Once upon a time there was a boy who lived in an army garrison close to the border between Highland and the City alliance. Whenever he closed his eyes, he could picture the town where he was born in his minds eye. Genkaku, his adoptive father, was strict with the boy, leaving him with many teachings.
Nanami was the boy's foster sister. She and Genkaku were all the family he had ever known, Genkaku and the boy were always in Nanami's thoughts. The boy also had a close childhood friend named Jowy and there were no secrets between them. They learned many lessons and experienced many things in life together.
But there was one thing in the boy's life that meant more to him than anything. And that was the sight of the town of his birth. One day, his eyes met Jowy's and Jowy laughed. "Changed your clothes already, huh?" he said. "You're really anxious, I see." It was only natural, because tomorrow th boy would be returning to his birthplace, the town of Kyaro.
How the war had started, or for what reasons the present cessation of hostilities had been secured, he had no way of knowing. Of only one thing was he certain, and it thrilled him to the core of his being. He was going home.
The gears of destiny were grinding, slowly but surely, with the thoughts and wishes of multitudes of people passing one another by, sometimes tenderly, sometimes heartlessly.
But his destiny is about to change dramatically and his life will never be the same again...
Sounds like something cheesy I would write in my English exam, but what the hey.

LightSoul's Suikoden 2 winning team: The hero, McDohl, Flik, Viktor, Shiro and Kinnison. Although, Shiro and Kinnison are now real crap compared to the others. Waah. Why is Shiro on the cover without Kinnison!?
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Rating: 11+
One player
One disc
Two memory card blocks

Style: Traditional RPG
Battle System: Turned based

Developed by Konami
Published by Konami

Platform: Sony Playstation
Suikoden II
Wiled devastating rune magic. Control castles and command troops in strategic combat. Venture on an incredible journey. Live the legend of the 108 stars.
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