On the Battle of Britain!!!

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Luftwaffe Tactics: Before mass bombing raids and on alot of days the Luftwaffe would launch fighter sweeps with many fighters to temp RAF fighters into the sky to be destroyed before sending in the bombers with a minimal escort.
Blunders by Luftwaffe: The single most biggest blunder of the Luftwaffe was at the start of there campaign over the skies of Britain they kept bombing Radar stations and RAF airfields almost destroying them and tiring out the fighter pilots, but after a accidental raid on London by a lone German bomber the role of the bombers was then to break moral of the British and bring her to her knees to stop the suffering in the cities after mass bombings but this allowed radar stations to be repaired the pilots were able to rest and get back into battle shape to be able to destroy more Luftwaffe aircraft.
Mid to late Battle loss's?: Near the end of the fight the RAF and Luftwaffe exaggerate loss's to change the course of moral.  When maybe 1 fighter was shot down maybe 4 or 5 were listed.
Luftwaffe Raids: At the start the excessive raids take there toll on the exhausted RAF figher pilots.  Many Luftwaffe bomber and fighter pilots lose moral over do to big RAF formations of fighters when the are briefed and told that there are only a couple dozen RAF fighers left to be sent into the sky.
Change in Luftwaffe tactics: At the latter days of the Air assault the Luftwaffe turns to close escort of their bombers to protect them from unexceptable loss's do to RAF hurricanes and spitfires.
German Bomber Blunder: One of the biggest blunders by the Luftwaffe and Germany was by building a light to medium bomber fleet with short range after their experiences in the Spanish Civil war.  With 2 engine bombers if you lost a engine you would have to jettison their bombload and try to get back to their air base but with a four engine bomber they could lose a engine and still have 75% power so they could keep their bombload and still move forward in the mission.
British Keys to Victory: One of the biggest keys to victory employed by the British was using their newly invented Radar although it had a short range it was effective in tracking incoming Luftwaffe raids and calling in RAF intercepters. Another key to victory was the couragious actions by Royal Airforce pilots in doing their best in the line of duty in defending their country.
Special Luftwaffe Inventions: The Germans noticed unexceptable loss's in major daylight raids on objectives in Britain do to RAF intercepters so they moved the light bombers like the JU 87 stuka dive-bomber and some others to night bombing roles which they used a Radio signal to guild the bombers. The way it worked was a German defised system called KNICKEBEIN radio beam was used it used dots and dashs to tell the bomber crew if they were on target then a 2nd intersecting KNICKEBEIN at the target to tell bomb aimer to release his bombload.
If a successful Invasion occured on Britain: The U.S. Army Air force (USAAF) experimented with long-range bombers to try and bomb the Germans from a base in the United States or from Canada.

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