God made heaven and earth and also the oceans. And, last of all, God made human beings, and gave them dominion over this world. Although the humans were endowed with divine wisdom, they were physically weaker than the wild beasts, and because their minds were easily distracted, they were constantly in danger of bringing destruction upon themselves.
Concerned about their future, God bestowed on the humans a great power to increase their chances of survival. This great power was bestowed through the life-forms known as Seru. From the dawn of memory, which the humans called history, people had lived alongside the Seru. But now, people could use Seru to gain dramatic enhancements of their own human abilities.
Before they were mastered by the humans, the Seru had seemed no more sentient than minerals. But afterwards, things were different. Manipulated by human beings, the Seru changed their outward nature, and yielded up their secret power to mankind. Using Seru, human beings became able to lift objects heavier than their own bodies, and also acquired the power of flight.
But these halcyon days came to an end all too quickly.
A strange Mist of unknown origin spread over the world. The prosperity gained through the use of the Seru was lost, and the world was transformed. Enveloped by the dense Mist, the formerly obedient Seru turned against their human masters. The Seru now had a will of their own, and they used it to mount a concerted attack on humankind. The Seru that had been absorbed by human beings before the arrival of the Mist now took control of the minds of these people, transforming them into evil monsters.
It seemed that God had forsaken humanity.
Human civilisation was destroyed, and the race entered a twilight era. People who had escaped the Mist lived huddled together in remote borderlands. All they had to comfort them were the embers of hope...
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Rating: G 8+ (Medium level animated violence)
One player
One disc
One memory card block
Analog controller compatible
Vibration compatible

Developed by: Contrail
Published by: Sony

Style: Traditional RPG
Battle system: Turn based

Platform: Sony Playstation
Legend of Legaia
The world of Legaia lives in terror of a deadly Mist that appeared from no-where. In a remote and tiny village lives a boy gifted with curiosity and bravery. With the help of his friends, he must reveal the secret of the mist and learn to use ancient magical powers in this astounding RPG adventure.
How to recruit LightSoul
After saving the main genesis tree, return to Sol. At the bottom, where the Genesis tree is, you will occasionally find LightSoul. He will then challenge you to a race to the top of the tower. I haven't won yet, since he cheats by jumping over lots of things, but I think it might be something to do with a new item I found: Distracting Pornography Magazine. I'll try again this weekend.
All contents in this box are lies.
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