Sostegaria...For over a millennium the fertile lands in the heart of this vast continent were ruled by the Holy Ashah Dynasty, descendants of Toroah the Messiah. However, it is man's doom to forget...Amidst all the wealth and exotic pleasures, the nobility lost their way and sank into corruption and depravity, forgetting even the holy teaching of Toroah. It was in these days of unrest that the citizens, struggling under an oppressive regime, rose up and-under the leadership of Arris the Sage-took up arms against the Kingdom. That was the first outbreak of violence in what would later be known as "The Revolution". The Royal Army's counterattack was swift and fierce, but time and again they were put to flight by the cunning strategies of Arris and the indomitable will of the advancing Liberation Army. Victory in hand, the rebels set up a Council and worked to establish the continent's first democracy. And so, the republic of "Ishtaria" was born. However, Arris the Sage, whom all hoped would lead the country, mysteriously vanished and has not been seen again to this day. Now, 15 years later, the shadow of war once again threatens Ishtaria...
Thus, the Flame of Judgement, with its fierce force, burns the capital of Braph as if it is trying to wipe out every human, beast and bird. And yet Toroah was blessed in front of God. The Legend of Toroah is this: Toroah is the person who will lead the way for the chosen people of this world. 200 days after the deadly disaster, the Ark of Toroah finally arrived at a green land of purity. Toroah-the chosen one-blessed his descendants before his death and said: "Establish this place as a holy land and teach all to follow the holy commandments, and all people under the sky shall remain in peace forever." This is where the name Ishtaria-ceded land-originates.
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Rating: 11+
One player
One disc
Two memory card blocks, two saves per block

Style: Strategy RPG
Battle system: Strategic

Developed by Konami
Published by Konami

Platform: Sony Playstation
Get ready for the best battle role playing game for the PlayStation has seen. Vandal Hearts places you in control of a troop of Imperial Guards, led by Ash Lambert, as they journey through Ishtaria meeting and fighting all manners of foes. You'll need your wits about you if you're going to overcome the odds that Ash and his band will face. You'll need to make use of diverse characters, including magicians, archers and Knights, as well as the terrain you're battling upon. Muscles alone don't make a commander. Have you got what it takes?

How to recruit LightSoul
It's very tough to get LightSoul. When fighting the desert ant, you must defeat all of its legs in one round. It's really, really hard. After the battle, LightSoul will appear in the tavern and he'll join. He's a wanderer class, which is just like a swordsman, but can't advance any further. He can also use attack magic.
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