa Bonet and find out what she learned to speak Spanish and has been spending time south of ther border...details [courtesy of our Swiss buddy Maryamissima and Yahoo!s dynamic Lisa Bonet 'Lilakoi Moon' Group - subscribe - its free!]

Find out what makes Lisa Bonet and her pal Cree Summer women who are too bold for boundries - check out theFierce Magazine Interview [� Fierce Magazine 2003. All Rights Reserved]

Persecution Of The Peaceful

19th MAY 2003 - When Lenny Kravitz recorded a song with Iraq's number one recording artists expressing a desire for a peaceful solution the "Show Down In Iraq", he found himself the target of the politcal right, was inaccurately labelled as 'anti-American', 'anti-Bush' and 'unpatriotic'. There was even a ludicrous cry for him to "leave the country". So what was all the fuss about? Listen to Lenny's song, 'We Want Peace' and see for yourself. Have you had enough of the element that is currently trying to trample on our civil liberites?
Take action!

Lisa Marches For Peace

19th MARCH 2003 - Lisa marched down Sepulveda Boulevard in Brentwood, California with members of Code Pink - Womens Pre-Emptive Strike For Peace. We have the misfortune of living in a time of fear and political oppression, when peace has become a dirty word and when flashing the peace sign is considered a provocation - now more than ever it is imperative to stand up for our civil liberties. We, at this site, applaud Lisa, Sean Penn, Tim Robbins, Danny Glover, Harry Belafonte, MIchael Moore, Susan Sarandon and Tom Morello of Audioslave for exercising their right as Americans to free speech - which is the cornerstone of democracy. For more information please visit International A.N.S.W.E.R., MrSmith.com and Axis Of Justice. More than anything else, during the 2004 election please VOTE!

Hermann Goering wrote, �The people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked, and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same in any country." Read more.

Its On!

Biker Boyz is in theaters across the USA as you read this!

Lisa stars alongside Oscar� nominees Laurence Fishbourne ['Matrix Reloaded', 'What's Love Got To Do With It?' ] and Djimon Houson ['Amistad', 'Gladiator'] as well as rock star turned actor Kid Rock.

For reviews and more info peep Movies.com.

If you're looking for the ride of your life, hit the threatres and checkout Biker Boyz now!

Biker Boyz Premiere

28th JANUARY 2003 - Lisa Bonet's new movie 'Biker Boyz' premiered at Mann's Chinese Theatre in Hollywood California.

Lisa arrived at the premier with her best friend and fellow pirate Cree Summer while her co-stars Laurence Fishburne and Kid Rock arrived with their better halves Gina Torres and Pamela Anderson respectively.

Other celebrities in attendence included Magic Johnson, Lela Rochon, Salli Richardson, , Victoria Silvstedt and actress Sydney Tamiia Poitier, daughter of screen legend and 2 time Academy Award� winner Sidney Poitier.

'Biker Boyz' Hits Theaters In January 2003!

5th DEC 2002 - Lisa Bonet fans across the planet have a special treat to look forward to in the coming new year! 'Biker Boyz', Lisa's new movie, will premier in theaters in the USA on January 31st 2003. Don't miss it!

Lisa plays biker chick 'Queenie' opposite Academy Award� nominee Laurence Fishburne ['Apocalypse Now','What's Love Got To Do With It?','The Matrix'] in this high octane action epic! Lisa also co-stars with Kid Rock, Academy Award� nominee Djimon Hounson ['Gladiator', 'Amistad'], Larentz Tate ['Love Jones' - ] and Salli Richardson-Whitfield ['Family Law']. [Laurence, Djimon, Larentz and Salli will you all please step into the new millenium and get yourselves official websites aready! You're as bad as Lisa! - Ed]

Visit the official 'Biker Boyz' Website and check out the amazing images, peep the trailer and don't forget to download the wicked Lisa Bonet screensaver!!!

Who's The Hotness?

Meet yogi Bryan Kest [right, with his adorable dogs] one of the world's foremost ashtanga yoga instructors.

Lisa Bonet, who had already been studying yoga since her mid-teens.

After Lisa legally separated from Lenny Kravitz and moved to California with her daughter Zo�, warm-hearted and free-spirited Bryan soon became Lisa's partner. The couple were married in the mid-90's and have a son. Bryan's yoga videos are among the best selling in the business. Check out Bryan's website here!

Lisa Set To Direct Movie For Disney!

A while back Lisa [who names creative writing among her hobbies] penned a screenplay which she based on her experiences with boys and girls she encountered in Venice H.E.A.R.T., the community programme for urban youth at risk, of which she is a founder, fund raiser and councellor. The screenplay is as deeply important to her as the programme because she hopes it will catalyze awareness of the circumstances many kids are dealing with today.

Lisa shopped the script around to different film studios and the screenplay was quickly snapped up by entertainment juggernaut Disney. Lisa has been directing music videos [Lenny Kravitz, Cree Summer, Milla Jovowich], short films and documentaries since the age of 20. She will make her debut as a director of feature films with the adaptation of this as yet untitled script.

Got any news about Lisa Bonet? Holla at us!

The Vibe Magazine Interview

More than a decade after she graced the cover of Rolling Stone's 'Hot Issue', Lisa Bonet redefined 'hot' for the new millenium in Vibe Magazine's Sexy Issue.

Here is an in depth look at the woman she is today, the causes she is dedicated to and the passion with which she leads her life.

Read it!

The Honey Magazine Interview

This classic interview was conducted back in 1999 for the very first issue of Honey Magazine. Lisa had just ended her long hiatus from feature films, taking the role of Rachel Banks opposite superstar Will Smith in Tony Scott's 'Enemy of the State'.

Scott had ardently pursued Lisa for the role and went to great lengths to find her as Bonet does not employ an agent. But Tony Scott, who incidentally is the younger brother of another acclaimed film director Sir Ridley Scott ['Gladiator', 'Hannibal', 'Thelma & Louise'], and has himself directed such classics as 'Top Gun', 'Crimson Tide' and 'True Romance' was adamant that Lisa play the part. Thus Lisa Bonet returned to the silver screen and even consented to promote the movie, doing press junkets and interviews and opening up to the press for the first time in nearly a decade.

In this interview, writer Ayana Byrd caught a glimpse into the mysterious and enchanted world of Miss.Moon. Read it here!

The Muse

When I was young / I fell in love / She was a goddess / With a world inside her mind /..." - Lenny Kravitz, 'If I Should Fall In Love Again', � 2002, Lenny

Lisa Bonet may well be the most celebrated muse our her generation.

Her spirit and beauty have inspired many artists to compose some truly spellbinding songs in her honour, including Lenny Kravitz [who she scandalously married and famously divorced], gal pal and former 'Different World' co-star, Cree Summer and Swedish/Sierra Leonean/American musician Neneh Cherry the legendary queen of modern fusion.

Check out some of the lyrics here.

Scorpio Rising

Pluto born Lisa's Scorpio energy has held considerable sway over her career. A fearless and unabashed artist, she bravely broke the mold of what was expected of her as an actress and shattered the stereotypes of her ethnicity and tv image that threatened to define her.

So we thought this site would be incomlete if we didn't include an astrological profile of the ellusive Lisa Bonet!

Read it here!

More Articles About Lisa

Because Lisa Bonet is an artist who prefers to keep things on the down low, its very extremely difficult to find information about her and her career.

This website makes a concerted effort to respect her wishes for privacy. However her talent and her creativity are worthy of praise and moveover her career is definitely compelling. The example she sets though her charity work is also something to be applauded. These are the very reasons why this website exists.

To read more about Lisa Bonet click here!

If you have any interviews or artcles, old or new, that you'd like to contribute to the website, send them to the webmaster.

The Pirates

Its from the deep waters that we come. And we are heartfelt and trecherous like those waters. We come with an unflinching devotion to the mystical and to God - representing life and embracing death." - Lisa Bonet, defines what being a Pirate means to her

To read more about Lisa Bonet click here!

Feel inspired to find your inner Pirate? Then join Yahoo's Pirate Sistah's United Club and let the journey begin!

This website was created with Mary, Purr and very cool members of The Lisa Bonet/Lilakoi Moon Club(xox - Eurydice).



Site design by Eurydice Langley. � 2001 - 2003. All Rights Reserved.
This is an unofficial site and we are not endorsed by Lisa Bonet.

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