You father's teaching you how to become a master robot builder. Build up to three robots and attach parts to them to raise their fight power. There's more to it than that. Dangerous thugs called hackers have diabolical plans. The madmen called the hackers have kidnapped your father, Doctor Akihabara, your only known relative, except that one robot that he modelled after your mother, named Nagisa. She doesn't really count since she's only a robot. Anyway, the hackers are on the move! Only you can prevent them! Good luck, because you suck!
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The Verdict

-Customise your robots with different weapons
-Gain experience for yourself and build robots with money you make
-Move your robot around the fighting field and use strategy to defeat monsters
-Use different buttons for hot keys for different attacks

The storyline...a big yawn. You're an amateur robot builder and your father was kidnapped. Find him and beat those evil, evil hackers. Yawn, I repeat. Yawn. Storyline: 2/10

Graphics. I wish I was blind. My eyes are yawning. The graphics aren't as bad as they could be, though. Graphics 4/10

Music...bad. My ears are yawning. Like in SMRPG, a happy tune plays in battle. For crying out loud, Enix! Music: 2/10

The gameplay...a cross between traditional and strategy RPGs. Move your bot around the screen. Too bad most of the enemies kick your butt easily and the bosses are way too hard to even do 2 damage to. Bad, bad, bad. My hands are yawning, dude. Gameplay: 3/10

The Final Verdicy: 2.75/10
Steer clear unless your an insomniac looking for a cure.

Style: Traditional/Strategic RPG
One player
One cartridge

Developed by Enix
Published by Enix

Platform: Super Nintendo Entertainment System
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